The aura of a priest is infinite

Chapter 586?? I disagree with this marriage

Chapter 586 I Don't Agree With This Marriage
One second before the silence, he was still debating whether to meddle in Europe's business, and the next second he received a side mission reminder from Goldfinger.

The Law of True Fragrance is simply too powerful.

Shen Mo weighed it carefully, the European blood race is the same as the ghost Wu Tsuji in Demon Slayer: They are a group of little mice hiding in the dark when they see the light and die. For Mo Mo, who has the power of the holy light, it is not too good deal with.

After triggering a side mission, Silence can not only get huge mission rewards in it, but also create its own dark forces like an island country.

Take the new Toshiba Corporation of the island country as an example, it can bring a value of 4.9 trillion US dollars to silence every year, which has already caught up with the total GDP of the island country for a year.

It's just that it's only been a few months since Silence mastered the new Toshiba Society, and most of the money was spent on the research and refining of Yuzihui's elixir, so it didn't seem so embarrassing.

But there is no doubt that the European blood race is also a group of gophers who have a huge amount of wealth. They have existed in Europe for thousands of years, and the wealth they hold is definitely beyond the imagination of silence.

The blood clan and his party can definitely bring inestimable economic value to Silence.

Taking another ten thousand steps back, we don't talk about money, it's tacky to talk about money.

Let's talk about it from another angle. Silence feels that it is necessary for him to establish a force of his own in Europe.

As the saying goes, heroes come out of troubled times, and heroes create troubled times.Why not take advantage of the miracle of the blood jihad to start a wave!
So, driven by the benefit of nothing but no harm, Mo Mo decided to take over this side mission and go to Europe to do something.

【Ding!After receiving the side missions, please choose to join a side to win this blood crusade. 】

[Optional factions: Anti-Dark Creature Alliance, Hidden Alliance, Sabbat Alliance, Neutral Clan. 】

Oh ho!There is actually a faction option for this side mission? !
So how should silence be chosen?

The Anti-Dark Creature Alliance, Silence, as an excellent commissioner of the Supernatural Research and Defense Bureau, naturally knows its existence. It is equivalent to the European Super Bureau, supervising and handling supernatural biological events within Europe.

Silence, as a special commissioner of the Super Bureau, seems to be the most reasonable to cooperate with the Anti-Dark Creatures Alliance.

But from the perspective of Shen Mo's own interests, if he joins the Anti-Dark Creatures Alliance, after this jihad, he will only be used as a gun to stab rats everywhere, and he may not even be able to drink soup in the end. This kind of thankless plan, Silence is something you can't do even if you kill yourself.

Therefore, the Anti-Dark Creatures Alliance, get rid of it!

Then you can only choose among the thirteen blood clans.

Hidden Alliance, Sabbat Alliance, neutral clan.

The three major factions represent the different attitudes of the vampires towards humans.

Mystery represents seclusion, the Sabbat represents aggression, and neutrality represents asking for nothing.

Which of them should Silence choose?He subconsciously looked at Duke Dorne of the neutral clan Giovanni who was kneeling in front of him.

Neutral clan? !
Shen Shen shook his head. The clan that could take root in Europe for thousands of years cannot be ruled or controlled by him alone. Even with the assistance of a blood prince like Vladigil, it is difficult to do this.

Because all the thirteen clans have prince-level blood clans of their own clans, if foreign blood clans want to join or seek power, it will inevitably lead to the clan's backlash from top to bottom, and it is unwise to attack by force.

What Mo Mo wants is power, not empty European castles, these can be bought with money, and blood clans can't be bought with money.

So what to do?It is obviously not feasible to join a clan to seize clan rights.

uh-huh? !Silence couldn't help looking at Vladigil. As a blood clan with prince-level strength, he has the right to create his own clan!
Since it is very difficult to join other clans, then start a new clan by yourself, take advantage of this holy war of blood clans, suddenly emerge and dominate for thousands of years.

Silence communicated with Vladigil through the authority of the tower owner of the Nine-story Yin Tower: "Vladigil, do you have the right to create your own blood clan?"

Vladigil was silent for a moment, and with his wisdom, he naturally guessed the intention of silence, "Tower master, the clan secret rules stipulate that to create a new clan, at least two prince-level blood clans must agree to serve as clan princes, and these two The blood prince cannot belong to any faction. And the clan secret rules stipulate that no blood clan can betray their own clan, and those who violate it will be hunted down by the same clan. Therefore, I can’t do it with my own strength. I want to be in other clans It is also impossible to win over a blood prince."

Silence was slightly taken aback, and he couldn't help but think of the reason why Vladimir appeared in the Nine-story Yin Tower. Didn't he escape to the Nine-story Yin Tower to escape the pursuit of his fellow clan?

Could it be that Vladimir betrayed his sitting clan back then, causing the princes of the clan to join forces to hunt and kill him, and he fled to China? !
Vladigil acquiesced to the silent guess. Back then, he was indeed hunted down for betraying his fellow clan, and fled to the Nine-story Yin Tower.

Nodding silently, he didn't go into details. In this case, if he goes to Europe, he will inevitably meet Vladigil's family, and the hunt will resume, which is a trouble.

Back to the topic, Mo Mo's head is a bit big. He created a new clan by himself, but he still needs the consent of two prince-level blood clans. Where can he find another prince-level blood clan?

uh-huh! ?Wait, Mo Mo really seems to have a prince-level vampire!

Ghost King Ghost Dance Tsuji Wumi!
Isn't the ghost king Guiwu Tsuji Wucan, who is lying in his personal warehouse and is still a doll material, a blood clan with prince-level combat power? !
cough cough!Anyway, they are all dark creatures that are bloodthirsty and carnivorous. Silently said that he is a vampire, who would dare to stand up and say no.

Silence, who has a solution, decides his choice. He wants to go to Europe to create a new clan, and then use the power of the new clan to unify the world of dark creatures in Europe.

Tsk tsk, I feel a little excited just thinking about it.

Silence told Vladigil about his thoughts, and the other party was naturally supportive and willing. Because Silence created a new clan, he would be able to return to Europe and be recognized by other blood clans as the prince of the new clan. He was even able to stand at the top of the thirteen clans, reproduce the grand occasion of Cain's blood clan back then, and achieve supreme glory.

Vladimir has already begun to rejoice that he chose to surrender to silence. Having such a tower master leader is definitely the favor of Cain.

Receiving Vladiger's response, Silence looked at the Duke of Dorne kneeling on the ground again.

What use is he? !
killed? !It's not suitable, after all, he is the Duke of the Last Kavi tribe, and he is not an ordinary blood servant, so he should keep it as a guide.

But in order to ensure the loyalty of the Duke of Dorne, Silence ordered Vladigil to cast a blood curse on Dorne to prevent him from betraying the water and causing unnecessary troubles.

As a prince-level vampire, Vladimir has often used this method before, so he is naturally familiar with it.

After a while, the Duke of Dorne, who was enslaved by Vladigil, slowly stood up and reported to Silence and Vladigil.

"According to our information, a total of three duke-level vampires came to search for the soul ring, one of the thirteen holy artifacts."

"Besides me, there are also Duke Boswell of the Last Kavi clan of the Hidden Alliance, and Duke Eisenhower of the Lesenba clan of the Sabbat Alliance."

"The Duke of Boswell is the creator of Viscount Duke. The last Kavi tribe must send him to find the lost soul ring. He is a very nervous old man, otherwise he would not choose to embrace the Chinese as a blood race Viscount, this is an expressly forbidden act."

"The one we should be most careful about is Duke Eisenhower of the Sabbat Alliance. He is an extremely cruel and bloodthirsty blood clan. His arrival will definitely bring disaster to the Demon City."

After listening to Duke Dorne's narration in silence, after a moment of contemplation, he had an idea.

The reason why the vampires came to the Demon City was because of the soul ring, one of the thirteen holy artifacts.

So, where did the soul ring go? !

Silence asked the Duke of Dorne, he didn't know anything about the location of the soul ring, he only knew that Viscount Duke disappeared in the magic capital, and then the soul ring disappeared.

Silence naturally knew how Viscount Duke disappeared. He was terminated by a special commissioner from the Super Bureau, and his ashes had already floated to the Pacific Ocean to raise whales.

Then, if you want to find the soul ring, you must first go to the information network inside the super bureau to check whether the super bureau has obtained the soul ring.

Hence, Shen Mo dialed Ma Shisan and asked her to help check the blood clan incident in the capital city a few months ago.

Ma Shisan had some impressions of this matter, and did not ask the reason for the silence. Through his own relationship, he quickly found out the information.

Viscount Duke was dealt with by a special commissioner stationed in Shanghai. This special commissioner was the old man code-named Uncle Zhong, who lived in the Zhong family's old house on the East Street of Shanghai.

According to the information submitted by Uncle Zhong, there was no information about the soul ring in the hands of Viscount Duke.

It seems that the news about the soul ring has been cut off here.

Mo Mo had no choice but to go to the old house of the Zhong family on Fudong Street, and ask Uncle Zhong about the situation at that time, to see if he could find any clues.

And the other two blood-blooded dukes lurking in the magic city also have to be on guard. If they are allowed to act recklessly in the magic city, the damage caused is absolutely incalculable. After all, they are the blood-bloods of the duke level!In particular, there is a militant member of the Sabbat Alliance among the two.

Shen Mo looked at the time, the sky was about to light up, and the blood races who were afraid of the sun should wait until night to mobilize, Mo Mo still had a daytime to grasp the opportunity.

So, he first took Vladigil and Duke Dorn into the fifth floor of the bloodless sky tower of the nine-story Yin Tower, and prepared to take Hua Yingjun and Liu Xiaoci to the old house of the Zhong family on Fudong Street.

The three of them quickly left the underground parking lot in Hua Yingjun's car and asked silently on the way.

"Why are you chasing after the blood race?!"

Hua Yingjun looked at Liu Xiaoci and said with an embarrassed smile: "It was my attention. I thought that as a member of the Super Bureau, I should make some contributions to the Super Bureau."


Even Hua Yingjun wanted to contribute to the Super Bureau with his small body. If Cao Cao hadn't come quickly with a silent sound just now, Hua Yingjun would have died tragically at the hands of the blood family members.

This incident must have been initiated by Liu Xiaoci. As a puppet with a yin and yang thunder body, she is very sensitive to dark creatures such as blood races. Underground Parking Lot.

He never expected that this time he would meet a duke-level vampire, and he was almost double-folded here.

It's not Liu Xiaoci's fault for being silent, after all, Liu Xiaoci's intentions are good.

"Don't be too reckless when you encounter problems in the future, at least make a report. Handsome, has your family's affairs been resolved?"

Silently changed the subject.

As soon as he talked about the affairs of Hua Yingjun's family, Hua Yingjun became interested and said at the top of his voice, "Brother, let me discuss one more matter with you."

Shen Mo frowned slightly, feeling that things were by no means simple.


"Sister Xiaoci, can you promise to be my daughter-in-law!"


Mo Mo categorically rejected Hua Yingjun, this kid previously said that he would use Liu Xiaoci to pretend to be his fiancée and get back his inheritance, but now he wants to play for real.

Don't be ashamed!

Liu Xiaoci also frowned and said angrily: "Didn't I already reject you?"

Hua Yingjun smiled awkwardly, "I'm still holding on to a glimmer of hope!"

Hua Yingjun let out a long sigh, "The inheritance has been brought back, but the problem is that relatives are waiting to have my wedding wine, and I am also very troubled by this matter!"

Mo Mo said bluntly: "You just broke up, let's find another one."

Hua Yingjun replied disappointedly: "Find another one, where can I find such a good wife as Miss Ci..."

Silence: "She is my doll! My! Doll!"

Hua Yingjun: "In front of love, what does it matter?!"

Silence: (-灬-')
I don't agree with this marriage!

The atmosphere in the car became serious. Faced with such a firm silence, Hua Yingjun could only compromise. The most important issue, Liu Xiaoci did not agree at all. Hua Yingjun was completely singing a one-man show alone!
Shaking his head silently, he comforted him: "Handsome! You have to believe in love, and you will meet better ones in the future. Oh, by the way, don't you want to learn from me? I have something that just needs a test product... Bah, apprentice! I think you are very suitable."

As soon as Hua Yingjun heard that he could learn a hand from Mo Mo, he immediately turned his grief into strength, and asked, "Brother, what hand, is it your hand to send a blessing?!"

Shaking his head silently, he denied, "No."

"what is that?"

"You'll know when you learn."

Shen Mo was not in a hurry to teach Hua Yingjun, after all, the matter of the blood race soul ring was imminent, and it was not a time to distract.

They hurried all the way, and soon came to the old house of the Zhong family on Fudong Street.

This is one of the few remaining old houses in Shanghai. It is worth more than a billion yuan, and even the rich dare not boast of buying it.

Hua Yingjun parked the car, and the three of them got out of the car and walked to the front of the old house, knocking on the wooden door of the front hall of the old house.

The old house of the Zhong family is a very famous "wrench house". It has a history of hundreds of years. There is an old well in front of the house and a bamboo forest behind the house.The whole looks like a circle of courtyards, full of history.

And it was Uncle Zhong who opened the door for the three silent people.

He is more than 70 years old. Although he looks stooped, he still looks refreshed. He is even more powerful than a 40-year-old when he walks.

"Who are you looking for?"

(End of this chapter)

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