The aura of a priest is infinite

Chapter 561 The Cabin in the Woods

Chapter 561 The Cabin in the Woods
Shen Mo took the good girl Dana and handed over the backpack containing food and water, silently watching the white RV disappear at the end of the mountain road.

As the white RV disappeared, silent eyes immediately turned to the dense forest beside him, where a white man with a headset communicator was hiding. If nothing else, he was the behind-the-scenes organizer of this sacrificial game, although He is just a soldier and crab general, but he has some value for silence.

"Penguin, hypnotized him!"

Silent murmured, the penguin in the personal warehouse jumped out and flashed directly into the dense forest. With the sound of trees pattering, the penguin and the white man walked out one after another.

"Master, it's settled."

The penguin pushed the white man forward, and the latter bowed to Silence very slavishly, "Master, I am very honored to be able to serve you."

Silence didn't ask the white man's name, but ordered the man, "Take me to the cabin in the forest."

"Okay, master."

Silently led by the man, he soon arrived in front of a black van, which was the tool cart used by the man to monitor Hammer Gecott and others.

While reporting to the headquarters that everything was normal, the man drove the van to return to the cabin in the forest.

"Master, my duty is to monitor the smooth arrival of the sacrifice to the hut in the forest. As for the deeper things, I don't have the authority to know. I'm really sorry."

He nodded silently, and did not go into details. After all, the authority system implemented abroad is to prevent this from happening. He wants to know all the information about the altar through one person. I am afraid that only the manager with the highest authority in the headquarters can gain something. .

As for a small shrimp like a white man, being able to bring Silence into the cabin in the forest is already the greatest skill within his authority.

All the way without talking, the white man walked through a long and narrow tunnel in silence, and then passed a deep lake, and finally arrived at the hut in the forest where the altar was located.

Of course, they did not go to the hut in the forest, but went around to the depths of the dense forest, which was the entrance to the underground headquarters.

Silence doesn't plan to go directly to the headquarters, as it would be difficult to trigger substantive side plots. If he wants to gain something in this mirror world, he must follow the death five, they are the key to triggering side plots.

Ever since, Shen Mo asked the exact location of the hut in the forest, and asked the white man to bring the penguin puppet wood carving into the headquarters of the base, and named this plan as the "Inside and Outside Cooperation Project".

Let’s talk about Silence wearing the backpack given by the good girl Dana, walking on the wet forest path, he has already discovered with the power of his mind that the soil under his feet has been artificially repaired. Under the damp and rotten soil is hard steel and concrete. There are also various pipes and mechanism knobs. The purpose of their manufacture is naturally for this grand sacrifice, in order to control the death five and pull them into endless fear...
Just when Shen Mo was about to approach the hut in the forest, there was an extremely ear-piercing sound of piercing through the air, and hot bullets bit his chest greedily like a fiery snake.

The bullet hit Silence and made a loud sound of metal clashing. He didn't fall down because of this. Instead, he flicked his hand and a stone hit the enemy who attacked him.

Puff!The sniper gun and the enemy fell to the ground in the wet and rotten soil, and everything returned to calm.

In the monitoring room of the base headquarters, a needle can be heard quietly. They are all the planners of this sacrifice. They know what they are doing and what they are facing.

But they never expected that such an outlier as Silence would come to the cabin in the woods.

Where the hell is he? !
Baum, the manager of the base headquarters, and Henry, a murloc lover, panicked a little. If such an alien as Silence arrives at the hut in the forest, it will definitely make this sacrifice uncontrollable unknown, and unknown means failure, failure means death...
"Baum, are you sure we and the island nation are the only ones left now?"

"I'm sure! If we fail, everything depends on the island country, but they have always been weak. If we all fail..."

The consequences could be disastrous!

Everyone present knew what this meant. If this game did not appease the evil gods of ancient times, then what awaited mankind would be destruction.

"So, we have to get this trouble out of the way."

"But he's not even afraid of a sniper rifle! How can we stop him!"

yes!A person who is not even afraid of sniper rifles, how can ordinary people like them stop each other.

"Don't we still have them?"

they? !Those monsters from the last era do have the ability to solve the immediate troubles, but if they are used in advance, the game will definitely be affected.

Ever since, the right to choose fell to the glasses man Baum and the murloc lover Henry. They looked at each other, and the tacit cooperation for many years allowed them to reach a consistent result on this matter.

"Since he's here, let him be with the sacrifice."

what? !

The staff in the audience were a little unbelievable. They knew that this person was extremely dangerous and had a great possibility of affecting the sacrifice, but still let this person participate in this game. Isn't that playing with fire! ?Are you not afraid of playing with fire and setting yourself on fire?

Baum, the man with glasses, pushed his glasses, and explained in a deep voice, "This person's arrival is purposeful. Instead of passively responding, it's better to let him enter the game and see what he's capable of."

"Notify the logistics department, engineering department, and electrical prepare for a full recovery."

hiss!Everyone gasped.They all know what is called comprehensive recovery. The so-called comprehensive recovery must have a prerequisite, that is, comprehensive release!
How terrifying it would be if all the monsters imprisoned in the base were released!
But if ordinary monsters can't deal with this man who blocked the bullet with his body, full release is an inevitable result.

"As ordered!"

The quiet base instantly became irritable and busy. Although they were not prepared for the storm, they had to raise their sails and sail through the wind.

Let's say that Silence killed the enemy who wanted to snipe him, so he didn't continue to stay, but continued to rush to the hut in the forest.

At the same time, a new mission prompt sounded in his mind.

【Ding!Arrive at the hut in the forest and trigger the main task: stop the sacrifice of the ancient evil god. 】

【Ding!Trigger the side mission: save the innocent sacrifice.Every time a sacrifice is saved, a corresponding reward will be obtained. 】

Mo Mo raised the corner of his mouth, everything was expected, as long as he closely followed the footsteps of the death five, it would definitely be able to trigger the main and side quests.

After a while, Shen Mo came to the hut in the forest. With his luggage on his back, he knocked on the door of the wooden hut.

Boom boom boom!
Your savior has come!Please sign for it!
Banging music was playing in the wooden house, and the Death Five had already started their carnival, but they were also confused by the knocking on the door.

At this point, in this wilderness again, who would knock on the wooden door of their house?
The black brother Holden said cautiously, "We are not being followed by bad guys!"

Hammer Brother Kurt yelled, "If he is a bad guy, I will definitely beat him down. My Taekwondo is not for nothing."

The ball is not a dick, Martin reminded, "For safety's sake, let's take some precautions."

The hammer brother Kurt was pleased, he picked up the baseball bat by the door, walked towards the wooden door, and asked, "Who?!"

"It's me! Lost during the day!"

The faces of the five people in the wooden house were all different, and they all had thoughts.

Didn't he go to town? ?How could he follow them to the cabin in the woods?Is he really plotting something wrong?

But the hammer brother Kurt was sure in his heart that the body that didn't look like a muscular body, Extinction would not be his opponent.

So, what is he trying to do?
creak!Kotla opened the wooden door and asked with a fierce look on his face, "Hey, what do you want to do?!"

Silence smiled and said, "Save your lives!"

(End of this chapter)

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