Chapter 584
bring it on!Face death!

Tanjiro and the others drew their swords one after another, pointing directly at Onimai Tsuji.

Mumai Onimai Tsuji, who had already transformed into a perfect form of ghosts, did not stop looking at Tanjiro and the others, but continued to stare at Silence, and asked: "Hehe, you want to use their power to consume my power! Regardless of our outcome, you are the biggest beneficiary."

Shen Shen shrugged and said with a smile: "It's you who complained about my meddling, and it's you who worried that I would reap the benefits of the fisherman. As the king of ghosts, is this what you are capable of?!"

Ghost Wu Tsuji was speechless, although he was the King of Ghosts, he was not worthy of the title of King of Ghosts, because he was cowardly!

Although he has infinite life, he is extremely afraid of death. If he hadn't been looking for the blue Bana flower to give himself the ability to overcome the sun, he would not have created other evil spirits when he died.

Get up, isn't he fragrant! ?
At the same time, Gui Wu Tsuji was also worried that other evil spirits would rebel against him, so he cast a blood curse on each evil spirit's body. In the final analysis, it all showed that he was a villain who was greedy for life and afraid of death.

It's just that he was the first ghost, that's why he has his current status.

Oni Wu Tsuji, who was hit by the silence, roared, his pale face was filled with anger, his body wriggled again, black hair grew out, and a ferocious sawtooth mouth was split in it.

"Die! You all have to die here! I will use your blood to wash away the shame of tonight."

Shen Mo withdraws and retreats, handing over the battlefield to Tanjiro and the others.

Tanjiro and Kyuju, who had activated the power of stripes because of Silence's help, have the power to compete with Onimai Tsuji. In addition, they have trained tacitly in the Sanyashiki mansion during this period of time, and they have already polished the technique of joint attack.

All of a sudden, there were swords and swords, and blood was flying.

The Ghost Slayer Team and Ghost Dance Tsuji Wucan met for the first time, and their strength was evenly matched.

And relying on the power of the breath of the sun, Tanjiro also cut off the bloody tentacles of Onimai Tsuji, creating an opportunity for his teammates to kill Onimai Tsuji.

The scorching energy of the sun's breath suppressed Wumi Oniwu Tsuji's movements, and Yanzhu Beimingyu Xingming seized the opportunity, swung the sledgehammer in his hand, and slammed on Wumi Oniwu Tsuji's head hard, intending to blow his head off.

But at this critical moment, Ghost Dance Tsuji Wumi activated his blood ghost technique.


Numerous blood-colored ropes with sharp bone spurs protruded from his back, not only stopping Yanzhu Beimingyu Xingming's giant hammer, but also piercing his whole body.

The sudden turn of events surprised Tanjiro and the others, who never expected Onimai Tsuji Mumi to have a vampire technique similar to blood-colored tentacles.

And the price of miscalculation is the death of Yan Zhu mourning Yu Xingming.

Although the mournful Yu Xingming, who was spitting blood, was blind, his perception was different from that of ordinary people. Knowing that his life was not long, he only wanted to use his last warm-up. With the last bit of strength, he swung the sledgehammer and swung the sledgehammer to sweep the giant axe towards Onimai Tsuji's legs, where there was a flaw that the bone spur rope could not take care of.


The gigantic ax made of the same material as the Japanese sword instantly tore off Onimai Tsuji's legs, causing him to fall suddenly and lose his center of gravity.

And Yanzhu Beimingyu Xingming also exhausted the last bit of strength, and fell heavily on the ground along with the bone spur rope, and his breath was gone.

"The rest is up to everyone."

Yanzhu Beimingyu Xingming's voice fell, Tanjiro and others immediately seized the opportunity and rushed towards Guiwu Tsuji Wumi like crazy. The opportunity that Beimingyu Xingming exchanged for life must not be missed.

The Breath of the Sun · The Dragon of the Sun's Halo · Head Dance
The high-speed combo like a flying dragon severed Onimui Tsuji's body. The scorching air wave not only restrained Onimui Tsuji's actions, but also restricted his self-healing ability.

Shuizhu Tomioka Yoshiyuki and other Zhuriki used their strongest sword skills one after another, and slashed at Guiwu Tsuji Mumi fiercely, intending to split his body with one blow and cut out countless pieces of flesh.


In an instant, Onimai Tsujimu, who had the appearance of a ghost, turned into dozens of pieces of flesh and blood. With the burning of the sun knife, faint ashes drifted away.

Did it work? !

The ghost killing team beheaded the ghost king Guiwu Tsuji no misanthropy? !
Looking at the Oni King Kimai Tsuji Mucan who is about to dissipate, Tanjiro couldn't help but feel a little relief on his face, has the blood revenge of his family finally been avenged? !
But how could the ghost king, Guiwu Tsuji Wumi, be so easily beheaded.

boom!With a loud bang, the ground under everyone's feet split open, and ferocious tentacles like thorns blooming wanted to devour Tanjiro and others.

But after all, they are column-level fighters, with extremely strong instant response, and narrowly escaped the attack of Oni Wu Tsuji, only a few of them were cut by the tentacles, and black pus and blood flowed down.

This also included Tanjiro who lost his mind, his calf was scratched by a tentacle, the wound was deep enough to see the bone, but the blood flowed violently but stopped strangely at the next moment.

Looking at Oni Wu Tsuji's flesh and blood, they writhed and twisted as if they had life, fused together at a terrifying speed, and turned into Oni Wu Tsuji's appearance.

What? !He was unscathed? !The injury just now is fatal even as a ghost, but Ghost Mai Tsuji is fine? !
Tanjiro and the others were extremely surprised, and the Japanese sword in their hands creaked as it was gripped. If even beheading and dismembering the body could not kill the Oni King, then what else could be done to kill him.

Onitai Tsuji Mumi, who stood up again, glanced at everyone with scarlet eyes, and said with a sneer, "Do you think you can kill me with just this kind of attack? You don't know anything about real power."

Ha ha!

Silence, who was watching the battle from the sidelines, let out a hehe as a sign of respect.

Now that they have left Naruto's Infinite City, Mo Mo's power of mind and eyes is no longer limited. With the insight of the power of mind and eyes, Mo Mo no longer relies on the penetration of five senses, and can perceive everything more clearly.

With the power of mind and eyes, Gui Wu Tsuji's situation was silently seen clearly.

The attack by Tanjiro and others just now was not as useless as what Onimai Tsuji said, but at the moment of being attacked, Onimai Tsuji moved all his vital heart and brain, blended into every flesh and blood, and hid After a fatal blow, this has the ability to quickly heal itself.

All vital heart and brain?

That's right, Oni Wu Tsuji has five brains and seven hearts.

If a person has five brains and seven hearts, he is definitely a monster.

For Ghost Mai Tsuji, five brains and seven hearts represent stronger power and a higher survival rate.

As long as he has a brain or a heart, he will not face death.

Tanjiro's attack just now didn't even hit Musai Onimai Tsuji's brain or heart, so there was naturally no way to kill him.

The silence that sees through everything did not bluntly say that Onimai Tsuji was miserable, because Tanjiro and others who do not have the penetrating power of the five senses, even if they told them the truth, they could not lock the specific positions of the brain and heart.

If you want to kill Onimai Tsuji Mumi with the Rilun Sword, you have to step into the realm of five senses and cut off all the opponent's vital points in an instant like Ji Guoyuanyi back then.

Shen Mo said to everyone: "Don't be blinded by illusions, feel with your heart, and listen with your heart."

Tanjiro and the others were slightly taken aback, they didn't know the deep meaning of Silence's words, but their keen fighting instincts told them that Silence was helping them find the key to killing Onimai Tsuji.

Oni Wu Tsuji Mumi, who had just recovered, stared at Silence with strange eyes, growled and complained angrily: "This is what you said to hand over the battle to them?! You bad guy."

Silence shrugged, "You have the ability to bite me!"

Oni Wu Tsuji Mumi:····
Just now when Guiwu Tsuji Wumi killed Yanzhu Beimingyu Xingming, everything happened in the blink of an eye, and Shen Mo had no chance to save him.

Now it's not too much to open your mouth to remind, reveal the ghost king's flaws, and increase Party B's winning rate.

Facing Silence's behavior, Ghost Dance Tsuji could only smash his teeth and swallow it in his stomach. While thinking about killing the ants of the Ghost Killing Team as soon as possible, he was thinking about how to deal with this guy Silence.

There is no longer any delay!These ants of the ghost killing team must be eliminated as soon as possible.

Oni Wu Tsuji burst out with murderous aura, and cast a new blood ghost technique, preparing to kill the remaining ghost killing team in one fell swoop.

Well, the problem is coming.

How many blood ghost skills does Ghost Dance Tsuji have? !
According to the understanding before Silence, Oni Wu Tsuji has demonstrated five blood ghost techniques, namely giant arms, black blood thorns, bone spur whip, bloody tentacles, and self-split.

And through the insight of the silent mind, he has already discovered the truth of the blood ghost technique of Gui Wu Tsuji.

The so-called five kinds of blood ghost techniques are actually only two kinds.

Giant arms, black blood thorns, bone spur whips, and bloody tentacles all belong to one kind of blood ghost art, and self-splitting belongs to another blood ghost art.

How did Silence know this truth?Because each vampire technique represents a brain or a heart.

With five brains and seven hearts, Mumai Tsuji theoretically possesses twelve kinds of vampirism.

But he showed only two.

The remaining ten vampire techniques are the key to turning the tide of the battle.

Just as Onimu Tsuji's murderous intentions rose, the silent voice sounded again.

"Be careful, he still has ten blood ghost skills that have not been revealed."

Tanjiro and others:! ! !

Ghost dance Tsuji no miserable: ? ? ?

Damn you stop whistling, you bastard!

Oni Wu Tsuji had no choice but to unfold his body and launch a new blood ghost technique, in order to kill these guys of the ghost killing team as soon as possible.

I saw countless small openings split open in Onimai Tsuji's body instantly, and a blood-colored fog continued to spread out of it, sweeping across the entire battlefield in an instant.

Tanjiro and the others were startled, and retreated one after another, not daring to touch the blood mist, because the body of the Yanzhu mourning Yu Xingming, who was shrouded in blood mist, was instantly swallowed by the blood mist, turned into flesh and dissipated, and was absorbed by Kiwu Tsuji .

This blood mist is poisonous!
Everyone held their breath one after another, but the result of holding their breath was that they couldn't perform the full concentration breathing method. Without the blessing of breathing, their strength was rapidly weakening.

Breath of Water·Three Types of Flowing and Dancing

Tomioka Giyong's expression was condensed, and he immediately displayed a high-speed movement, using the dance of sword skills to blow away the blood mist around him, giving everyone room to breathe.

But he inevitably inhaled a large amount of blood mist, and his face gradually became red and painful.

"Quick! I can't last long!"

Tomioka Yoshiyuki urged, while resisting the erosion of the blood mist in the body, while struggling to support the sword skills,

Tanjiro and others followed closely behind, breathing the hard-won air, gathering strength, and rushing into the blood mist.

But they had to face another problem, where is Ghost Dance Tsuji? !
Puff!Before they could react, a slender bone spur whip pierced a Zhu's body, dragging him into the blood mist, accompanied by a scream, lifeless.

With the help of the blood mist, Guiwu Tsuji Wumi performed another blood ghost technique - teleportation.

He kept teleporting in the blood mist, using the bone spur whip to sneak attack members of the Ghost Killing Squad from all angles.

Tanjiro and others fell into a bitter battle.

Tanjiro tightly shook the Japanese sword in his hand, and under extreme urgency, he couldn't help thinking of the silent words, "Don't be blinded by illusions, feel with your heart, and listen with your heart."

If you can't see it, don't look at it.

Feel it with your heart, smell it with your nose.

hum!Something seemed to be opened in Tanjiro's mind, and the world in his nose seemed to have changed.

The world in the nose through the five senses.

Similar to the transparent five senses of silence, Tanjiro's nasal world is also a kind of transparent world, and he also has the ability to see through the world.

Ghost dance Tsuji no misanthropy, there it is!He has five brains and seven hearts, which is why we couldn't kill him.

And to really kill Onimui Tsuji, after all, cut off his five brains and seven hearts at the same time.

Tanjiro couldn't achieve this level with his current sword skills, but with the blessing of the world of the nose, his intuition told him that as long as he felt with his heart and smelled with his nose, he would definitely be able to do it.

hum!Onimai Tsuji's attack struck again, targeting Tanjiro's eyebrows.

The breath of the day · the shape of the three · endless cycle
In an instant, Tanjiro cut out the No. 12 to No.[-] types of the Breath of the Sun in sequence, forming a complete cycle that goes on and on. This is the strongest sword skill of the Breath of the Day-Sword Thirteen.

With just a few breaths, Onimai Tsuji was hit countless times by Tanjiro's sword and chopped into countless pieces, and Onimai Tsuji's vitals were also fully exposed under the insight of the world in the nose, becoming the target of the hit where.


Ghost dance Tsuji no miserable: ? ? ?

How can it be? !This sword skill... is him!Hundreds of years ago, the man who drove himself to death—Jiguo Yuanyi.

Onimai Tsuji saw the figure of Ji Kuni Enichi behind Tanjiro in a trance, how sad his eyes are!
hum!Onimai Tsuji Mumi's body was gradually reduced to ashes under the burning of the sun's breath.

The thick blood mist also dissipated, and everything ended with the tragic death of Guiwu Tsuji.

But at this moment, Silence suddenly disappeared in place, and the disaster battle ax in his hand ruthlessly plunged into the ground, piercing through a heart hidden in it.

This heart is exactly the seed left by Onimai Tsuji when he was about to die.

What Shen Mo has to do is to really solve the life of Oni Wu Tsuji.

【Ding!Kill Oni King Oni Wu Tsuji Wumai.mission completed.About to leave the mirror world. 】

(End of this chapter)

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