Chapter 564
A dull and long snort sounded from outside the house. Before the silence that had just subdued the Viscount Kent had time to be happy, he had to pick up the disaster ax and continue his work.

As a hard-working and honest person, Mo Mo adheres to the basic principle of taking one and taking everything as ordered, and he doesn't dislike the monsters he sends to his door at all.

You see, how cute this bull-headed monster is, especially how sexy his nose ring is, without further ado, let it go!

You see, how innocent this hundred-man beheaded boy Jason is, his mind is full of hacking and chopping, so he accepts it without saying much!
Look again, how domineering this alien queen is, she is 6 meters tall and still has such an enchanting figure, take it, take it!

Under Shen Mo's calamity battle axe, ordinary monsters are not his enemies at all. This is not Shen Mo's arrogance, but the true strength of all four-dimensional attributes exceeding [-].

The previous silence was not that he was not strong, but that the opponent he met was too strong, so he still felt like a younger brother.

Now facing these shrimp soldiers and crab generals, it is already obvious who is the younger brother of the younger brother.

Outside the hut in the forest, there were constant sounds of monsters being torn apart. The group of five sent to death in the house saw through the broken glass window the heroic posture of silently killing monsters. Their envy and surprise were beyond words. Their yearning and worship for the strong is From the heart to the soul.

"He is really powerful! Those monsters are not his opponents at all."

"If I had his power..."

"My heart has been conquered by him, and I want to give birth to the crystallization of love for him."

"Does he accept apprentices? I want to be a teacher."

"I want to have an in-depth conversation with him..."

Faced with the murmurs of the death five, Ye Li lost her eyes, and she chose to ignore everything because she saw through everything.

Just when Ye Li was lost in a trance, a cold ghost protruded from the wall behind them, and stretched out a ferocious ghost hand to strangle the prodigal girl Julie who was closest to the wall. She was the woman who threatened to have a crystallization with Silence .

Ye Li lost her beautiful eyes and flickered, looking back suddenly, the corpse aura surged, and immediately locked on to the ghost aura, only to see that she disappeared in the same place in an instant with her powerful corpse king-level body, and when she reappeared, she was already blocked between the ghost aura and Julie In the meantime, one hand clasped the ghost's hand tightly, and the other hand raised a strong corpse aura, and smashed it viciously at the ghost aura.

Puff!The ghost aura that was full of resentment one second, was crushed by the corpse aura in the next second.

But Ye Li's lost movements did not stop because of this, but continued to raise his fists, and slammed into the wall fiercely, accompanied by the splashing of wood chips and concrete blocks, one after another ghost energy collapsed under the crushing of corpse energy, one after another Only ghosts are wiped out...

Such a violent and frenzied way of fighting made the Death Five stunned on the spot, their eyes widened.

They never expected that such a pure and lovely girl, Ye Limi, would have such a fierce combat power and fighting style. The terrifying power of punching to the flesh and crushing concrete left a lingering feeling on the five people present. nightmare.

Not long after, Ye Li lost all the ghosts hiding in the wall and wanted to sneak attack. She shook off the scattered long hair, patted the dust and sawdust off her body, and turned her head, "Be careful, there are monsters here. There are many kinds, and many of them are good at lurking and concealing sneak attacks."

The five of them nodded repeatedly and approached Ye Limi or the walking corpse driven by Ye Limi. Only in this way could they feel a sense of security.

This may be the so-called thigh hug!

Having said that, there is a group of five in the wooden house that Ye Li lost to protect and send to death, but outside the wooden house, Mo Mo resisted most of the pressure with one person's power. Those monsters who are not good at sneaking attacks can only break into the wooden house through Silence .

But until now, none of the monsters could escape from the silent Calamity Axe.

As more and more monsters were silently killed, the staff at the base headquarters couldn't sit still anymore.

"How is it possible? How could he still have strength? How many monsters has he killed by himself?"

The staff in charge of statistical data in the logistics department replied in horror: "67 types! Including the slime who was hacked to death by him just now, there are already 67 types."

"Damn it!" Murloc lover Henry slapped the console in front of him heavily, and said angrily, "We only have 120 kinds of monsters here, and he has already killed more than half of them!"

The eyes of Baum, the man with glasses, were filled with uneasiness, but he tried his best to calm himself down and pushed his frame, "Don't panic! The monster behind will definitely kill him! The rest are not Ordinary small roles."

Henry was slightly taken aback, his eyes filled with fanaticism, "Yes! We still have hope! Logistics department, continue to launch, I don't believe he can persist until the end."

Puff!The Calamity Tomahawk slashed down again, and a unicorn fell into a pool of blood.

Shen Mo skillfully used the unicorn's horn to accommodate the opponent, and before he could relax, a new movement came from the dense forest in the distance.

The originally dark and deep dense forest suddenly burst into flames, and the greedy and ferocious tongues of fire swept towards the silence as if they had life.

Perceived by Shen Mo's power of mind and eye, a strange energy flowed in the terrifying flames.

Ring of the Investigator——Activate scouting skills!
[Alfred the Explosive Elemental: Alfred, who was parasitized by the Explosive Elemental Spirit, has completely become a slave to the flames. He only knows how to burn all living things that can be burned. 】

Oh hoo!

This time finally came one who could fight.

Shen Mo felt the violent energy in Alfred's body, and couldn't help but get serious. If the previous monsters were 1~3, then Alfred, the explosive element, would be 5~7.

Only such an opponent can bring up the silent desire to fight.

clap clap!

Shen Mo raised the calamity battle ax in his hand, and part of his mimicry ability was activated. The golden dragon scales of the five-clawed golden dragon instantly wrapped his body, turning him into a half-human, half-dragon dragonman form.

This is the mimetic ability that Shen Mo has mastered long ago, but this ability is a bit weak. The opponent is more than enough for ordinary enemies, but it is not enough to deal with powerful enemies, so he rarely uses it.

This time, Silent used the dragon form, naturally to use the innate ability of the five-clawed golden dragon - Blizzard!

Explosive Flame—Blizzard!
These two diametrically opposed energies are incompatible no matter where they meet.

The explosive elemental Alfred roared and let out bursts of roars, followed by the burning jungle crushing into silence.

And Shen Mo, who turned into a dragon man form, also summoned fine frost, flying around with him as the center.

boom!Fengshuang and Baoyan collided together, making a loud noise, strong air waves, and the wind and frost melted by the explosion intensified.

At first glance, it seems that the silent Fengshuang is not the opponent of the blasting flame element Alfred. The opponent's blasting flames continuously erode and melt the winds and frosts, and turn them into white mist, which dissipates with the air waves.

But if you look closely, the silent dragon body did not suffer any damage from the burning of the explosive flames, and the wind and frost around him were also ablated with extremely stable efficiency, while being ablated, and regenerated at the same time, as if they were fighting with the explosive element Alf Red fought a tug of war.

The power of the explosive element Alfred is manic, tyrannical, and extremely explosive, while the silent wind and frost is calm, heavy, and continuous.

The two energies have opposite attributes, and the momentum is so stalemate.

The staff at the base headquarters seemed to see the dawn of victory. They laughed excitedly and said, "Look, he's about to lose his hold. He's about to be burned alive by Alfred."

The death group also noticed the silence, and they worried, "Is he dying? What should we do? We should go out and help him."

"But going out with our strength is just to die."

Everyone couldn't help looking at Ye Limi, "Go and help him! He's about to fail."

Ye Li lost his eyes and was silent. His corpse-level insight had already seen through everything, "No, he's not as bad as you imagined. A small flame won't kill him."

The group of five sent to death was stunned. Such a terrible flame was still a small flame. Besides, looking closely at the situation of Silence, he might be swallowed by the flame at any time. How could he be fine? !

Just when everyone was hesitating, Alfred, the explosive flame element, seemed unable to bear the anger that he could not swallow the other party in an instant, and the tyrannical aura swelled again, sweeping even stronger explosive flames and crushing towards Silence.

In an instant, Mo Mo and his wind and frost were instantly swallowed and annihilated by the explosive flames, and suddenly disappeared before everyone's eyes.

The staff at the base headquarters were overjoyed, "Successful! We have solved this trouble!"

The group of five sent to death looked stunned, as if they had been drained of all their strength, "It's over, silence is dead, and we can't survive."

Ye Li lost his smile and said, "You don't know anything about his power."

With Ye Li's lost confidence laughing, everyone couldn't help looking at the raging explosion, and saw that there was always a circular trajectory in the center of the explosion, rolling and twisting with the explosion, as if there was something there.

Everyone's eyes were fixed on Baoyan, and even the elemental Alfred of the Explosive Flame was stunned in place with strange eyes.

Just when they thought that Silence had been burned to death by the explosion flames, an unstoppable wind and frost was born from the explosion flames, like a white light rising from the crimson, instantly freezing the violent explosion flames, forming an extremely gorgeous ice sculpture of explosion flames, and at the same time, the stronger wind and frost Sweeping towards the explosive element Alfred.

Silence's figure was also revealed, and he said in a very confident tone: "Your strength has weakened, and this is your time of death."

puff!Alfred, the blasting element that has been swept by wind and frost, has turned into an ice sculpture and has been completely sealed off.

A creature corroded by elemental elves like the explosive element Alfred is already very difficult to kill. Fortunately, Shen Mo has a container to store it. As long as it is sealed, it can be stored.

As the explosive flame element Alfred was also defeated by Silence, the staff at the base headquarters fell silent, and no one dared to speak. Such a powerful explosive flame element Alfred still failed to kill Silence.

Who the hell is this man.

Some crazy murloc lovers Henry said angrily, "I don't believe it anymore, keep throwing it, and use a more powerful monster to kill him for me."

The staff of the logistics department replied timidly: "But if the monsters are released later, even if we kill them, we will not be able to contain them again..."

"Do we still have a choice?" Henry asked everyone, "If this sacrifice fails, all that awaits us and the whole world is destruction. Do you think there is a difference between dying earlier and dying later?"

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, already knowing what to do.

The staff of the logistics department opened the last few buttons, which were red buttons marked with extreme danger. The monsters imprisoned inside were remnants that should never exist in the world.

Mo Mo had just received Alfred, the Explosive Flame Element, but felt the ground under his feet tremble violently. Countless thick and ferocious tentacles came from the depths of the ground, covering the earth like covering the sky and covering the sun. A huge head gradually rises from the lake...
silence:? ? ?
How could this guy give him a feeling of déjà vu! ?
this is····
Mo Mo raised the calamity battle axe, and the angel's blessing was activated. A pair of white wings suddenly appeared on the back, and flew into the air while waving, looking down at the monster in the lake.

He finally saw the monster's appearance clearly, and finally understood why the monster gave him a sense of familiarity, because this monster was none other than the North Sea giant Kraken that Silence had killed before.

It's just that, unlike the juvenile Kraken killed by Silence, this North Sea giant monster is obviously an adult Kraken, and its strength is far more than dozens of times stronger than the juvenile Kraken.

Mo Mo didn't expect that the hut in the forest could house such powerful monsters, it was indeed a gathering place for remnants of the old world.

Facing an enemy with combat experience, Mo Mo didn't hesitate or test at all, and directly showed the disaster battle axe, shrunk into the ground and launched it, flashing to the top of Kraken's head.

"Have you ever seen a black hole?"

Before Kraken, the giant monster of the North Sea, had time to react and attack, he saw a huge black hole falling from the sky, with an unstoppable force, tearing its body apart, twisting off its tentacles, and devouring everything in its body ···

The eyes of Kraken, the giant monster of the North Sea, shone with an extremely strong sense of fear. It never thought that the moment it was released, before it had time to show its power, it would be swallowed up by a black hole so aggrieved.

In just 1 minute, the Kraken that had just appeared disappeared in place, and the huge lake dried up, leaving behind a huge crater like a meteorite hitting the earth.

Everyone saw this scene, and they were frozen in place like stone sculptures, as if they had forgotten to breathe and think.

The visual impact brought to them by the black hole was so powerful that they couldn't react at all.

And just after Kraken, the giant monster of the North Sea, was taken in by Shen Mo, Mo Mo's power of mind clearly sensed the extremely terrifying evil spirit erupting from the base headquarters.

It was the breath from the ancient evil god. As the sacrifice was destroyed by silence, its power gradually recovered and began to penetrate into this world.

Mo Mo raised the corner of his mouth, he was waiting for the guy under the altar.

(End of this chapter)

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