The aura of a priest is infinite

Chapter 572 Cause and Effect

Chapter 572 Cause and Effect

There is an old dry well in the backyard of Ling Mansion. Its head is sealed by a huge boulder one person tall. The boulder is yellow and covered with moss, but there is no grass around the well head, which is extremely desolate.

"Master, here is the formation eye of the eight-in and nine-out 72 evil wealth formation. As long as this formation eye is broken and the formation eye is re-arranged with an old formation technique, the world can be turned around and the wealth destruction formation can be turned into a wealth-gathering powerhouse." formation."

Zhang Fugui pointed to the eyes of the array and muttered with certainty.

Silence's eyes narrowed slightly, and the power of his mind instantly shrouded the courtyard. Although he had investigated before, he was not careful. Now it seems that the courtyard is extremely strange.

The yellow boulder pressing down on the mouth of the well exudes a faint blood, nourishing and densely covered with moss, but the surrounding land is disturbed by evil spirits, and no grass grows. It is obvious that there is something tricky in it.

"Fugui, what kind of stone is this?"

As a mountain god, Zhang Fugui is very familiar with earth, rocks, vegetation, and after some investigation, he came up with the result, "Master, this is a chicken blood congealing evil stone. It is an extremely rare treasure that congeals evil spirits and gathers yin. It is usually only the size of a fist. But this stone is as tall as a person, it is unbelievable, and the person who used this stone to set up this formation is definitely not simple."

Emotional Yellowstone is really a treasure.

Mo Mo raised his hand, and continued to ask: "How do we break the eyes?"

Zhang Fugui: "The eye of the formation is not here, but under the courtyard, so we must first collect the chicken blood congealing evil stone, but this blood stone has condensed evil spirit here for a long time, gathering evil spirit like a sea, if it is If you break through with strength, you will definitely be backlashed by it, and according to the old man's opinion, you should find another way to vent its evil spirit."

Nodding silently, "How exactly?"

"There are many ways, but considering the interests of the master, I suggest that you ask your wife to help you."

lady? !Which lady? !
No!whose wife?

Zhang Fugui said with a disillusioned expression: "Of course it's Mrs. Lost! She is the body of a spirit corpse that is rare in a thousand years, and she has the ability to condense evil spirits and gather yin. When encountering this blood-condensed evil stone, she is like a fish in water. "

"So that's the case. I didn't expect Lost to have this ability."

He was silent for a while, but he said in astonishment: "Wait, how did she become a wife?"

Zhang Fugui smiled and said: "Master's wife is naturally Madam."

"It's not what you think between us!"

"Master, it doesn't matter what you say, let's leave it to time."


Zhang Fugui, who has gone through vicissitudes of life, seems to have seen through everything.

have to!Let's take over this topic and continue to talk about this patio.

"Okay, master."

Silently coughed twice, patted the Twelve Yin Sha training corpse coffin on his waist, calling out Ye Lilo in it.

Ye Limi, who was practicing, was suddenly called out and stared at Shen Mo with surprised eyes, but when she saw the chicken blood congealing stone from the corner of her eye, it was like a stealing cat seeing fresh fish.

Meow? !

No!Wrong, try again!
Huh? !

what is this? !!

Zhang Fugui: "The Chicken Blood Coagulation Evil Stone is the best, and it is extremely beneficial to Madam's cultivation."

lady? !Ye Limi didn't pay attention to this title, because her mind was all on the blood stone, and the evil spirit and yin energy constantly overflowing from it were simply tempting.

"It's mine now?!"

Ye Lilo licked his lips.

"Theoretically yes."

call out!Ye Li lost and disappeared in the same place in an instant, and when she reappeared, she was already standing next to the blood coagulation stone. She was jumping up and down on the blood stone and was very excited. The stone flickered with yellow light one after another, accompanied by Ye Li's lost body breath, flickering and flickering...
After a while, Ye Li lost his way and patted his slightly swollen belly, burped in satisfaction, and said: "I'm full, but I still have a lot of evil spirits, just ask weakly, can you help me?" Are you packing?"


Zhang Fugui once again used his ability to detect changes in the bloodstone, thought for a while and replied: "Although the evil spirit on the bloodstone is only a very small part after being sucked by the madam, it loosens the formation. With Madam's help, it should be able to be put into the corpse coffin of the Twelve Yin Shas."

Silently asked: "How sure are you?"

"Eighty percent!"


Zhang Fugui unfolded the body of the mountain god, using the mountain god's talent to control the earth and rocks, while controlling the chicken blood congealing evil stone, he taught Ye Limi how to pick the blood stone out of the formation's eyes.


Ye Li lost his arms around Ruoda's bloodstone, using the corpse's energy to form a large net to wrap it around, and with all his strength, he finally shook the bloodstone and pulled it out.

The twelve yin evil spirits swept across the corpse coffin, and directly included the blood stone.

Ye Li lost joy in her heart, she could clearly perceive that the corpse aura of the Twelve Yin Sha training corpse coffin became more intense because of the blessing of the blood stone, which was of great benefit to her practice.

As the blood stone was taken away by Ye Li, the courtyard, which had been covered in dust for decades, finally saw the light of day again. The mouth of the well, which was as dark as an abyss, erupted with a chilling roar. If the roar that reached the soul fell on ordinary people, It was enough to make them lose their minds and die suddenly on the spot.

But for Silence, it is a matter of purifying power.

Shen Mo frowned, and asked, "What's that sound?"

Zhang Fugui's face darkened, he pondered for a long time, and exclaimed: "What a powerful monster! This big formation actually has monsters as its eyes, no wonder it is so evil! Master, this formation is not easy to break!"

Shen Mo looked at Zhang Fugui. If it was an ordinary monster, Zhang Fugui, who knew his strength, would not be so flustered. It can be seen that the monster in the courtyard is not simple.

But in order to get this Ling mansion, no matter how difficult it is, he has to bite the bullet and go for it.

Clap!Silently patted the lucky cat on his waist, Nan Nan's prediction was not a dead end, so he was confident of taking down the demon in the well.

call!Silent for a moment, let Ye Limi stay at the mouth of the well to respond at any time, and he took Zhang Fugui and others to prepare to go down the well.

The mouth of the pitch-black well still echoed the monster's roar, but it had become lower than before. With a silent thought, he blessed himself with the power of purification and the power of holy light, and jumped into the deep well.

At first, Mo Mo only felt a sudden sense of falling, but as he broke through some kind of restriction, the feeling of falling gradually eased, and turned into a feeling of floating upwards. Buckle hard on the wall of the well, let yourself hang in it.

Mo Mo first looked at the top of his head, all he could see was the incomparably deep darkness, and then looked at his feet, a faint light emerged from the mouth of the well, like a full moon.

Silence is very surprised, he obviously fell for a long time, why is there darkness above his head, but light under his feet? !
This is not scientific!
Could it be that... Mo Mo exerted force with his palm and swam back along the well wall like a gecko, he wanted to see what was going on outside the well mouth.

hum!Sudden darkness and sudden light will cause human vision to be temporarily blinded, but for Shen Mo, who has the blood of the Dragon God, there is no such physiological mechanism, because his eyes are dozens of times stronger than ordinary people. more than.

Shen Mo jumped up, controlled his figure and slowly fell outside the well, and saw that everything was the same as before, the sky was still the same day, the ground was still the same place, and the Ling mansion was still the Ling mansion.

But Ye Li lost and disappeared!

Mo Mo frowned, he obviously let Ye Li get lost waiting for him at the mouth of the well, why did he disappear at this moment?
Could it be that Ye Li got lost by accident?

Impossible, with Ye Li's lost ability, if something unexpected happens, it cannot happen in such a short period of time, and there is no movement.

So, where is the lost?
Mo Mo immediately unfolded the power of mind and eye, intending to investigate the entire Ling mansion, but he unexpectedly found that his original magic power of mind and eye became unusable, as if there was some kind of strange power restricting his ability here.

The power of mind and eyes is restricted again!
Silence became more and more puzzled. I didn't encounter this kind of situation in the Ling mansion before. Why can't I use it after I jumped into the well once?
Could it be that something happened at the bottom of the well that he didn't know about? !
Shen Mo quickly communicated with Zhang Fugui, the mountain god in Tongtian Demon Realm.

"Fugui, what's the situation now?!"

Zhang Fugui appeared from the Tongtian Demon Realm and took the form of a human. After scanning the surroundings vigilantly, he replied: "Master, we have arrived. This should be the world in the well, which is the formation world formed by the 72 stars."

Silence was a little surprised, I didn't expect this formation to form such a special small world.

"The way of the formation is broad and profound. Even the old man has just glimpsed at it, but he has benefited a lot. Therefore, the senior who set up this formation is also the leader of the way!"

Silence naturally knows how powerful the formation is, but the key to the problem now is how to break the formation and restore the effectiveness of the large formation for gathering wealth and energy.

Zhang Fugui searched around, and soon found the key point, "Master, the eye is in the main building!"

Silently looking for Zhang Fugui's pointing finger, the main building at the core of Ling Mansion is surrounded by rays of light, and the evil spirit is entrenched, which is very extraordinary.

Now that the array eye has been found, it is natural to take a look, destroy it, and set up a new array eye.

The thought of silence moved slightly, and he stepped straight to the main building. There was no obstacle along the way, until he came to the main building, he was stopped by a ray of light outside the building.

Looking at the endless rays of light, Zhang Fugui murmured repeatedly: "This is some kind of restriction placed by the seniors, but this restriction not only prevents outsiders from entering, but also prevents the things inside from coming out. It seems that things are not as simple as we thought."

Silently asked in surprise, "What do you mean?"

Zhang Fugui: "Your things may be forced!"

Forced?Who forced it? !
The senior who set up the big formation, why did he force the actions inside to become the eyes of the big formation?
According to Silent's speculation, since it was a large array of energy gathering and wealth collection, it was naturally for money. As for why the formation was broken and turned into a wealth-destroying formation, there should be other secrets behind it.

Mo Mo tentatively reached out to touch Xiaguang, and an electric current that reached all over his body numb his palms, and he took out the calamity battle ax to slash at Xiaguang fiercely. It cannot be split.

Zhang Fugui pondered at the side: "This Xiaguang should use the evil spirit power of the entire formation. Ordinary attacks can't break it at all, but if you use powerful methods, it will destroy the foundation of the formation here and affect the recovery of the gathering." The efficiency of collecting money."

What should I do?

Although I found the formation eye, but now I can't even see the face of the formation eye, so how can I play? !

Silently pondered for a moment, he was inadvertently proficient in the way of the formation, so he could only rely on the power of wealth to break the formation. If it were placed on an ordinary monster, Silence would directly destroy it with a black hole.

Zhang Fugui used his formation method again, shrouded in the rays of light and went away. Time passed by, and he waited quietly by the side.

After a long time, Zhang Fugui finally gained a lot, and he hurriedly said: "Master, although I can't break this glow, I have found the key to it. As long as you break through the eyes that are sealed inside, this glow will not be supported by evil spirits. Naturally, it will break itself."

"The old man will help you open a gap now, and you can use it to enter the main building."

Shen Mo nodded, and patted the lucky cat on his waist. Nan Nan's answer was also feasible.

Nan Nan's predictions have always been accurate, and after taking reassurance, she silently agreed to Zhang Fugui's plan.

"bring it on!"

With a thought, Zhang Fugui pulsed the power of the mountain god, and with all his strength, he tore apart the rays of light, paving a passage for Shen Mo to reach the main building.

Silently, he didn't dare to hesitate, stepped on his feet, plunged into it, and disappeared from Zhang Fugui's sight with the reflection of the sun.


Silence rushed in, and the door in front of him was slammed open by a huge force, and the goal was Ruoda's front hall, which was no different from the construction of Ling Mansion, with ancient style and ancient charm, giving people a sense of peace and tranquility.

Shen Mo glanced around, but found nothing strange, and when the power of mind and eye was still unable to be used, he could only carefully investigate it himself.

Just after Shen Mo took a few steps, he couldn't help but think of a voice in his ears. This voice was soft and boneless, which made people's spine numb and their mind was disturbed.

"My lord, are you here to see the servant's house?"

Mo Mo frowned, and quickly blessed himself with a wave of purification power. The evil thoughts in his heart disappeared in an instant. When he looked closely, he saw a seductive woman sitting on the bamboo chair that was empty before.

She is dressed in light gauze and thin clothes, with a pink and daisy face, a curvy waist, and a golden lotus on her feet. She looks shy and charming, and the gestures of her hands and feet make people lose their minds and fall in love with her.

The power of purification!
Silence once again purified himself in order to prevent being confused by the other party.

Although the appearance of the bewitching woman in front of her is not as good as that of the nine-tailed demon fox Yuzao, she still does not give in. If a normal man meets her, he will definitely shun her, bow down under her pomegranate skirt, live and die for her.

Shen Mo, who has seen the big world, is naturally not an ordinary man.

"Young master, do you think the slave's family looks good?"

The silver bell-like voice sounded again, teasing the silent heartstrings.

But Shen Mo looked like an upright gentleman, and under the compulsion to calm down by the power of purification, he simply replied: "Although the girl is born beautiful, but I really have something to do here, I can't talk about love with the girl here, please, girl It must be the eye of the formation!"

Enchanting woman: "So what?"

Silence: "I'm going to break you!"

(End of this chapter)

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