The aura of a priest is infinite

Chapter 582?? Have you experienced despair?

Chapter 582 Have you experienced despair?

Tanjiro followed behind Shen Mo, watching in amazement that Shen Mo kept splitting the layers of barriers with his tomahawk, hesitated for a moment, stepped forward and asked, "Senior Mo Mo, what are you doing?"


Isn't it obvious what I'm doing?We are trapped in Infinite City by Naruto's blood ghost technique, and we want to find other people or the ghost king Guiwu Tsuji as soon as possible. Isn't Wunao Chong the most realistic approach at the moment?

Knowing the intention of silence, Tanjiro raised his hand and said, "Actually, I can find everyone."

Silence: "Huh?!"

You can find everyone, why didn't you say it earlier?It made me rush all the way without thinking, and my arm was almost numb.

Wait, how did Tanjiro find everyone? Is there anything special about him?

Tanjiro sniffed lightly on the tip of his nose, and replied truthfully: "My nose has always been very good, so I can smell everyone's scent."

Silence has been relying heavily on the power of the mind since he obtained the power of the mind. All the detection methods rely on the power of the mind. On the contrary, the power of the mind is restricted. He is like a tiger without eyes, blind with eyes open.

This also causes silence to forget the most essential power of human beings, sight, hearing, smell, taste, touch, collectively referred to as the five senses.

The silent five senses have long been far superior to ordinary people, but with the power of mind and eyes, he ignored his five senses.Now being awakened by Tanjiro, it is natural to regain the five senses and perceive this world from another angle.

Mo Mo took a deep breath, restrained his mind, his mental power was as calm as a calm lake, and his five senses were opened up in an instant to perceive this world.

Vision, as far as the eye can see, is exhaustive.

Hearing, whispering in the ear, like a bell or a drum.

Smell, a thousand tastes, is as thin as silk.

The sense of touch, the birth of a baby, the first feeling of everything.

Under the interweaving of the five senses, everything around gradually converges into an insightful picture of the world.

Another realm that the striped swordsman can master, with the powerful five senses to perceive the essence of this world.

Even without the help of the power of mind and eyes, Mo Mo can perceive everything that is happening around him through his five senses.

The corners of his mouth were raised slightly, and he was very happy with the newly acquired ability. It really felt special in his heart to understand the world from a different angle.

【Ding!Comprehend new skills: penetrating the five senses. 】

【Five Senses Transparency: Rely on the powerful five senses to perceive the world and gain insight into the transparent state. 】

Mo Mo's eyebrows twitched, his eyes swept all around, and he immediately locked on one side of the battle. He tapped his feet, urging Tanjiro and Tomioka Yoshiyuki to follow his footsteps.

The calamity battle ax in his hand was raised again, and he slashed again and again, opening several walls.

Although Tanjiro didn't know that Shen Mo had comprehended the power of the five senses, he followed closely behind Shen Mo, and the three of them flew away quickly, and soon came to a battlefield.

The bloody smell coming from the pavement made Tanjiro's body stiffen suddenly, and the familiar smell made his heart tremble, and he looked quickly, only to see that Tokitomu Ichiro had fallen in a pool of blood, broken at the waist, and lifeless.Yin Zhu Yu Mao Tianyuan was blind in both eyes, with broken arms and legs.Yanzhu Purgatory Makijuro, in a bloody battle, was on the verge of dizziness.The rock pillar mourns and mourns the island, supporting it tenaciously, and life and death are instantaneous.

On the other hand, their enemy, one of the top players, Hei Si Mou, didn't even show any scars.

The power of the four pillars can't even hurt Hei Shimou's hair! ?
No, to be precise, Hei Si Mou's powerful self-healing ability made the four pillars' attacks beyond the beheading level meaningless.

Even if human beings have gained great power, it is still difficult to break through the gap between biological levels when facing creatures like ghosts.

People are no match for ghosts.

But this is only for ordinary people, and for a very small number of human beings, it is a different situation.

Silence frowned, and instead of rushing to treat everyone, he fixed his eyes on Heishimou.

"Are you Ji Guoyuanyi's younger brother Ji Guoyan Sheng!"

Hei Si Mou's figure was slightly stagnant, he hadn't heard this name for a long time, the name that he hated for hundreds of years, the name that made him extremely jealous ever since he was born - Ji Guo Yuan Yi!

Breath of the Moon · Dark Moon · Night Palace.

Heishimu's Ghost Slaying Sword swept out, and countless round moon blades came fighting, trying to pierce Silence's body.

Puff!Silently, the five senses were clear, and the calamity battle ax was raised immediately. The seemingly ordinary blow hit the flaw in the Dark Moon·Night Palace, and defeated it with one blow.

Black Death Mou:···
After a failed attack, Heishi Mou couldn't help but start to face up to the enemy in front of him, because this person can crack his Dark Moon · Night Palace so easily, so this person is by no means simple.

Shen Mo took a long breath, and ordered Tanjiro and Tomioka Giyuu to rescue the three of Beimingyu Xingming, and then faced Hei Simou alone.

Under the penetration of Shen Mo's five senses, Hei Si Mou's body became transparent, and all his flesh and organs were displayed in front of Shen Mo.

"How did you become like this?"

Heishi Mou froze in astonishment, this sentence reminded him of what his elder brother Ji Guoyuan had said to him hundreds of years ago.

"How did you become like this?!"

Are people the same as ghosts?

Naturally, it is different. Under the penetrating perception of the silent five senses, Hei Si Mou's flesh and blood body is simply disgusting. The organs infected by the blood of the ghost king Gui Wu Tsuji Wushou are distorted and mutated, exuding bursts of rancidity. , The filthy blood flowing in the blood vessels, although red as blood, is as thick and poisonous as mercury.

Being a good person, why do you want to change yourself into this look? !
Is it really worth turning yourself into a ghost for endless life? !

After being stunned for a moment, Hei Si Mou's face showed a tyrannical look, and he said coldly: "Your words remind me of that guy who I have hated all my life, so you must die."

Silently sneered, and replied: "That guy whom you have hated all your life cherishes the brotherhood between you and him very much!"

Hei Si Mou was stunned again, and immediately aroused endless anger, roaring: "Don't mention that person to me again!"

hum!The ghost-killing sword was slashed out fiercely, and the moon's breath and the two-shaped pearls played with the moon.

Turning around, he swung two blade winds at the same time, and each blade wind had many moon blades. This blow was stronger, faster, and more ruthless than the previous one.

Mo Mo faced the slashing blows directly, and rushed into the blade wind, relying on the penetrating senses of the five senses to pass by the blade wind, and was about to get close to Black Death Mou.

Heishimou's six ghost eyes spun rapidly, and the world in his eyes began to become transparent.

See through the world!
Hei Si Mou didn't have this ability when he was a human, but after he became a ghost, the blood ghost art opened up the ability to penetrate the world, allowing him to perceive this world like Ji Guo Yuan Yi.

But it's a pity that the world in the eyes of ghosts is, after all, the world in the eyes of ghosts.

Forehead? !

Hei Si Mou stared at Silence's body in disbelief, through his skin, he saw his flesh and blood organs, these ordinary flesh and blood, unexpectedly so extraordinary.

"you are not human!"

Hei Si Mou raised the ghost-killing sword in astonishment, the breath of the moon, the five-shaped moon soul disaster vortex, activated!

Numerous times of drawing the sword formed a swirling blade wind, which quickly pushed back Silence who wanted to get close.

Shen Mou, who had retreated behind him and landed, stared at Heishimu with disdainful eyes.

"How can you scold someone!"

Holding a knife, Hei Si Mou questioned: "It is impossible for a human to have such a powerful body as you. What are you?!"

"I'm not a thing! Bah! I'm a person!"

"Impossible, your flesh and blood, your internal organs, every inch of your flesh and blood tell you that you cannot be human."

Shen Mo frowned and sneered, "You don't know anything about human beings."

Hei Si Mou:? ? ?

Silence continued to taunt: "Do you think that human beings are just unarmed and lowly creatures?! You are wrong, human beings are a powerful race with infinite possibilities, and a guy like you who chooses not to be a human in order to obtain a humble life is simply extremely stupid .”

Hei Si Mou widened his six eyes, and said in disbelief: "Did your strength also be acquired the day after tomorrow!?"

Silently smiled: "Yes! Do you want to learn, I will teach you!"

Hei Si Mou is in a trance, he naturally wants it, strong power is what he dreams of, and the power of ghosts has the most fatal flaw, that is, it is afraid of the sun, but the power of silence is not, at least it is not afraid of the sun.

Black Death Mou Chang said: "You have a talent beyond human beings, why don't you join us and become a powerful existence like the king."

silence:? ? ?
Has Winding Ghost's general skill - brainwashing been activated again? !
But all winding ghosts have the ability to brainwash others, as long as they see valuable people, they want to pull them into their camp.

If these guys were placed in the real world, they would be the best in the Blue Sky Project.

But how could Silence believe their nonsense, brainwashing is impossible to be brainwashed.

"Hey, have you stopped being human like you?!"

Silently ridiculed, and continued to tease: "Look at what you look like now?"

Hei Si Mou was stunned again, as if he saw his brother's figure on Shen Mo's body, how irritating and jealous that was!
Why do such people appear in this world, and why are they born with abilities that others will never get in their lifetime.

Damn it!Damn it all!

Hei Si Mou couldn't suppress the anger in his heart any longer, he suddenly drew his knife and slashed at Shen Mou.

Shen Mo, who had been on guard for a long time, also raised the disaster battle ax in his hand, and fought with Hei Si Mou.

As Hei Si Mou with extraordinary swordsmanship, relying on the power of ghosts, he has already pushed his swordsmanship to an extremely terrifying state, but when facing Silence, he still cannot surpass Silence's fighting power, because Silence's foundation is stronger than Hei Si Mou's. Profound, coupled with the intensive study of various schools of breathing and swordsmanship during this period, the silent ax technique has still reached a new level.

Silent entered the East Sea like a dragon, plunged into the wind of Heishimu's blade, and with his agility, not only dodged Heishimu's attack, but also brought the distance between the two of them closer and closer.

The calamity battle ax hummed in Shen Mo's hands, and the strong force turned into a strong wind and swept away, the holy light shone, and blessed the ax blade.

With a single strike, Heishimu's Ghost Killing Sword couldn't help but froze in mid-air. His six eyes were filled with disbelief and astonishment, and the world in his eyes gradually became a bloody halo.

He was beheaded? !

Was Hei Si Mou beheaded in just one confrontation?
yes!The battle between masters is often in an instant. Hei Simou, who lost his mind and was swallowed by anger, did not see the silent ax technique at all, and was just swallowed by the disaster battle axe.

The power of the blessing of the Holy Light began to devour Heishimou's body along the neck wound, suppressing the powerful self-healing ability of the evil spirit, eroding his whole body like tarsal poison and disintegrating his cells.

Mo Mo stood up slowly with his battle ax in his hand. He used to think that the mouth escape in the anime was just a trick to deceive people. What kind of mouth escape can kill the enemy? !
But after a period of exploration, Shen Mo found that the real cowhide is the unsolvable mouth escape, which can mainly grasp the enemy's heart and weakness, and a few mouth escapes are enough to make the enemy lose their minds.

In a battle between masters, if one side loses its mind, it is absolutely fatal.

This is the case with Heishimu. Although he has extremely strong combat power and his sword skills far surpass silence, the moment he loses his mind in anger, it indicates that he has already lost.

Mo Mou looked at the dissipated Hei Si Mou, and said indifferently: "Actually, your brother respects you very much."

Black Death Mou:···
The head that was about to dissipate was stunned for a while, and the six eyes couldn't stop shedding blood and tears.

"I'm sorry, Yuanyi, brother is wrong."

As the black dead mou turned into powder and disappeared, he turned silently and looked at Tanjiro and the others. After the emergency treatment by Tanjiro and Tomioka Yoshiyuki, Yanzhu lamented Yu Xingmei, Yanzhu Purgatory Makijuro, Otozhu Umo Tian Yuan's injury has basically stabilized.

It's a pity that Shi Tou Wuichiro was cut in the waist by Heishai Mou, and he had already died in battle.

Mo Mo raised his hand to bless the holy light, and helped the three of them recover from their injuries. After waiting for a while, they continued to search for the ghost king Guiwu Tsuji.

And the ghost king Guiwu Tsuji, who was hiding in a corner of Infinite City, slammed the table in front of him in panic and slammed, roaring: "Why? Why can't even Black Death Mou defeat him! Why do you lowly creatures always want to kill me? I am the future, the most perfect creature, you all deserve to die, you all deserve to die.”

Onimai Tsuji roared desperately, but he still didn't have the courage to face the silence.

"Naru, open the infinite city and let me out."

The mutated Naruto has lost her voice, and she can only send out messages through the connection with the ghost king.

"My lord, Infinite City is still bound by vines. I can't break through these vines, so you can't leave Infinite City."

"Damn it! You bastard..."

Oni Wu Tsuji Mucan wanted to curse Naruko again, but seeing Naruko who had reached her limit, she could only lower her head helplessly.

"Notify the remaining Shangxian, let's work together to kill that man, even if he can't kill him, he must wear down his strength, so that I have more opportunities to win when facing him."

Naruto took the lead, controlled the Infinite City again, and sent the rest of the wounded ghosts to Shen Mo's side.

The winding ghosts: Tong Mo, Ban Tiangou, Yan Yue, suddenly appeared in front of Shen Mo and the others.

Silence: "Oh?! Are you here to deliver food again?"

(End of this chapter)

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