The aura of a priest is infinite

Chapter 566 The Ancient God Who Lost His Wisdom

Chapter 566 The Ancient God Who Lost His Wisdom
The soldiers are divided into two groups, just to be on the safe side.

This was Henry's plan, and one that Baum very much agreed with.

According to the plan of the two, Baum was in charge of leading Silence to the altar, trying to find a way to eliminate the ancient evil gods, while Henry took advantage of the home field advantage of the base to continue the sacrifice.

If Silence succeeds, then naturally everyone will be happy.But if silence fails, they still have the opportunity and possibility to make up.

It's just that when Baum saw that none of the sacrificial slabs were lit, he realized that Henry's plan had failed.

Now, there is only one possibility, and that is to pray for Silence to defeat the ancient evil gods under the altar.

Baum couldn't help but wonder, does the young man in front of him really have the strength to defeat the ancient evil god?Although he has already shown extremely strong combat power and inhuman extraordinary power, there is still a huge gap compared with the ancient evil gods.

But Baum didn't see a trace of panic from Shen Mo's body. Instead, he felt a very calm atmosphere and calmness.

Could it be that the young man in front of him really has the strength to defeat the ancient evil god?

Let’s say that Shen Mo came to the altar under the leadership of Baum. As soon as he stepped into the altar, he felt an extremely powerful and tyrannical evil spirit, as if he was in a quagmire, making his breathing unnatural.

But on the other hand, Baum, who is an ordinary person, is not affected by evil spirits at all. The two do not belong to the same dimension at all, but help him avoid the erosion of breath.

Weakness has become an advantage at some point.

As soon as the silent thought moved, a wave of purification power was applied to the body, and the feeling of being bound by the quagmire disappeared instantly, but the evil spirit around it did not dissipate because of this, but because of the passage of time, it continued to thicken. Accompanied by the roar from the abyss, the raging fire kept rolling and became more and more intense, until the whole altar began to tremble.

Baum, as the keeper of the altar, naturally knew the reason, and hurriedly urged: "The time is coming, if the ancient evil gods below are not pleased by the offerings, they will break through the seal and come to the world again. Therefore, we should speed up and destroy them "..."

Baum looked at Silence standing on the altar, swallowed, and asked, "Are you really confident in defeating it?"

Shen Mo nodded, and replied confidently: "Leave the rest to me, you just need to tell me how to see it."

Baum took a deep breath and pointed to the bottom of the altar that was tumbling with raging fire, "You just need to jump down to see it. This altar can only seal evil gods, and humans can come and go freely, but these No one can come back from here alive."

Mo Mo looked down at the hellfire below the altar, and couldn't help frowning, just jumping down so simply and rudely? !He didn't know what was going on below. If Shen Mo jumped down, there would be more than a dozen burly demon gods waiting for him below, wouldn't he just kneel down and sing cool?
But if he wanted to destroy the ancient evil god, according to Baum, he had no choice but to jump down desperately.

After hesitating for a moment in silence, he asked back: "Then when the time for the sacrifice is up, the seal will be lifted naturally. Can't I see it too?"

Baum was taken aback, and said awkwardly: "No! If you do that, the ancient evil god will come to the world. If you can't defeat it, the whole world will be over."

Shen Mo chuckled, "If I die, the world will still end."

Baum was a little emotional, "You can't do this, you have to jump now, otherwise..."

Before Baum finished speaking, a ferocious claw protruded from the passage at the entrance of the altar, piercing directly through Baum's chest. It was a red-skinned demon with raw fleshy wings. It roared extremely excitedly, greedily He devoured Baum's flesh and toyed with his frightened soul. The ultimate fear of the dying is the favorite food of hell demons.

Silence quietly watched the demon kill Baum, but remained unmoved. This was not silent and cold-blooded, but the most normal reaction.

From the moment Baum was calculated to be silent, he was dead.

"Heck! Fresh blood and fearful souls are delicious!"

The demon let out a roar of excitement, quickly finished Baum, and turned his scarlet eyes to Silence.

"Next, it's your turn."

The demon doesn't know the depth of the silence, thinking he's just an ordinary person, a more delicious food than Baum.

Silent eyes stared straight at the devil, and he couldn't help thinking of a good idea, "It's really time for you to come."

demon:? ? ?
what do you mean?Lost your mind with fear?
Just when the devil couldn't figure out the situation, Mo Mo poured energy into his feet, and disappeared instantly. The next moment, he appeared beside the devil, and the dazzling holy light burst out from his hands. rope of light.

hiss!The rope of the holy light was like a snake binding, tightly bound the demon, and the holy light with the power of purification burned the demon's body, leaving scorched scars on his red skin, while restraining his ability.

demon:! ! !
He widened his eyes, stared at Silence in disbelief, and said in horror: "You... who are you?! How could you have the power that I hate so much, this power should not belong to you humans... This is impossible"

Silence sneered, now is not the time to be entangled with the possibility of impossibility, since they are all here, let me help you!

Mo Mo said, using the power of mind and eye to mark the demon's body, and then carried the demon to the edge of the altar, and shone the bear hellfire, ready to throw it down to explore the way.

The devil's scarlet eyes were full of fear, struggling and twisting: "No! I don't want to go down! Let me go, as long as you let me go, I will promise you anything, I am willing to offer my soul in exchange everything of."

Facing the demon's soul temptation, Mo Mo remained unmoved, and replied flatly: "I'm not interested in your soul."

call!With a flick of his hand, the demon drew an arc and fell to the altar, disappearing into the flames instantly with the tumbling of hellfire.

The power of Silence's Mind Eye was also swallowed by the hellfire at that moment, but he caught the demon's last sight.


A giant as tall as a mountain, he was bathed in hellfire, lava-like ravines emerged all over his body, a tyrannical aura continued to overflow from his body, and his godless eyes erupted with chilling, terrifying murderous aura, as if he was about to destroy Any creature that can be destroyed by him.

Shocked in silence, he said in surprise.

This is an ancient god who lost his mind.

( ̄mouth ̄)? ?
The Ancient God of Shi Lezhi! ?
Could it be that silence is wrong!
But Mo Mo was not mistaken, he was sure that the person under the altar was an ancient god who had lost his mind.

Because Shen Mo had seen the real god, that is, the former tower master of the Nine-story Yin Tower, Mo Lou, as the demon king, Mo Lou was naturally also a god, and he was still a god with an X on his forehead.

Therefore, Silence can see the difference between gods and gods, and why the thing under the altar is just a shell, with only the most instinctive will—destruction!
It turned out that the body of the ancient god was sealed under the altar, and those so-called sacrifices were only to suppress the tyrannical will of the ancient god.

The corner of Shen Mo's mouth couldn't help but raise, the strength of this ancient god is really terrifying, but he is just the body of Shi Lezhi now, even if he has [-]% strength, it is a super long performance to be able to exert [-]%.

So for Shen Mo, it's like going out and picking up treasures.

Different from Mozun Molou, this ancient god's body is a real treasure.

Mo Mo collected his mind, and after confirming the reality under the altar, he couldn't wait to get this treasure as soon as possible.

He immediately took out a new title from his personal warehouse: Fearless Brave with a huge number of hole cards. After wearing the title, the three abilities as hole cards were instantly blessed, exuding a faint streamer.

At the same time, the determination to fight and be fearless rose in Mo Mo's heart, and immediately triggered the special effect skills of the fearless brave man, and the four-dimensional attributes skyrocketed accordingly, and the combat power became more and more powerful.

After a while, Shen Mo made all preparations, holding the disaster battle ax, leaped forward, and headed straight for the hellfire under the altar.


The power of purification and the blessing of the Holy Light blessed his body to prevent the erosion of hellfire. The wings of the angel blessing waved him to fly in the raging flames. His eyes were extremely sharp, locking the body of the ancient god through layers of flames .

At the same time, the ancient god's body also locked Silence, and once again rolled up the flames of hell like devouring a demon, trying to burn and devour Silence.

Silence, who had been prepared for a long time, immediately raised the disaster battle axe, released the aura, and activated the black hole skill.

The deep black hole suddenly erupted, sweeping all around with the terrifying power of devouring everything, devouring all the hellfire driven by the ancient god's body, and annihilated and dissipated with the strong tearing force.

The ancient god's body didn't stop moving because his attack was resolved. Driven by instinct, he was not afraid to examine the enemy at all, and only knew to attack the enemy with instinct.

The hellfire swept across again, trying to devour the black hole, but the black hole with the ability to swallow everything was simply not something that the hellfire could deal with.

In just a moment, the hellfire around the ancient god's body was swallowed up, leaving only sporadic flames remaining on his body.

At this moment, the ancient god's body finally realized something, he raised his arms high, and took a picture of the black hole.

With a loud bang, the black hole that devoured everything suddenly shattered under the bombardment of the ancient god's arms. The power that was enough to devour everything was like paper, unable to tear the defense of the ancient god's body at all.

Shen Mo frowned slightly, "What a powerful body."

Although it had long been expected that a pure black hole would not be able to kill the ancient god, Silence was a little surprised when faced with the powerful destructive power of the ancient god's smashing black hole.

The former Demon Lord Demon Building was a black hole that was destroyed by using demon energy, but today's ancient gods simply rely on their physical bodies to collapse the black hole.

The gap between the two is simply self-evident.

The hole card of disaster is obviously unable to defeat the ancient god, but it can be considered to have achieved something by devouring his hellfire.

Next, Mo Mo waved his wings behind his back, used his agility to avoid the brainless attack of the ancient god's body, and then launched the next hole card.

There are not many options left for silence.

Either use Yamata no Orochi's perfect ability potion, or use Mozun Molou's natal horns.

Both are one-time props, they will disappear after being used once, and they are no longer owned, and the strength of the two is also different. The strength of Mozun Molou is obviously stronger than Yamata no Orochi's perfect ability potion.

The question before Shen Mo is whether to use the power of the demon king or the power of Yamata no Orochi.

There is not much time left for silence.

He has no time to hesitate, and can only make a decision in a split second.

The natal horns of the Demon Sovereign and the Demon Building!
The silence blew the horns of the magic building, because taking the perfect potion of Yamata no Orochi may not be able to defeat the ancient god's body, but summoning the magic building will definitely destroy the ancient god's body.

Silently, he had no choice but to resort to the strongest weapon.

As the horn was blown, endless purple magic energy erupted from Silence's feet, forming a huge vortex and sweeping away, forming a purple tornado at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Puff!The purple tornado condensed, blocking a hammer blow from the ancient god's body.

Shen Mo, who was in it, didn't feel the slightest power of shock. There was only endless purple magic energy in his eyes, and the very familiar breath of the demon king.


The devil's voice of the demon king and the demon tower sounded from the devil's energy, it was a domineering arrogance that looked down on all living beings and was unparalleled in arrogance.

The magic building that Silence fought against was a seriously injured and dying magic building, and the magic building that was summoned at this moment was a magic building in its heyday. Although the two are both magic buildings, they cannot be compared at all.

call!Then the magic sound entered the ears, the magic energy rolled and disappeared, and a figure gradually manifested.

It is the Supreme Demon Venerable - Demon Tower.

The demon building at this moment is more than ten times more powerful than the demon building I met before, and every gesture of the hand and foot makes the silence tremble, and there is no thought of being an enemy at all.

But because Molou is the summoning object of Silence, Mozun Molou has [-]% loyalty to Silence.

"Magic Tower, I have seen the master."

The world-defying Molou bowed to Shen Mo, but he didn't kneel down like the previous summoned creature.

Shen Mo didn't care about these details, but immediately ordered: "Mozun, kill him!"

Mozun Molou only has 1 minute, Shen Mo is not willing to waste such precious time on insignificant things.

The magic building received the order, a pair of purple magic pupils flickered, and the consciousness fell on the ancient god's body in an instant. Without any hesitation, he suddenly raised his arm and pressed it against the ancient god's body.

Accompanied by the loud noise, the ancient god who was as huge as a hill fell down and lay heavily on the ground. He wanted to break free from the restraints, but the invisible force on his back made him unable to resist at all.

In its heyday, the Mozun Molou dealt with a body without sanity, just like a mercenary holding an AK against a monkey who had just learned to walk. Even if the ape tried its best, it could not cause the slightest harm to the mercenary.

The purple devilish energy surrounded the demon building. He walked through the air and came to the ancient god's body step by step. His fingers filled with mysterious laws slowly stretched out, and gently touched the forehead of the ancient god's body.


With a muffled sound, the brows of the ancient god's body burst open, golden blood spattered along with flesh and blood, and the empty eyes lost their last luster.

【Ding!Kill the ancient evil god.The main mission is completed, and we are about to leave the mirror world. 】

[Mission rewards are being calculated]

(End of this chapter)

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