Chapter 588 Not too smart

brute!It's time to kill!

Silence was burning with anger, murderous aura burst out, and the power of the holy light was surging and unstoppable.

It was the first time Hua Yingjun and Liu Xiaoci saw Shen Mo being so furious, they couldn't help being stunned, but they also realized that the situation in the warehouse was not optimistic.

As a blood clan, Viscount Duke is very sensitive to blood. Although he doesn't have the power of mind like silence, he still found clues in the warehouse.

"What a bloody smell!"

Duke's pale face was frowning tightly. Although he is a vampire, he has no experience of hurting anyone. What he drinks is blood bags bought from the hospital. He tries to keep the last of his humanity. This is what Uncle Zhong is willing to help him with. one of the reasons.

Silence flicked his wrist, and the Calamity Tomahawk immediately manifested, obviously determined to kill.

Under the perception of the power of the mind, the huge warehouse is full of corpses, all of whom are innocent people whose blood was sucked to death. What is even more heinous is that these murdered people are all women or children .

It can be seen how cruel and vicious the perpetrator is.

The power of silence's mind and eyes naturally also locked on the perpetrator, that monster with wings on its back, hanging upside down on the top of the warehouse, shaped like a bat, humanoid but not human.

Duke Eisenhower of the Sabbat Alliance Lesenba clan.

Their family is extremely cruel and aggressive. Years of killing have caused them to continuously transform into aliens. They have lost their human posture and turned into humanoid bat monsters.

This not only enhanced their combat power, but also made them more ferocious.

Shen Mo raised the battle ax in his hand, broke open the warehouse door in an instant, and rushed into the dark and gloomy warehouse.

Hua Yingjun and the others stood outside the warehouse, not daring to take any action, because they knew that silence would settle everything, and he needed to do something now to vent his inner anger.

In the dark warehouse, the fire of the chakras and the holy light intertwined, and the strong wind formed by the calamity battle ax swept away, roaring and deafening, and in just a few minutes, the upper body of the bat monster was violently thrown out The warehouse fell in front of Hua Yingjun and the others.

hiss!When the sun shines, it is like an open flame igniting gasoline, and it ignites instantly, turning into a twisted flame, exuding a disgusting smell.

Under the scorching sun, Duke Eisenhower turned into ashes and disappeared.

Shen Mo, who was soaked in blood all over his body, slowly walked out of the darkness with his calamity battle ax in hand. With the sun shining, the blood also turned into ashes and disappeared with the wind.

Hua Yingjun swallowed subconsciously. Although he didn't see the battle in the warehouse, he could get a glimpse of it from the momentum.

Viscount Duke swallowed in astonishment, looking at the tragic death of the Duke, his heart was mixed and he dared not speak.

Are bloodlines strong? !
In Duke's eyes, the blood races in Europe are incredibly powerful. They control most of the power and wealth in Europe. They are the real rulers hidden in the dark. No one dares to violate their interests and majesty.

When he became a blood viscount, he also imagined that he not only possessed eternal life and unlimited rights, but when he was hunted down and forced to flee, he met someone as powerful as Silence.

Duke is disillusioned with the blood race.

It turns out that in this world, apart from blood races, human beings can have such powerful power.

If he had known earlier, he would not be a blood race.

As a man, isn't he fragrant? !

Mo Mo flicked his wrist, put away the calamity tomahawk, patted Pahua's handsome shoulder, and said to him: "Notify the logistics. Exercise your rights as the president of the Cleric Foundation."

Although Silence is not a holy mother, but as a human being, he still has a basic sense of compassion. The Clergy Foundation, which was planned long ago, is to help these innocent and persecuted compatriots.

They should get their due compensation. Although everything is insignificant compared with life, doing nothing is the greatest tragedy.

Hua Yingjun nodded again and again, and dialed the number of the logistics department to deal with the follow-up matters.

And Viscount Duke recovered from his astonishment, looked at Shen Mo with extremely admiring eyes, and became more and more confident in Mo Mo in his heart.

If it is said that Silence summoned Prince Vladiger to deter Duke, it made him submit physically, then Silence beheaded Duke Eisenhower, it was whipping Duke spiritually.

The double admonition of body and mind has made Duke choose unconditional trust and silence.

He is definitely a person worth relying on, even if he is not worth relying on, he is still a supreme venerable.

Get rid of Duke Eisenhower, and Duke Boswell is unknown.

Silence is still relying on Nannan's strength, searching for the location of the Duke of Boswell.

Soon, everyone came to the Litchi Flower International Hotel, and through the silent perception of the power of the mind, they immediately locked the Duke of Boswell hiding on the top floor of the hotel.

No!Rather than hiding it, it is better to say that the Duke of Boswell has stayed in the presidential suite on the top floor of the Lizhihua International Hotel, and it is an annual online contract service.

This really surprised Mo Mo and the others. Are the blood races already so good at playing?
Duke explained: "In Europe, the blood race is a symbol of dignity. They have already integrated into the noble social circle of human beings and enjoy unimaginable preferential treatment for ordinary people."

Hua Yingjun frowned, "How did that bat monster live in the abandoned warehouse just now?!"

Duke: "Eisenhower belongs to the Sabbat Alliance. Most of them are already inhuman and have strong animal nature. They are not so much vampires, but monsters bearing the name of vampires."

Judging from Duke's words, one can also hear the Hidden Alliance's dislike for the Sabbat Alliance. The two are indeed sworn enemies who have been fighting for thousands of years.

Nodding silently, he said to Duke again: "The Duke of Boswell is also your father-in-law. You decide what to do in a while."

Duke knew in his heart that Shen Mo meant to ask him to come forward to solve the problem first. If Shen Mo could not solve the problem, then it would be a dead end.

"I will convince him that the Duke of Boswell is the person in this world who loves Lucy the most, no, blood."

Ever since, Shen Mo and the others waited in the lobby, while Duke took the elevator to the penthouse suite.

About 10 minutes later, Duke appeared again, calling Shen Mo and others to the top floor.

"My lord, the Duke of Boswell wants to see you."

Shen Mo looked at the unscathed Duke, knowing that he had captured the Duke of Boswell, so he got up and walked, and took the elevator upstairs together.

When they entered the suite, the Duke of Boswell was sitting on the sofa watching a childish children's channel program and laughing at the plots in it, not at all dignified as a Duke of blood.

Silence looked at the old man who looked like an old urchin in front of him, and couldn't help but hear Vladimir's description of the major clans of the blood clan.

The clan of the Duke of Boswell, the last Kawi, is a well-known insane person among the blood clan. Their prince blood ancestor is a blood clan created by a human necromancer using the blood of the blood clan. He has some spiritual defects, so this The spirit of the family is not very good, commonly known as the mentally ill blood family.

A big man like the Duke of Boswell has already penetrated into the bone marrow of mental illness and carried it forward.

You see, how much enjoyment this children's enlightenment cartoon is watching.

The silence didn't bother Duke Boswell, because this was the first time he had communicated with a psychopath, and the other party was a blood-blooded duke, which was really scorpion shit—the only one.

After a while, a 10-minute episode of the puzzle movie ended. The Duke of Boswell recovered from the hilarity, stood up from the sofa a little bit, and then looked at the silence that had been waiting at the door for a long time.

"Oh?! Young man, are you the hope that Duke said?"

Silence was about to speak but was interrupted by the Duke of Boswell.

"Haha, the hope of our blood race is actually a foreigner, is it funny?"


Silently turned to Duke, stunned, this guy really has a problem with his brain!Another question, is this lack of intelligence a family inheritance of the Mokawi family? !
Duke coughed twice and reminded: "Father, please restrain yourself!"

Duke Boswell's face changed suddenly, he glared at Duke angrily, and growled, "Don't call me daddy, I don't have a son like you!"


"If it weren't for you, little boy, how could my lovely Lucy have ended up like this! I should have killed you and exchanged your life with the clan for Lucy's life. My mind is actually thinking of bringing Lucy to accept the Japanese punishment." , to help you little boy..."

Duke said awkwardly: "Dad, haven't we discussed this issue before? For Lucy, we must let go of our prejudices and rescue Lucy together."

The Duke of Boswell slapped his head, and suddenly realized: "Oh! That's right! My dear little white-faced bastard, if you don't remind me, I almost forgot our proposal just now. Then, he can help us rescue Lucy people? A Chinese human?!"

"Haha, the hope of our blood race is actually a foreigner, is it funny?"

silence:? ? ?
Why did it come back around again?This is not over yet, is this what it looks like if the brain is not very smart?

The power of the silent mind was activated, covering the Duke of Boswell, and with a thought, a purification power lifted the chaotic state on his body.

The Duke of Boswell stopped abruptly, and after a moment of trance, a look of reason flashed in his cloudy blood eyes.

"Thank you!"

The Duke of Boswell bowed to thank him, and continued: "Lucy is now imprisoned in the death zone of the Last Kavi tribe. If I can't take back the soul ring and kill Duke, they will execute me and imprison Lucy forever. .But Duke told me that you have the ability and method to solve this crisis, so, I want to know what it is?!"

The Duke of Boswell, freed from his confusion, finally came to his senses.

Although temporary, it is enough for Silence to communicate with it.

"I want to reorganize the blood race!"

Silence said firmly.

"Reorganize the blood race?!"

The Duke of Boswell frowned, looked at Silence with weird eyes, and said incredulously.

"Why do you reorganize the blood race? You are just a human being."

The corner of Shen Mo's mouth raised, and a blessing of holy light descended, condensing into a ball in the palm of his hand.

"Look, is this ball white?!"

Intuit!Silently spat, almost infected by Boswell's mentally handicapped behavior.

Sure enough, the IQ line will be lowered!
"Holy Light!" Duke Boswell said in disgust, "You are from the church?!"

Shen Mo shook his head and said, "I am not, but my power is aimed at your blood race."

hum!In the next second, Prince Vladigil and Duke Donne in the nine-storey Yin Tower showed their figures.

"My lord prince! Dawn?!"

Boswell exclaimed: "Why should the adults submit to the human beings in front of them?"

Vladigil remained silent, raised his hand and cast a blood curse, binding Boswell like he bound Donne.

"Surrender to your lord! He will lead us to win the blood clan's former glory!"

Vladimir passed on the vision of silently unifying the thirteen clans to Boswell through the power of blood. The latter was stunned for a moment, and decisively chose to surrender.

This is not only the suppression of Prince Vladigil's blood, but also the silent strength and background.

Vladimir showed Boswell the power of silence.

Nodding silently, he took out a stack of purification talismans with a smile and threw them to Boswell, "The blood of your family is not pure enough. The conflict between the necromancer's spell inheritance and the blood essence of the blood has caused your insanity. My purification talismans can Help you alleviate this symptom, but it is not hopeless to permanently lift the curse, and the day when I unify the blood clan will be the day to lift the curse for you."

Boswell was overjoyed, and quickly knelt down in front of Shen Mo, swearing his allegiance, while Vladigil and others followed and prostrated themselves on the ground.

Hua Yingjun on the side was stunned. He had never seen such a posture before, and subconsciously wanted to kneel, but was stopped by silence.

"Why are you kneeling!?"

Hua Yingjun looked not very smart; "The atmosphere is here..."

"Take care of the clergyman foundation I entrusted to you, and don't call Xiaoci's attention again."

Saying it silently, he brought all the blood races into Blood Unbounded, and prepared to go to Europe to fulfill his great wish.

As for Hua Yingjun and Liu Xiaoci, after dealing with the affairs of the magic city, they will return to Fumu Carving Shop first to look at the shop.

Let's say that Silence promised the Duke of Boswell to help his family get rid of the curse of insanity, can this be done?
Naturally, it can be done, because with the power of mind and eyes, Mo Mo has already discovered the difference in blood between the Mokavi tribe and the Giovanni tribe.

The Mokawi family has the bloodline of necromancers, which is a bit mixed compared to the bloodline of the pure-blooded Giovanni people. In addition, the Mokawi people practice undead magic, which once again deepens the conflict of power in the bloodline, causing them to become stronger and stronger. Those who are more insane.

And to solve this problem, just eliminate the gap between the two, which is naturally a solution for Shen Mo, and it is understandable to use it as a token of allegiance.

Let's talk about Shen Mo leaving the Lizhihua International Hotel, and under the arrangement of the special status of the Super Bureau, he soon boarded the plane to Paris.

Sitting on the seat by the window, sleeping in silence and recuperating, my mind has already flown into the distance.

Face the silence!Paris!

(End of this chapter)

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