The aura of a priest is infinite

Chapter 575 The Blade of Ghost Slayer

Chapter 575 The Blade of Ghost Slayer
Silence opens the daily task interface.

[Simple Mission (Mirror World): Swamp Monster]

Scientist Alec Holland was assassinated in the swamp, causing his body to merge with the swamp and become a half-human, half-plant monster with the ability to manipulate plants. Find the enemy to complete revenge.

Help swamp monster Alec Holland get his revenge.

[Task Reward: 1000 Aura Points, Pocket Jar of Swamp Thing's Gratitude*1]

[General Mission (Main World): Blood Race Reappearance]

The blood moon is in the sky, and the blood race reappears.

There are traces of blood races in the demon capital again, please go and investigate, while solving the blood race crisis, investigate the reasons why the blood races frequently appear in the demon capital.

[Task reward: to be determined]

[Nightmare Mission (Mirror World): Blade of Demon Slayer]

It was the Taisho period in Japan.

Legend has it that after the sun goes down, evil spirits haunt and eat people.There are also ghost hunters who kill evil spirits and protect people.

Tanjiro, a boy who sells charcoal, changed drastically on the day his family was attacked by evil spirits.His mother and four younger siblings were brutally killed, and his younger sister, Nezuko, who survived with him, also mutated into a ferocious ghost.

Under the guidance of the ghost hunter, Tanjiro, who aspires to become a ghost hunter, and Nezuko, who has become a ghost but is still rational, embark on a journey.In order to make his younger sister Nezuko return to a human, Tanjiro became a member of the ghost hunter organization "Demon Slayer".

This is a deadly battle of disparity in strength, please help the ghost killing team kill the ghost king Onimai Tsuji.

[Task reward: to be determined]


He quietly looked at the refreshed list of daily quests, habitually ignoring the mirror world in the simple quests, and focused on the main world quests and nightmare quests.

The blood clan reappeared in the devil city? !

Mo Mo remembered that he had received the mission of the blood clan in the devil city before, but he didn't expect how long it had passed, and the blood clan appeared again in the devil city. He didn't know if there was any connection between the two, and he vaguely felt that the matter was not simple .

"Xiao Ci and Hua Yingjun are in Shanghai right now, do you want them to investigate?"

After a moment of silence and contemplation, he shook his head. Since the previous blood race was solved by the Super Bureau, this time the task should be handed over to the Super Bureau to solve.

After all, they are all professionals.

Liu Xiaoci's Yin-Yang Thunder Sha Physique is quite powerful against ghosts and spirit bodies, but it is not very good against dark creatures like vampires.

After making up his mind, Mo Mo set his sights on the nightmare mission Demon Slayer: Blade.

Ghost Slayer Blade? !
Shen Mo raised his chin and pondered: "I seem to have heard of this name before. Is it a popular drama recently?"

He turned on his phone and called up the search software, searched for information related to Ghost Slayer: Blade, and got a description of the drama that was similar to the mission brief but more detailed.

Ten minutes later, Shen Mo, who knew the plot of Ghost Slayer: Blade, frowned slightly and murmured.

"Ghosts?! Some are similar to vampires in western legends, and some ghosts also have the ability called vampirism. The ghost killing team also has a breathing method that can enhance their strength. This setting is somewhat interesting."

"However, for ghosts who are afraid of the sun, no matter how strong they are, they are only a matter of blessings from the Holy Light. What kind of ghost king has no misfortune, what kind of winding and winding, what kind of blood ghost technique, pull them out to bask in the sun every minute."

Missions of this level are still defined as nightmare missions. Could it be that there are some unknown secrets in it?

Silence took another look at the optimization progress of the infinite world of spiritual energy. Anyway, if you are idle, you are idle, so let's go to the world of Ghost Slayer: Blade to have a look.

Select Nightmare Quest: Demon Slayer

In a trance, Silence had disappeared in the bedroom and appeared in Ling's place.

Hurrah!The wind was biting, and the snow was flying.

Shen Mo found himself in a forest, it was the twelfth lunar month of winter, and everything was covered with a thick layer of snow. According to the consistent nature of entering the mirror world, the arrival point must have a story that must be told with the main task.

He habitually mobilized the power of his mind and eyes, trying to detect the surrounding situation, and soon he gained something.

Not far from the landing point, there is a path leading to the depths of the woods, and there is a line of shallow footprints on the path, which should be left by a ten-year-old child.

hum!The silence turned into a line, and he followed the footprints on the snow to explore. While breathing, a thin figure slowly walking in the snow appeared in his mind.

Tanjiro!The protagonist of Ghost Slayer: A man with the aura of the protagonist.

If it weren't for Tanjiro's halo of the protagonist, he would have died countless times in the face of powerful enemies.

Silence said in a low voice: "It seems that at the beginning of the plot, Tanjiro's family may have been killed by the ghost king Onimai Tsujimu. Only Tanjiro's younger sister Nezuko survived in the form of a ghost."

He tapped his feet and followed Tanjiro's footprints.

Silence is still quite curious about the ghosts in this world. Although they are somewhat similar to blood races in western legends, being able to possess special abilities like blood ghosts is obviously more valuable than ordinary blood races.

In a breath, he caught up with Tanjiro, and because of his extremely fast speed, he seemed to flash beside him out of thin air.


Tanjiro, who was about to go home, looked at Shen Mo in surprise, obviously frightened, but the kind-hearted Tanjiro did not blame Mo Mo, but bowed to apologize.

"Sorry, I didn't notice you, and I didn't smell you."

He nodded silently, remembering that Tanjiro has a keen sense of smell, and can rely on his sense of smell to detect things that ordinary people cannot detect. Tanjiro in the drama has completed many times of adversity with his keen sense of smell. This is the so-called golden Finger it.

"Don't apologize, I scared you."

While talking silently, Tanjiro looked at Tanjiro carefully. As a child of only thirteen or fourteen years old, Tanjiro's stature did not reach Shen Mo's chest, but Tanjiro, who sells charcoal for a living all the year round, has a maturity and stability that does not match his age. .

Children from poor families have been in charge of the family early, which is vividly displayed in Tanjiro.

Thinking of Tanjiro's imminent family death, Mo Mo couldn't help but sigh, maybe this is the fate of the protagonist!


Tanjiro's keen sense of smell seemed to sense the sadness in the silence, and he asked in surprise, "You seem to have something on your mind. Is there anything I can do to help you?"

Shen Mo smiled and shook his head, "You should be the one who should get help. Go home quickly, something happened to your family."

Tanjiro was stunned for a while, but he smelled that the silence was not malicious, and his words were not lying, and his intuition told Tanjiro that he must go home quickly.

As a result, Tanjiro quickened his pace and ran home in a panic, followed behind him silently, waiting for the trigger of the main task.

Before arriving at Tanjiro's house, Tanjiro smelled a strong smell of blood, and the worry in his heart became more and more intense, until he saw Nezuko lying in a pool of blood, and Rokuta curled up in Nezuko's arms.

Tanjiro's world collapsed.

He rushed into the wooden house crazily, all he saw was a piece of red blood, and the family members lying in a pool of blood, mother, Hanako, Takeo, Shigeru... the family members who lived with Tanjiro yesterday, are separated from life and death at this moment.

Tanjiro's body began to tremble uncontrollably, he was at a loss for what to do, his mind went blank.

Silence looked at the powerless Tanjiro, and slowly walked towards Nezuko who fell in the snow.

At this moment, Nezuko still has body temperature.

It's not that she didn't die, but was infected by the blood of the ghost king Guiwu Tsuji, since she turned into a ghost.

" did you know something happened to my family?"

Tanjiro is not questioning silence, but wants to know the truth.

"Who killed Mom, and must know!"

Nodding silently, he said the name of the ghost king, "Ghost king Guiwu Tsuji Wumi!"

Tanjiro was stunned, he knew about the legends about ghosts, but he had never heard of the name of ghost king Onimai Tsujimu, let alone why the other party wanted to kill his family.

"Why?! Why did he do this."

Silence who knows everything does not plan to hide Tanjiro, there are some things that Tanjiro has the right to know, "Because your Kamamon family is related to the creator of the Breath of the Sun Ji Kuniichi, and the god of fire Kagura that you have inherited is hidden. The secret of the breath of the sun, that's why the ghost king Guiwu Tsujimusan wants to kill you."

Tanjiro was stunned in place, and childhood memories kept reappearing, which were about his father Kamado Tanjuro and the fire god Kagura.

Tanjiro murmured silently with his eyes: "It turns out that the fire god Kagura taught to me by my father is a power that even Oni Wang Wuyou fears and wants to destroy. I will definitely use this power to avenge everyone."

Huh? !

Just when Tanjiro knew the truth and vowed to take revenge, Nezuko, who was lying in a pool of blood, began to transform into a ghost.

Mo Mo had used the power of mind and eyes to investigate Nezuko's situation long ago. The blood of Onimiya Tsujimu that remained in Nezuko's body seemed to be like a highly contagious virus, crazily eroding Nezuko's body, Alienating her into another creature...
Now, alienation is complete!
Roar!There was a trembling roar from Nezuko's throat, her bloodshot eyes were soaked with red blood, and sharp fangs grew out, greedily trying to pounce on Silence who was closest to her.


Tanjiro saw Nezuko standing up again, and instinctively wanted to keep her, but was held back by Shen Mo.

"Look clearly, she has become a ghost."

Tanjiro's sense of smell has already noticed the change of Nezuko, but he is unwilling to accept the fact that people who are killed by ghosts will become ghosts.

Nezuko is already a ghost!

Nezuko, who turned into a ghost, rushed towards Shen Mo like crazy, but was hit back by Mo Mo, clasped his neck firmly, twisted it lightly, knocked him out, and fell powerlessly on the snow.


"Don't worry, I didn't kill her."

Silence naturally knows the importance of Nezuko. As being able to restrain his own ghost nature, he later succeeded in becoming the first ghost to face the sun without dying. Nezuko can be said to have hidden a deep potential plot, except for Tanjiro. most important role.

"However, after she wakes up, I hope you can awaken her humanity even a little bit. If you can't, I will kill her myself."

Silence is not joking, he doesn't want to change the fate of Tanjiro and Nezuko because of his intervention, but the flapping of the butterfly's wings will inevitably drive a hurricane, all he can do is to make the hurricane blow to the right position .

"I will! I will definitely, Nezuko will be fine." Tanjiro murmured, picked up the unconscious Nezuko, looked at Shen Mo longingly, and asked: "Nezuko must remember me, even if She has become a ghost, and she will not forget me, and since ghosts are transformed by humans, then humans must be able to become ghosts. Right?!"

Shen Mo nodded, although under the power of his mind and eyes, the state of Nezuko turning into a ghost is irreversible, but what if this process can really be reversed?After all, everything is possible!

Just as Shen Mo was talking to Tanjiro, a strong wind swept over, and a figure suddenly appeared in the corner of the snowy ground.

The person who came was a pillar-level figure with long black hair, wearing the uniform of the Demon Slayer Squad, taciturn and unsmiling, Mizujo Tomioka Yoshiyuki, the leader of Tanjiro, who helped Tanjiro open the training qualification of the Demon Slayer Squad, Saved Nezuko who turned into a ghost.

Here I have to talk about the level of the ghost killing team in Demon Slayer: Blade. The normal process is Zhu, A, B, C, D, E, Ji, Geng, Xin, Ren, Gui, and the non-normal process is Zhu. , a wave of protagonists, food for ghosts.

In the ghost killing team, except for the pillars and the protagonist and his party, the rest are serving food to the ghosts.

And standing in front of Shen Mo right now is Shuizhu Tomioka Yoshiyuki, one of the contemporary nine pillars.

I saw Tomioka Yoshiyuki's light blue eyes inspecting the three of them, and he saw Nezuko who had turned into a ghost at a glance. He instinctively touched the Japanese sword in his hand, wanting to kill Nezuko who turned into a ghost.

hum!Without any words, Tomioka Yoshiyuki's knife drew a ripple of water, and it went straight to Nezuko in Tanjirou's arms, intending to behead him.

But at this critical moment, Silence disappeared in place, and the sword pointed out, directly blocking Tomioka Yoshiyuki's sword in the air.

Tomioka Yoshiyuki:! ! !
He watched in astonishment that his sword was easily held by Shen Mo with two fingers. Although the Sun Wheel Knife is a knife specially used to kill ghosts, it is made of gorilla scarlet iron sand and gorilla scarlet iron sand, which absorb sunlight and are quite fragile. Ore, but judging by the strength of the pillar level, it is definitely not something that ordinary people can easily catch.

call!Tomioka Yoshiyuki retreated quickly, choosing to distance himself from Shen Mo, since the other party prevented him from killing the ghost, he was the enemy of the Ghost Slaying Team.

"You are strong!"

Tomioka Yoshiyuki chanted his words like gold, "But I'm not weak either!"

Breath of water!

Silence can clearly see that Tomioka Yoshiyuki is using a very special breathing method to inhale a large amount of oxygen into his lungs, and then transform it into a steady stream of power pouring into his whole body. Every tissue in his body, Every inch of muscle, every cell is under the silent perception.

Breathing of Water · Picking up Shapes · Life and Flow

Yoshiyuki Tomioka didn't have any reservations, he shot again, and used his strongest sword skills to deal with Shen Mo, because his instinct told him that the man in front of him would never be defeated if he didn't use all his strength.

(End of this chapter)

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