The aura of a priest is infinite

Chapter 568 Reiki Unlimited Copy

Chapter 568 Reiki Unlimited Copy
The selection and setting of the first copy of Reiki Unlimited is naturally very important, and both Shen Mo and Ling'er fell into deep thought.

After a long time, Ling'er raised her hand and said, "Why don't you set up a perfect world where your wishes come true! There are flowers, grass, carefree, and it's like a paradise."


He chose to set the infinite copy of aura to let lucky players enter and create aura value in it, rather than let them come in and fall in love. This proposal is really too Mary Sue.

Seeing Shen Mo, Ling'er shook her head, slightly disappointed, and continued to ask after thinking for a while: "Then let's set it as our small world! We can be free here..."

Shen Mo shook his head again, slowly took Ling'er's hand, and said in a long way: "Ling'er, I actually agree with your idea very much, but our first time is very important, we can't just think about comfort, we have to get out of the comfort zone , Work hard, make persistent efforts, become bigger and stronger, and create greater glories. After all, the progress of the server heart has only reached 20.00%, and there is still a long way to go before [-]%. Therefore, our first copy must be valuable. "

Ling'er looked at the extremely serious Mo Mo, her eyes flickered with light, although she didn't listen to what Mo Mo said, but Mo Mo's serious attitude has already made Linger choose to forgive and believe.

"Hmm! You're right, then I'll listen to you, and you can do whatever you want..."

Nodding silently with a smile, he took Ling'er's finger to the Nine-story Yin Pagoda at the beginning of the division of heaven and earth, and muttered in a low voice, "The Nine-story Yin Pagoda has the ability to communicate between Yin and Yang, and it can freely travel between Yin and Yang. Occupies a world, so we choose it for the first copy of infinite aura."

Nine-storey Yin Tower!

That's right!It is the nine-storey Yin Pagoda.

Although Silence has many options, among these options, only the Nine-Story Shadow Tower is the most suitable and valuable.

Only by using the Nine-story Yin Tower as the first unlimited copy of aura can the benefits of silence be maximized.

After making a decision, Shen Mo took Ling'er's hand, and with a flick of the wrist, the heart of the server exuding streams of light fell into the palm of his hand, and the two of them stepped on the void and descended outside the nine-story Yin Tower.

The majestic nine-storied Yin Tower, which is full of sinister energy, has undergone another mutation in essence because of its perfect fusion with the server's heart. It is slightly more powerful than before. changes, and the creatures in the shadow tower also benefit greatly.

All of them were included in the heart of the server. In addition to the imprint of the Nine-story Yin Tower in the depths of their souls, there is already an imprint of the heart of the server.

According to contemporary terms, they already have the qualifications and authority to be NPCs, and they will also become a powerful help for Shen Mo to create an infinite world of aura.

Shen Mo restrained his mind, turned his head slightly to look at Ling'er, the latter understood, slowly raised his arm, and put his palm on the server's heart together with Shen Mo.

Tongtian Demon Realm!

Ghosts and ghosts!

silence!Lin Linger!

"We chose to use the Nine-story Yin Tower as the first copy of Infinite Reiki!"

hum!The heart of the server, which was originally quiet, erupted with extremely dazzling blue light following the declaration of the two, and immediately turned into countless blue stars to tightly wrap the nine-story Yin Tower.

As the owner of the tower, Shen Mo can clearly perceive that the heart of the server is making essential changes to the nine-storey Yin tower, and is constantly optimizing towards the infinite copy of aura.

With this kind of optimization, Lin Linger also obtained the control right of the nine-story Yin Tower, which is second only to Silence.

This is due to the close connection between Linger and the heart of the server.

Time passed by every minute and every second, and the silence didn't know how long it had passed, until a new reminder sounded in his mind.

【Ding!Unlimited copy of aura: Nine-storey Yin Tower.Creation optimization is complete. 】

In a trance, the nine-story Yin Tower in front of him seemed to have not changed much from before, but Shen Mo and Ling'er already knew its changes in their hearts.

Now that the dungeon setting has been completed, it is natural to prepare a big gift for the first batch of lucky players.

According to the feedback from the server's heart, the spiritual energy in the real world is revived, and the supernatural awakens. Anyone who has the aura qualification will become a potential customer with infinite spiritual energy.

Silence uses the random lucky player extractor to pull people with aura into the infinite copy of aura, and then issues specific tasks in the name of the stinking lowest-level main god, but any activities that players perform in the copy, creation, destruction... All will bring aura benefits, and these benefits will be divided according to the previously set 226 ratio.

In other words, although the person chosen by Silence is the one being exploited, he also has the opportunity and possibility to achieve extraordinaryness and change his destiny.

With a thought of silence, he pulled his mind into the nine-story Yin Tower, and chose the Yinshi Wujie on the first floor as the dungeon world this time.

"Queen Ouroboros!"

A silent voice descended on this world, and the Ouroboros Queen, who was still dozing, stood up in panic. She bowed with a snake tail and said: "Ouroboros, the guardian of the boundless Yin Shi! Meet the Tower Master!"

Shen Mo nodded, raised the server heart in his hand, and shot a blue chain directly between the eyebrows of Queen Ouroboros, the latter's coquettish snake eyes were in a trance for a while, and already knew the purpose of Silence through the server heart.

"Ouroboros leads!"

hum!The Empress Ouroboros launched her own power of time loop and pulled the entire Yinshi Wujie into it. With the help of the server's heart, countless chaotic auras condensed and rapidly changed the environment and situation of this world.

Lean less!A small town with a modern style appeared in Yinshiwujie. At first glance, it looks like a small town in America, but the town is dead at this moment. There are no other living things except silent people, a ghost and a demon. .

"Tower Master! The town you want has been completed."

"it is good!"

Nodding silently, she signaled the Queen Ouroboros to step back, hide into the tower world, maintain the power of the time loop, and then took out the item monster summoning illustration book she had just obtained from her personal warehouse.

The monster illustrated book made of brown sheepskin fell into his hand, and as the silent thoughts slowly opened, the information of each monster appeared in his mind.

"What kind of gift should I prepare for them?"

In order to ensure the inventory rate and game experience of the first batch of lucky players, Shen Mo decided to give them a small stove to lower the difficulty of the game. Therefore, the monster chosen for the first time must not be too strong, but it must not be too weak.

After weighing the pros and cons for a period of time, Shen Mo finally selected several suitable monsters among the 457 kinds of monsters.

[Zombie LV1: Monsters formed by virus-infected humans have only the most basic desire to eat, and their weak point is their heads. 】

[Zombie Dog LV2: Dogs infected by the virus are extremely aggressive, and their weak point is their heads. 】

[Mutated Zombie LV2: A zombie that devours a large number of the same kind and causes the virus to mutate. It is extremely aggressive, and its weak head has also been strengthened. 】

Three kinds of monsters fell in front of them with the thought of silence. Although they were low-level monsters, they still maintained a high degree of loyalty in front of the owner of the monster summoning illustration book.

But just three monsters can't hold up the entire game, and the next thing Silence has to do is to quantify these monsters.

Chuck!A dazzling blue light erupted from the heart of the server, enveloping the three monsters in an instant. When the brilliance faded, the originally dead town glowed with new vitality.

300 zombies!50 zombie dogs!20 mutated zombies!
Such an amount should be sufficient.

Shen Mo looked down at the small town at his feet, and adjusted the distribution of zombies for a while by using the heart of the server. He didn't put away the heart of the server until he was satisfied.

The stage is set!The next step is naturally to invite the actors to perform on stage.

【Random Lucky Player Extractor】

The extractor, like a two-color ball lottery box, slowly shakes the bearing rod with silence, and the balls with special symbols printed inside keep rolling and rolling until the lucky balls fall into the card slot below and roll out along the pipe... ··
Ding...following the sound of five crisp lucky ball collisions, our first batch of lucky spectators finally appeared on the stage.

The special symbols on the lucky ball represent their respective sections, and each selected section will select a person with aura who is playing computer, watching mobile phone, watching TV or other electronic products at this moment.

【Ding!Random lucky players are drawn!Number of draws: 5]

Just as the extractor's prompt sounded, five figures suddenly appeared in a certain house in the small town at the foot of Silence.

"Huh? Where is this?!"

A young man wearing slippers and exaggerated pajamas, with dazed eyes and a thin figure said in amazement.

His voice caught the attention of the remaining four at the same time.

"Who are you?!" The woman in professional attire and glasses asked cautiously, "What do you want to do to me?"

"What are you doing? I was watching a movie with my girlfriend, why did I come here suddenly." The man in casual clothes was surprised.

"Is this kidnapping?" The middle-aged aunt asked in a panic.

"Kidnapping?! Why did I kidnap the one who was the last one?! I remember I was still reading novels just now..." the boy was puzzled.

etc!Reading novels!Kidnapped!time travel? !Or infinite horror? !

The first teenager who realized that he might be selected looked at the four people in the living room again. They looked as flustered as himself, and there was no pattern at all.

"I don't know you, do you know each other? What were you doing just now?" the boy asked.

Everyone looked at each other warily, shaking their heads to show that they didn't know each other.

"I'm playing computer games at home. As for what I'm doing, ahem..." Lu Jici, the guy in pajamas, said perfunctorily.

Gu Xiaoqi, a woman in business attire, said, "I was doing monthly and quarterly reports, and I came here out of nowhere."

Bai Xu, a man in casual clothes, "I just said that I am watching a movie with my girlfriend, and there are vulgar and boring romance movies on my phone."

"I'm shopping for vegetables. Today, leeks are on sale. I bought a lot. I'm going to make leek and egg dumplings, and then pay with my mobile phone at the bar..." middle-aged aunt Liu Sanhao.

The young Han Fei was stunned for a while, and he already had a bad feeling in his heart.

"I might know where we are!"

"Where?!" Everyone asked.

"According to the plot in the novel, we should be chosen by the main god to become the so-called reincarnators. Of course, whether we are the main god or have other titles depends on our next mission."

novel? !Lord God?The Chosen One?
The middle-aged aunt Liu Sanhao cursed and said: "The young man doesn't study hard at such a young age. What is going on in his head all day? You are stupid when you read novels! Do parents care about you?"

"Hey! Return God, reincarnation?! Why don't you go to heaven!" Bai Xu, a man in casual clothes, said contemptuously: "This must be a reality show planned by you, there must be cameras or something around, don't pretend, come out, Otherwise, I'll call the police."

Facing the doubts of the crowd, the young Han Fei did not explain, but walked slowly to the floor-to-ceiling windows on the balcony. Through the dusty glass, he could see the street downstairs.

I saw scattered zombies wandering aimlessly on the street, roaring from their throats, thick smoke billowing from burning cars, and broken glass scattered all over the place...

"You should come and see this."

The young Han Fei looked solemn and pointed at the zombies outside the window.

When everyone heard the news, they rushed over and were immediately shocked by the scene outside the window.

"My God! What a monster!"

Hush!The young Han Fei immediately warned: "This should be a zombie. No matter what kind of zombie it is, they are very sensitive to sound. If you don't want to die, then don't speak loudly."

Fortunately, everyone was on a relatively high floor, and the voice of the aunt Liu Sanhao did not attract the attention of the zombies.

Everyone looked as if they were monsters from hell, and decades of three views were being greatly impacted.

Just when everyone was in a panic, Shen Mo had already worn the title of Lord God of the Smelly Lowest Level on his body.

[Title: The lowest level of the stinking main god, wearing this title, you will gain the ability of the lowest level of the stinking main god. 】

[Special effect ability: 1 stench is the lowest level of the main god's mission, you can issue specific missions to players, and set rewards and punishments. 】

Shen Mo didn't hesitate to use the ability of the main god to issue the main task to the five people.

Once upon a time, Mo Mo received the main quest in the mirror world, but now Mo Mo has finally become a serf and sings, and is eligible to release the main quest to others.

【Ding!Main mission: Survive. 】

[The lucky one chosen by the infinite world of aura!Live hard!As long as you can survive in this small town for seven days, you will be rewarded. 】

Mo Mo hesitated for a moment, but still hadn't figured out what reward to promise them.

According to the setting of the server's heart, as long as there is aura injected into it, corresponding game props can be created.

But now the game has just started, and there is no aura yet, so we can only wait for the five people to survive for seven days, and set the game rewards according to the value of the aura they created.

Shen Mo smiled awkwardly, he may be the poorest main god ever.

With the announcement of the main mission, the five selected people finally realized their current situation.

They have been caught up in unimaginable crises, which often come with opportunities.

"Come on! Let me see what value you can create for me!"

(End of this chapter)

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