Chapter 577 Prologue
I am stronger than I thought!
Blue brilliance flashed in Tomioka Giyuu's eyes, and ripples like water waves gradually appeared on Leng Jun's face. Under the power of Shen Mo's mind, Yiyong's adrenaline was secreted crazily, pouring into the blood continuously, accompanied by the complete works The middle breathing method flows through the whole body and turns into a steady stream of power.

Tomioka Yoshiyuki only felt that his whole body was dry and hot, and a new force emerged in his body, and the terrifying and murderous aura that came from silence became no longer so unfathomable and unconquerable.

He pulled back his mind, held the Sun Wheel Saber tightly in his hand, and mobilized a new force to slash it out.

Water Breathing One-shaped Water Surface Slash!
Quickly swung the knife to form a planar slash. Although there was only one move, it was extremely powerful. The strong force drew an arc-shaped trajectory and approached Shen Mo's face.

Faced with this powerful blow, Mo Mo not only did not panic, but raised the corners of his mouth, showing an expression of appreciation.

"Jade in the rough can be carved!"

Tomioka Yoshiyuki's current state is obviously that he has opened his stripes and has become a powerful stripes swordsman. The water wave imprint on his face is the most powerful evidence.

Although his growth has been helped by silence, he has to admit that Yoshioka Tomioka is a very talented swordsman.

Silently smiling at Tomioka Yoshiyuki, his wrist shook, and the Calamity Tomahawk manifested, and with a random slash, he dispelled the opponent's slash.

"You have gained new power!"

Tomioka Yoshiyuki was taken aback, not only because Shen Mo easily resolved his moves again, but also because of the power that was constantly emerging in his body, which was a power he had never experienced before.

Tomioka Yoshiyuki was ecstatic, because this was the power of the Transcendence Pillar. After mastering this power, he would have the ability to kill more ghosts, and even hoped to kill the king of ghosts, Onimai Tsuji.

"Thank you!"

Shaking his head silently, he said solemnly: "Don't be so anxious to thank me. I said before that after entering the Striped Swordsman, your life will be consumed rapidly. You may not live to be 25 years old."

Tomioka Yoshiyuki was taken aback for a moment, but he soon felt relieved, "25 years old! That's enough! As long as I fulfill the will of the lord and the Demon Slayer Squad in my lifetime, my existence is meaningful."

Um!What a young man with ideals and ambitions!

This is not a puppet made by Silence. He has the highest loyalty to Silence. This is a person who pursues an ideal and keeps a belief from the bottom of his heart. The difference between the two is like the abyss of heaven.

The former is a slave, and the latter can create an impossible future.

"Perhaps, I can help you solve this problem."

Tomioka Yoshiro looked bravely at Shen Mo, his eyes filled with feelings called hope.

alive!It is the most primitive and basic instinct of every creature. No creature does not want to live well, and the reason why people die generously is because of their beliefs and ideals.

If there were no ghosts in this world, Yoshiyuki Tomioka would live an ordinary life like an ordinary boy, then he must be happy.

Plop!Fu Gangyi bravely knelt in front of Shen Mo, bowed and kowtowed, and said again and again: "Senior, please help me lift the curse of the spotted swordsman!"

Silently waved his hands, signaling to stand up bravely, "I have no ability to lift any curse, my method is only a temporary solution, not the root cause, but as long as you receive the cure after using the power of the Striped Swordsman, it will not affect your lifespan .”

Silently speaking, a wave of purification power and the blessing of the holy light fell on Yiyong's body, and the latter felt the comfort of being immersed in the hot spring again, and the tiredness and pain in the body disappeared with the warmth.

Perceived by the power of Shen Mo's mind and eyes, Tomioka Yoshiyuki's side effect of entering the stripe state was indeed cured, and the effect was even better than expected.

Therefore, the blessing of the Holy Light and the power of purification are indeed good skills for the streaked swordsman to continue his life.

The crux of the problem is, without silence, how do these striped swordsmen solve this problem.

Perhaps, Silence should talismanize the blessing of the Holy Light and the power of purification.

After teaching Yoshiyuki Tomioka, the three of them took a short rest and continued on their way. They were not far from the Ubayashiki family.

As early as the second day Tomioka Yoshiyuki was about to lead Momo to the Ubayashiki family, Yoshiyuki passed the news back to Ubayashiki Yaoya's ears.

As the head of the contemporary Namiyashiki family, Yoya is naturally very curious about the god-like figure that Yoshiyuki said has power far beyond the pillar level, and the power to heal wounds, and even the man who targets the ghost king Oni Mai Tsuji. What a man.

Yoya Ubuyashiki searched the family records for hundreds of years, but couldn't find any family or characters who could be similar to it. The silent appearance was like a god descended from the sky, with endless sense of mystery.

In order to welcome the arrival of Silence, Yuya Ubuyashiki issued an order to summon the power of the pillars. The contemporary nine pillars, except Mizujo Tomioka Yoshiyuki, are all waiting for the arrival of Silence at the mansion.

Yoya Miyayashiki smiled faintly on his face covered with purple scars, his blind eyes, though empty, gave people a peaceful and kind feeling, he murmured silently in his heart.

"Is the ultimate battle coming soon?!"

The mansion of the Ubuyashiki family is simpler than what Mo Mo imagined. To be able to create such a powerful ghost hunter organization as the Ghost Killing Squad, the Ubuyashiki family's background is definitely not shallow, but they don't have high requirements for the mansion. Money was devoted to the great enterprise of hunting ghosts.

Truly a model for the industry.

"Welcome! Mr. Silence!"

Yuya Ubuyashiki applied the highest etiquette to Shen Mo, followed by the contemporary nine pillars, except for Tomioka Yoshiyuki, all stared at Shen Mo with scrutiny.

They were very curious about how a seemingly ordinary character like Shen Mo could have the power to transcend the pillars and the power to heal everything.

"Hello!" Silently greeted Yoya Yashiki with neither humility nor overbearing, and then his gaze fell to the remaining eight pillars.

These so-called pillars have a force that is surprising to silence. Compared with Tomioka Yoshiyuki's water breathing, they have the breathing power of their own attributes in their bodies.

Is this the so-called full concentration breathing?

Maintaining the breathing method of full concentration at all times is the basic requirement for becoming Zhu, which also makes them maintain a state of entering battle at any time regardless of the moment.

hum!Shen Mo opened the power of mind and eye, trying to cover everyone, but an invisible force blocked Shen Mo's investigation.

That is a kind of enchantment power!

Silence was a little surprised, and he couldn't help but look at his wife, Amayashiki Amane, who was next to Yaoya Ubayashiki. She was the saint of the priest clan, and it was the enchantment she had set up.

Only then did Shen Mo recall that the world of Demon Slayer: Blade also has powers such as yin and yang spells, and the priests are the ones who master this kind of power.

But such a fragile barrier, how could it be possible to investigate silently at the moment.

Puff!With a silent thought, the power of the mind-eye turned into a cone, instantly disintegrating Tianyin's enchantment, and projecting everyone's state to the world of the mind-eye.

Puff!When the barrier was broken, Tianyin was immediately backlashed, and her body fell to the side suddenly, with blood overflowing from the corner of her mouth.


The other eight pillars immediately drew their swords and pointed at Silence.

"Go back!"

Yuya Ubuyashiki said calmly, "He didn't mean anything malicious."

Although he doesn't know what Shen Mo did to his wife, Yaozai can perceive that Mo Mo doesn't have any malice.

Smiling silently without speaking, he probed Yaoya's body with the power of his mind and eyes, and thought that Onimai Tsuji was innocent and was cursed by the Ubayashiki clan. Even the purification power of Silence could not lift the curse inherited in the blood.

The blessing of the Holy Light and the power of purification can only alleviate the pain of Yoya Yashiki and prolong his life, but they still cannot change their final fate.

Shen Mo shook his head, "I can't do anything about your curse, it's a curse inherited in the blood."

Yuya Miyayashiki smiled, as if he had expected such an ending a long time ago, or he had already looked down on life and death, and he no longer cared about everything about himself.

"Thank you for your trouble, Mr. Mo Mo. As a member of the Ghost Killing Team, I sincerely invite you to join the Ghost Killing Team and become the force to kill the ghost king."

Shen Mo shook his head, "As I said, I don't plan to join the Ghost Killing Squad, but I'm here for the ghost king, Ghost Dance Tsuji, you should know where he is."

Ubuyashiki Yoya was silent for a moment, and slowly said: "Although our family has been fighting ghosts for hundreds of years, we don't know the whereabouts of the ghost king, Kimai Tsuji, because he is more cunning than we imagined. "

Nodding silently, since Guiwu Tsuji was forced into a desperate situation by Ji Guoyuanyi, this guy sneaked into Infinite City like a mouse, and refused to come out easily, but it was very difficult to find his trace. The ghost killing team with a powerful information network can't find it.

It is more and more impossible to find Shen Mo by himself. As for using Nan Nan's power, there is no trace to find it.

Because she was hiding in the infinite city created by the blood ghost technique, Nannan's deduction could not detect it.

"Hey! Then there is no other way!"

Shen Mo is confident that he can kill Ghost Dance Tsuji Wumi in seconds, but the problem is that you can't find Wumi at all, so what's the use of being able to kill him in seconds?


Yuya Ubuyashiki said slowly: "I have a premonition that the ultimate battle is coming, and Mumai Tsuji will definitely appear."

Shen Mo frowned, as if thinking of something, the reason why Guiwu Tsuji Wumi hid was because he was afraid of the appearance of a powerful striped swordsman like Ji Guoyuan.

And the reason why he appeared again is because Nezuko has the ability to walk in the sun.

In order to obtain this power, Onimai Tsuji Muchan summoned all the oni and low-level oni to besiege the Ubuyashiki family.

Therefore, the crux of the problem still lies with Nezuko.

"Yes! We need a bait to lure the ghost king out."

Silent eyes fell on the big wooden box beside Tanjirou.

Tanjiro was slightly taken aback, and immediately protected his sister, "Nezuko is not a bait!"

"She will be!"

Everyone looked at Tanjirou and the big wooden box.

The members of Jiuzhu's ghost killing team are very sensitive to ghosts, and they immediately found a ghost hidden in the big wooden box.

Yuya Ubuyashiki did not tell them about the ghost in the box.

Why is there a ghost here!
Silence continued to explain: "She is Tanjiro's younger sister. Nezuko's blood ghost art has not yet awakened, but I know that she will be the opportunity for Onimai Tsuji to start the ultimate battle."

Silence looked at Tanjiro again, "Don't you want to restore Nezuko to a human? Although I don't know how to make her a human, I know that as long as I hand her over to Yuyashiki, we will be closer and closer to the answer of."

Why did Nezuko acquire the ability to survive in the sun later? If you say this is the power of love, silence does not object, but the key lies in Nezuko herself. The key to the walker.

Love is just an incentive.

After listening to the silent persuasion, Tanjiro silently chose to hand over Nezuko to the Ubuyashiki family. They have fought against ghosts for generations, and they have a very thorough understanding of ghosts. As a trainer, Rinaki Sakonji has the ability to change the will of Nezuko , The Ubayashiki family naturally also has such abilities.

And Ubuyashiki Tianyin also discovered Tanjiro's difference. The pendant hanging on his ears is the long-lost Hi no Breath earring, which means that Tanjiro inherited the will of Hi no Breath.

Everything indicates that the ultimate battle is coming.

The long-lost breather of the sun appears, mysterious and powerful allies come, and ghosts who can become bait come...

The world finally ushered in the final redemption.

Ever since, Mo Mo lived in the Sanya Shiki's house, on the one hand, waiting for the news of the ghost king Oni Wu Tsuji Mumi, and Nezuko's plan as a bait, and on the other hand, as a guest to teach the ghost killing team.

The priests soon discovered that Nezuko was different. Not only did she retain her humanity, but the special physique of the Zaomen family made her have a natural affinity for the sun. Gradually adapt to the sun's exposure.

At the same time, Tanjiro also began his training to become a member of the Demon Slayer Team. Because the news of the successor of the Sun's Breath was broken, Tanjiro did not practice the Breath of Water, but directly practiced the Breath of the Sun.

Silence also obtained the practice method of Hi-breath from Tanjiro. Compared with the breathing method derived from Hi-breath, Hi-breath is more pure and powerful, and it is the starting point of everything.

Having mastered the secrets of the sun's breathing, Mo Mo has been able to gain insight into the secrets of other breathing methods, and continue to derive more breathing schools.

It all depends on whether Mo Mo has the heart to study this power deeply. Obviously, Mo Mo does not plan to do deep research, but just as a kind of accumulation of knowledge, stored in the depths of personal memory.

Only by being erudite can we have broad knowledge.

And just because Shen Mo has mastered the breath of the sun, he has made a qualitative leap in teaching other pillars.

The teaching of Yoshiyuki Tomioka is completely oppressive by using momentum, forcing Yoshiyuki to master the power of stripes.

Since Shen Mo mastered the breath of the sun, he used the breath of the sun to perfect the shortcomings of the other pillars in the breathing method, making them more compatible with the power of his own school, and the remaining eight pillars gradually mastered the power of the stripes.

And these only took a small part of Silence's time, and most of his time was spent on the power of purification and the blessing of the holy light.

Mo Mo, together with Tian Yin from the priest family, studied how to turn these two magical skills into the power of talismans that could be practiced and used by the priest family.

(End of this chapter)

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