The aura of a priest is infinite

Chapter 581 The Suicide Yiwozuo

Chapter 581 The Suicide Yiwozuo
"Nannan, can you find Ghost Dance Tsuji Wumi?"

Mo Mo first patted the beckoning cat on his waist, trying to use Nannan's power to find Guiwu Tsuji Wumi, but there was no accident. Nannan's power is the same as the power of mind and eyes, which cannot be used in Naruto's Infinite City. It is obviously unrealistic to rely on luck to find Ghost Mai Tsuji.

If that's the case, then you can only rush without thinking.

Shen Mo picked up the calamity battle axe, jumped out of the cut marks just now, and came to the extremely complicated and twisted interior of the infinite city. There is no distinction between up, down, left, and right, because all kinds of buildings are everywhere. These buildings are just Japanese-style wooden houses, even if they are infused with Naruto's flesh and blood, they cannot resist the slashing of the Calamity Tomahawk in terms of hardness.

Shen Mo waved the battle ax in his hand while pushing forward, as long as he slashed fast enough, hard enough, and hard enough, Naruto would not be able to stand it sooner or later.

At the same time, Tanjiro and Jiuzhu, who were separated from Shen Mo, were attacked by evil spirits. They were also separated into several waves, and were attacked and killed by the ghost of the string.

Although with the help of silence, Jiuzhu became a striped swordsman in advance, but in the battle between Jiuzhu and the ghost of the string, Jiuzhu still has no advantage, especially after Naruto's mutation, Infinite City has become the ghost of the evil spirit. The real home court, those sudden changes in the buildings have brought great trouble to the nine pillars.

Not long after, casualties appeared in the Nine Pillars. Although the ghosts with strings were also beheaded, it was clear that the enemy had the upper hand. Often only two or three pillars could face a ghost with strings. If you want to kill them, you have to Pay a more painful price, even life.

Compared to the brutality of the ghost killing team, Mo Mo was a little puzzled. He kept cutting and charging, and until now he hadn't encountered even a ghost, not even a member of the ghost killing team.

Obviously, this is what Naruto did deliberately, the purpose is to isolate Silence and prevent him from contacting anyone.

Hey, have you started acting like a turtle if you can't beat it?
With a mocking sound in silence, he swung the calamity battle ax and slashed out fiercely, tearing down several walls in an instant, revealing the situation behind.

Um? !Silence raised his eyebrows, and he finally saw the others.

Tanjiro and Giyu Tomioka.

The two of them are fighting with a stringed ghost, and this wounded ghost is Yiwozuo of the sixth string.

Yiwozuo is known as the ghost of fighting, with pink short hair and cyan tattoos all over his body. He worships the strong and hates the weak in his heart. Blood ghost art is an extremely powerful destructive killing, somewhat similar to domain killing. Anyone who steps into his domain will be seen through his moves and motives.

Therefore, Tanjiro and Tomioka Yoshiyuki have fought in Yiwoza so far, not only did not hurt Yiwoza, but was seriously injured by Yiwoza.

Neither Tanjiro nor Tomioka Yoshiyuki, who have turned on the mottled ability, are opponents of Yiwoza, which shows how powerful this guy is.

It was really an accident that Shen Mo found them. Naruto didn't expect Shen Mo to exert force suddenly, cutting down dozens of walls in a row, directly piercing through the area where Yi Wo Zuo was fighting.

Naruto hurriedly manipulated the building, trying to teleport the silence away again, but she only felt that the silence disappeared in place in a blink of an eye.

The ignited ground shrinking talisman turned into bursts of talisman power, and the silence was teleported from the original place to Yiwoza. The seriously injured Yoshiyuki Tomioka and the bloody Tanjiro tried to stand up with their bodies. But he didn't even have the strength to stand up.

"Have you run out of healing charms?"

Tanjiro nodded, the number of healing charms refined by Ubuyashiki Amane was extremely rare, even nine pillars could only hold two, and newcomers like Tanjiro who had just reached the pillar level only had one share.

So in the battle with Yiwoza, Tanjiro and Tomioka Yoshiyuki ran out of healing charms long ago.

Mo Mo raised his hand twice to heal slowly, helping Tanjiro and Tomioka Yoshiyuki to recover from their injuries, and then set his sights on Yiwoza.

"Heck! It seems that a terrible guy has come! But it doesn't matter, you will soon fall under my iron fist like them."

Yiwozuo mocked arrogantly, his scarlet eyes shone with a strange blue halo, which was a kind of extremely cold energy.

Under the perception of Shen Mo's power of mind and eyes, Yiwozuo's blood ghost technique is fully exposed. The so-called domain-like destruction and killing is actually a super physical strength far surpassing that of ghosts. Combined with subtle dynamic vision, it can gain insight into the enemy's movements , Predict the enemy's attack, and then achieve the fighting skills of the prophet.

This is indeed an extremely powerful blood ghost technique, but it is nothing to Shen Mo, who has the power of mind and eye, because the power of mind and eye can easily do what Yiwozuo did.

"You seem confident in your abilities."

Mo Mo said while turning to Yiwozuo. Although his power of mind and eyes could not be used to detect Infinite City, it could still be used to fight and block Yiwozuo's perception.

"Heck, the weak are not qualified to survive, and you are the weak. As the strong, I have the right to decide your life and death, but because of your special ability, are you interested in joining us and gaining eternal life?"

Silently sneered, the ghosts who wound up are all poor people who were brainwashed by the ghost king Guiwu Tsuji, this sentence is not wrong at all.

For example, Yiwozuo in front of me was originally just a filial child who often stole to cure his father, but his father hanged himself in shame. After he was exiled, because of his good talent, he met his master Qingzang and his lover Lianxue. Yiwozuo, who originally wanted to start a new life, was hit hard again. His master and lover were poisoned and killed by people from the gym next door.Driven by anger, he bloodbathed his enemies, and was forcibly turned into a ghost by Gui Wu Tsuji.

Yiwozuo is actually a poor person who was born poor, struggled hard, thought that God was merciful, but suffered the injustice of the world.

Seeing this poor man trying to win him over to join the ghost's weight, Mo Mo naturally had mixed feelings in his heart and felt a lot of emotion.

"Have you forgotten your past?"

Yiwozuo was taken aback for a moment, and soon came back to his senses, and taunted: "The past... is no longer important, the important thing is that I am a strong person now, and only the strong are qualified to live in this world. The weak are only eligible to be played by the strong."

Silence continued to ask: "Then why do you want to be strong so much?"

Yi Wozuo was stunned, and some familiar and unfamiliar images seemed to flash in his mind, "Because... because of the strong..."

Yi Wozuo still can't think of the past. Although the blood of Oni Wu Tsuji Mumi gave him eternal life and powerful power, it made him lose himself.

Shen Mo shook his head, "Can't you remember? Then I'll help you remember."

Silence's wrists trembled, and the palm-sized puppet woodcarving grew in the wind, turning into a plump and round human, and the master of hypnotism——Penguin appeared!
"He gave it to you!"

Mo Mo handed Yiwozuo over to Penguin. Although Penguin's combat power is not strong, he is the most suitable for dealing with Shi Lezhi's Yiwozuo. As long as the brainwashing of Guiwu Tsuji Wumi is re-washed, Yiwozuo will be defeated .

Yiwozuo looked at the fat penguin called out by silence, and was not optimistic at all. How could such an ordinary and fat thing be a strong one? !
boom!Yiwozuo immediately launched his blood ghost technique, trying to blow the penguin's head off with one punch, and he really got what he wanted.

I saw Yiwozuo's iron fist swung out, instantly blowing the penguin's head, and the penguin that lost its head fell to the ground silently, thumping a few times and losing its vitality.

Yiwozuo smiled strangely, wanting to ridicule Shen Mo, but he just took his eyes away from the penguin, only to find that Mo Mo and the others had disappeared, replaced by a familiar yet unfamiliar environment, which seemed familiar here.

"Komaji! Time to eat!"

Komaji is Yiwoza's name when he was a human being. Although he has long forgotten this name, when someone calls him, he still responds instinctively.

Yiwozuo suddenly turned around, and suddenly saw a girl, she is so cute and kind, her smile seems to melt people, who is she?Why did she ask me to eat?Who am I? !

Numerous questions arose in Yiwozuo's mind. He lost his hostility as a ghost, but followed the girl like a person, and started his life as a person. The firewood, rice, oil, salt, soy sauce, vinegar and tea... everything Become extremely comfortable.

Maybe this is his life.

Yiwoza, no, it should be said that Komaji has been lost in a happy and comfortable life and cannot extricate himself. His originally empty heart has become more and more fulfilled and satisfied in the penguin's hypnotic illusion.

Real world infinite city.

Penguin looked at Yiwozuo, who was standing still, with a smile on his face, examining his body and soul as if playing with a beloved toy.

"Master, this is such an interesting creature! He has such a powerful physical body, but his heart is empty like a child, tsk tsk, how can there be such a special creature in this world?"

Shen Mo nodded slightly, and said, "You will see many such creatures, first help him end this miserable life."

Penguin licked his tongue, nodded reluctantly, and then played with Yiwozuo's memory very seriously.

A moment later, red tears of blood flowed from Yiwozuo's blue eyes, and his body dissipated at a speed visible to the naked eye, turning into powder and disappearing.

He killed himself!

Yiwoza, no, Komaji knew everything in the penguin's illusion, and he chose to leave this world with his lover Lianxue and his master.

Silently looked at the dissipated Komaji, and said lightly: "In the next life, be an ordinary person and live a happy life!"

Tanjiro and Tomioka Yoshiyuki silently healed and recovered their injuries. They looked at the penguin in disbelief, never expecting that such an ugly fat man would have the terrifying power to easily defeat Yiwoza.

How did he do that?Is there any ability in this world that can kill ghosts besides the sun and the sun wheel knife?
In fact, it was not the penguin that killed Yiwozuo, but himself. It was he himself who recalled the past and found relief in the illusion created by the penguin, so he chose to kill himself.

For other ghosts, it is difficult for the penguin's illusion to have such a miraculous effect.

To put it bluntly, the strength of the physical body is just pure strength, and the strength of the mind is the real strength.

After solving Yiwoza, Shen Mo put away the penguin, and then looked at Tanjiro and Tomioka Yoshiyuki.

"Why are you two together?"

Tanjiro replied: "Infinite City changed, everyone was separated, and I was lucky to be separated with Senior Giyuu."

"What about the rest?"

Tanjiro: "I don't know."

Tomioka Yoshiyuki, who has always been not good at words, said: "With the strength of Jiuzhu, as long as we don't meet the ghost king Guiwu Tsuji, we should not be killed in such a short time, but we must find them as soon as possible and gather all the strength Kill the ghost king."

Shaking his head silently, Yoshiyuki Tomioka's proposal is obviously not realistic enough. The mutated Naruto controls the Infinite City, and it is not easy to find the ghost king Oni Mai Tsuji who wants to be a dog in her Infinite City.

But gathering everyone's strength is indeed an impossible solution.

Silence can only rely on the method of finding Tanjiro and the two, and once again swung the disaster battle ax to find the whereabouts of the others.

Still the same sentence, as long as his ax wheel is fast, Naruto will not be able to catch up with his speed.

Puff!Shen Mo split the wall in front of him again, leading Tanjiro and the two into it, looking for traces of other people or ghosts.

At the same time, the other nine pillars were also attacked by ghosts.

The most tragic of these is the battle between Heishimu, one of the top strings, and Yanzhu Beimingyu Xingming, Yanzhu Purgatory Makishouro, Yinzhu Umao Tengen, and Shitou Muichiro.

Hei Si Mou, one of the top strings, a practitioner of Moon Breath, the twin brother of Ji Guo Yuan Yi, is the most powerful ghost except the ghost king Guiwu Tsuji Wumi. He has a black high ponytail and six ghost eyes. , has the same ability to see through the world as Ji Guoyuan, under his ghostly eyes, he can see things that ordinary people cannot see.

This is where the origin of the Quan-Zong breathing method is born. It is precisely because Ji Guoyuan has the ability to see through the world, the so-called ability to penetrate the world, that he created the sun-breathing method, which has been derived from countless schools.

The so-called penetrating world is actually a superhuman-like clairvoyant eye. This ability allows Ji Guoyuan to peek into the inner world of human beings, and successively researches the breathing method that can make people stronger.

At the same time, the power of penetration also plays an extremely powerful role in battle. An ability that can see through the enemy's inner being will give insight into everything about the enemy.

Therefore, Hei Si Mou was still able to deal with the four column-level swordsmen who had activated the power of markings, and with the super self-healing power and unlimited physical strength of the ghosts, all four of them were severely injured.

The healing talismans on the four of them had been used a long time ago, but they still couldn't cause fatal damage to Hei Simou, and they couldn't even break through Hei Simou's defense and reach his side, let alone beheading.

Time passed by every minute and every second, if the four of them still couldn't kill Hei Simou, what awaited them would be death.

And Shen Mo still took Tanjirou and Tomioka Yoshiyuki to shuttle in the Infinite City, and there was an accident with Yiwoza, Naruko became more and more targeted at Shen Mo, preventing him from approaching any position close to other battlefields.

It is becoming increasingly difficult for Silence to help others.

(End of this chapter)

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