Chapter 570
Can eating breakfast feel like a full feast? !
This young man must not have escaped from Africa.

The diners around were all staring at the young Han Fei with strange eyes, and they didn't have a deep understanding of his behavior.

But Shen Mo, who knows everything, shakes his head in embarrassment. On such a huge earth, one of the randomly selected lucky players will be hit by him in Yancheng. This chance is infinitely lower than winning the lottery jackpot Bar.

But the real situation really happened, you said it was miraculous.


The silent stomach let out a cry, he shook his head, went straight into the restaurant, ordered breakfast at the bar, sat down near the young Han Fei, and looked at the young Han Fei intentionally or unintentionally.

Different from looking down from the sky before, Han Fei looked more energetic at this moment, full of vigor and vigor, and a faint aura fluctuated from his ordinary body.

Perceived by the power of Shen Mo's mind and eyes, Han Fei seems to have awakened his own aura. Not only can he cultivate aura to strengthen his body, but he also has special abilities that are different from ordinary people.

It's not easy for this young man named Han Fei to have grown so much just by participating in an unlimited instance of Reiki!

Jingle Bell!
At this moment, the young Han Fei's cell phone rang, and while he was eating, he answered the phone and said, "Brother Bai Xu, um, it's me. I'm eating, and I'll go to school to apply for a suspension, okay, let's talk later. You should contact Xiaoqijie first, she should resign."

Ok? !

Shen Mo listened carefully, Bai Xu?Gu Xiaoqi?Isn't it just the other two of the lucky players?They've started connecting in the real world and dealing with real-world ties.

Leave school!Resign!
Hehe, this is a routine that only exists in novels. Whenever the protagonists show their cheats, the first action is often to suspend school, resign, and play casually.

Code farmers do not deceive me!
"You ordered breakfast."

The waiter handed him the silently ordered breakfast, and at the same time delivered a pancake to the young Han Fei. He couldn't help but take a second look at this unusual customer.

One person ate at least four people's meals, thanks to the fact that her family opened a breakfast shop instead of a buffet, otherwise she would have to die.

Silence smiled, couldn't help being curious, picked up the plate in front of him, and walked straight to the young Han Fei.

"Is it convenient for me to be opposite to you?"

The young Han Fei slightly raised his head and glanced at Shen Mo, hesitated for a moment, nodded, and did not refuse.

Shen Mo cleared the empty plate in front of him, put down his plate, and started to eat slowly. For a while, the eating speed of the two formed a sharp contrast.

But the young Han Fei did not slow down his speed or appear awkward and shy because of this, but still went his own way without being affected by the silence.

oh!Very character!
Silence smiled, and he liked the boy in front of him more and more. Of course, the liking here is not the liking between men and women, but the appreciation of his character.

This kid can do great things!
Maybe I should help him.

"Young man, I see that your complexion is rosy, and there is a purple aura coming from Yintang. There will be a big event in the past few days, and it is a big event that requires a ray of vitality in life and death."

Young Han Fei:? ? ?
His feasting stopped abruptly, and he stared at Silence with weird eyes.

hum!In a trance, an invisible wave erupted from Han Fei's body, directly wrapping the silence, trying to find out his details.

oh?This is your aura?It is similar to the exploration technique of the power of mind and eye.

Shen Mo smiled. Although Han Fei's aura power is powerful and he has the ability to see opportunities, but for Shen Mo, who has the power of mind and eyes, he feels a bit out of class.

Han Fei's probing technique couldn't break through the aura of silence at all, so how could he know his details.

After a search, Han Fei didn't find anything unusual about Silence. He only thought that he was a liar walking the rivers and lakes. Seeing that he was behaving abnormally, he came forward to chat.

But after Han Fei thought about it, he felt that things were by no means simple.

"Really? Uncle, tell me, is this a good thing or a bad thing?"

Silently pondering for a moment, with the appearance of an outsider, "It's neither a good thing nor a bad thing. The way of heaven is not fair, and it depends on human effort."

"It's a matter of labor. Uncle, I will pay for your meal this time. I have finished eating. I have something to do later, so I won't bother you."

Han Fei was about to get up and leave after speaking, unwilling to have any contact with Shen Mo again.

Seeing that the other party was about to leave, Shen Mo paid for his meal, called the other party, and took out a peach charm from his arms, "Since there is a destiny, this peach charm is for you."

Han Fei was taken aback for a moment, and then used his aura again to detect the peach charm in Shen Mo's hand.

I don't know if I don't see it, but after a look, Han Fei's face changed slightly, because he sensed an extremely powerful aura fluctuation in a small peach charm.

This peach talisman is by no means simple.


Han Fei was a little stunned for a while, and various possibilities kept flashing in his mind. Could it be that the uncle in front of him is also a gamer, and he has already seen his identity, but the other party obviously does not have the slightest aura, nor does he have the brand of a gamer? breath.

But he can easily take out a peach charm with extraordinary aura, so who is he?And for what purpose do you approach yourself.

Facing the peach charm handed over by Shen Mo, Han Fei did not reach out to pick it up immediately, but stared at Shen Mo with extreme vigilance, thinking about his intentions and good and evil.

Shen Mo smiled, "Don't worry, I'm not a bad person. You'll need this peach talisman sooner or later."

Han Fei hesitated for a long time before taking the Taofu from Shen Mo, "Thank you!"

"If you need something in the future, you can find me at the Laifu woodcarving shop in the old city. I think we will meet again."

After Mo Mo finished speaking, he continued to settle the breakfast in front of him. Han Fei took the Taofu, wrote down the name of the shop, paid the bill, and left the breakfast shop.

After Han Fei left, the proprietress of the breakfast shop couldn't help but walked over and chatted, "Hi, you are Zhou Laifu, the owner of Laifu Woodcarving Shop. No, you should be called Master Shen Shen now, right?"

Nodding silently, he didn't expect that this breakfast shop, which he had never been to before, would recognize him.

"Oh! It really is you. Our family was thanks to the help of your Liu Pusa some time ago. If she hadn't helped us eliminate... we wouldn't be where we are today. I invite you for this meal."

"Didn't the guy just now pay the bill?"

"Come on, here is your money back."


These days, you still get your money back when you eat.

"You are welcome, you are also a small business."

Shen Mo politely rejected the proprietress' kindness, had a quick breakfast, and prepared to return to Laifu Wood Carving Shop.

As for the young Han Fei, after the optimization of the infinite spiritual energy world, there will naturally be a goodbye.

After breakfast in silence, he returned to the Laifu woodcarving shop along the horse path. Just as he turned around the alley, he saw a figure hovering at the door of the Laifu woodcarving shop.

Looking closely, who else could there be besides Amulpan.

The young man who claimed to be Cai Die's lover had to go back to Tianyijiao with him in silence to investigate the truth about Cai Die's death for love.

Shen Mo patted his forehead, he is so busy now, and the world of Reiki Unlimited is about to be optimized, how can he have the energy to follow Amulpan to Tianyi Sect!
But it is not a problem to let Amurpan squat in front of the Laifu woodcarving shop all day.

"Boss Shen, you are back, when are we leaving!"

As soon as Amulpan saw Silence, he asked when he could go to Tianyijiao to investigate the truth.

Shen Mo opened the store door, "I'm quite busy these days, wait until the work is done."

Amurpan froze for a moment, and muttered: "Boss Shen, what have you been up to recently? Do you want me to help you? Hurry up and finish your work, let's go quickly! Caidie can't get revenge for a day, and I can't do it for a day." Practical."

"You can't help me with my affairs. If you're really in a hurry, then go back to Tianyijiao first. I'll come back to you when I'm done."

Amurpan had a bitter face, and followed Shen Mo into the woodcarving shop, "Don't! Boss Shen, you know that Cai Die's death must not be easy, and there is nothing I can do if I go back alone."

"Then rest assured and wait!"

After Shen Mo finished speaking, he casually threw a broom to Amulpan, "By the way, help me take care of the store. The clerk is not here for a few days."

With a long sigh, Amulpan could only pick up the broom and do the work that Hua Yingjun had done before.

Shen Mo saw that Amurpan was very good, so he went straight to the bedroom on the second floor, closed the door, and prepared to check the optimization progress of the infinite world of spiritual energy.

"Lost, what happened?"

Ye Lilo, who was sitting by the computer in a daze, saw the silence coming back, immediately stood up from the gaming chair, pointed to the computer screen and said, "This progress bar is so long, it's really slow."

Mo Mo took a closer look, the progress was 4% when he went out, and the progress is still 4% now, he didn't give Mo Mo any face.

Is the optimization progress so slow?
Silently frowned, I really didn't expect that the optimization this time would be so slow. According to the urine nature of the general game, the optimization update will take half a day at most, but judging from the current progress, there is no three to five days, and the aura is infinite The world cannot be optimized.

Although this time exceeded Shen Mo's expectations, it also gave Mo Mo a sense of expectation. Will such a long period of optimization bring Mo Mo a completely different gaming experience?

The silence became more and more wait-and-see.

That being the case, just wait.

During this period of time, he can also take this opportunity to have a good rest at Laifu Woodcarving Shop.

man!I am used to being busy, and I always find time to relax and relax.

"Come on, Lost Princess, do you want to dance to pass the time?"

Ye Li smiled lostly, raised his toes slightly, and stretched out his hand to signal, "Okay! When I was studying at Yenching University, I learned ballroom dancing."

Accompanied by the elegant music, Mo Mo took Ye Li's lost hand and enjoyed this rare time for the two of them.

The leisurely time always flies by very quickly. Near the evening, the optimization rate of the infinite world of spiritual energy has only increased to 6%. Such a slow progress is really anxious.

In addition, Liu Xiaoci went to Shanghai with Hua Yingjun, and the business of the woodcarving shop has been extremely deserted these days, Mo Mo began to feel a little idle after lunch.

At the moment when he dismissed Amurpan and was about to close the shop, a black shadow walked towards Laifu Woodcarving Shop along the alley.

Mo Mo's keen hearing naturally discovered the other party, and the power of the mind and eye opened, and immediately confirmed the other party's identity.


The driver who gave a peach charm before the silence, why is he here?

"Master! Thank you so much."

silence:? ? ?
what happened?
The driver quickly took out a big red envelope from his pocket, bowed and handed it to Shen Mo, thanking him: "Thank you for the peach charm, if it weren't for it, I would have died. Thank you so much. You are mine, no, The savior of my family!"

Shen Mo didn't pick up the other party's red envelope immediately, but listened to the other party's words first.

It turned out that the driver didn't take it seriously after giving the peach charm to the other party on the day of silence. Until today's noon, the driver continued to run the car as usual. When passing an intersection, he was run over by a heavy truck running a red light...

But to everyone's disbelief, the driver miraculously survived, only suffered some skin trauma, and the peach charm bestowed by Shen Mo to the driver was shattered in the accident.

The driver who survived the catastrophe looked at the broken peach talisman and immediately remembered Shen Mo and what Shen Mo said. He wrapped a big red envelope overnight and came to thank Shen Mo.

Knowing the cause and effect of the silence, silently put away the red envelope handed over by the driver, nodded and muttered: "Life is alive, there are misfortunes and blessings every day, and contentment is always happy. Be careful when driving in the future. I would rather wait for three minutes than grab a second. Go back!"

The driver nodded repeatedly, thanked Shen Mo, and asked: "Master, can you see if I still need... that or something!"

"If you survive a catastrophe, you will be blessed. Let's live in peace and stability."

"Thank you, Master."

Watching the driver leave, Shen Mo closed the store door and opened the red envelope. Although there was not much money in it, it was the driver's heart. He walked to the bar silently and wrote [account 10000] [remarks: Peach charm]

"Today I finally didn't become an Air Force."

After finishing the accounts, Shen Mo went straight up to the second floor. Ye Li lost already entered the Twelve Yin Sha coffin to practice, and Nan Nan could only play flying chess with Ji Nai Goudan because the computer could not be used.

Seeing Shen Mo come up, Nan Nan complained: "Boss, how long will your progress bar be ready?"

Shen Mo glanced at it, the progress was 6%, so, sorry!

"It will take a few more days!"

Nan Nan pouted and suggested, "Why don't you buy another computer!"

Ji Nai agreed, "Okay, okay, buy me one too."

Goudan: "Wow! Wow! Wow!"

Nan Nan raised her immature little hand and gestured to Shen Mo: "Santai!"

Shen Mo tilted his head and pointed to the bedroom, "Don't talk about three, we can't fit even one in here!"

Nan Nan muttered, "Then let's change the house. The boss is not short of money. We can buy a big house, buy a row of computers, and play whatever we want."

Mo Mo frowned. He had thought about buying a house before, but since the Laifu woodcarving shop had just been renovated, it would be a waste to change the shop before it was hot.

Now, the Laifu woodcarving store has been in business for several months, and the demand for silence is getting higher and higher. The small bedroom can hardly accommodate so many of them, ghosts, demons, zombies...
Buying a house has really become a necessity.

(End of this chapter)

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