The aura of a priest is infinite

Chapter 560 The Perfect Pocket Jar of the Demon Tower

Chapter 560 The Perfect Pocket Jar of the Demon Tower
The computer screen in the bedroom on the second floor was still on, because Lin Linger was still working overtime on the server for Silence.

Shen Mo didn't rush to take out the nine-storey Yin tower to meet Lin Linger on the server, but first took out the perfect pocket jar of the magic building and asked Nan Nan to open a jar.

Nan Nan, who had experience in opening jars many times, used her ability to open the pocket jar of the magic building with ease. With a burst of dazzling purple magic light flashing, a new item suddenly appeared in Nan Nan's palm.

what is that? !

Mo Mo took a closer look, and suddenly saw a pair of pitch-black horns.

That's right, it's the pair of horns on the head of the demon building, and a red gemstone the size of a fingernail is inlaid on the top of the left horn.

The silent consciousness sank into the personal warehouse, looked at Molou's body, and found that there was also a red gemstone on his left horn.

This is really the horn of the magic building!
What is the use of the horns for Silence? !

[Devil's natal horn (one-time item)]

[Mozun Molou's natal horn: a natal treasure that contains powerful demon energy. Using this prop, you will summon the Mozun Molou in its heyday to assist in combat.Existence time (1 minute)]

Mo Mo looked at the horn in Nan Nan's hand, and suddenly felt that it became fragrant.

Summon the demon king and demon building in its heyday!What is this concept?
This is the rhythm of summoning a god-level thug!If Silence uses bull horns, what kind of enemy can't die? !
This is simply an excellent hole card.

Mo Mo didn't hesitate, quickly put away the horns of his life, and put on the title: Fearless Brave with a lot of cards, replaced the power of Venus Tianlong among the three cards. .

"Nannan, you are amazing!"

Nan Nan pouted and replied, "You say that every time. It's not practical at all. I don't know when you can open another jar for me."

Mo Mo said happily, "It's coming soon, it's coming soon! It's coming soon!"

Mo Mo is not trying to perfunctory Nan Nan, but after having the title of Fearless Brave with a lot of cards, Mo Mo's pocket pot will definitely become more and more profitable.

After opening the pocket jar, Mo Mo collected his mind and prepared to go to the heart of the server to meet Lin Linger.

But before that, he glanced at the daily tasks refreshed again, wanting to make sure if there were any daily tasks worth doing.

[Simple Mission (Mirror World): Room Escape]

You will be trapped in a series of secret rooms with six people, and you will be rewarded for escaping the secret room.

[Task Reward: 1000 Reiki Points]

[General Mission (Mirror World): Moving the Maze]

A group of maze players are trapped in the maze that is open during the day and closed at night, and you will enter the maze as a new maze player.Please clear the maze and unlock the secret of moving the maze.

[Task reward: to be determined]

[Nightmare Mission (Mirror World): Cabin in the Woods]

In the deep mountains, there is a seemingly ordinary forest hut hidden, but when you come here, you will find that this forest hut is not ordinary at all.

Go to the cabin in the woods and unlock the secrets of the cabin in the woods.

[Task reward: to be determined]

After reading the refreshed daily tasks, Mo Mo's thoughts about entering the server could not help but sink.

These three tasks gave him a familiar feeling. After some searching, Shen Mo found the answer he wanted on the Internet.

Room Escape!Move the maze!Cabin in the woods!

The three movies are all good horror movies. Shen Mo has watched them before and is familiar with the plots in them.

So, here comes the question, should Mo Mo go to the mirror world to get a wave of rewards first?

Shen Mo looked at the time, it was already four o'clock in the morning, it is also possible to go to the mirror world first.

Then, according to Shen's selection principle, don't choose the right one, only choose the most expensive one.

Silence chooses to go to the nightmarish mirror world: the cabin in the woods.

The Cabin in the Woods tells the story of a group of college students who are tricked into a cabin deep in the mountains, where they are sacrificed to a powerful ancient evil god.

Judging from the discovery of the entire plot, Silence can open up many side plots in it, and the hand of the evil god who finally appeared to destroy the world also gave him a feeling that this stuff is a treasure.

Silence didn't know whether it was his own devil's hand that was stronger, or the opponent's evil god's hand.

In that case, go to the world of the cabin in the woods and see.

With a thought in Shen Mo, he took Nan Nan, Goudan, Ji Nai, and Ye Li Lost to the new mirror world.

An unnamed mountain road in the Baroque.

Puff!The piercing sound of brakes woke Silence from the trance of time travel. He opened his eyes and looked sideways, only to see a white caravan braking rapidly beside him. Five young people in the caravan stared at him in anger and panic. As the driver remained silent, the short-haired, muscular man pressed the horn angrily, opened the window and cursed mockingly, "Hey, buddy, are you looking for death?"

Mo Mo turned around slowly, ignoring the reflection of the trees in the car window, and saw clearly the face of the short-haired, muscular man.

Brother Hammer? !

Shen defaulted to the man, isn't it Thor from the comics?

Of course, Brother Hammer here is not the real Thor, but just an ordinary person who looks exactly the same.

But out of his own bad taste, Shen Mo still called him Brother Hammer.

Brother Hammer didn't let Mo Mo down either. Seeing Mo Mo still didn't intend to let him open the mountain road, he got down from the driver's seat ferociously, pointing at Mo Mo with his index finger and yelling, "Hi, I'm talking to you." Well, didn't you hear?"

"Kurt, don't do this!"

The one who stopped Hammer Gokt from his disrespectful behavior was Dana with wavy blonde hair, the so-called heroine, the woman who could live to the end.

Shen Mo had a deep impression on Dana, not because of her beauty and good figure, but because of her kindness, she was able to survive to the end in such a crisis.

According to the general routine of horror movies, the five-member combination of Hammer and Kot is simply the standard for horror movies.

The strong, strong and brainless hammer boy Kurt, the kind and innocent heroine Dana, the black brother Holden who is absolutely skinny and bloody, the curvy and slutty girl Julie, and the ball is not a dick boy Martin.

If you encounter this kind of combination in a horror plot, you must hide as far away as possible, otherwise you don’t know how to die.

As for Shen Mo, he won't hide, he's here to make trouble, so naturally he wants to go to the hut in the forest with this group of people.

"Hi, do you need any help?" the good girl Dana asked with concern.

Only then did Shen Mo reply, "I'm lost."

Holden, the black brother who gave away his first blood, said wisely, "This place is 40 kilometers away from the nearest town. How did you get lost?"

Silence: (╬ ̄dish ̄)=○#( ̄#)3 ̄)
Silence, who was instantly slapped in the face, was not discouraged, but continued, "My car broke down. I have walked all the way. I have been walking for a day and a night. If it is 40 kilometers away from the town, I am afraid I will not have the strength. I can get there. Or can you give me a ride?"

"No!" The black brother Holden and the hammer brother Kurt refused in unison.

"Yes, we can send you back." The good girl Dana agreed to the silent request.

This caused divisions among the five.

"Daina, you can't do this. We agreed to go to my brother's cabin in the forest to play together. If we send him back, it will definitely delay time." The hammer brother Kurt objected.

"It's not just a matter of delaying time. Don't you think there is something wrong with this yellow man? My instinct tells me that he is definitely not an ordinary person. My uncle used to be a gang killer. His aura is as good as this man's. Not a single one, this person has definitely killed someone, and more than one..." the black brother Holden warned.

After listening to the persuasion of the two, Dai Na felt a little lost in her heart. She looked at Shen Mo, hesitated for a moment, and could only reply helplessly, "Sorry, we may not be able to help you, but we can give you some food and water. I'm sure you'll be able to walk to town by yourself."

Seeing everyone rejecting him, Shen Mo could only face it with a smile, "Well then, thank you for the food and water. I will thank you next time we meet."

(End of this chapter)

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