Chapter 573
Are you going to break me? !

A trace of panic flashed across the beautiful face of the bewitching woman, and she mourned timidly: "I am so scared! I don't know how the young master broke the slave family, and what do you need the slave family to do?"

Shen Mo snorted coldly, the forced calm effect of the power of purification prevented him from being seduced by the seductive woman, and the power of the mind's eye to see everything also lost its limit the moment he entered the main building.

hum!Perceived by the power of Shen Mo's mind, the seductive woman in front of her is no peerless beauty, she is clearly a green-skinned crab tied up in all kinds of ways.

It was a female crab who returned her pincers!

Blue crabs bring wealth, and the richest party.

In the silent mind, I immediately thought of the last will of the ghost that Uncle Lame mentioned before. It is rumored that green-skinned wealth crabs will be born in the extremely yin land. This crab has a yin image on its back, which can charm all living beings. The six-way wealth-gathering pattern is the main source of money-gathering and energy-gathering; the back and belly are accompanied by each other, which can transform all things and charm all living beings, and can also gather yin and wealth. On the one hand, it is an extremely rare spiritual treasure.

I never expected that the 72-star fortune-gathering formation in the Ling Mansion, with nine ins and eight outs, would actually use green-skinned wealth crabs as the eyes of the formation, and such a strange beast as the eyes of the formation, no wonder it has such a powerful power.

But right now, it seems that this blue crab is tied up in various ways with red ropes and tightly bound in the main building. It has already lost the ability to collect money and energy, and has instead become the eye of the formation of 72 demons who make money.

Silence can only say that all kinds of mutual generation and mutual restraint in this world, the cycle of cause and effect, and the uneasy changes.

Positive is yang, negative is yin; the change of yin and yang depends on the overturning view.

Back to the topic, since Mo Mo has seen through the blue crab's true form, and wants to break through the 72 evil wealth formation, he naturally wants to break the blue crab, but looking at the blue crab tied up by all kinds of flowers, he realizes that this is not the other. break.

According to the consciousness of the mountain god Zhang Fugui, as long as you find the eye of the formation, killing it is the way to break the formation. However, the reality is that as long as you help the blue crab unshackle, help the blue crab turn over, let the yin and yang flow smoothly, and the back and abdomen be accessible. It can change the trend of the formation.

The latter seems simpler than the former, but it is actually quite troublesome.

Killing a blue crab is just a one-shot thing, but to save a blue crab, you really have to break the red rope that binds the blue crab. The red rope flashes red and is full of evil spirit. You can tell it is definitely not an ordinary treasure at first glance. , if you want to break it with strength, you must naturally not do it, you can only find a way to untie it, and you must use ingenious techniques.

Mo Mo raised his eyebrows, retracted the power of his mind, and looked at the charming woman again. After knowing her true form, her beautiful face was no longer so charming.

"Young master, why don't you come and destroy the servant's house?"

Scylla continued to tease Shen Mo, unaware that Mo Mo already knew everything.

Shen Mo sneered and said, "I'm not interested in crabs!"

Blue Crab:? ? ?
hiss!The face of the bewitching woman suddenly changed, turning into a ferocious ghost with green face and fangs, and roared at Shen Mo: "You have already seen it, so don't bother, come here quickly, and let the Sajia eat you. The Sajia has not seen you for a long, long time." I have eaten delicious human flesh."

"You want to eat me?"

"It's you that Sa's family eats!"

With a silent thought, the aura of the Dragon God's blood erupted instantly, and the aura of supremacy in the sky and earth descended like a mountain, directly pressing on the blue crab.


The evil spirit transformed by the green-skinned Yincai crab dissipated instantly like smoke, and the coercion of the dragon god directly made it show its original shape, and its aura of supremacy made it crawl on the ground, trembling.

"Master Dragon God~~~呵呵呵~~~ My lord, please forgive me! Please forgive me!"

The green-skinned Yincai crab is a creature in the sea, so it is naturally under the control of the Dragon God, and has an instinctive awe of the Dragon God in blood, and both the shrimp soldiers and the turtles are the dragon god's minions.

When Scylla met Shen Mo, who had the blood of the dragon god, it was the younger brother who dared to make a mistake when he met the elder brother.

Mo Mo stared at Scylla coldly, pondered for a moment, and asked, "Why are you imprisoned here as a strange beast in the sea?"

Scylla was terrified and didn't dare to hide anything, so she kept silent about the cause and effect.

It turned out that this green-skinned Yincai crab was born in the south of the East China Sea. Not long after it was born, it was captured by a Taoist who hunted exotic beasts and treasures. It was kept in the treasure tower for decades, until one day it was bought by a formation master, and it was made nine into eight. With the eyes of the 72-star fortune-gathering formation, the formation and the natural abilities of the blue crab cooperate with each other, and the effect is excellent and the power is extraordinary.

But suddenly one day, the Taoist came again. He didn't give any explanation to the blue crab, and directly tied him to the main building of the formation, turning the world around and reversing the fortune. It was changed to a large array of financial ruin, turning this auspicious place into a fierce place.

The blue crab is also very helpless!Because she is just a pawn being manipulated by others.

Silence who knows the cause and effect, although he doesn't know why the Taoist reversed his fortune and broke the big formation he set up, but now he really wants to reproduce the power of the big wealth formation.

"Taoist, do you know how to unlock the red rope?"

Scylla said repeatedly: "My lord, this red rope is not an ordinary red rope, but a very famous rope for binding monsters. Ordinary monsters can't get rid of it at all. How can anyone know how to untie it?"

Tie the demon rope? !

Mo Mo really had never heard of this kind of magic weapon, and after thinking about it for a long time according to the knot, he couldn't think of a way to untie it.

The experienced mountain god Zhang Fugui is outside Xiaguang, so it is impossible to come in to help Shen Mo with ideas. The way to break the rope that binds the demon can only rely on Shen Mo himself, or Nan Nan.

"Nannan! Come out and see the crabs!"

A red light flashed in the beckoning cat, Nan Nan fell next to the blue crab, and was immediately attracted by the blue crab.

"Oh! Shall we eat hairy crabs tonight? Steamed hairy crabs are my favorite."



This thing is not for eating, although she looks really delicious.

Blue Crab:? ? ?
Silently, he said seriously: "Nannan, be more serious, I didn't ask you to come out to eat crabs, but to rescue crabs."

Nannan: "Aren't crabs all for eating? After being rescued, can they be eaten?"

The corner of Shen Mo's mouth twitched, why did Nan Nan get into the fight with eating crabs?Look closely at Nan Nan's little eyes, how could she want to eat crabs!It is clear that they want to swallow the wealth-gathering energy of the blue crab.

For the zashiki doji who bring wealth and good fortune, they have an instinctive desire for strange beasts like blue crabs... what desire?Eat up their desire to make up for it.

That's why Nan Nan is so obsessed with eating the green-skinned Yincai crab.

Shen Mo curled her lips, "You rescue her first, whether you can eat or not depends on her future performance."

Hiss!Nan Nan licked his lips and nodded again and again, "Okay! Eat it if you don't obey."

Regarding the so-called demon binding rope, Zashiki Doji Nannan didn't know how to untie it, but her ability could deduce the most suitable way to untie it. Coupled with the purification power of silence and the blessing of the Holy Light, a small The demon binding rope is naturally not a problem.

Nan Nan exuded her own scarlet evil spirit, and said seriously: "Get ready, I say, you do it."

(End of this chapter)

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