The aura of a priest is infinite

Chapter 580 The Mutant Narujo

Chapter 580 The Mutant Narujo

Nezuko overcame the sunlight and was able to walk freely in the daytime, becoming a real day walker.

This is a dream ability for Oni King Oni Wuji Mumi. He used to be the eldest son of the Ubuyashiki family. He was bedridden all the year round because of a serious illness. An immortal monster.

Endless life and powerful power make Gui Wu Tsuji call himself an infinitely close to perfect creature, but the fear of the sun is a wound in his heart, and it is also a problem he has been trying to solve for so many years.

It is said that the blue higan flower has the ability to make Guiwu Tsuji fearless of the sun, but he has been searching for hundreds of years but has not found any information about the blue higan flower.

Now, the appearance of Nezuko has become the "blue flower of the other side" among ghosts.

As long as Guiwu Tsuji Wumi devours Nezuko, he will naturally inherit Nezuko's ability to not be afraid of the sun, and he will become a truly perfect creature.

Immortal, immortal, without weakness, always at the top of the food chain.

Therefore, this will be an ultimate battle around Nezuko.

Ubuyashiki family.

Mo Mo and the others finally waited for the return of Tanjiro and Nezuko. Tanjiro, who had lost an arm, became more mature and powerful. He had successfully awakened the stripes and became a stripes swordsman.

Now Tanjiro also has the combat power of the pillar level, and is the only swordsman who awakens the stripes without the help of silence.

Silence originally wanted to use the ability of slow healing to help Tanjiro regenerate his lost arm, but Tanjiro rejected Silence and told Silence firmly.

The lost arm does not need to be reborn, because it will forever warn Tanjiro that only strong strength can protect his sister Nezuko.

Tanjiro will use the pain of a broken arm to remember this awareness.

Looking at Tanjiro silently, recalling Tanjiro who was a child a month ago, not only was he full of emotion, but current events make heroes, nothing more.

And Nezuko, who overcame the sunlight, was not only able to walk in the sunlight, but also recovered some human intelligence, and was able to recall some memories about Tanjiro.

If you give Nezuko some more time, she might really be able to turn back into a human, or become another kind of existence.

After Tanjiro and Nezuko returned, a plan to exterminate Onimai Tsuji was launched.

As the planner of this plan, Yoya Ubuyashiki, based on the Ubuyashiki family's hundreds of years of understanding of Onimai Tsuji, laid out the plan that is most likely to succeed.

Ubuyashiki Yaoya told everyone that their current advantage is that Nezuko is on their side, and has such a powerful combat power as silent, and ten striped swordsmen.

And Gui Wu Tsuji Wu Mi didn't know that Mo Mo and others knew that Nezuko would be the real target of this war.

The enemy is in the light, while Shen Mo and others are in the dark, this is the chance to win.

Ever since, Ubayashiki Yoya ordered the members of the Demon Slayer Team to hide Nezuko, and then set up a lot of traps at Ubayashiki's house, waiting for the arrival of Kimai Tsuji.

Three days later, the ghost king Guiwu Tsuji Wumi finally came.

He appeared in the Miyashiki mansion very abruptly, slowly landed in front of Miyashiki Yoya, and stared at Miyashiki Yoya with playful eyes.

"Are you the head of the family of this generation?!" Onimai Tsuji looked at the weak Yaoya with his scarlet eyes.

"Ahem, you're finally here. A disgrace to the Ubuyashiki clan!"

With the help of his wife Tianyin, Yaozai slowly supported his body. The curse brought him not only physical pain, but also spiritual torture, but Yaozai did not become decadent because of this, but became more determined.

"Ubuyashiki... that was the name many years ago. I didn't expect you ants to be against me all the time. I wanted to eradicate you early, but because you still have value, I decided to give it a try. Let you linger until now, until now, have you not awakened?!"

Onimai Tsuji stared at Yoya Ubuyashiki contemptuously. As he said, he had the power to destroy the Ubuyashiki family many years ago, but he didn't do it because he knew that no matter how perfect a creature is, it needs competition Without the ghost killing team of the Ubayashiki family, the evil ghosts would have no natural enemies, and their strength would also stagnate. Only through the baptism of killing can stronger ghosts and more valuable ghosts be obtained.

For example, Nezuko, she is the ghost that Onimai Tsuji has been waiting for for many years.

And with the appearance of Nezuko, the Ubuyashiki family will no longer be so needed in front of Onimai Tsuji. As long as he captures Nezuko, the responsibility of the Ubuyashiki family's training of the demon killing team will be on Onimai Tsuji. Bear it, he will become the master who truly rules over all ghosts in the world.

"The reason why our Ubayashiki clan exists is to eliminate family scum like you. This is our awakening!"

Oni Wu Tsuji Wuyou stared at Yaoza with a sneer, like a hunter playing with a dying prey, with jokes and sarcasm.

"Ignorant low-level creatures, even you can't understand me as a perfect creature. If so, then die with your ignorance!"

Oni Wu Tsuji had no tragic murderous intentions, and several long whips of flesh and blood stretched out from behind, aiming at Yaozai and the others in the delivery house.

But at this critical moment, Umaniyashiki Amane, who was supporting Yasuya Miyayashiki, made a sudden move, several chapters of talismans ignited in the wind, turning into white lights and colliding with Onimai Tsuji's attack.

hum!The white light burned, instantly devouring Mumi Onimui Tsuji's fleshy whip, and like the poison of the tarsus, along the whip of flesh and blood, it attacked and killed Mumi Onimui Tsuji's body.

Gui Wu Tsuji screamed in pain, and the white lights in his eyes were like scorching suns, and once touched, they began to burn his body, tear his muscles, and turn everything about him into dust.

But this power is not enough to kill him, as long as he uses his powerful self-healing ability, he can overcome this power and knock them out.

But this power that is very similar to the sun made Guiwu Tsuji very fearful, even a little panicked.

that person!It must be that person!Only he had this terrifying power, and what was even more terrifying was that he was able to give this power to the unarmed woman in front of him!
If even this kind of woman can master the power to restrain herself, then what kind of perfect creature is Wumai Tsuji talking about, it is not even as good as a cockroach on the ground.

Roar!With a roar, Guiwu Tsuji cut off the fleshy whip on his back, and the fallen whip turned into powder under the burning of the white light, and a new whip grew out of his back.

This time, Onimai Tsuji Muyou did not rush to attack Yoya Ubuyashiki and Amane, but stared at the surroundings vigilantly.

Because at the moment he cut off the long whip of flesh and blood, Nine Pillars and Tanjirou lurking around had already surrounded and killed him.

They each unfolded their own markings, held the Japanese sword tightly in their hands, and pointed directly at Onimai Tsuji.

trap? !
Ubuyashiki Yoya actually used himself as the bait to set this trap? !
Do these guys really think they can defeat him with their strength?It is not the first time that the striped swordsman has appeared. Hundreds of years ago, a group of striped swordsmen wanted to kill him, but he still survived until now.

Guiwu Tsuji's eyes swept over everyone, but he didn't find the figure of that person. The corner of his mouth was raised, and he mocked: "Just because you want to kill me?! Hehe, since you are all here, then die !"

hum!Oni Wu Tsuji was about to make a move when an extremely terrifying aura erupted. It was an aura that was very similar to the white light just now, and it was even more powerful and dazzling.

It's him!That man man!

Oni Wu Tsuji Wucan didn't even bother to turn around to check, he stretched out his figure directly, and used the ability of the ghost king to contact Narujo who controlled the Infinite City.

"Naruto girl!"

With a loud shout, Gui Wu Tsuji's figure disappeared in place, and the next second, a holy light descended and illuminated the earth.

run away? !
Just now he was arrogant and arrogant, but now he ran away with his tail between his legs without even saying hello? !
Even Yaoya Shiki, who had laid everything in place long ago, was stunned. Although he couldn't see, his hearing was excellent, and he didn't hear the screams of Kibutsuji Mumi, or the joyful sounds of Jiuzhu and others. .

"Did you fail?"

Tianyin quickly explained: "No! He escaped! He hid in his infinite city like a mouse!"


Yuya Miyayashiki smiled, very presumptuously and satisfied, he took a deep breath and immediately issued a new order.

"Proceed with the second plan!"

Jiuzhu and the others took the order, and looked at Shen Mo one after another, and Shen Mo, who later made the ghost control, was the executor of the second plan.

I saw the power of the silent mind erupting, and at the moment when Oni Wu Tsuji escaped miserably, he instantly locked on the location of Infinite City.

The Infinite City at this moment, under Naruko's control, is falling rapidly, trying to escape from the maternity house.

How can silence give them a chance to escape, since they have already come, then don't leave.

The power of mind and eye penetrated through layers of barriers and locked Naruto's location.

"caught you!"

hum!The Tongtian demon world unfolded in an instant, and countless vines stretched out from behind the silence, and penetrated into the ground to find the infinite city where Naruto was.

Tongtian Yaoliu is originally a wood-type monster, and it is its innate ability to travel underground. Compared with the Infinite City controlled by Naruto's blood ghost technique, it is naturally much faster.

Therefore, countless sky-reaching demon vines caught up to Infinite City, wrapped it up and bound it tightly.

The huge Infinity City trembled violently, and Oni Wu Tsuji, who was hiding in it, was in a panic, and quickly asked, "Naruko, what's going on?!"

Naruto plucked the pipa in her hand, trying to control the infinite city to escape from the shackles of the sky-reaching demon vine, but she couldn't get rid of the shackles with all her strength, and the pipa in her hand broke suddenly because it couldn't withstand the huge force, and the blood flowed like a gush. .

Naruto's scarlet ghost eyes were bloodshot, and she replied tremblingly: "Something is binding me. I can't break free from it."

Guiwu Tsuji frowned, and shouted loudly, "Trash!"

He originally wanted to kill Ming Nu, but once Ming Nu died, it would be even more impossible for him to escape from this place, so he could only suppress the anger in his heart and think of a solution.

"It must be that man's hands and feet. The group of low-level creatures in Ubuyashiki can't possibly trap Naruto's infinite city. He is going to kill them all!"

boom!As soon as Oni Wu Tsuji's words fell, the huge infinite city began to tremble violently. Even the ghost king, Oni Wu Tsuji, couldn't completely control his body shape, let alone other ghosts, most of them were stunned by Akira .

"what happened again?"

Oni Wu Tsuji asked without misery.

"We're being pulled to the ground!"

Forehead? !

Oni Wu Tsuji realized the seriousness of the problem, so it seems that this battle is inevitable, and only by killing the man can he survive.

"Mingnu, let them in, let the Ghost Moons get ready and kill them all."

Naruto replied tremblingly: "Master, I can no longer completely control the Infinite City, and they have already entered."

hum!As Naruto used her blood ghost technique to open the Dao Dao screen, Nine Pillars of the Demon Slayer Team and Tanjiro had appeared in Infinite City.

The silent figure is also among them, and stands at the forefront as a leader.

Here they come!They really came!
Guiwu Tsujimu gritted his teeth fiercely, and blood flowed. He tore open his arm, poured blood into Naruko's mouth, and roared: "Give me a drink! Become stronger! Let these low Waiting creatures know how powerful you are."

Naruto struggled painfully, but she still couldn't get rid of the blood injected into her body. It turned out that Naruto still had a human form, but after struggling for a moment, she lost her voice, and soon a drastic change occurred. Naruto's body suddenly swelled and turned into countless Tentacles of flesh and blood spread to the entire Infinite City.

Under the roar of Oni Wu Tsuji, Naruto landed on the bloody fleshy ball and regained the control of Infinite City. At the same time, she also lost her last trace of sanity and turned into a monster who only knew how to kill.

Let's say that Shen Mo and the others had just stepped into the Infinite City, and before they started to push towards Guiwu Tsuji, they were attacked by the mutant Naruto.

The madly split, distorted, and reorganized Infinite City instantly dispersed everyone. Some members of the lower-level and weaker ghost killing team even died tragically among the changing buildings, turning into flesh and blood and being swallowed by the buildings.

Under the power of Shen Mo's mind, the ordinary buildings controlled by Naruto unexpectedly merged with Naruto, becoming an alternative existence between ghosts and buildings.

The power of silent mind can't go through these barriers to lock on the location of Onimai Tsuji, and can't contact those separated Nine Pillars and Tanjiro.

He never expected that the forced Oni Wu Tsuji would actually improve Naruko's abilities, making Infinite City even more dangerous.

Shen Mo was trapped in a Japanese-style house. He instinctively used the blessing of the Holy Light to break Naruko's shackles, but the infinite city between ghosts and buildings and immune to the attack of the Holy Light Blessing Even the power of purification cannot affect it.

This makes silence extremely passive.

With a flick of his wrist, he flashed out the calamity Yamata no Orochi battle axe, and between breaths, he slashed out, a full moon slash, and instantly opened the wall, revealing the outside world.

Mo Mo took a closer look and saw that the outside world was still an intricate building, everything was intertwined and twisted together, and it was impossible to find a way out.

Well, the problem is coming!
How should Shen Mo find Ghost Mai Tsuji and kill him? !

(End of this chapter)

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