The aura of a priest is infinite

Chapter 563: Gourd Baby Saves Grandpa

Chapter 563: Gourd Baby Saves Grandpa
full!full!It can't be installed anymore!If you reinstall it, it will explode!

Silence's personal warehouse was quickly filled with all kinds of props, but this did not affect the rhythm of his plundering, because he still had two storage equipment that could store props, one was the Yin-Yang Bagua Sword Pouch, and the other was Ye Li For the lost corpse coffin of the twelve evil spirits, these two space storage items are enough to empty this place silently.

go you!go you!go you!

The monitoring screen of the base headquarters shows that Shen Mo is looting the props in the basement like a robber. Every prop will disappear in the next moment as long as it passes through his hands, and he does not know where it went.

The staff at the base headquarters were stunned. In their view, these props were just ordinary things that couldn't be more ordinary, but they didn't know why Shen Mo wanted to take them away! ?Is it driven by a unique personal hobby?There is still another secret.

do not care!
Baum, the man with glasses at the base headquarters, exchanged glances with Henry, a murloc lover, and ordered, "This man is already choosing props. According to the rules, it's time for us to do it. Logistics department, remember the order in which he took the props, one by one. Throw the monsters into the altar."

After receiving the order, the logistics department got busy immediately. They played back the surveillance video, recorded the items looted by Silence, recorded them in the book one by one, and prepared to release the selected monsters one by one.

Before that, the monsters selected by the death five had already appeared on the stage.

The creepy crackling of bones and the grinding of teeth can be heard from outside the wooden house. The dark abyss-like night pushed the horror atmosphere to the peak. The five members of the death group tightly held the weapons in their hands and stared at the situation outside the house vigilantly. .

They have emerged from the basement, waiting for the approaching enemy.

Shen Mo was also ready to fight. He pointed to the hammer brother Kurt who was near the window, "Kurt, you'd better stay away from the window."

Kurt froze for a moment, the pharaoh's spear in his hand creaked, and subconsciously moved away from the window.

That's right!In all horror movies, any character who dares to approach the window will not end well. Either he will be dragged away by the monster that suddenly bursts through the window, or he will be pierced by a weapon that suddenly stabs in. Anyway, in horror movies, the window kills The death rate is extremely high, not inferior to single killing.

The moment Hammer Gokot just left the window, a ferocious arm covered with desolation suddenly broke through the window, and kept grabbing and groping into the wooden house. This arm was covered with thick sores and corpse spots, emitting a disgusting smell. the stench.

Ring of the Investigator——Activate scouting skills!
[Zombie: A monster infected by a zombie virus, with the most primitive biological instincts. 】

Silent eyes stared, the first monster to break into the wooden house was actually the lowest zombie, it is reasonable to think about it, after all, this kind of monster is irrational and can only act on instinct, naturally it will not have plans or strategies, break the door Brainless rush is their attack method.

With the appearance of the zombies, the slutty girl Julie in the wooden house was so frightened that her face turned pale, she kept screaming, as if her throat was about to be torn.

Mo Mo raised her arm impressively, and used the power of purification to help Julie regain her sanity. This kind of character who only knows how to scream when encountering danger will not only harm herself, but also drag down her companions and create intimidation.

hum!As the power of purification forced the prodigal Julie to calm down, Shen Mo immediately ordered, "Kurt, kill it, stab it in the head!"

Although the hammer brother Kurt did not have the power of Thor, but as a sacrificial general, his strength was indeed the most powerful among the group of five. Although he was not too skilled with a spear, his stabbing was indeed powerful.

Puff!The pharaoh's spear stabbed out suddenly, cutting through the air and piercing the zombie's head fiercely. The rotten skull was not as hard as imagined. It was instantly pierced by the sharp spear, and black pus and blood splashed around. And flow down the spear...

Hammer Gecott said in surprise, "I...I killed it! I succeeded!"

Before Kurt had time to be happy, he received a silent new order.

"Why are you still standing there, pull out your spear, our battle has just begun."

Kurt was taken aback, and quickly pulled out his spear. As the zombies fell to the ground, everyone could clearly see the situation outside the wooden house.

I saw that the outside of the wooden house was surrounded by densely packed zombies, and they rushed towards the wooden house one after another. Although each of them was not strong, but because of their large number, it became a climate, and it was not something that ordinary people could fight against. The presence.

hiss!The group of five sent to death gasped. They had never seen such a posture before. The joy of the small victory just now collapsed in an instant, and then endless despair and fear rose. How could they survive with so many monsters.

The loser Martin immediately expressed despair, and the buckler in his hand fell to the ground feebly. The performance of the other four was no better than Martin.

Shen Mo looked at the performance of the five people in front of him, and only thought that he wanted to get the task reward, which was not as simple as imagined. These five people have no self-protection ability at all. If they encounter some tricky monsters, they will be killed in seconds.

Therefore, Shen Mo not only has to deal with countless monsters, but also takes into account the safety of the five people. Being a part-time nanny, this feeling is really uncomfortable!
Um?and many more!

Mo Mo frowned, thinking about his heart, he quickly patted the coffin of the Twelve Yin Shas on his waist, calling out Ye Lilo, who was practicing in seclusion and was pregnant with the corpse.

"Lost, come out to help."

Ye Limi was slightly taken aback, but quickly adapted to the situation, looked at the powerless and weak five people, and muttered, "You have taken on a new mission again, Huanglongdao and the rest of you didn't allow me to come out, remember me now?"

Silently looking at the little Tsundere Ye Lilo, "The situation in Huanglong Island is very dangerous. I didn't call you out to protect you. Now the situation is different. You will be the big sister when you come out. Protect these people, isn't it? A small problem that can be solved in minutes."

Ye Li lost: "Okay, stop talking nicely, they left it to me, you go and deal with the outside!"


As soon as Silence thought about it, the Calamity Battle Ax suddenly appeared, and with a touch of his feet, he rushed out of the house.

In the wooden house, the group of five sent to death looked at Ye Limi who had just appeared. At first, they were amazed by Ye Limi's beautiful face, but the next moment they were scared out of their wits by the various walking corpses Ye Limi called.

Whether it's the weird mole corpse or the hideous XSBN bronze armor corpse, the group of five sent to death was terrified.

"Don't be afraid, they won't hurt you, but will protect your safety."

The knowledgeable black brother seemed to have noticed something, and said quickly, "I see, you are the legendary necromancer. These are the undead companions you summoned! This is really cool."

Ye Limi didn't know what a Necromancer was, so he shook his head and replied, "I'm not a Necromancer, I'm a zombie. These are my avatars or zombies."

Send the dead five:····
Zombie? !Mom!Don't want to play like this!
Silence actually makes a zombie, no!To be precise, it should be a group of zombies protecting them from other zombies.

This is simply too magical!

But having said that, Yeli Lost is really beautiful!
With Yeli Lost to protect the group of five, Shen Mo is relieved. Ye Li Lost's strength is no problem against ordinary ghosts and evil spirits. Even for tricky monsters, Shen Mo has time to come back and try his best to fight for the highest task. award.

Let's talk about Shen Mo rushing out of the wooden house with the disaster battle axe, and began to harvest the lives of the zombies like a humanoid self-propelled meat grinder. There is no concerted effort at all.

In just a few minutes, the silence cleared all the zombies outside the wooden house, and a new reminder sounded in his mind.

【Ding!The zombies have been cleared!It can be used as an income item: Virus sickle]

As soon as Silence thought about it, the scythe picked up by the prodigal Julie sounded, and it was it that summoned these zombies.

hum!Shen Mo jumped back into the house and took the virus sickle from Julie's hand. As soon as the sickle was in hand, it emitted a faint green halo, and along with the corpses of the zombies outside the house, it sank into the storage props of Shen Mo.

[Zombie containment complete! 】

The corner of Shen Mo's mouth raised, this wave of zombies is just the beginning of a bumper harvest, and there are still many treasures waiting for Shen Mo.


As the zombies were wiped out, new monsters appeared immediately, and only a new roar could be heard outside the wooden house, which was a roar that reached the soul of human beings.

Mo Mo is quite familiar with this kind of roar, and when he thinks about it carefully, isn't it the mummy in the legend of gods and ghosts?With the experience of dressing up as a mummy, it is natural to deal with this kind of mummy guards with ease.

Silence: "New products are coming, you wait for me, I will come as soon as I go."

Although the mummy guard is much stronger than the zombies, it is only a matter of purification for Shen Mo. This special dark creature made by the pharaoh has many restrictions and restrictions, but it is also a good primary mob.

After 2 minutes, Silence instantly used Kurt's Pharaoh's Spear to contain the Mummy Guard.

The staff at the base headquarters saw Shen Mo defeating two kinds of monsters one after another, staring at the monitoring screen in a daze.

Baum, the man with glasses, said calmly, "Since he can block the bullets from the sniper rifle, it is understandable to deal with monsters of this level, but the next monsters will not be easily dealt with by him."

Murloc lover Henry asked, "Who is it next?"

vampire!Viscount Kent!The elite of the vampire clan.

"Haha, the Viscount Kent will definitely be able to get rid of this man. There is no way for human beings to fight against the blood race."

Cabin in the woods.

Shen Mo put away the mummy guard, and saw a black cloud flying in the sky not far away. The black cloud drew closer, but it was composed of countless bats, chirping and screaming non-stop.

Silence opened the power of the mind's eye, and immediately discovered that the real body of the bat is a vampire with strong blood, that is, a so-called vampire.

Shen Mo also knows the existence of blood races in the real world. Most of these guys are dormant in Europe, with extremely far-reaching influence and strong strength.

For Shen Mo, such an enemy is really troublesome, but it just so happens that Mo Mo has just subdued a vampire, which is the guardian of the fifth floor of the Nine-story Yin Tower, Vladigil, who is good at strange magic and controls the blood without sky tower boundary.

Shen Mo immediately communicated with Vladigil in the Nine-story Yin Tower, and ordered, "Vladigil, this vampire is handed over to you."

Vladimir flashed out from the nine-storey Yin Tower, and once he landed, he looked at the bats in the sky with his scarlet eyes. In the eyes of Vladimir, who is also a blood clan, the strength of the Viscount Kent can be seen at a glance .

"The little Viscount dares to yell in front of the Tower Master?!"

A trace of anger flashed across Vladigil's cold face, his sharp teeth bit the tip of his tongue lightly, and crimson blood flowed from the corner of his mouth, and condensed into a blood bead as thin as a glass ball.

The Viscount Kent, who was circling in the sky, seemed to have sensed this powerful kinship aura, and immediately returned to his original shape, manifesting the form of a vampire in red.

I saw the Viscount Kent staring at Vladimir in extreme horror, chanting in disbelief, "Prince! It's actually His Excellency! How is it possible?! How could there be a prince-level blood race in this world!"

Before the Viscount Kent had time to recover from his shock, Vladigil's blood cells shot at the Viscount Kent, who froze for a moment before dissipating into a cloud of blood mist.

Vladigil bowed to Silence and said, "Tower Master, the vampire who offended your majesty has been purified."

Nodding silently, with a wave of his arm, he took Vladigil back into the nine-story Yin Tower, but he didn't expect that Vladigil was actually a prince-level blood clan, and his strength was only slightly inferior to the demon king and demon tower in the weak stage.

Such a powerful blood race would choose to hide in the nine-storey shadow tower. How powerful the existence that hunted and killed Vladimir back then must have been.

Perhaps, Shen Mo should find some time to go to Europe to see, the vampires and werewolves there should also experience the baptism of the holy light.

After solving the Viscount Kent, the black brother's vampire dagger successfully contained the Viscount Kent.

The base headquarters once again fell into endless silence, and everyone stared at the silence in disbelief.

Baum, the man with glasses: "What did he summon just now?! A vampire? A vampire who killed the Viscount of Kent with one move, at least a prince-level vampire! Is there such a powerful existence in the remnants of the old world?"

The murloc lover Henry was silent for a long time, and muttered heavily, "He is too powerful. We can't evaluate him by his ability to block bullets. We must release more powerful monsters."

"However, according to the rules, we can only release monsters according to the selection of sacrifices."

"Of course I know the rules, and I also know how to use the rules. As long as we come in order, we won't break the agreement. This time, we will release the tauren Alista first, and then release the boy Jason who killed hundreds of people one minute later. Release the alien queen in a few minutes... and so on, not only will we not break the rules, but we will also make the other party face the siege of countless monsters."

"Henry, you are such a genius!"

"I am very sure of that."

The arrogant Henry didn't know that his practice had a very apt name in China, called "Gourd Baby Rescue Grandpa"—one by one!
(End of this chapter)

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