The aura of a priest is infinite

Chapter 574: Great Formation Completed, Ghosts Extinct

Chapter 574: Great Formation Completed, Ghosts Extinct

it is good!
Say it, I'll do it!
Silently restrained his mind, while following Nan Nan's instructions, his eyes fell on the red rope on the green-skinned Yincai crab.

According to what Nan Nan said, this demon rope must not be broken with force, because the more force you use, the tighter the demon rope will shrink, and the more you resist, the more excited it will be.

If you break it with force before the silence, the blue crab may really become a dead crab.

It is well known that dead crabs are many times cheaper than live crabs.

There is really no other use for dead blue crabs except to eat.

Nan Nan waved her tender little hand, pointed at the red rope on Scylla's body, and marked them one by one: "These twelve places are the knots of the rope that traps the demon. If you want to untie it, you must take these ten knots at the same time. Two."

Shen Mo frowned, and controlled twelve nodes at the same time, this is absolutely impossible for ordinary people, but for Shen Mo who has the power of mind and eye, and the mimicry ability of Tongtian Yaoliu, it is possible of.

As long as he uses the power of his mind and eyes to lock the twelve nodes, and then pretends to be in the state of the sky-reaching demon willow, with a two-pronged approach, there is a high probability that he will be able to untie the demon rope.

But if it can't be untied or something goes wrong, there will really be a dish of steamed green crab on the dinner table tonight.

"Okay! Come on!"

Mo Mo took a deep breath, and while letting Scylla fully cooperate, he imitated twelve sky-reaching tendrils according to Nan Nan's instructions, preparing to untie the demon rope.

hum!The twelve knots correspond to the twelve sky-reaching demon vines, and the tyrannical force passes through the demon vines to reach the knots. With a burst of twitching and twisting, the demon-binding rope on Scylla's body trembled violently.

Scylla could only feel that the rope that binds the demon on her body was getting tighter and tighter, making her unable to breathe uncomfortably, and even had a feeling that she was about to be ripped apart by five horses.

But where there is no hope, there is life. Just when Scylla thought she was bound to die, the red rope that binds the demon broke and fell powerlessly to the ground.

Scylla was stunned for a moment, and then she was overjoyed that the demon rope that had bound her for so long was finally untied, and she was finally free.

etc!It's not over yet.

Scylla couldn't help looking at Shen Mo and Nan Nan with two shuttle-shaped eyes, lay down on the ground respectfully, kowtowed and said: "Thank you two adults for your rescue, I have nothing to repay, and I am willing to do my best for the two adults. "

Nan Nan puffed her mouth and muttered, "Does the work of a dog and a horse include being eaten?"


Silence: "Nannan, it's still useful to keep her. Let's put aside the food."

Nan Nan wondered, "What's the use of her?"

"Gathering wealth!"

Nan Nan: "I'm getting together too!"

Silent for a moment, it seems that this is really the case. As a Zashiki-douji, Nan Nanbi's ability to gather money is more than twice as strong as the blue crab. Coupled with the two artifacts of the Zashiki-douji clan, it even opened the gap between the two monsters. distance between.

Shen Mo wants to use the ability of the blue crab to gather money, isn't this looking for the Yinshan with the golden mountain!

Scylla listened to the side, immediately panicked, and added: "My lords, my family can not only gather wealth, but also collect energy. Relying on this nine-in, eight-out 72-star wealth gathering array, you can gather wealth from all directions, and gather money from all directions. The aura of this spirit is of great benefit to the two adults!"

oh!By the way, she can still hold her breath, just like the effect of the spirit gathering array.

Nan Nan pondered for a while, and he really didn't have the ability to restrain his breath.

"Okay! Then leave your life as a crab. From today on, gather money for us and take care of the mansion."

When Scylla heard this, she was overjoyed. The stone hanging in her heart was finally let go, and she finally didn't have to be eaten.

And as the green-skinned Yincai crab was freed, the wealth-destroying formation that had lost its eye was destroyed without attack, and the glow surrounding the main building gradually dissipated, and Shen Mo and the others left the main building.

The mountain god Zhang Fugui had been waiting outside the building for a long time. When he saw the silence, he immediately stepped forward to ask.

"Master, the rays of light have dissipated, have you succeeded! Huh? Green skin crab?! It turns out that she is the eye of this formation. No wonder a small wealth gathering formation has such great power."

Zhang Fugui said clearly: "This blue-skinned crab is a rare and rare beast. It is rare to see it in a hundred years. If the master can persuade her, it is really lucky and the future is limitless!"

Nodding silently, this kind of wealth is good for everything, but the skill of flattering is a bit too clumsy, the shooting is too deliberate, not clever enough at all.

"Okay, Fugui, prepare to re-arrange the formation, and restore the 72-star fortune-gathering formation with nine ins and eight outs!"

"Okay, master!"

Originally, with Zhang Fugui's background in the formation, it would take at least a day to restore the large formation, but with the assistance of the blue crab, it only takes an hour to restore the wealth-gathering formation.

In the world of formations, the mountain god Zhang Fugui joins forces with Scylla to reverse the yin and yang layout and reproduce the wealth-gathering formation of that year.

Mo Mo looked at it carefully from the side, only saying that the formation is broad and profound, although he has the heart to study, but he has no quality of learning, so he can only envy him from the sidelines.

After a short time, the 72-star fortune-gathering array with nine ins and eight outs reappeared in the sky. Silent in the big array, I only felt that my thoughts were clear for a while, my mind was refreshed, my wealth was gathered, and everything went smoothly.

And the green-skinned wealth crab has become the eye of the wealth-gathering formation, dormant in the small world of the formation, providing wealth and aura for the silent mansion.

Perceived by the power of Shen Mo's mind and eyes, the surrounding aura continuously flows into the mansion along with the nine entrances, and the impurities in the aura are released from the eight entrances after being baptized by the 72-star array, leaving behind the purest ones that can be directly absorbed Aura.

【Ding!Found to absorb aura, aura value +1]

【Ding!Found to absorb aura, aura value +1]

The new notification sounded in his ears told Shen Mo that it was definitely the most valuable decision for him to accept the blue crab. Although the efficiency of spiritual energy absorption is not high, basically a little spiritual energy per hour, but no matter how small an ant is, it is still meat, and how little it can become. There are many, and the accumulation is small, but it is nothing more than that.

After completing the wealth-gathering array, the Ling mansion has changed from a haunted house to an auspicious one. Mo Mo plans to hire a professional decoration team to renovate the Ling mansion. If there are no accidents, it will only take a month You can live in it, when the time comes, Shen Mo will change the name of this Ling Mansion to Shen Mansion.

He will also be a big boss with a mansion in the future.

After finishing the matter of Ling Mansion, Mo Mo and the others returned to Laifu Wood Carving Shop. Amurpan, who was in charge of looking after the shop, had been waiting at the door for a long time.

"Brother, you are back, I thought you left the shop and ran away!"

Silently asked in surprise: "What's wrong? Is there something wrong?"

"It's okay, it's just that you went out early in the morning, and now you don't come back until seven o'clock in the evening, I'm a little flustered..."

Silently patted Amulpan on the shoulder and comforted him: "Don't panic, I'll go to Tianyijiao with you after I finish my work."

Amurpan grimaced, "Brother, what did you do today?"

"Oh, I went to buy a suite."

"Buying a house?!"

Amurpan pondered for a while, then thought of the demons, ghosts, puppets, and zombies around Shen Mo, and nodded, "I really should buy it, your bedroom on the second floor is too small. How much did you pay for it! The unit Buildings? People in the city like to live in apartment buildings, right?"

"No, it's not expensive to buy an old house, only a little over 1000 million."

"What?! Why is this house so expensive? It's a little more than 1000 million? Our old houses are everywhere in Liangshan. Brother, do you still buy a house?"

Shen Mo pouted, "If it's not bad, you can consider buying a few sets of investment."

After closing the shop door, he went back to the bedroom in silence. Seeing that the optimization progress of Reiki Infinite World still hadn't broken through [-]%, in desperation, he set his sights on the refreshed daily tasks again.

What kind of daily tasks will it be this time?

(End of this chapter)

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