The aura of a priest is infinite

Chapter 576 Draw Your Sword!Volunteer

Chapter 576 Draw Your Sword!Volunteer
Tomioka Yoshiyuki's sword writhed and twirled like a dragon, and the power of the slash became stronger and stronger as the number of rotations increased. When the blade was about to slash to silence, the power of the Hikari had reached its peak.


The water waves are turbulent, and the sound of the waves is endless.

Silence actually heard the sound of waves during ordinary slashing, which completely refreshed his understanding of the swordsmen of the Ghost Killing Team. He originally thought that although the moves used by these swordsmen were extraordinary and far surpassed ordinary people, the gorgeous picture Must have added special effects.

Now it seems that these breathwork swordsmen are not as simple as adding special effects. Their breathwork can really form extraordinary powers belonging to their respective attributes.

Breath of water!It is really enough to control the power of water with sword skills.

The corner of Shen Mo's mouth raised, and the power of the mind and eyes exploded, directly covering Tomioka Giyuu. Although his sword was strong, it was not flawless, and the weakness of life and death was fully exposed under the power of the mind and eyes.

Mo Mo's feet lightly turned into a stream of light, and the sword pointed out, directly poking Tomioka Yoshiyuki's lower back. land.

what? !

what just happened? !

Although Tomioka Yoshiyuki is not good at words, his mind is extremely heavy. He endured the pain from his body, tried to clear his mind, and recalled the move just now.

The opponent is really too fast!Not only was he fast, but he also found a flaw in the flow of life in an instant, breaking his sword skills with just one finger...
With such terrifying combat power, even the strongest of the nine pillars may not necessarily be his opponent. How could there be such a powerful person in this world.

"Why are you helping ghosts!"

Tomioka Yoshiyuki saw that he was invincible, and while supporting his body with a sun wheel knife, he asked Mo Mo why he wanted to help ghosts with a human body.

Shen Mo shook his head, "I'm not helping the ghost, but him."

Tomioka Yoshiyuki followed the silence and looked, and it was Tanjiro who was holding Nezuko.

he? !An ordinary kid? !
"You are not helping him. When the ghost in his arms wakes up, it will definitely eat him."

"No! Nezuko will never hurt me." Tanjiro roared vigorously, "Nezuko is my only relative, she will never hurt me, and I will not let anyone hurt her."

"Stupid!" Tomioka Yoshiyuki scolded, "You don't know anything about ghosts."

"They are not human beings, they are monsters who only know how to kill. The ghost killing team must kill ghosts when they encounter them. This is an iron-like team rule."

"alright, alright!"

Silence interrupted Tomioka Yoshiyuki's denunciation, "You are not my opponent, you can't kill her with me, but you are not wrong, why don't we make a bet!"

"Huh?!" Tomioka Yoshiyuki's pale face because of his injury flashed a trace of surprise, he didn't know what kind of medicine was sold in the silent gourd.

"We bet whether Nezuko will hurt Tanjiro. If you win, I won't stop you. If you lose, take me to meet your lord."

After listening to the silent bet, Tomioka Yoshiyuki immediately refused: "No! I will never bring someone with unknown history to the lord."

Silence seemed to have expected it long ago, and reversed: "Then teach me your water breathing."

Tomioka Yiyong: ? ? ?
The other party knows the breath of water, knows the secret of the ghost killing team, has the strength far surpassing Zhu, but has the heart of ghosts, such a person, no matter what deal he makes with him, he is seeking skin from a tiger. If it was leaked to him, the consequences would be unimaginable.


Yoshiyuki Tomioka refused again.

Shen Mo smiled, but was not angry, "Then do it again in front of me! If you refuse again, I will be very angry, and the consequences will be serious."

Tomioka Yoshiyuki's face darkened, and he was silent for a moment, he could only choose to accept. After all, he was like a fish and a man was like a knife, and compromise was inevitable.

The agreement was reached, and the two set their sights on Tanjiro and Nezuko.

The power of the silent mind came out, and used a small trick to wake up the unconscious Nezuko.

Nezuko, who was just getting acquainted, instinctively wanted to bite the nearest Tanjiro to death, but when she heard Tanjiro's call, the attack stopped abruptly, and tears flashed in her scarlet eyes, as well as human emotions.

Although Nezuko has become a ghost, her deep attachment to her family keeps her the last of her humanity.

"Nezuko! I know you won't hurt me, I always knew..."

Tanjiro held Nezuko in his arms, tears streaming down his face uncontrollably.

In this situation, Shen Mo couldn't help but look at Tomioka Yoshiyuki, and said with a smile: "You lost."

Yoshiyuki Tomioka:····

Ghosts, are there really existences that do not harm humans?

Tomioka Yoshiyuki stood up with difficulty, looked at Tanjiro and Nezuko who were hugging tightly, his cold eyes still did not change any expression, but his heart was shaken a little.

"You have a power far beyond Zhu. If you can join the ghost killing team and eliminate the evil spirits in the world, you will save countless lives."

Shen Mo smiled, "I'm not as noble as you think, but ghosts must be killed. My goal is the ghost king, Ghost Dance Tsuji Mumi."

Tomioka Yoshiyuki was stunned, he knew the name of the ghost king, and set the goal of beheading the ghost king, Kiwu Tsuji, although he was not a friend, but at least he was not an enemy.

"I lost, I am willing to bet and admit defeat!"

As Tomioka Yoshiyuki said, he once again set up the Japanese sword in his hand, and began to practice the sword skills of breathing water.

Mo Mo used the power of mind and eyes to detect Tomioka Yoshiyuki's every move, and had a thorough insight into every detail he performed.

Full Concentrated Breathing!

To be precise, this is not a profound secret technique, and it has no substantial value for Shen Mo, but in line with the learning philosophy of erudition and extensive research, Shen Mo still wants to be useful to this kind of secret technique that can make ordinary people have great power. understood.

Do not overwhelm yourself with too many skills, this is a way of survival engraved in the bones of Hua people.

Under the power of Shen Mo's mind, the secret technique of water breathing can be seen at a glance. The so-called breathing technique, the way oxygen enters the lungs, the pulsation of blood surging in the whole body, and the response of muscles to expand accordingly...all reflected in silence mind.

After a while, Tomioka Yoshiyuki completed the demonstration of Water Breathing and Ten Types, and Silence also completed his insight into Water Breathing in the next second.

Although Shen Mo didn't personally test the power of water breathing, but he has already mastered the tricks. What's even more frightening is that Shen Mo has discovered the disadvantages of water breathing.

This method of using the lungs to forcibly inhale a large amount of oxygen into the blood to enhance body functions, although it can allow ordinary people to obtain powerful strength, but it also has a lot of burden on the human body, especially the operation of the breathing method to the next level , The life span of human beings will be shortened to the limit.

That realm is the so-called dapple realm.

The so-called dappled state is actually the full concentration of breathing to the extreme, coupled with the realization of life and death or the extreme anger triggers the adrenaline to be crazily secreted in an unbearable amount.

Driven by adrenaline, the striped swordsman will feel burning all over his body and gain stronger strength. A large amount of adrenaline in the blood rushes into the capillaries to form special spots on the skin surface.

Excess adrenaline is toxic to humans, which is why the spotted swordsman can't live to be 25 years old.

As for why Ji Guoyuan can live to be more than 70 years old, because he has stripes from the moment he was born. His body is different from ordinary people, and he has already adapted to the massive amount of adrenaline. But he couldn't escape the curse.

As for why the striped swordsmen appear in batches, like an infectious disease, it is because the condition for awakening the striped swordsmen is a life-and-death battle or extreme anger. When the swordsmen encounter this situation, the ghost killing team and The battle between the ghosts has entered the final decisive battle, the battle situation is tragic, and the comrades die tragically... which one is not the condition that stimulates the swordsman to become a striped swordsman.

Shen Mo let out a long sigh, this is a group of people who put their lives on the line to kill ghosts.

And their fate is often a tragic death.

Now that Silence's power of mind has found the flaw, it has naturally found a way to make up for it.

what way?
Open the gene lock? !
tui!This is not infinite horror, where did the gene lock come from.

The method of silence is actually very simple. Since the side effect of adrenaline caused the death of the striped swordsman, eliminating this side effect can delay the death of the striped swordsman.

Slow healing!The power of purification!
With the blessing of two magical skills, it can not only help the striped swordsman heal his body full of holes, but also eliminate the toxicity of adrenaline, which is simply a necessary magical skill for the striped swordsman.

Back to the topic, Momo looked at Giyuu Tomioka who had endured his injury and finished playing Breath of Water, raised his hand and healed slowly, helping him heal his injury.

hum!The milky white holy light enveloped Tomioka Giyuu directly. Under the incredible gaze of the other party, his injuries recovered at a speed visible to the naked eye, and a look of astonishment finally appeared on his calm face.

"What kind of power is this? Can you heal the wound?"

Tanjiro looked carefully at the side, and hurriedly asked: "Senior, can you cure Nezuko?"

Shen Mo shook his head, "I can't cure her, my strength can only hurt her."

The holy light is simply the most poisonous poison to the ghosts in this world. Once the blessing of the holy light is given, they will be crushed and ashes. Where does the healing effect come from?

Although Tanjiro was disappointed, he did not give up hope. He firmly believed that there was a way to heal Nezuko in this world.

Yoshioka Tomioka looked at the silence, silent for a long time, bowed and said: "Thank you for your generosity, I apologize to you for my stupidity, please follow me to see the lord!"

oh! ?Why are you taking the initiative to bring Shen Mo to see the lord now?
It turns out Yoshiyuki Tomioka hopes that Silence's magical powers will heal his lord Yoshiki Sanyashiki.

The Ubayashiki clan is also the same clan as the Oni King Mumi Onimai Tsuji. Because the family has a scum like Mumi Onimai Tsuji, the family is cursed, plagued by diseases, and the generations are weak and sick, and they can't live past 30.

Knowing Tomioka Yoshiyuki's little plan, he smiled silently and agreed to the other party.

Because if you want to find the ghost king Kimai Tsuji, Yoya Ubuyashiki's Demon Slayer Squad Information Network will definitely help you. If Mo Mo goes looking for it alone, I don't know how much time and energy it will take.

And Tanjiro and Nezuko will naturally take them to the Sanyashiki mansion.

On the one hand, Mo Mo wants to know the secret of Hi no Breath from Tanjiro, and on the other hand, the two can get better training in Yuyashiki.

As the initial breathing method created by Ji Guoyuan, several schools have been derived including the breathing of water. Silence cannot really see through the essence of the breathing method only through the breathing of water. If you know the beginning Breathing the breath of the law, it has the basis and possibility to extend various genres.

Ever since, Yoshiyuki Tomioka left the snowy forest with Shen Mo, Tanjiro, and Nezuko, and was about to go to the mansion of the Ubayashiki family, where everything started.

The journey along the way is not rushed, because there are two oil bottles, Tanjiro and Nezuko, they spend most of their time on the road at night and rest during the day.

At this moment, Nezuko still can't control her body shape, so she can only rely on Tanjiro to walk alone on her back. If Mo Mo and Tomioka Yoshiyuki approach Nezuko, they will be attacked by Nezuko.

If you want to change Nezuko's status quo, you also need to reach the Ubayashiki family and seek their help.

In his spare time, the taciturn Tomioka Yoshiyuki began to ask Shen Mo for sword skills.

Silence can break through his strongest sword skills with one finger, and it can naturally help him make up for the flaws in his sword skills.

"You are already very strong, why do you want to be more powerful?"

Tomioka Yoshiyuki was silent for a moment, and counted firmly: "Because the ghost I want to kill is stronger than me now."

"Your concentrated breathing method does have a stronger realm, but as long as you step into that realm and become a striped swordsman, your lifespan will be consumed. Ordinary people can't live to be 25 years old. Even so, you have to get that strength power?"

Tomioka Yoshiyuki was stunned. After hesitating for a moment, he said firmly: "Even if I lose my life now, I still want to gain that power. Slaying evil spirits is the meaning of the existence of the Demon Slayer Squad."

hey-hey!What a passionate young man!
Silence also needs a test product. To see if the power of slow healing and purification can eliminate the side effects of the streak state, then it is up to you, Yoshiyuki Tomioka.

hum!As soon as Silence thought about it, the air of supremacy in the sky and the earth erupted, as if a real murderous aura erupted from him, crushing Yoshiyuki Tomioka unstoppably.

The latter stood stiffly on the spot, facing such a terrifying murderous aura, he didn't even have the courage to pull out the Sun Wheel Knife in his hand, and his body trembling with fear was beyond his control.

"Is that all you have? What about your awakening just now?"

Facing the silent ridicule, Tomioka Yoshiyuki was in a trance with affection, his eyes were dull, and he seemed to recall the fear he had when he faced the evil spirit for the first time back then. For the first time, I felt that death was so close to me.

Between life and death, Tomioka Giyuu's dead sister's voice sounded in his mind, "Yiyuu, you have to live! Don't come out."

Best friend Sato: "How long are you going to be decadent? Your sister used her life to protect you from being killed by ghosts. Is this how you repay her?"

Draw the knife!Volunteer!You are stronger than you think!

(End of this chapter)

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