Chapter 565

Compared with the monsters stored before the silence, the guy under the altar is the most critical.

Silence's main task this time is to stop the sacrifice to the ancient evil god. If he succeeds and the sacrifice fails, then the ancient evil god under the altar will come to this world.

Shen Mo will definitely face this evil god directly, and in his opinion, killing the ancient evil god is definitely a lucrative side quest.

Silence will definitely not miss such an opportunity.

"Who else?!"

He yelled loudly and taunted at the surveillance camera of the base headquarters.

The staff at the base headquarters looked at each other with ashen faces. The North Sea monster Kraken, who had just been placed with high hopes, was so easily beheaded by Shen Mo, and the moves used by Mo Mo were actually terrifying moves similar to black holes.

Can humans manipulate black holes? !

Baum, the man with glasses, subconsciously wiped the cold sweat from his forehead, tremblingly took off his glasses on the bridge of his nose, and said weakly, "It's over, we're really over this time."

The murloc lover Henry also panicked, and hurriedly asked: "Quick! Ask the island country if they succeeded."

The logistics staff were busy for a while, and got the news soon.

"The island country...failed!"

hiss!Henry seemed to have had his soul extracted, and he slumped on the chair with blank eyes. This time he was really finished.

There are a total of six altars in the world, and only one altar is required to complete the sacrifice every year to keep the safety of all mankind for a year, but now except for them, the other five have failed.

And here they still have a different kind of existence like Silence... Failure seems to have become inevitable.

Baum, who took off his glasses, stood up slowly, and said to the crowd: "I am very happy to work with you. If there is an afterlife, I hope this world will become a better place."

Baum's words ignited everyone's emotions, and they all knew that the disaster of annihilation was about to come.

The existence of silence led to the failure of the sacrifice, and the World Destroyer Demon God is about to break through the seal and reappear in the world.

Everyone is surrounded by fear and despair, and some people are even preparing to commit suicide...

At this moment, an intern who had just joined the staff stood up, raised his hand tentatively, and submissively suggested, "I...have another idea."

Everyone looked at the intern with pale faces, most of them did not hold any hope.

Baum let out a long sigh and shook his head helplessly, "No idea can change the current desperate situation,"

The intern gritted his teeth and said, "No! Since we can't beat this person, why don't we let the World Exterminating Demon God destroy him, or let him destroy the World Extinguishing Demon God."

Baum:? ? ?
Everyone present was stunned, staring at this newborn intern who was not afraid of tigers with weird eyes, how could he have such an idea.

Once the World Destroyer Demon God descends into the world, the world will be destroyed, how could it be possible to use the power of the World Destroyer Demon God to deal with the enemy, and how could this man be the opponent of the World Destroyer Demon God...

etc!Baum seemed to have caught on to some great news.

He suddenly leaned over to the table, found his glasses, put them on in a panic, and called up the video playback of silently beheading various monsters...

After 10 minutes passed, Baum's eyes shone with a faint light, which represented the brilliance of hope.

"Intern, you are amazing! This might really be a good idea. If we succeed, the world will change the way it used to be."

As Baum said, he pushed Henry aside, "Henry, look at this man."

Henry was surprised: "What happened to him?"

"He was so easy to kill monsters from the beginning to the end, calm and composed, without a trace of effort, does this mean that he has not used all his strength... the North Sea monster Kraken is so powerful. If it is easily solved by him, then, can he really defeat the World Destroyer Demon God!"

The clearly audible sound of gasping sounded at the base headquarters, and everyone was amazed and Baum's speculation, but the reality was indeed as he said, the man in the video really had unimaginable power, and this power might really be able to Defeat the World Slayer Demon God.

"We still have hope!"

These words ignited everyone's desire for life. They were like drowning people grasping at the last straw, unswervingly began to choose to believe in silence, believing that silence can defeat the World Destroyer Demon God, and save the world from the old world. Residue hands saved.

"Logistics Department! Help me connect with this person, he may not be our enemy, but our... savior!"


The people in the base headquarters are all human beings. The reason why they choose to serve the evil gods is not because they believe in the power of the evil gods, but because they are fulfilling the contract between the evil gods and humans, exchanging the lives of a small number of people for the lives of the vast majority. This is ants A desperate act of survival.

But now there are strong human beings appearing, who hope to defeat the World Destroyer Demon God, save them from fire and water, and seal the sacrifice of evil forever, so why can't they choose to believe in their own kind?

"Connect! Connect to the savior immediately!"


The hidden camera in front of Shen Mo's eyes turned for a while, and soon revealed a video screen capable of dialogue and communication.

"Savior! Hello! I am Baum, the person in charge here!"

silence:? ? ?
Savior?Are you calling me?When did I become your savior, am I not destroying your sacrifice?
Shen Mo didn't know what kind of medicine they sold in the gourd, but none of the characters called saviors would have good results!

Counting the movies and TV series I have watched before, every savior has lived a miserable life, either dedicating himself to help others, or being abused throughout the whole process and ending with a great sacrifice.

Silence, how could they be killed by the plot!
Silence: "Don't curse me! I'm not a savior."

Baum: ...

Baum realized that there might be some problems with his words, but this was not the point. The point was to ask the other party to eliminate the World Exterminating Demon God under the altar.

Baum: "I apologize for my abrupt words, but you must help us destroy the ancient evil gods under the altar."

Mo Mo was a little surprised, these guys were using monsters to deal with him one second ago, why did they come to ask themselves for help the next second.

Is this the so-called American double standard?Human rights and freedom? !

Silence was an eye-opener.This group of people are really shameless.

But Mo Mo never imagined that he would be the one who was more shameless than this group of people.

【Ding!Side mission: Destroy the ancient evil gods.Whether to receive. 】


Hey, it smells so good!
He had anticipated this side mission, but he didn't expect it to come so urgently, so quickly.

receive!Must get it!

As the saying goes, give it a go and turn a bicycle into a motorcycle.Silence, the barefoot one, was afraid that the one with shoes would not succeed.

【Ding!Receive side missions: Destroy the ancient evil gods. 】

Silence: "Since you begged me humbly, I will mercifully agree to you. I am your savior."

Hearing the silent answer, Baum and the others were not to mention how excited they were. They cheered and said: "Savior, please go to the altar and destroy the ancient evil god as soon as possible!"

"Lead the way!"

Shen Mo put away the disaster battle axe, and the ground under his feet suddenly opened, revealing a step leading directly to the ground.

He greeted Yeli Mimi, and asked Mimi to continue to protect the safety of the death five, and suggested that they leave the hut in the forest temporarily to prevent being affected by his battle with the World Destroyer Demon God.

After arranging everything, he went straight down the steps, and within a short while, he entered the interior of the base, which was much larger than he imagined. If we compare this place with the hive of the biochemical world, the space is enough. The foot is more than three times the size of the honeycomb, and because it is the ancient times of the ancient altar, ancient runes and marks can be seen everywhere.

When Silence arrived at the base, Baum and Henry organized staff to warmly welcome the arrival of Silence. They applauded and shouted for Silence, as if Silence was their idol they had worshiped for countless years.

In this regard, silence is just a smile without saying a word, which is how American worship is, you are strong and you are justified.

"Where is the altar?"

Silence didn't say much to the crowd, and went straight to the topic.

Baum pushed his glasses and looked up and down carefully at Silence. He was full of curiosity about a human being with such powerful power.

But to Baum's surprise, such a powerful human being can't see anything intuitively. Apart from his handsome appearance and extraordinary temperament, Baum really doesn't think there is anything special about silence.

Is this the so-called return to basics in the ancient country? !
If this is the case, his power can be inherited or learned...

Baum's mind was full of thoughts, but in reality he knew what he should do next.

"Come with me, I will take you to the altar myself."

Baum said, while leading Silence to the altar, he gave Henry a wink.

Silence, with the power of mind and eyes, naturally had insight into Baum's small movements. Under his power of mind and eyes, he found that Henry took over the entire sacrifice plan after Baum left. They did not give up the sacrifice to the ancient evil gods, but It is to choose to let Baum lead the silence, and then use the monster to sneak attack and send the group of five to death.

hey-hey!Sure enough, there is nothing to be courteous, either rape or steal!
They are creating something out of nothing, making a secret, and imagining it out of thin air!

Baum saw that the monster couldn't defeat Silence, and the deadline for the sacrifice was about to pass, so he came up with a two-pronged approach. On the one hand, he took Silence to the altar to destroy the ancient evil gods, and on the other hand, he used the power of the monster to complete the sacrifice while Silence was away. sacrifice.

Such a good plan is indeed the best choice for the base headquarters.

But they never expected that the person they were scheming was Shen Mo, who had seen the world, how could he be played by such a cheap trick.

Shen Mo immediately sent a message to Yeli Lost through the power of mind and eyes, warning them to beware of monster sneak attacks, and then used the power of mind and eyes to contact the hypnotist penguin who had already sneaked into the base.

"Penguin! It's your turn to perform."

"Okay, master!"

The penguin who turned into a puppet had already sneaked into the base. During this time, he was not idle, but used his abilities as much as possible to help Silence plan.

I saw the intern who had previously suggested Silence as the savior trembled slightly, a cunning flashed in his eyes, and in a trance, the penguin doll was hidden in his pocket.

uh-huh? !
It turned out that all of this was planned by Penguin, and the so-called savior plan was all facilitated by Penguin under Shen Sil's instruction.

Their purpose is to trigger the sideline plot of eliminating the ancient evil gods and complete the sideline task of saving the group of five who sent them to death.

Taking advantage of everyone's inattention, the intern slowly walked towards the staff who controlled the monster control, and patted the other party's shoulder lightly.

"Are you unleashing monsters?"

A simple sentence, but under the blessing of the penguin hypnotist, turned into a hypnotic code, and the staff who controlled the restraint were in a trance for a while, and they had become puppets controlled by the penguin.

"Let me see what other monsters have not been released."

The logistics staff immediately called out the rest of the monster information.

"Three-Headed Dogs of Hell"

"Demon Bridgester"

"Fallen Angel Cecilia Garcia"

Tut tut!Penguin pouted, these are extremely powerful monsters!If they were released, even Ye Li's lost power would have difficulty keeping himself and the group of five dead.

That being the case, then do something big.

Penguin once again manipulated the logistician, letting him release all these monsters in one go, but the release location was not the hut in the forest, but inside the base.

Each of these monsters has extremely powerful power. Years of confinement have made them extremely violent and angry. Once released, it is simply a nightmare for ordinary people in the base.

But these are all self-inflicted, even though they are playing tricks on Shen Mo.

Penguin said that he had released all the monsters, and at the same time helped Ye Limi lose the restriction on leaving the cabin in the forest. Without the restriction of the barrier, Ye Li Mimi could escape here with the death squad.

"Damn! What are you doing?!"

Henry was the first to find out that the monsters had been released, but he knew it too late.

The base has already started to scream tragically, and all kinds of boss-level monsters have started their killing, no! It is not so much killing as it is playing.

These boss-level monsters began to play with the humans who imprisoned them.

"You traitor!"

Henry wanted to shoot and kill the staff member hypnotized by the penguin, but he was suddenly blown to the ground by a huge wave, and a three-headed vicious dog emitting raging hellfire jumped out, roaring greedily, and Locked on Henry with the gun.

"No! Damn it, you can't kill me! I am a sacrifice to the evil god..."

The hell three-headed dog doesn't listen to Henry, he is only interested in Henry's flesh and blood,

The riots in the base did not affect Silence's going to the altar, because the altar is at the deepest level of the base, and it will take some time for those monsters to reach here.

While leading the silence, Baum calculated Henry's progress. After he entered the altar, he first looked at the sacrificial stone slabs around the altar.

It's a pity that the unlit side of the stone slab was quietly inlaid on the stone wall, and his face suddenly turned cold, because he knew that Henry had failed!
(End of this chapter)

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