Chapter 579

All the evil spirits couldn't help but stare at Shen Mo cautiously.

Mo Mo's actions just now made them feel too uneasy, and they saved Tanjiro and Nezuko in just a split second, and cut off the tired spider threads.

This kind of strength is definitely not an ordinary small character.


Tired's face was full of jokes, but he was not in a hurry to make a move, but instead ordered the remaining low-level evil spirits, trying to test out the strength of Silence.


Tiri sternly ordered, but those lowly evil spirits were obedient and did not dare to step forward.

Puff!The tired spider's silk streaked across the heads of several evil spirits in an instant, beheading them on the spot.

"Either go! Or die!"

The rest of the evil spirits had no choice but to bite the bullet and kill Shen Mo.

Looking at these driven low-level evil spirits, with a silent thought, his mental power exploded, and the body of holy light glowed with dazzling white light.

"The Holy Light is with me!"

hum!The holy light descended like a celestial pillar, directly enveloping the silence, and the next second, the celestial pillar trembled and spread, enveloping those low-level evil spirits in the breath.

The sixth ghost on the upper string and the six ghosts on the lower string instinctively fled back after sensing the aura of extreme fear. As soon as they landed and stabilized their figures, they saw a burning place with a radius of more than ten meters formed with Silence as the center.

Those low-level evil spirits just now have long since disappeared, not even a trace of ashes left.

What? !What kind of power is this? !

The power to evaporate such a large number of evil spirits in an instant? !

They felt the breath of sunlight in that power, as if the scorching sun suddenly descended on the night, purifying all filth.

Everyone's foreheads could not help soaking in a layer of cold sweat, even ghosts have a heart of fear.

"This person's ability is designed to restrain us. Let's go together and kill him."

Falling Ji Yinya gritted her teeth fiercely on the sixth of the first string, obviously she was extremely afraid of the power of Silence in her heart, but she still summoned the evil spirits to fight to the death with Silence.

This is also helpless, because all the stringed ghosts have a life-and-death restriction from the ghost king Oni Wu Tsuji. Any behavior of betraying and rebelling against the ghost king will trigger the restriction, and they will die on the spot, and even say the name of the ghost king Oni Wu Tsuji. It will also be backlashed and died suddenly.

Therefore, the ghosts present knew that Silence had the power to restrain them, so they had no choice but to choose to confront Silence with hard steel.

"Kill him!"

All the ghosts shouted loudly, dispersed in an instant, and each cast their own blood ghost skills to force them into silence.

In the face of evil spirits with different abilities, Mo Mo is not afraid, and with a flick of his wrist, he reveals the calamity · Yamata no Orochi · battle axe.

During this month, Mo Mo not only taught the Nine Pillars of the Ghost Killing Team, allowing them to gain the power of the spotted swordsman, but also mastered their sword skills, and integrated these sword skills into one, turning them into themselves, and becoming ax skills .

Ax Skill · Full Moon!

hum!The white moonlight flickered, forming a circular force with silence as the center of the circle, instantly breaking through the siege of all the evil spirits, and blessed with the blessing of the holy light, the calamity battle ax easily tore apart the bodies of the two evil spirits, It started to burn, and within a few seconds, the two evil spirits were burned to death.

The rest of the evil spirits were startled, and pulled back again. Shen Mo not only had the power to restrain them, but the ax technique just now had a combat power far beyond the column level.

And no matter how gaudy the blood ghosts of the ghosts were, they disappeared under this slash.

"Unbeatable! We can't be this person's opponent at all, we will die, we will die."

The ghost of the lower string, Ye Ye, trembled all over, growling in horror and anxiety, obviously no longer fighting.

"Run! Run away!"

Bing Ye broke free from the fear in his heart and wanted to turn around to escape, but his body froze, twisted and deformed in a very strange posture, and died suddenly on the spot.

The prohibition of the ghost king, Guiwu Tsuji, has been triggered!
Any evil ghost who dares to disobey its will will be banned and executed, even the powerful string ghost is no exception.

The ghosts looked at the sick leaf who died suddenly, and they didn't have the heart to escape. Even though they knew that Shen Mo's strength was overwhelming and they were not an existence they could defeat, they still bit the bullet and rushed to Mo Mo again.

Puff!Without any hesitation, the calamity battle ax drew out ax lights, and the continuous slashing and slashing formed a huge ax net, and the evil spirits that fell into it were bound, torn, and cut by the ax net like fish...

"Onimai Tsuji no miserably lord!"

Fallen Princess and the prostitute Taro of the Ghost of the Wind tried their best to display their own blood ghost art, trying to resist the silent ax net, but they only struggled for a moment, buying themselves a few seconds of breathing time, before being beheaded.

In less than 10 minutes, the battle was over.

The trap set by the Oni King Oni Mai Tsuji Muzan was so easily disintegrated by Silence, and Silence was unscathed, only Tanjiro and Nezuko were injured, but they also recovered under the slow healing process.

At the same time, in the infinite city.

Ghost King Guiwu Tsuji stood there in astonishment. He repeatedly checked the battle scene in Yoshiwara Hanamachi. The blood in his scarlet eyes squirmed like earthworms, and his pale body trembled uncontrollably.

"How is it possible?! How is it possible to have such power in this world?!"

Guiwu Tsuji could feel the oppression brought by the holy light even across the screen. He knew very well in his heart that even a ghost as powerful as himself would die tragically and be turned into powder on the spot if he was shrouded in this holy light, let alone Talk about those ghosts who are weaker than you.

"Where did this person come from? How did he get this power!"


Guiwu Tsujimu slapped the table and chairs in front of him fiercely, and roared in a low voice: "If... if I am not afraid of the sun, I will definitely be able to defeat this guy, but now his ability completely restrains me... no ! Absolutely can’t fight this guy, I have to procrastinate, procrastinate until he dies, just like Ji Guoyuanyi before, I have an endless lifespan, as long as I hide, no one can live longer than me, 30 years , 40 years, 50 years... Even if it is 100 years, I will definitely kill him with energy."

Oni Wu Tsuji, who is like a master of philosophy, is calculating when Shen Mo will die of old age, and at the same time ordered Narujo, who controls the infinite city, to hide the infinite city hundreds of meters underground. No one can find him.

Yoshihara Flower Street.

After the battle, Mo Mo picked up the disaster battle axe, turned to look at Tanjiro and Nezuko, their injuries had healed.

"Let's go! Return to the production house!"

Tanjiro paused for a moment, then quickly knelt down in front of Shen Mo, and begged: "Senior Mo Mo, please teach me! Teach me like a teaching pillar."

Mo Mo frowned slightly, Tanjiro had grown tremendously in this month, even the talented Tokito Muichiro was nothing more than that, and Tanjiro's pursuit of more powerful power was not satisfied by it, on the contrary, his desire became more and more strength.

The battle just now made Tanjiro realize his own strength. Although he has become stronger, he will still be killed by the opponent when facing the ghost of String. Even Nezuko was almost exhausted by the blood ghost technique. beheaded.

He is still weak, he must become stronger to be able to protect Nezuko from being hurt.

What is that force? !The power of stripes!
Tanjiro has long known what kind of ability Jiuzhu has obtained from Shen Mo, and this is also the ability he wants.

Shen Mo shook his head slightly, and said: "Practice your sun's breath to the extreme first! Otherwise, it is impossible for you to activate the power of the stripes."

Tanjiro was taken aback, then nodded heavily, "Yes!"

Although Shen Mo didn't agree to him, he didn't refuse him either. He just told him that he must practice the breathing technique to the extreme. As long as he fulfilled the requirements of Mo Mo, he could learn the power of stripes.

Silently looked at Tanjiro, then set his eyes on Nezuko.

This battle gave Nezuko a deeper understanding of her own strength, and her blood ghost technique became stronger, but she still couldn't overcome the sun, and she couldn't become the bait to lure Kimai Tsuji.

Shen Mo was a little puzzled, what kind of power can make Nezuko overcome the sun? !She obviously has the physique to overcome the sun, but why can't she still walk in the sun? !
Do you really need love? !
Silently looked at Tanjiro, his eyes wandered between the two, perhaps, they should be put in danger again.


Tanjiro quickly responded, "Yes!"

"You don't have to go back!"

Tanjiro: "???"

"Take Nezuko and start your own journey!"

Silence continued to bewitch: "You should have already noticed that only fighting can allow you to quickly adapt to your own strength and gain stronger strength. Therefore, there is no need for you to return to Yuyashiki. What you should do is to be like other ghost killing teams. Walk the world like members of the group, killing evil spirits."

Tanjiro was stunned, and nodded heavily, expressing his willingness to start a new journey with Nezuko.

But here comes the problem.

What about obstetrics?What about the ultimate battle of Ghost King Ghost Dance Tsuji? !

Shen Mo smiled, looked up at the sky at a 45-degree angle, the moon was in the sky, and the stars were densely covered, "He dare not come out during this period of time."

Tanjiro:? ? ?

Ghost King Ghost Dance Tsuji Wuyou dare not come out? !Why? !He is the king of ghosts!
Silently smiled: "The more immortal, the more afraid of death."

Shen Mo knew in his heart that in the battle of Yoshiwara Flower Street, Oni Wu Tsuji must have watched the battle through the ghosts, so he naturally knew the existence of Shen Mo and its ability.

With the character of the ghost king Guiwu Tsuji, he would never dare to face silence unless he found a way to restrain the sun, which is the way he thought he could restrain the ability of silence.

Ever since, Mo Mo returned to Sanyashiki alone, and Tanjiro took his younger sister Nezuko to start a new journey of his own.

Silence is not worried about what will happen to Tanjiro and Nezuko, because Tanjiro is the protagonist!

How could there be an accident with the protagonist's halo properly.

In the original plot, there were no accidents when the ghosts were rampant. Nowadays, the powerful ghosts should have received the order of the ghost king Gui Wu Tsuji to stay on one side, so how could there be accidents.

Let Tanjiro and Nezuko go out to practice, maybe they can bring back surprises for Shen Mo.

When Shen Mo returned to Miyashiki again, Yaoya Miyashiki and Kuzhu were waiting for him.

Everyone was not surprised when they learned that Shen Mo had destroyed the ghost nest in Yoshiwara Hanamachi by himself, but it was a little surprised that Mo Mo sent Tanjiro and Nezuko out.

Ubuyashiki Yoya was silent for a moment, then slowly said: "It seems that we won the Yoshiwara Flower Street battle, but in fact we lost."

yes!Everyone agrees.

Silence revealing his strength prematurely will definitely make the ghost king Guiwu Tsuji hide deeper and dare not show his face easily, which greatly prolongs the arrival of the final battle.

And here are all stripe swordsmen who have turned on stripes, and their lives are limited, even with the help of purification talisman and holy light blessing talisman.

Shaking his head silently, he explained: "Even if I don't reveal my strength, the ghost king Gui Wu Tsuji will not show up easily. He will only appear at the most critical moment, and this moment is not for us to decide. What we have to do next Just wait."

What are you waiting for? !

Naturally, it is waiting for Tanjiro and Nezuko, as long as Nezuko overcomes the sun and becomes the treasure that Onimai Tsuji wants to obtain with all his efforts, the ultimate battle will inevitably come.

Therefore, in the following time, everyone is still in the obanyashiki, always preparing for the arrival of the ultimate battle.

Information about Tanjiro and Nezuko also continued to come from the front line. Tanjiro who came out of Ubuyashiki and the powerful power of Hi no Breath gained great popularity in a very short period of time.

And some pillars also began to go out of the obstetric house to deal with the string ghosts who were rooted in one side.

With the birth of Nine Pillars, the news of the striped swordsman also fell into the ears of Ghost King Guiwu Tsuji.

Oni Wu Tsuji's heart became heavier and heavier. First, someone as powerful as Shen Mo appeared, and now the striped swordsman who has disappeared has also appeared. Everything is not good for Oni Wu Tsuji, making him more anxious and anxious. disturbed.

"Naruto girl!"

Unable to bear such pressure, Oni Wu Tsuji gave the order to summon all the oni who are on the string. He needs to gather his strongest strength, not to fight to the death with the Demon Slayer Squad, but to stand up and avoid this, which makes him uneasy. era.

Ghost King Ghost Dance Tsuji Wumi is about to start the road of Gou King.

As long as he is good enough, no one can hurt him.

And Shen Mo was not idle during this period of time. While inheriting and practicing new skills through the masters of the Millennium Tongtianliu, he integrated and classified the complete concentration of breathing methods and compiled them into a book. This thing will be of great use sooner or later.

Time passed day by day, and the information of the Ghost Killing Squad was reported to Shen Mo every day.

Until one day, Shen Mo received a message about Tanjiro and Nezuko.

Tanjiro and Nezuko encountered the wounded Wu Yuhu, and killed Yuhu at the cost of Tanjiro losing an arm. At the same time, Nezuko overcame the sunlight and was able to walk in the daytime.

At the moment, the two are on their way back to the maternity house.

After listening silently, she stood up slowly, Nezuko finally overcame the sun, and the ultimate battle came.

Infinite City.

The ghost king, Guiwu Tsuji, who originally wanted to use the jade pot to investigate the outside world, also received a message from Nezuko. Finally, a ghost can stand in the sun without dying. The nightmare that has haunted him for countless years finally has a solution.

"As long as I eat Nezuko, I can overcome the sun, and no one in this world is my opponent."

"Call all the ghosts! Get Nezuko!"

(End of this chapter)

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