The aura of a priest is infinite

Chapter 583? Why are you still alive?

Chapter 583 Why are you still alive

Mo Mo didn't panic at all in the face of the remaining Shangxian ghosts, because Hei Simou, the strongest of the Shangxian ghosts, died in his hands, so what fear did the remaining Shangxian ghosts have.

Everything has its purpose, and Ghost King Gui Wu Tsuji still uses these winding ghosts to deal with Silence, obviously to weaken the power of Silence.

But the ghost king Guiwu Tsuji Wuyou never imagined that these ghosts on strings could not weaken the power of silence at all, not even a sliver.

Standing behind Shen Mo, Tanjirou and the pillars stepped forward one after another, facing the three ghosts.

"Senior Silence, they are handed over to us."

Nodding silently, without further words, he drew back and gave them room to fight.

The three ghosts were stunned. They were ordered to kill Silence, but not these insignificant little characters.

Tong Mo showed kindness on his face, but he yelled sharply: "Our target is him. If you don't want to die, just leave me alone."

Tanjiro picked up the Hirinkana and replied firmly, "If you want to hurt Senior, you have to step over my dead body."

"And us!"

Shuizhu Tomioka Yoshiyuki, Yanzhu Beimingyu Xingming, Yanzhu Purgatory Makijuro, and Onzhu Yumao Tengen said in unison.

Tong Mo's handsome face burst out with murderous aura. He is the leader of the All Things Bliss Sect. He turned into a ghost queen, liked to eat young women, and even attributed his actions to redemption. He was a complete pervert.

Facing Tanjiro and Pillars who blocked his mission, Tong Mo obviously became murderous.

With an evil smile on Tong Mo's waxy face, he said to Ban Tiangou and Yan Yue beside him, "They are mine now, and I will leave that person to you."

hum!Tong Mo turned into a sudden burst of extremely cold air with him as the center, and the instantly condensed ice crystals turned into snow mist and enveloped the surroundings, wrapping Tanjiro and others in it, isolating them from silence.

For a while, Mo Mo was helpless and had to face Ban Tiangou and Yue Yue.

"Hey, you're dead!" Yan Yue's face covered with black body texture was extremely ferocious. He was once the heir of the ghost killing team Thunder Breath, but because he hated his fellow disciples, he chose to drink the blood of Hei Si Mou and turned into a ghost. But he is not far less powerful than Hei Si Mou, he is just a poor boy who has lost his faith.

Faced with silence for a long time, the dog hunched his body, put on a pitiful look, and sobbed softly: "I'm going to die, I'm going to die, I'm going to die..."

When Ban Tiangou was still a human being, he was an old thief who always did bad things but always thought he was a kind and weak person. He was very good at using his old and thin appearance to deceive others and win their goodwill.

In short, these two ghosts are evil ghosts that do not deserve to be forgiven.

Facing the two ghosts silently, he sneered and said, "You are already surrounded by me."

Two ghosts: "???"

Before the second ghost could react, the calamity battle ax in Mo Mo's hand moved.

Puff!The ax slashed out, flashing as swiftly as a thunderbolt, and before the knife was pulled out in Yue Yue's hand, he saw his body from a strange angle.

He was beheaded!
Decapitate with one blow!
Fast, it is too fast!Moreover, why is the sword skill Shen Mo used so familiar? !

Breath of Thunder · One-shaped Thunderbolt Flash! ?

"How do you know Thunder's Breath? Who are you? Is Sang Dao Ci Wulang your master? Do you know my wife Shan Yi?"

Huang Yue's series of questions did not get a silent answer, because he was already dead, and a dead ghost is not qualified to know this.

Mo Mo is not an otaku dog, he is a peerless strongman who has mastered all breathing methods, and the sword skill of Thunder Breath is naturally included in it, so using Thunder Breath to kill Yan Yue is also considered to be a gift for his life. learn.

"Go, be a good person in your next life!"

As the silent words fell, Huang Yue turned into powder and disappeared, even death did not solve the doubts in his heart.

In an instant, Shen Mo beheaded Shangxian Guiyue, which shocked Shangxian Ghost Bantiangou, he knew that Shangxian Guiyue had just become a ghost and hadn't awakened the blood ghost technique, but even so, he shouldn't be so easily killed. people beheaded.

Therefore, there is only one conclusion, and that is that the person in front of him has a terrifying strength far beyond the column level.

The dog panicked for a long time, he once again felt the threat of death, and the last time he turned into a ghost, he came from the coercion of the ghost king Gui Wu Tsuji.

Although the dog panicked for a long time, he was not timid to fight, because his blood ghost technique was a very special embodiment of emotions.

Ban Tiangou can concretize his emotions into powerful avatars, the angry ghost who controls the thunder, the Legui Coke who controls the wind, the happy ghost Kongxi who controls the sound waves, the bad ghost mourning who can release shock waves, and the strongest avatar composed of An emerald sky made of mixed emotions.

In addition, there is also the real body of Ban Tiangou, cowardly ghost.

Because Ban Tiangou has many avatars, only by beheading his own cowardly ghost can he be truly killed. Therefore, his real cowardly ghost has been hiding around, avoiding the sight of the enemy, and manipulating other avatars to fight.

This was originally an extremely powerful and perverted blood ghost technique. Under the siege of many clones, ordinary people have no way to find a cowardly ghost that is only the size of a finger and good at hiding.

But this is not a problem at all for Silence, in the transparent world of Silence, everything becomes real.

Nothing hidden could escape his perception.

cluck!Ban Tiangou activated his own blood ghost technique, representing angry angry ghosts, happy cola, joyful emptiness, and sad mourning, and instantly appeared in front of Shen Mo, looking as if he wanted to take his life.

"Hehe, I'm so scared, I don't want to die... Then, I won't be afraid until you die!"

The half-day dog's avatar spoke the same words in unison with different emotions, which made people feel stressed and schizophrenic.

Facing the taunt from the clone ghost, Mo Mo didn't even look at it, but turned to look at a corner behind him.

Half-day dog ​​clone: ​​"???"

where are you looking !what have you found? !

For a long time, the dog panicked, because the place Silence was looking at was exactly where his real coward was hiding.

How can it be? !How did he find my real body all of a sudden? !How did he do that?No, he must not be allowed to find Coward, otherwise he would easily kill himself with one hit of skill.

The coward let go of his feet and fled crazily through the gaps in the building, but his silent eyes followed him closely, never leaving for a moment.

Sure enough, he found the cowardly ghost, and he must not be allowed to kill the cowardly ghost.

Roar!Ban Tiangou's avatar immediately launched an attack to kill Silence, or to distract Silence.

But Shen Mo's footsteps, relying on his powerful insight into the world, easily escaped the attack of the half-day dog ​​clone, and asked with a smile: "Have you hidden well? I'm coming to catch you!"

Half-day dog:····
hateful!hateful!How dare you play with me, look down on me, despise me!
Under the trend of rage, Ban Tiangou launched the blood ghost technique, fused his emotions together, and turned into the strongest clone ghost Potian.

Not only does Shou Potian have the blood ghost technique of other clones, but his strength is also several times that of other clones. Once the fusion is completed, it will turn into a streamer to kill Silence.

Silence, who had been on guard for a long time, evaded Shou Potian's attack with his agility, and kept chasing Bantiangou's real cowardly ghost.

Half-day dog:? ? ?

You can't play like this!Why don't you fight my clone, why don't you chase me?
Silence seemed to hear the voice of the dog for a long time, and taunted: "I have already found you, don't run away, let me kill you!"

Bantiangou's real coward showed a terrified expression, tears couldn't stop falling, and cried, "No! Don't come and catch me, please spare me."

The feeling of being on the verge of death caused Ban Tiangou's power to grow at a terrifying rate, and Sho Potian's blood ghost skills also skyrocketed. The thunder with beating blue arcs hit Silence directly, and his speed of chasing cowards suddenly slowed down.

Countless wind blades swept across, tearing Silence's clothes, and leaving pale cuts on his skin. Although they couldn't break through his defense, they really hindered his movement.

At the same time, several shock waves stabbed horizontally, blocking Shen Mo's only way to hunt down the coward.

Everything that Mo Potian did was to kill Silence on the one hand, and to widen the distance between Silence and the coward on the other hand.

As long as Mo Potian's attacks are dense and ruthless enough, Silence will not be able to catch Coward, and this battle will eventually be won by Ban Tiangou.

Because ghosts can withstand consumption better than people.

Seeing that his attack had a miraculous effect, Ban Tiangou finally let go of the panic in his heart. He took advantage of the victory to pursue and ordered Shou Potian to continuously attack Silence, intending to kill him.

But just when the dog was in a trance for a long time, the silence in front of him disappeared instantly, and he disappeared.

Half-day dog:? ? ?

Where has he gone? !

In the next second, a silent figure suddenly appeared next to the ghost, and stared at the ghost with playful eyes.

"Look, didn't I catch you?"


Don't, don't!Let me go, I'm so scared!
Coward still wanted to beg for mercy, but received a silent blessing from the Holy Light.

"Don't be afraid, I bless you!"

hum!Baptized by the holy light, the coward dissipated like ashes. With the death of the coward, Mo Potian's movements stopped abruptly, turning into ashes and annihilated directly.

Shangxian Gui Bantiangou died so aggrieved under the blessing of the Holy Light.

There is really no way to do this, who made the evil spirits have such a fatal weakness of being afraid of the sun?If Ban Tiangou didn't have such a weakness, and he wouldn't have died so quickly.

Therefore, evil spirits are really not a perfect race.

Unless they can restrain the sun and become day walkers like Nezuko.

With Bantengou and Yuyue being silently beheaded, the battle between Tanjiro and others and Tongmo is coming to an end.

Tong Mo is known as the ghost of ice, and he has the blood ghost technique of manipulating ice, but he never imagined that Tanjiro's breath of the sun can almost completely defeat his blood ghost technique.

With the help of the remaining pillars, Tanjiro successfully killed Tong Mo by relying on the restraint of the Hi no Breath attribute.

Since then, all the ghosts of the upper string under the command of the ghost king Oni Wuji Tsuji have been wiped out, leaving only himself and Narujo who has integrated into the infinite city.

Mo Mo, Tanjiro and the others took a break, and then used the penetrating power of the five senses again to search for Onimai Tsuji.

The ghost king Guiwu Tsuji who was hiding next to Naruko slammed his arms wildly, and roared almost collapsed: "Trash! They are all trash! You can't even consume his power. What use do I need you all?" !"

Naruto remained silent, quietly perceiving Gui Wu Tsuji Wu Mi.

After a long time, Guiwu Tsuji Wuyou roared: "Naru, stop them, stop them as much as possible. Help me open a passage out of Infinite City, and let me try to break the shackles of the vines."

Naruto took the lead and controlled Infinite City again, distanced Shen Mo and the others from them, and then opened a passage for Guiwu Tsuji to go to the boundary of Infinite City bound by vines.

Not long after, Oni Wu Tsuji came to the border and saw the thick blue vines as thick as his waist. He tentatively stretched out the tentacles behind his back, but the moment the tentacles touched the vines, he was blessed with the holy light on the vines. Blessings burn away.

hiss!Damn it!It's this power again!
Guiwu Tsuji roared angrily, no wonder Naruto couldn't break free from the shackles of the vines, it turned out that these vines were blessed with damn sunshine.

Just as Oni Wu Tsuji was complaining, there was a violent chopping sound behind him. It was the sound of the Silent Disaster Tomahawk smashing through the building.

"Trash! What the hell is Naruto doing?!"

Seeing the sound getting closer and closer, Oni Wu Tsuji Wucan felt a swell in his heart, and roared again: "Naru, cut yourself off!"


After a moment of hesitation, Naruto detonated her filthy blood under the control of Kiwu Tsuji, and started the self-exposure mode along with the entire Infinite City.

Silence, who had just cut a gap, was stunned for a moment in the face of the collapsed Infinite City.

What's the matter?Is this the main artery of Infinity City? Why did it collapse.

But the huge shock wave that followed made Shen Mo realize that the problem was definitely not simple.

Muma Onimai Tsuji must have done something.

Mo Mo didn't dare to hesitate, and immediately opened his mimicry ability, calling out countless vines to wrap everyone tightly, resisting the terrifying power from the explosion of Infinite City.

Accompanied by a loud sound and a strong shock wave, the vine ball wrapped around Shen Mo and the others flew into the sky, and then fell heavily, smashing a huge hole in the ground.

Oni Wu Tsuji also lost half of his body in the explosion, and is using the ghost's super self-healing ability to recover from his injuries.

Hiss!The vine twisted and spread, revealing Silence and the others inside.

Because of the protection of the vines, they didn't suffer substantial damage, they were just a little dizzy from being shaken.

When everyone walked out of the vine ball, they saw the ghost king Guiwu Tsuji who was recovering from his injuries at a glance.

And Gui Wu Tsuji also found Shen Mo and the others, and stared at Shen Mo with disbelieving eyes, and asked.

"Why aren't you dead yet! Why aren't you dead yet!?"

Shen Shen shrugged and asked back: "You want me to die so much?!"

Guiwu Tsuji Wuyou roared: "That's right! If it wasn't for you, I wouldn't be in this situation. These lowly creatures would never be able to defeat us. It's you, it's all you, it's you who gave them the chance to defeat us." possible."

Shen Mo sneered, staring at Oni Wu Tsuji who had recovered from his injuries, "If that's the case, then give them a chance to kill you."

Tanjiro and the others knew that now was the ultimate battle between the Demon Slayer Squad and Onimai Tsujimu.

(End of this chapter)

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