The aura of a priest is infinite

Chapter 585 - Quest Reward

Chapter 585 Mission Rewards
When Shen Mo opened his eyes again, he had left the mirror world and returned to his bedroom.

He glanced at the reward list, the mission rewards were still being approved, but his intuition told him that the mission rewards this time were definitely not cheap.

Turning around and coming to the bed, sitting down, waiting for about 10 minutes, the task rewards were finally calculated.

【Ding!Nightmare Mission: Blade of Demon Slayer.mission completed. 】


Silence frowned slightly. This kind of reward is not rich, but it is not bad.

He set his sights on the third and fourth rewards.

[Universal Skills: All Concentrated Breathing Techniques, All Schools, Sword Skills, use breathing techniques to strengthen the physical fitness of the human body, and gain strength far beyond the limits of human beings.All genres, all genres including Breath of the Sun.Sword skills, all sword skills including the breath of the sun. 】

[Reminder: General skills can be inherited. 】

Inheritable all-concentrated breathing method? !Not only including their respective genres, but also supporting sword skills? !
Isn't this the ability that Shen Mo mastered in the world of Ghost Slayer: Blade World?

According to Goldfinger's urination, they were actually certified and marked as common skills that can be passed on. In this way, Silence can pass the full concentration of breathing and sword skills to people in the real world.

So, is the whole concentration breathing method strong? !
Nature is extremely strong, at least for ordinary human beings, the concentrated breathing method is extremely powerful. If the fragile sun wheel knife is replaced by a physical sword made of fine steel, the lethality must not be underestimated.

If the physical sword is attached with the Holy Light Blessing Talisman, it will definitely be able to physically exorcise ghosts.

Tsk tsk, darling, amazing!

Mo Mo couldn't help but want to find an apprentice to try it out. After thinking about it, Hua Yingjun, who has no strength to restrain a chicken, is the most suitable. He will inherit the sun's breathing method, and cooperate with the 36-way feng shui secret technique passed down from his family. Is there an instant incarnation of an urban fantasy hero?

Silently suppressed the expectations in his heart, and continued to check the fourth reward.

[Gimu Tsuji's Heart*1, doll refining materials, can be used to refine dolls - Oni Wu Tsuji. 】

Shen Mo frowned, it turned out to be the doll material of Oni Wu Tsuji, and it was possible to refine the doll of Oni Wu Tsuji.

Tsk tsk, darling, amazing!

Who is the strongest in Ghost Slayer: Blade?Some people say it's Tanjiro who was hanging out all the way.Some people say that it is Ji Guoyuan who created the breath of the sun.

From Shen Mo's point of view, the most powerful one is definitely the ghost king Guiwu Tsuji, a man who can bestow filthy blood on others, and instantly make them awaken the unique blood ghost technique.

He obviously had a good hand of cards, but he played poorly.

This is not only the plot arrangement of the crocodile, but also because Guiwu Tsuji Wucan is a cowardly villain who is greedy for life and afraid of death.

If you replace Oni Wu Tsuji with the character of any member of the Demon Slayer Team, or even any ghost in Oni Moon, then the ending of Demon Slayer: Blade will be different.

Now Silence can reproduce the ghost king Guiwu Tsuji Wumi, tsk tsk, that is simply mastering the golden key with infinite possibilities!
Wait, there is another extremely critical question, is Oni Wu Tsuji Mumi, who turned into a puppet, afraid of the sun? !Does it still retain the ability to bestow filthy blood on others? !

Shen Mo couldn't wait to refine the puppet of Oni Wu Tsuji, but he had all the materials for the puppet at hand, but the soul fragments were not enough.

I have to find some soul fragments as soon as possible to refine the puppet of Oni Wu Tsuji.

After making a plan, Shen Mo set his sights on the perfect pocket pot of Oni Wu Tsuji once again, curious about what kind of props this pocket pot can open.

He patted the beckoning cat on his waist, and Zashiki Doji Nannan appeared as a streamer of light. Nannan, who had long been familiar with the operation, took the pocket jar, and opened the perfect pocket jar of Onimai Tsuji.

【Ding!Obtained materials: cyan flower*1]

[The cyan flower and puppet refining materials, together with the heart of Guiwu Tsuji, can make Guiwu Tsuji's doll not afraid of the sun. 】

Shen Mo was slightly taken aback, just now he was still struggling with whether the ghost Wu Tsuji Muyou doll was afraid of the sun, now he got the answer and a solution.

Looking at the Bianhua exuding light blue luster, Shen Mo wanted to refine the puppet of Ghost Wu Tsuji as soon as possible.

But here comes the question, where should he go to find the soul fragments?

Shen Mo came back to his senses, glanced at the computer screen in the bedroom, the optimization progress of the infinite world of aura is still stuck at [-]%, obviously it is not a temporary thing,

Looking at his attribute panel again, the aura value accumulated before has reached a terrifying 550 points, which is enough for Silence to upgrade several levels.

But his silent intuition told him that there was no rush to upgrade, and if he let it go, the accumulated aura would still be of great use.

And his four-dimensional attribute has also been improved because he has mastered the full concentration breathing method. Although the improvement is limited, it is also a good harvest.

Just as Silence exited from the property panel, the cell phone on the desk suddenly rang a familiar ringtone.

He got up and came to the table, picked up his phone and looked, the call was from Hua Yingjun.

This is really saying Cao Cao, Cao Cao arrives.

I was still talking about Hua Yingjun just now, so I called now.

Shen Mo connected the phone, and immediately Hua Yingjun's rapid and flustered panting sounded on the other end.

"Brother, it's terrible, come to the devil city and save your life!"

Mo Mo frowned slightly, hearing Hua Yingjun's anxiety and the chaotic low roar in the background, he hurriedly asked, "What happened?"

Hua Yingjun quickly explained: "Strigoi! There are so many vampires!"

He was stunned for a while. Before he entered the world of Ghost Slayer: Blade, he knew about the reappearance of the blood clan in the capital city, but he never expected that the blood clan incident had reached such a bad level.

"Where's Xiaoci?!"

"Miss Xiaoci is entangled with a vampire, that vampire is so strong, I don't think Miss Ci can last long. Now I am being chased by a group of vampires, I am going to die, I am going to die, I am going to die..."

Is the situation so critical? !
Xiao Ci was fighting a powerful blood clan, while Hua Yingjun was hunted down by a group of blood clans.

Shen Mo didn't dare to hesitate, and immediately took out the precious props obtained in the Nine-story Yin Tower from his personal warehouse.

[Say Cao Cao Cao Cao to Old BJ Cloth Shoes (cause and effect props) (one-time props): The wearer is called Cao Cao's name, and can choose to appear beside the caller instantly, not affected by the space distance. 】

Mo Mo didn't say anything, put on the old BJ cloth shoes, and said sharply to the phone: "Cao Cao!"

Hua Yingjun:? ? ?

What Cao Cao? !What time is it now, and you still want to be called Cao Cao? !Brother, I am being hunted down by a group of blood clans. They want to bite off my neck and drink up my blood!You are not joking.

Seeing that Hua Yingjun didn't respond, Mo Mo urged again: "Cao Cao!?"

Hua Yingjun Buddha!There is no end!Now is not the time to joke around.

Seeing the blood race getting closer behind him, Hua Yingjun could only bite the bullet and shout into the phone: "Cao Cao!"


The Karma weapon exudes mysterious and mysterious fluctuations, instantly wrapping the silence, and the next second, the silence disappears in the bedroom, appears in front of Hua Yingjun, and bumps into Hua Yingjun who is running wildly.


Hua Yingjun:? ? ?

Brother!How did you come so fast!
It simply means that Cao Cao Cao Cao will arrive?Um?Brother, where are your shoes?
Silently said Cao Cao Cao Cao to the old BJ's cloth shoes naturally dissipated with the wind, so that he could only appear in front of Hua Yingjun with bare feet.

Mo Mo pushed Hua Yingjun away, but he didn't expect Cao Cao's old BJ cloth shoes to teleport so abruptly that he didn't even react.

Immediately, Shen Mo saw the vampires behind Hua Yingjun, there were a dozen or so hideous vampires!

And judging by the appearance of the blood clan, they are all white faces, and they should be the family members of the blood clan, that is, low-level servants.

Silently frowned, raising his hand was a blessing of holy light.

May the Holy Light be with you!

hum!The scorching holy light instantly enveloped dozens of blood races. Under the baptism of the holy light, their bodies dissipated at a speed visible to the naked eye, and turned into ashes and disappeared.

The vampire, who was still invincible just now, met Satan in the next second under the baptism of the holy light.

Hua Yingjun was finally relieved to see the blood race being wiped out by Shen Mo raised his hand, and then said with great admiration: "Brother, your hand is so handsome, I have always wanted to learn it, but you just refuse to teach it!"

Mo Mo said truthfully: "You can't learn my skill, but recently I have a move that you can learn."

"Really? Thank you big brother, big brother is so kind!"

Nodding silently, he couldn't help but look in the direction where Xiao Ci was fighting the blood race.

This should be an underground parking lot somewhere, because it is late at night, so there are no passers-by here.

Shen Mo took a closer look, and the person who was fighting with Xiaoci was a blood clan wearing a European evening dress. He had a strong figure unique to Europeans, and a cold and elegant face unique to blood clan. The overall feeling was mysterious and charming.

Under the perception of Shen Mo's power of mind and eyes, the blood race in front of him already has the strength of a duke, no wonder Xiaoci is not the opponent of the opponent.

But from another perspective, it is definitely not easy for a duke-level vampire to appear in the capital city!

As soon as Silence thought about it, he communicated with Vladigil, the guardian on the fifth floor of the Nine-story Yin Tower. As the blood prince, Vladigil was a powerful existence that suppressed the blood of the Duke in terms of blood.

As Vladimir appeared in the underground parking lot, the Duke blood who was fighting with Xiaoci couldn't help being stunned, and immediately distanced himself, looking at Silence in extreme fear.

The moment his eyes fell on Vladigil, his legs trembled uncontrollably, and he half-knelt on the ground in fear.

"Your Majesty!"

Although the Duke's bloodline didn't know Vladigil, the power from his bloodline oppressed him, making him unable to feel any disobedience at all.

This is the suppression of the bloodlines, the higher the bloodlines, the stronger the suppression from the bloodlines.

Before in the cabin world in the woods, when encountering the Viscount of Kent of Vladimir, he still had the sense to say a few more words, but for the Duke blood, he didn't even have the courage to say a few more words.

Vladimir did not choose to kill the vampire in front of him, but used the power of the blood to suppress him, ordering him to cooperate with the silent inquiry.

Shen Mo called Xiaoci to his side while interrogating the Duke's blood clan.

"Why did you come to Shanghai?!"

The Duke blood was silent for a moment, as if struggling a lot, Vladigil raised his arm slightly, wrapped in scarlet blood, and moaned in pain.

After a while, Vladimir ordered: "Answer your lord's question truthfully."

The Duke's blood did not dare to disobey Vladigil's order, and replied truthfully: "Honorable Prince, and His Excellency, I am the Duke of Giovanni from the neutral clan of the thirteen clans. The purpose of coming to Shanghai is to find one of the lost thirteen holy artifacts, the soul ring."

Soul ring? !
Vladigil explained to Silence Transmission.

The so-called soul ring, one of the thirteen holy artifacts, is a sacred artifact that can control the thoughts of people or blood races, and can arouse the evil desires in the hearts of people or blood races.

And according to Vladjigil's cognition, the soul ring should be the guardian sacred artifact of the last Kavi clan of the Hidden Alliance, why was it searched by the Duke of the neutral clan Giovanni clan.

Here I have to talk about the clan division of the blood clan. In general, they have thirteen clans, which are divided into three factions.

The Hidden Alliance, which promotes the hidden world, the Sabbat Alliance, which advocates the supremacy of the blood clan, and the neutral clan that is neutral.

The current situation is that the Duke of the neutral clan came to the magic capital to search for the guardian artifact of the Hidden Alliance. No matter how you look at it, there is a problem!

Silently asked: "How can you be sure that the soul ring is in the Devil's City?"

The Duke of Dorne continued: "A few months ago, Viscount Duke of the Kavi Clan at the end of the Hidden Alliance was hunted down by the Lesenba Clan of the Sabbat Alliance, and fled to Modu with his soul ring."

The Duke of Dorn did not forget to add: "Viscount Duke was hunted down by the Sabbat because of his special Chinese blood status, so he fled to the magic capital."

Silence and Vladimir understood, but Hua Yingjun was still at a loss. He didn't know the clan faction and name of the blood clan at all.

In short, it was the factional disputes among the blood clans that caused the sacred artifacts of the Hidden Sect to be exiled in the devil's capital, and people from the neutral clan came to search for them.

In this way, Duke Dorne is not the only blood clan that sneaked into the magic capital!

The Duke of Dorne nodded repeatedly, "As far as I know, the three major factions have secretly sent Duke-level vampires to search for the whereabouts of the soul ring."

"Each sacred artifact has inestimable power and utility for the clan. All clans want to obtain the second sacred artifact. In this way, the balance between the blood clans for thousands of years will be broken."

Mo Mo had a premonition of the tranquility of an approaching storm, but he couldn't help complaining: "Hasn't it been a few years since the spiritual energy recovered? The blood race has been balanced for thousands of years?"

Vladigil explained: "The so-called aura is magic power for them. Because the special physique of the blood race does not rely too much on magic power, it can survive until now. The amount of magic power in the aura only determines the strength of their power. Magic power The recovery makes the power of the blood race continue to grow, even if there is no holy artifact event, a new holy war will come."

Shen Mo frowned, the blood race in Europe is about to move, and it has already spread to the magic capital!
Should we take care of this or not?

【Ding!Trigger the side mission: Holy War of Bloodlines. 】

[The magic power is revived, the thirteen blood clans are ready to move, please go to Europe to help the Anti-Dark Creature Alliance or the blood clan win the final victory of the blood jihad. 】

[Task reward: to be determined]

(End of this chapter)

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