The aura of a priest is infinite

Chapter 587 Twilight Love

Chapter 587 Twilight Love
"Who are you looking for?"

Uncle Zhong's voice carried the vicissitudes of old age, just like the yellow leaves of an old tree falling in autumn, the twilight is cool.

But under the perception of Shen Mo's power of mind and eyes, Uncle Zhong's voice has a different kind of penetrating power and appeal, making people unconsciously brought into the atmosphere he created.

This is a master!
This is Shen Mo's first impression of Uncle Zhong.

Shen Mo bowed and said: "Shen Mo, the special commissioner of the Super Bureau stationed in Yancheng, pays his respects to Uncle Zhong."

After declaring himself at home, Uncle Zhong nodded his head, examined Shen Mo up and down, and said with a smile: "You are Mo Mo, you are indeed a good-looking talent, that lame kid has taken in a good apprentice! Come in!"

Mo Mo was surprised that Uncle Zhong actually met Uncle Lame and called Uncle Lame a boy? !It can be seen that Uncle Zhong's seniority is higher than Uncle Lame!

The three of them entered the Zhong family's old house, and after sitting down one after another, they explained their purpose in silence.

"Uncle Zhong, you have dealt with an incident of the blood race's invasion of the city a few months ago. Now, the blood race has invaded the city again. I would like to ask you for some details about that incident."

Uncle Zhong's face was as calm as water without any emotional changes, he nodded slightly and said, "Sure enough, it's still here!"

Shen Mo paused in his heart, knowing that his trip was worthwhile, and Uncle Zhong really knew some unknown inside stories.

"Come out!" Zhong Bodi shouted, and a figure slowly stepped out from behind the screen. His whole body was wrapped in a black cloak, and even his head was covered with a thick hood. Blackout sunglasses.

He is none other than Viscount Duke, the protagonist in the previous incident of invading Shanghai.

He didn't die? !She was still hiding in the Zhong family's old house. Looking at her attire, she obviously wanted to take advantage of the daytime to make some moves.

"If you have anything to ask, just ask him!"

After Uncle Zhong finished speaking, he closed his eyes and fell asleep, not speaking, making the silence difficult to understand, not knowing its true meaning.

Mo Mo breathed a sigh of relief, and could only look at Viscount Duke, and asked, "Since you are defeated in this body, you must already know that you are in danger!"

Duke's thick hood moved along with his head, and a charming voice sounded from behind the sunglasses, "I know they won't let me go, but I didn't expect them to come so fast, and actually sent a Duke-level vampire to arrest me. I."

Silence said bluntly: "They didn't catch you, did they!?"

Duke paused and remained silent.

"Where is the soul ring?"

Uncle Zhong opened his eyes slowly, looked at the silence who was questioning Duke, and replied, "It's here with me."

After all, Uncle Zhong shook his wrist, and a ring exuding an extremely evil aura appeared in the palm of his hand. It was blood red all over, and the body of the ring was condensed like ghosts and ghosts. There was a pale white skull printed on the head of the ring, even evil.

Silence became more and more incomprehensible to the two people in front of him. Uncle Zhong, as the person in charge of the super bureau stationed in the magic city, how could he get along with Viscount Duke, not only concealing the life and death of Viscount Duke, but also took away Viscount Duke's soul ring.

What kind of manipulation is this? !

Although Shen Mo couldn't understand, he still said bluntly: "The blood race invasion is not only for Duke, but mainly for this soul ring. Therefore, this soul ring should disappear in Demon City."

A smile appeared on Uncle Zhong's face, and he said lightly, "Take it!"

Silent for a moment, silent for a moment, just about to stand up to take the precept, suddenly, a suffocating and terrifying coercion erupted from Uncle Zhong, like a mountain of corpses, a sea of ​​blood, and a dry city pressing down on the three of them.

Hua Yingjun slipped from the wooden chair in an instant, lying on the ground, he couldn't even breathe. Beads of sweat rolled out from his forehead, and his back was even wet.

Although Liu Xiaoci has the body of a puppet, his thinking is no different from that of ordinary people. Faced with such coercion, he struggled for only a few seconds before losing his mind and losing his fighting power.

Looking at Silence again, facing such a terrifying coercion, I just feel that I am standing under the city of thousands of bones, facing the murderous aura and evil aura, I seem so humble and insignificant.

But the silence was only frozen for a few seconds, and the domineering arrogance of the only one in the sky and the earth erupted instantly, and he counterattacked with the momentum of a tsunami, instantly annihilating the city with thousands of bones, and even made the old Zhong Bo on the high seat stiff, and his expression changed in shock.

hiss!Zhong Bo was taken aback.

In the next second, the soul ring in his hand disappeared and appeared between silent fingers.

As soon as the soul ring was in hand, it was chilly to the bone, and countless whispers rang in his ears, stimulating his silent mind and bewitching his soul.

What a soul ring, it really is a charmer and a curse.

hum!The power of purification was activated, and poured into the soul ring like boiling oil, directly purging those muttering demonic words, and pressing their evil nature back into the ring.

"That's much more cute!"

Silently and smilingly, he put down the soul ring, and turned to thank Uncle Zhong: "Thank you Uncle Zhong. I have one more request, please give Viscount Duke to me!"

Uncle Zhong straightened his face, he never thought that the true meaning of martial arts that he had condensed for decades would be broken by the younger generation in front of him.

As the saying goes, the back waves of the Yangtze River push the front waves, and the back waves are stronger than the front waves.

"Crap really took in a good apprentice!"

Uncle Zhong muttered in a low voice, "Since you can take the soul ring from me, then do as you please!"

Viscount Duke was taken aback for a moment, and shouted repeatedly: "Uncle Zhong!"

Uncle Zhong said without doubt: "Duke, go with him. Silence can help you more than my old bones. I am indeed old!"

While talking, Uncle Zhong stood up slowly, hammered his lower back, and entered the backyard.

After a while, Uncle Zhong's voice sounded from the backyard, "Now is the time for you young people."

Duke looked at Shen Mo in astonishment. Although he covered it up very tightly, Shen Mo could still see Duke's pale and astonished face.

"Since Uncle Zhong entrusted you to me, let's have a chat!"

After talking in silence, he began to ask about Duke's information. After a while, he knew the ins and outs.

That's it!

Love really can cross species.

Duke was originally from Modu. He went abroad to study a few years ago, and met a woman who changed his life in the romantic capital of Paris, France.

Lucy Boswell.

Boswell? !Isn't it the Duke of the last Kavi tribe who came to Modu after chasing and killing Duke? !

Yes, Lucy is the daughter of the Duke of Boswell, and it was Lucy who first embraced Duke as the Viscount of the Bloodline.

It is an act prohibited by the order of the blood clan to embrace the human beings with Chinese blood into the blood clan. Those who violate this punishment will suffer the sun punishment of the blood clan, which is commonly known as going out to bask in the sun.

Lucy had to face a dead end because of Duke.

At this time, the Duke of Boswell stood up in the name of the Duke, took the punishment of the sun instead of his daughter, and wanted to take Duke's life as the punishment elder.

In order to prevent Duke from being killed by her father, Lucy stole the sacred soul ring of the Mokavi family and helped Duke escape from Europe and return to the magic capital.

The last Kavi family lost the holy artifact, so they had to choose to delay the execution of the Duke of Boswell, ordering him to commit crimes and make meritorious deeds, and regain the sacred artifact, the soul ring.

Ever since, there was a situation of silent awareness, and the three major factions of the blood clan sent their respective dukes to snatch the soul ring.

As for why Uncle Zhong got involved in this dispute, it was mainly because Duke's father and Uncle Zhong were old acquaintances.

Uncle Zhong was unwilling to cut off the blood of his old man, so he could only choose to help Duke to avoid this catastrophe.

Uncle Zhong originally planned to let Duke hide for a while, and let him resist the pursuit of the vampires. Now that he met Shen Mo, he naturally followed suit and handed Duke and the soul ring to Shen Mo to deal with.

Uncle Zhong believes in Silence, not only because of the strength that Silence has just shown, but because he already knows the true intention of Silence.

Although Shen Mo is a special commissioner of the Super Bureau, it is not Shen Mo who is in charge of the blood race incident this time, so he is involved in this matter in his own name. Sophistication can be dealt with.

After Duke finished telling his story, Uncle Zhong's voice sounded from the backyard again.

"Although Duke became a blood clan, he didn't hurt anyone, and the blood he ate came from a clean source. And it's my old friend's legacy, so please take care of me."

Silently comprehending, he replied: "It should be as it should be."

Uncle Zhong was originally a high-ranking man, but he called Shen Mo a little friend, so he naturally put down his dignity and asked for Shen Mo.

Silence also pushed the boat along the way, and complied with Uncle Zhong's wishes.

He set his gaze on Duke again, and said in silence for a moment, "Do you want to see Lucy again?"

Duke was taken aback, "Is there any chance for us to meet again?"

Silently smiled: "Trust me! I will take you back to Europe!"

Duke was in a trance, looking in astonishment at the young man in front of him who was about the same age as him, and it was hard to imagine where his confidence came from.

Return to Europe? !Facing the powerful thirteen blood clans? !How can this be? !
Duke shook his head and said: "You haven't been to Europe, you don't know the power of blood races, those blood races that are as powerful as the duke level are simply not something we can fight against. The existence of me and Lucy has already touched their secret ring ,us····"

Duke hadn't finished his sentence yet, when Mo Mo flicked his wrist, the Duke of Dorn suddenly appeared in the Nine-story Yin Tower.

Duke of Dorne:! ! !
Duke Viscount:...

Bark!Duke's pale face was filled with shock, he subconsciously backed away timidly, bared his fangs, and stood up on guard.

Look at the Duke of Dorne, he actually started to smoke!

The Duke of Dorne shouted in horror: "My lord, help!"

Silent suddenly, it is indeed daytime.

He quickly put Donne away, he almost forgot about this, and almost killed Donne, fortunately he is a Duke-level blood family, and has a little resistance to the sun.

Otherwise, Dorn would become the worst blood race in history.

Died tragically due to the master's mistake.

The Duke of Dorne was taken in, and Duke stared at Silence with disbelief.

As a Viscount of the blood family, although Duke is an unrecognized alternative, he has heard of the name of the Duke of Donne of the Giovanni family. This is a big man who controls most of the pillar industries in Paris!

He was called around like a dog by the young man in front of him, and he was almost tortured by the sun.

what is happening! ?Duke has some Buddhas!
Duke was stupefied, but his silent actions did not stop. Having learned from the past, he first communicated with Vladikir of Unbounded Blood to make sure that the other party had the means to not be afraid of the sun, and then called out Vladimir.

hum!The blood mist was thick, and Vladikir, shrouded in a faint blood mist, appeared in front of everyone.

Covered by the blood mist, Vladikir was no longer afraid of the sun.

At the same time, the terrifying coercion of the prince-level blood clan erupted, causing Viscount Duke to kneel on the ground in an instant, speechless. If it was a blood clan Duke, he, Duke, could still accept it. After all, Lucy's father was the Duke.

But the prince of the blood clan is different. He is the top figure in every clan of the blood clan, and any prince is an unimaginable existence.

And even such an existence lives under the command of Shen Mo, allowing him to call.

"Viscount Duke, I have met His Majesty the Prince!"

Duke murmured in a panic, not daring to disobey in the slightest. Even the same clan cannot overcome the suppression of the blood of a prince.

Vladikir didn't say much, and replied flatly: "From today on, obey the command of this lord!"

Duke repeatedly said yes, not daring to be disobedient anymore, and the lord that Vladikir mentioned naturally referred to silence.

Uncle Zhong, who was in the backyard, sensed the changes in the aura in the front hall. For a while, it was a terrifying vampire, and for a while, it was an even more terrifying vampire.

"Crap! Where did you find such a fairy apprentice?!"

Uncle Zhong was not surprised why Mo Mo was able to drive these high-level vampires, because the super bureau data showed that Mo Mo possessed a power similar to that of the Holy Light. In theory, it did have the power to restrain the vampires. middle.

This is also one of the reasons why Uncle Zhong assuredly handed Duke over to Shen Mo.

Let’s say that Duke, after Vladikir’s admonition, faced silence again, he was no longer suspicious before, but respected like a savior.

"My lord! Duke kneels down for you."

Silence nodded.

Uncle Zhong shook his head helplessly, with a complicated expression on his face.

Knowing everything, Shen Mo also included Duke in Blood Unbounded. After bidding farewell to Uncle Zhong, he prepared to search for the other two Dukes.

He had to find these two guys before dark, otherwise, at night, these two guys would be very fierce.

As for the blood mist that Vladikir used to resist sunlight, it was a vampire magic that only prince-level vampires could master, and it was difficult for even duke-level vampires to learn or master it.

So how was Silence supposed to find Duke Boswell and Duke Eisenhower? !

clap clap!

With the familiar sound of slapping, Zashiki boy Nannan was called out. Although Nannan is a road idiot, she is a good helper for locating people, more reliable than Baidu Maps.

Coupled with the fact that Hua Yingjun, a man from Modu, was leading the way, it was really not difficult to search for the other two blood races.

So, under Nan Nan's command, Mo Mo and others drove forward, and two hours later, they stopped outside an old warehouse.

This was originally a workshop for the production of heavy machinery parts, but it was shelved here due to disrepair, and became a gathering place for mice and wild cats.

According to Nannan, a duke-level vampire is hiding here.

Mo Mo looked at the defeated warehouse, a little surprised, the Duke of Blood would hide here? !His taste has not improved because of his strength!

hum!The power of the mind and eyes exploded, and Silence immediately enveloped the warehouse, but in the next second, a look of rage appeared on Silent's face.

"Bastard! It should be killed!"

(End of this chapter)

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