Chapter 571
What is the point of buying a house?

Of course, there are three things to pay attention to when buying a house - the location!Lot!What gave her meow was the location!

Only a good location can preserve or even appreciate the value of real estate.

As for Shen Mo, he didn't buy a house for profit appreciation, but to solve the current inconvenience of life.

So the location is not the top priority for Silence, the point is that the house must be big!The bigger the better!

Mo Mo played flying chess with Nan Nan and other monsters for a while, then lay on the bed and used Nightmare to enter the training state and continue to practice new professional skills.

The moon rose and the moon set, and soon it was dawn the next day.

The first thing Shen Mo woke up was to check the optimization progress of the Reiki Infinite World. The optimization progress only increased from 6% to 8% in one night. This speed was suffocating for Shen Mo.

But there is no way, he can only wait now.

After a brief wash, he went downstairs and opened the door. Amurpan was waiting outside the door early, and brought breakfast for Shen Shen. Yesterday, he learned that Shen Shen lost his breakfast, which led to the store being open but there was no one inside. Amurpan was very upset. The good ones prepare breakfast for silence.

In this regard, Shen Mo did not refuse, and after a brief breakfast, he asked Amurpan to take care of the shop, and drove his Maserati to the nearest real estate agency.

Anjia Flagship Store!
It was a man surnamed Xu who was in charge of receiving Shen Mo. When he saw Shen Mo’s ordinary clothes, he thought that Mo Mo was not a big customer at first, but after he left the car keys in Shen Mo’s hand and parked them in When I saw Maserati at the door, I realized that Silence is the legendary low-key rich man.

This is definitely once big business.

"Hi, I'm Xu Anjia, the store manager of Anjia flagship store. Excuse me, do you want to buy or sell a house?"

"Buy a house!"

Xu An's family guided Shen Mo into the negotiation room. After the two sat down, they continued to ask: "We have a lot of high-quality houses in our store. Do you have any requirements for the new house?"

"Big! Must be big! Bigger is better!"

Xu Anjia:···
Your request is really simple and rude!

"It may be difficult to find a house that meets your requirements in the urban area of ​​YC. As you know, the urban area is full of high-rise buildings, and the houses that are big enough are only your own house or a former mansion, except that they cannot be traded. There are very few people who want to meet your requirements with restricted transactions."

Shen Mo nodded, and added: "I know, that's why I came to you, but don't worry, I'm not in a hurry, money is not a problem, the problem must be big enough."

Xu Anjia couldn't help but nodded and smiled, "You are obsessed with the mansion because..."

Shrugging silently and helplessly, he thought of the appearance of Nannan and other monsters, "Hey! The family is too small, and it can't be used anymore."

Xu An's family couldn't understand Shen Mo's difficulties, they only thought that Mo Mo was joking there, in this world, where is there a family that can't be used, how many people are there!

"Okay! Don't worry, I will help you find a satisfactory house. Please leave your phone number and I will notify you later."

Shen Mo frowned, and asked back: "Don't you have any listings that meet the requirements?"

Xu Anjia was taken aback for a moment, hesitated for a moment, and said: "There is a way, but this big house is a bit..."

"Some of ours?"

"Somewhat fierce!"

Mo Mo frowned, and couldn't help feeling excited, "Don't be afraid of fierceness! I just like fierceness! The key is whether it's big or not!"

A look of surprise flashed across Xu An's face, ordinary people are very taboo about these things when buying a house, but they didn't expect that Mo Mo is different from ordinary people.

"Big! It must be big! It is the once famous Ling Mansion. It was built in the Hongwu period of the Ming Dynasty. It was the residence of the famous Su Shangling when the city moved northward. It has been passed down from generation to generation for so many years. It has a history of more than 400 years. gone."

Xu Anjia paused, and continued: "The most important thing is that the property rights of the Ling Mansion are clear, the procedures are complete, and there are no economic disputes."

Silently surprised: "Then why hasn't it been sold yet?"

Xu Anjia was taken aback, and the corners of his mouth twitched slightly, "Didn't I just say... because it's fierce!"

Oh ho! ?It turns out that such a good house has not been sold until now because it is fierce. According to this, its price must be very fierce!

Xu Anjia nodded, and said embarrassedly: "Its price is much lower than the market value of the mansion, but I need to remind you again, it is really fierce."

"It's okay! I'm more fierce than it!"

Xu Anjia:····
What Mo Mo said was clearly the truth, but it sounded like a joke to Xu An's family.

"Take me now, if the house is good, we can sign the contract today!"

Xu An's family was stunned on the spot. They didn't expect Shen Mo to act so vigorously. This posture simply refreshed his three views on selling a house. "You don't think about it anymore?"

Shen Mo cast a glance at the other party, "Interesting, where the intermediary thinks the buyer is straightforward, how about it, can you show it now."

Xu An's family hurriedly checked the time, struggled for a moment, and replied: "It will be twelve o'clock at noon in one hour, and we can rush over now to see the house."

"Do you still need to check the time when viewing the house?"

"You know it, it's fierce!"

"Hey, the fiercer it is, the more I like it."

So Shen Mo drove his Maserati and took Xu An's family to the Ling Mansion in the northern suburbs of the city. After about an hour, the two finally arrived at their destination.

The Ling mansion is bigger and more magnificent than Shen Mo imagined. The 72 street-connected buildings use a 9-entry building, with rooms connected to each other, corridors connected to corridors, carved beams and painted buildings, high cornices and high walls, and carved lattice doors. Places are like acupoints in the human body, connected in collusion.

Standing silently outside Ling's mansion, the power of mind and eyes exploded instantly, and immediately had a thorough insight into the whole mansion.

There is nothing special about the house. On the whole, there are mysterious layout rules, similar to some kind of formation.

Zhang Fugui, the mountain god who lives in Tongtian Demon Realm, is proficient in formations, and he recognized the effectiveness of formations at first sight.

"Master! This is a 72-star energy-gathering formation with nine ins and eight outs. Some wealthy merchants like to use this formation to build mansions. The purpose is to gather wealth and bring blessings to future generations."

Nodding silently, he asked, "Since it is a descendant of Fuzhao, how could it be a haunted house?"

Zhang Fugui continued to explain: "Because this formation has been tampered with, the yin and yang have been reversed, and it has become an eight-in and nine-out 72 evil wealth-destroying formation."

"Is there a way to make up for it?"

Zhang Fugui patted his chest and replied: "With the attainments of old formations, such small formations are naturally easy to grasp. First align Yin and Yang, and then determine the position of the stars, and then the world can be organized and the evil formation of the opponent can be broken."

"it is good!"

Mo Mo nodded in satisfaction, with Zhang Fugui's guaranteed ticket, he bought this big house.

"Shop Manager Xu, I bought this house."

Manager Xu:? ? ?

Haven't we gone in yet?You decided to buy it?

"Mr. Shen, don't worry, we haven't gone in yet."

Silently said firmly: "Don't look at it, that's it."

Xu An's family was stunned. They had seen such a trench before, but they had never seen such a trench. This is buying a house!How do you feel like you are buying Chinese cabbage?
wrong!Chinese cabbage is also picked and picked again and again, how can it be decided after just a glance.

"Mr. Shen, don't you really need to go in and have a look?"

"Need not!"

Mo Mo really didn't need to go in and look, because his power of mind and eyes had already seen through everything. Although the mansion was old, it was still in good condition. It only needed a little repair to be a top-notch mansion.

Xu An's family felt a little sorry and said: "Mr. Shen, I originally planned to tell you how fierce it is when I take you in for a visit, but your operation caught me off guard!"

"Never mind, I don't care."

Xu Anjia said forcefully: "Mr. Shen, whether you want to listen or not, I must tell you this before signing the contract."

Shen Mo frowned, since the other party was so persistent, let's listen.

Xu An's parents said: "There used to be more than a dozen rich people in this old house, all of whom were as rich as a country. Three years of poverty, and what is even more infiltrating are the children under my knees without exception."

Silence murmured: "Is it so mysterious?"

"It's really so mysterious!"

Xu Anjia and Zhang Fugui said in unison.

Zhang Fugui's spiritual thoughts transmitted voice: "This eight-in and nine-out 72 evil formation is very fierce. Although it won't hurt people's lives, it is indeed bad for people's wealth."

oh!Does that mean there is no other harm besides losing money?
Zhang Fugui:···
One bankrupt is enough!How can ordinary people stand this toss.

Silence should claim that money is not everything in this world, but nothing is impossible without money.

No wonder this house is so vicious.

However, he is not afraid of silence, he likes to be so fierce, because it is cheap.

"I see, let's sign the contract!"

Xu Anjia:····
have to!This is meeting the real ruthless master!Since you are really not afraid, then sign it!

Xu An's family kept saying, "I'll help you contact the seller, and we can sign the contract today. From a legal point of view, it belongs to you."

Ever since, Xu An's family returned to the An's flagship store in silence, and on the way they also contacted the owner of the Ling mansion, who did not know that it was the buyer who had turned over several times.

As soon as he heard that someone wanted to buy the house that was thrown into his hands, he almost ran to the real estate agent, signed the contract with Shen Mo thankfully, and changed hands of the Ling mansion at a price that was [-]% to [-]% lower than the market price.

Shen Mo, who owns the ownership of the Ling mansion, is not in a hurry to move into the old house. He needs to break through the eight-in, nine-out 72 evil fortune-making array with Zhang Fugui, and use the method of Yin and Yang to reverse the universe to reproduce the nine-in, eight-out 72-star energy-gathering array. .

Although Shen Mo didn't know much about formations, Mountain God Zhang Fugui was an expert in formations, and with his help, naturally there would be no problem.

Mo Mo took the key of the Ling mansion, drove back to the Ling mansion again, it was already past noon, and the sun was setting and glowing yellow.

Silence slowly inserted the rusty key into the door lock, and with the sound of the old bearings turning, the heavy door slowly opened.

call!A cloudy wind hit the face, without the noon sun exposure, the old house at this moment looked extremely cold and quiet.

Boom boom boom!
Silence walked into the old house step by step, feeling the traces of more than 400 years, as if returning to those years, those months, and those days.

Jingle Bell!
The silent cell phone rang untimely, and when I looked at the caller ID, it was actually a call from Yata Orochi and Bird Dazhen from the island country Kyoto.

What is Bird Dazhen doing on the phone? !Since Shen Mo defeated Yamata no Orochi and unified Toshiba Club with the help of the puppet Yamata Orochi and Bird Dazhen, Toshiba Club has created hundreds of billions of wealth for Shen Mo. Yuzao was trying to figure it out, why did she suddenly call?
Surprised, Shen Mo connected the call of Bird Dazhen.

"Brother! I'm sorry! I apologize to you. Only harakiri can make up for my fault."

silence:? ? ?
What the hell!If you have something to say, don't want to commit seppuku.Can cutting the abdomen solve the problem?Besides, you are a puppet, you can't die if you cut it!
Niao Dazhen regretted: "Senior Yuzao has recently been practicing in retreat, and I am fully responsible for the club's affairs, but I am inexperienced and made a wrong decision, which caused the club to suffer serious losses in this investment. I am guilty!"


It can't be so smart!

Didn't he just finish signing the contract, took the key, and walked into the old house, how could it be fulfilled so quickly.

This is too silly!
Silence comforted: "Ah! No one is a sage. No one is innocent. It doesn't matter if you lose a little money, but you have to learn from it. In order to punish you, you must double the funds lost by the society in the next quarter and never get it back." , can it be done?"

"Hey! Niao Dazhen, you must take the crime and do meritorious service, recover the loss of the society, and not let the big brother down."

"Well! I like you! Go!"


Hanging up the phone, Mo Mo hurriedly called Zhang Fugui, the mountain god from Tongtian Demon Realm, and urged, "Fugui! How can this formation be broken!"

Zhang Fugui knew that Mo Mo had lost something because of this wealth-destroying formation, so he quickly unfolded the formation and told the details of the formation.

"The reversal of yin and yang means that someone has moved the foundations of the previous formations. You only need to find these foundations and set them out of order one by one. If you are looking for the eye of the formation that suppresses the formation, you will be able to reverse the world and reproduce the 72 stars in nine in and eight out. Gather Qi and gather wealth."

Shen Mo rolled up his sleeves, and said seriously: "How to operate, you tell me, I will do it!"

Silence depends on whether he is powerful or fierce!

Zhang Fugui muttered repeatedly, explaining the method of breaking the formation, for example, jumping the direction of the bluestone statue at the entrance, or cutting off a certain mulberry willow, or burying a certain small lake...

After Zhang Fugui's touches, the layout of the old house has undergone earth-shaking changes, and the evil spirit that came from the pavement has gradually become weaker, but there is still an indelible force of evil spirit that gathers together scattered.

"Isn't it over yet?"

Zhang Fugui muttered: "It's still the last step! Find a place to hold the line."

Where is the eye? !

It's right in the patio that doesn't see the sun!

good!Follow me into the courtyard and break its eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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