The aura of a priest is infinite

Chapter 569 Failed copy and optimization

Chapter 569 Failed copy and optimization
Shen Mo and Ling'er looked down at the town from a high position, and the five people in the house had already received a task prompt from the title of the main god.

The figure of the young Han Fei trembled slightly. After a moment of silence, he began to mutter excitedly, "This is really the main god's space! No, to be precise, it should be similar to the main god's space. It is somewhat different from the main god's space. "

The young Han Fei turned around and faced the remaining four people, "I think you have also received the task reminder!"

Everyone nodded, because they all received the task reminder to survive for seven days.

"So, have you noticed the prompt in the bottom right corner of the task panel?"

Um? !Everyone called up the task panel one after another and checked it.

[Reminder: After the player dies, he will be punished by not being able to enter the game for one month. 】

[Hint: Killing a zombie gets 1 aura point.Gain 10 aura points for killing zombie dogs.Kill mutant zombies to get 100 aura points. 】

die? !Game penalty? !
Killing to get aura rewards? !

The young Han Fei said excitedly: "At first I thought this was the main god's space, but after I saw this message, I was sure that this is not the main god's space, but a similar existence. As for who rebuilt it, Gods? Demons? doesn't matter to us, what matters is the purpose of creating this world and pulling us into it."

The young Han Fei speculated like Colonel Chu's upper body: "His purpose is to make us stronger, and this is an immature "Lord God Space". There are huge loopholes in the settings of the missions he issued... ·”

and many more!

The middle-aged aunt Liu Sanhao interrupted: "Young man, don't worry about becoming stronger?! What's the use of me becoming stronger at this age? I just want to go home quickly, and my grandson is still waiting for me to make dumplings."

Lu Jici in the pajamas frowned, and said, "I don't want to stay here either. Although I have read novels and know about the space of the Lord God, I just want to be an otaku at home quietly. My comfort zone is so comfortable. Why should I stay here?" You have to find it boring to play with the main god."

Bai Xu looked at the two of them and asked, "Don't interrupt, your name is Han Fei, right? Continue, what's the loophole here?"

The young Han Fei was silent for a moment, and continued: "He pulled us into the game, announced the main mission to survive for seven days, and reminded us of the penalty of death ban and rewards for killing... If I am a person who wants to gain power, I will naturally Choose to kill monsters to get rewards, and keep getting stronger, because dying here is not real death, it’s just a one-month suspension penalty. At the same time, this is also a loophole, if I don’t want to become stronger..."

Han Fei looked at the aunt Liu Sanhao and Lu Jici in the pajamas, "I will choose to commit suicide, then leave the game, wait until a month later, continue to choose to commit suicide, and so repeatedly, I will be free from the constraints of the game."

Bai Xu:...

Aunt Liu Sanhao: "Young man, are you out of your mind? Suicide? What if I really die after committing suicide?"

Lu Jici in the pajamas looked at the zombies outside: "I don't want to be eaten by zombies. Since we are surviving for seven days, we can hide here. The seven days will pass soon, but I haven't gone out for half a year. "

Han Fei sneered and said, "He won't let us spend seven days safely. The monsters outside will find us at any time and attack us."

Bai Xu urged: "Then what do you say?"

A murderous look flashed across Han Fei's brows, "Turn passive into active, adapt to this game, work hard to get rewards according to his will, and keep getting stronger. Valuable things will not be abandoned by others."

Bai Xu was silent for a moment, nodded and replied, "Okay, I will trust you once."

"I don't believe it, I want to stay here." Pajama Lu Jici insisted on his thoughts.

"I'm not going either, I think it's safest to hide." Liu Sanhao agreed with Lu Jici's suggestion.

In the end, only professional attire Gu Xiaoqi remained silent.

She looked left and right at the four people who had been divided into two groups, hesitated for a moment, and finally chose Han Fei and Bai Xu, because they were obviously more reliable.

"Okay! In that case, let's separate here!"

above the town.

Silence's head is a little big.

Why?Because he was actually seen through by Han Fei. Not only did he discover that this was an immature main god space, but he also found a loophole in it.

When setting the game silently, everything is aimed at maximizing the aura value. Therefore, it is not advisable to let the player die and obliterate the setting. The only way to make the player become stronger and create aura is the advisable way.

And the one-month ban on travel is not set silently, but the time given by the server heart, because the death of the player in the game will cause great damage to the soul, and if you want to enter the game again, it is very likely that your soul will be scattered, even if you have the server heart With the help of the power of the Nine-story Yin Tower, it will take a month to recover.

As for why killing monsters will give you aura rewards, that's because each monster is created by the server's heart and the nine-story Yin tower with the help of the aura and yin spirit at the junction of yin and yang.

The aura and ghosts that cannot be directly absorbed become the aura values ​​that can be directly absorbed after being "washed" by the server's heart and the player.

This is the mechanism by which the infinite world of Reiki works.

"The game settings must not be sloppy, otherwise the players will despise it."

After a word of silence, he couldn't help but look at Ling'er.

Although Ling'er has no experience in creating infinite copies of aura, she is the only ghost who has the right to set the rules of the game except for silence.

In order to reduce his task burden, Silence must train Linger to be a qualified game planner and maker.

"Ling'er, you watch them first, I will come as soon as I go."

After Mo Mo finished speaking, he turned into a streamer and disappeared into the infinite world of spiritual energy. When he reappeared, he had already arrived at a website server.

A certain Chinese website.

This place is not much different from the Chinese website in the previous life. Through the search function at the top of the page, you can quickly find what Mo Mo needs.

【I'm the boss behind the scenes】

【Create a game world】

Several novels of the creation sand table stream were found by Shen Mo, and he raised his hand to recharge, subscribe and download them, and directly engraved them in his memory, preparing to bring them to Ling'er as study reference materials.

Although Shen Mo is not a competent behind-the-scenes boss, but he has a competent spirit!
Not long after, Mo Mo returned to her own server again, and Linger was still paying attention to the situation of the five people.

"How's it going?"

"Two dead."

Um? !Two dead so quickly?who died.

"Middle-aged aunt Liu Sanhao, pajamas guy Lu Jici."

"How did you die?"

"To die."

It turned out that shortly after Shen Mo left, Liu Sanhao and Lu Jici, who chose to hide in a private house for seven days, had a quarrel over food distribution.

There was only a little food in this private house, which was not enough for the two of them for seven days. The two quarreled because of this, which soon attracted a large number of zombies and two zombie dogs.

The fragile door couldn't withstand the siege of a large number of zombies. It only lasted for a moment before being broken by the zombies. The two of them also hid in a pool of blood and were eaten alive.

Shen Mo frowned slightly. Since these two people could be selected by the player extractor, they must be people with aura, but their subjective will did not have the desire to become stronger, so such a good opportunity was wasted.

"and then?"

Ling'er continued: "I used the server's heart to send them an infinite copy of Reiki, and at the same time warned them not to disclose any information about the infinite copy of Reiki to outsiders."

Shen Mo nodded, Linger did this very well, it seems that Linger does have the possibility to become an excellent manager.

"What about the other three?"

"They're already on the road."

Shen Mo looked down, and soon found them on the roof of a residential building.

Compared to Lu Jici and Lu Jici, the team led by the young Han Fei is much more stable. They use the connection between houses to shuttle from one building to another, sneaking into every house they go to, looking for Lone zombies hunt and scavenge for edible food and supplies.

Although groups of zombies are difficult to deal with, zombies trapped in private houses alone can be easily dealt with.

Shen Mo called up the killing panel and found that the three of them had killed 6 zombies by this method.

Han Fei has 3 heads, Bai Xu has 2 heads, and Gu Xiaoqi has 1 head.

Shen Mo nodded, appreciating the performance of the three of them, the killing of 6 zombies also brought 3 points of aura to Shen Mo.

Although 3 points of aura is pitifully low, it is still a good start.

Shen Mo withdrew his gaze, turned around and said to Ling'er who was beside him, "Ling'er, I found some study materials for you, which will be very helpful for us to continue to optimize the copy of Reiki Unlimited, you should learn more."

hum!As soon as Shen Mo pointed out, countless information fell into Ling'er's mind through the server heart, and at the same time, the server heart also burst into dazzling blue light.

【Ding!Found a reference template, parsing...]

[Server Heart Completeness +0.01%]

[Server Heart Completeness +0.01%]

silence:? ? ?
I never expected that my operation would actually open the template analysis mode for the server heart, which not only speeds up the progress of the completeness, but also shares the pressure of the game setting.

As for what kind of results the heart of the server will analyze, and what kind of optimization it will bring to the infinite copy of aura, Mo Mo waits and sees.

Because the dungeon setting is too simple now, this thing is really not something that ordinary people can get started at will.

And the title of Lord God, the lowest level of the stench, is worthy of the title of the stench level, and even new players can see the loopholes.

After complaining to himself, Mo Mo had to accept a very real problem.

Although he has the ability to create unlimited copies of aura, he is really not a qualified game planner and setter, this thing is simply too difficult.

Although the unlimited aura can bring endless aura benefits to Shen Mo, the early setting really made him feel tired. If so, then he should be a hands-off shopkeeper and leave these problems to Ling'er and the server's heart.

According to Shen Mo's understanding of Linger, she must be able to create a satisfactory infinite copy of aura.

With this thought in mind, Shen Mo didn't want to pay attention to the survival of Han Fei and the three of them. After greeting Ling'er, he disappeared into a stream of light and returned to the real world.

The bedroom of Laifu woodcarving shop.

Silently looked at the time, he stayed in the game for at least four hours, but only a moment passed in the real world. In this way, there is a huge gap between the time of the game and the time of the real world.

fail!What a failure!
After a brief wash, she lay silently on the bed and complained about herself again.

"Hey! The first infinite copy of aura... it seems to be useless!"

After sighing, Mo Mo turned over on the bed and fell into a deep sleep. It had been a long time since he had a peaceful night's sleep.

【Ding!The reference template parsing is complete! 】

[Aura Unlimited World is being optimized...]

[Optimization progress 1%, 2%...]

Ok? !

Silence was awakened by the message in his head, he straightened up, and couldn't help but look at the computer, countless blue and white snowflakes flickered on the computer screen, and a thick and long progress bar was loading like a turtle...
Mo Mo was overjoyed that the infinite world of aura had completed the analysis so quickly, and started the first world optimization.

Although the infinite copy of aura created by Silence is a little bit of a failure, but what will the optimized world look like? !
He got up quickly and came to the computer desk, staring at the progress bar like a curious baby who discovered the new world.


so slow!The speed of optimization is really slow!

After waiting in silence for a long time, the progress bar seemed to be frozen after reaching 4%.

He wanted to use his mimicry ability to enter the server to check what happened, but a notification that he could not enter during the optimization period sounded in his mind.

"Even me, the creator, can't enter?! Is this optimization going to be a big move?"

Silence immediately summoned Yeli Lost in the coffin of the Twelve Yin Shas, and asked her to watch the optimization progress in front of the computer instead of him, but he went downstairs to have some breakfast. After being busy for so long, the silence was hardened. Also will be hungry.

Shen Mo opened the iron gate of Laifu Wood Carving Shop, and the Eight Immortals Baozi Shop opposite was still closed, and Lao Huang was still in the Nine-story Yin Tower at the moment, so the Baozi Shop would naturally not open.

Hua Yingjun and Liu Xiaoci went to Shanghai and haven't come back yet, so naturally they won't prepare breakfast for Shen Mo.

Liu Xianliu Ruyan who lived at home, because the temple in the city had been built, moved house and moved a few days ago, this huge Laifu woodcarving shop immediately seemed deserted.

Shen Mo closed the door of the store, not afraid of anyone who would dare to steal something from the store, walked out of the alley, and walked towards the nearest breakfast shop.

It's been a long time since he got up early and went out for breakfast like ordinary people.

And just when Shen Mo arrived at the breakfast shop named Hao Zai Lai, a familiar figure appeared in front of him.

Han Fei!

The boy Han Fei who was drawn by the random lucky player extractor actually had breakfast at Haozailai Breakfast Shop? !

This is too much of a coincidence!
I saw that Han Fei was full of food in front of him, like a hungry beast, crazily sweeping the food in front of him, forming a sharp contrast with the diners around him.

"Ah! Delicious! Delicious! I haven't had such a good meal in seven days."

(End of this chapter)

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