Chapter 589
The plane that Shen Mo took was packed, mainly because this plane caught up with a sunset red tour group called Little Red Riding Hood. Their members all wore the iconic Little Red Riding Hood, and their average age was over 50 years old. , only the tour guide in charge of leading the group is about the same age as Shen Mo, with a lean ponytail, an oval face, and a gluttonous mole on the corner of his mouth, also known as the mole of words, which is just right for her job. It's a job to eat with your mouth.

Shen Mo didn't care about this sunset red tour group, but by coincidence, an old woman in their group sat beside Shen Mo, and the little tour guide also found Mo Mo.

"Sir, would you like to change your seat?" the tour guide Dai Qiaoqiao asked politely and explained the situation, "This grandma wants to sit with her wife, but unfortunately we couldn't find a suitable one when we bought the tickets." seat."

Turning her head silently, she saw that the tour guide Dai Qiaoqiao was followed by an old man with gray hair on the temples. He was wearing a neat Chinese tunic suit, exuding the smell of books. His face was quite similar to the old woman beside him, and he looked like a husband and wife.

The old man also responded, "I'm sorry, young man, it's my wife's first time flying by plane, and she will feel better with me by her side."

Nodding silently, she didn't feel embarrassed about anything. She stood up and changed seats with the old man. The latter thanked him and went to take care of his wife.

"Thank you!" Dai Qiaoqiao thanked, "You can sit here."

Silence followed Dai Qiaoqiao's hand to see that there were two empty seats, one with the tour guide's small red satchel, and the other was empty, obviously sitting with Dai Qiaoqiao.

Silence shrugged indifferently, it was the same wherever he sat, as long as it didn't affect the counterweight, there wasn't much difference.

After a while, Dai Qiaoqiao arranged everything, returned to her seat, picked up the small red satchel, restrained herself, and sat down.

"Thank you for giving up your seat for Mr. Xu."

Silence replied casually: "It's a small matter. You're welcome."

Dai Qiaoqiao continued: "Mr. Xu and his wife are not in good health. They are here to fulfill the Parisian dream of the year. There are many old people like Mr. Xu in the group. Although the years have left a mark on them The scars were left on them, but their hearts became more pure."

Mo Mo slightly turned her head to look at Dai Qiaoqiao. She had a smile and longing on her immature face, with a calmness and maturity that didn't match her age.

Feeling silent, he replied: "When a person reaches his twilight years, his love is deep and his meaning is deep. A lifetime is nothing more than this."

Dai Qiaoqiao smiled and nodded. This is why she likes to lead the sunset red tour group. Looking at these loving old people and spending their twilight years with them, for young people, it is indeed is excellent.

The two looked at each other and smiled, and stopped talking because the plane was about to take off.

The destination of this plane is Charles de Gaulle Airport in Paris, and the flight time is about 12 hours, which is extremely long for most young people, and it is not a small journey for the old people of the sunset group.

Dai Qiaoqiao pays close attention to the health status of the group members from time to time, and cooperates with the stewardess to take care of the elderly. It can be said that she is meticulous and extremely responsible.

Silence saw it in his eyes, smiled, and didn't say much, as the saying goes, do what you do, love what you do.

Dai Qiaoqiao obviously loves her job very much, and also enjoys the sense of satisfaction and fulfillment brought by this job.

About three hours later, most of the passengers on the plane were closing their eyes and taking a nap, recharging their energy to get through the long journey.

At this moment, Mr. Xu who had changed seats with Shen Mo said in a panic, "Shu Fen! What's wrong with you?"

This exclamation woke everyone up, and also attracted the attention of the flight attendant, who saw that Mr. Xu's wife was short of breath, his face was pale, his lips were purple, and he was about to be out of breath.

The flight attendant arrived quickly, and with experience in emergency response, she quickly determined that the grandmother had a sudden heart attack, and if she didn't receive timely treatment, her life might be in danger.

"Grandpa, have you brought your heart disease medicine?"

Old Master Xu said: "No, Shufen's health has always been good, and this has never happened before."

The flight attendant said anxiously: "It is a sudden heart attack caused by the weightlessness and pressure of flying. If there is no medicine, it must be treated in time. Is there a doctor or nurse present?"

No one answered, so there was no doctor or nurse.

Dai Qiaoqiao who got up early and was waiting by the side said repeatedly: "I know CPR."

Flight attendant: "Quick!"

The two fought hard, and with the help of the passengers, they carried the old lady to the aisle, ready to perform cardiopulmonary resuscitation. Judging from Dai Qiaoqiao's technique, she did have first aid qualifications.

But the old lady's condition cannot be brought back by cardiopulmonary resuscitation alone.

Silence also stood up. Under the penetrating insight of the five senses, he had already seen the grandmother's illness, not only the cardiac arrest caused by a sudden heart attack, but also the calcification of the heart valve, which is the cause of the heart attack. the real cause of the disease.

While speaking, Dai Qiaoqiao had already started first aid for the old lady, but the effect was really weak. Instead of getting better, the old lady's condition became more and more serious.

Layers of cold sweat broke out on Dai Qiaoqiao's forehead, her face became more and more uneasy, and tears welled up in her eyes, just when she couldn't save the old grandma by herself.

A silent voice sounded behind her, "Let me come!"

Dai Qiaoqiao was stunned for a moment, and looked at Shen Mo, only to see that after he helped himself up, he turned sideways and squatted beside the old grandma, turned his palm into a sword finger, and quickly extended his fingers, the afterimages were hard to see, and the old grandma's body was imprinted The finger marks on his debut are very mysterious.

Dai Qiaoqiao was stunned, "This is..."

The stewardess also looked blank, wondering what Shen Mo was doing?
Elder Xu looked at the silence, although he didn't know the subtlety of it, but Shufen's complexion gradually eased along with the silence's sword finger, the danger was turned to safety, and her breathing became smoother.

Boom boom boom!
The heart that stopped suddenly was beating again, and a blush gradually appeared on his pale face.

People, rescued!

Looking at Shufen who slowly opened her eyes, Old Xu burst into tears, weeping with joy.

"Shu Fen!"

"Old Xu!"

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief, and then looked at Shen Mo with gratitude and envy. Although they didn't know how Shen Mo did it, the fact was that Shen Mo saved the old lady.

Shen Mo said calmly, "Old Xu, the situation is stable now, but after getting off the plane, you must go to the hospital and follow the doctor's orders."

Old Xu nodded again and again, "Thank you! Thank you so much."

Although Mo Mo rescued Shu Fen, the problem of calcification of the heart valve was not something he could solve with his sword. It required surgical treatment, and it was difficult for Shu Fen to accept such an operation at her age.

People have to obey the old.

An episode, panic settled.Everything is back to normal.

Dai Qiaoqiao looked at the sleepy silence beside her, bit her lip, wanted to say something, but finally held back.

She found that the man beside her had an invisible charm, which made her fall in love with him uncontrollably. Coupled with the episode just now, she was even more elated and couldn't help herself.

Girls in this world, who doesn't yearn for heroes, who doesn't love the strong, the girl is full of spring, and her love is hard to control.

But Dai Qiaoqiao knew that a man as outstanding as Shen Mo was a man she could never touch in her life.

Dai Qiaoqiao was inexplicably sad in her heart, she subconsciously moved her body, and slowly leaned towards Shen Mo, leaning on his shoulder, silent.

Mo Mo noticed the fragrance on his shoulders, and didn't say much, silence speaks louder here.

Time flies, and in a blink of an eye, the plane arrived at Charles de Gaulle Airport.

The ambulance that had stopped at the airport picked up Mr. Xu and Shufen. Dai Qiaoqiao and the other team members were going to go to the hotel to get settled first, and then wait for the company's follow-up arrangements.

As for the ambulance that was rumored abroad, Jin Wanliang was not something that Mo Mo should worry about.

Before parting, Dai Qiaoqiao looked at the silently gone back and was speechless. She originally thought that she who had seen the world of mortals and understood love thoroughly would not have the story of love at first sight in the novel, but when he appeared and at a critical moment When she came forward, she knew she was wrong.

Shen Mo didn't know that he had hurt another girl invisibly, and he had gradually acquired the ferocious attribute of "once you meet Silence, you will miss it for the rest of your life".

Let's talk about Silence leaving the Charles de Gaulle Airport, according to the guidance of the Duke of Dorn, he is going to stay in his Duke's castle for a while.

As for why they didn't go to the castle of the Duke of Boswell, it was naturally because of the current situation that it was inappropriate to go directly to the Mokavi tribe.

Lucy is imprisoned in the death zone of the Last Kavi tribe. If the Duke of Boswell returns to the castle without obtaining the soul ring, he will naturally invite questions and attacks from the Last Kavi tribe.

Since the enemy is in the open and our side is in the dark, then we should take advantage of this advantage and wait for the neutral Giovanni to stabilize their foothold first.

As the Duke of the Giovanni family, Donne, as Duke said, their family has mastered most of the pillar economic industries in Paris.

This is Silence's first grab, bah, first shot to capture the Thirteen Blood Clans.

It is naturally easier to take down the Giovanni clan secretly by force through the Duke of Dorn than to face the thirteen clans directly.

According to the Duke of Dorn, the Giovanni family has two prince-level blood families, namely Prince Boyle Locke and Prince Dewey Allie Emerida.

The two of them are the real rulers of the Giovanni tribe, and together they hold the butcher's knife, one of the thirteen sacred weapons.

The butcher's knife, although it is called a knife, is a crescent-shaped blade like a halberd head. It is also called a "butcher's knife" because 500 million people have died on this weapon.

The soul of the slain is cursed and imprisoned on the butcher's knife, creating endless killings with the weapon and becoming the slave of the knife owner.

Holding a butcher's knife is equivalent to having 500 million undead warriors.It can be seen how terrifying the power of this butcher knife is.

Closer to home, Silence left the Charles de Gaulle Airport, went all the way south along Ottoout Street, passed through several blocks, and finally arrived at the Dorn Castle in the ninth arrondissement.

The ninth arrondissement has the famous Paris Opera House, Printemps Department Store, scattered schools, churches, museums, and Dorn Castle is one of the few privately owned castles.

Following the guidance of the Duke of Dorne, Mo Mo revealed the secret order to enter the castle, and under the guidance of a servant, entered the interior of the castle.

And this servant is not a vampire, but a human being imprinted with the imprint of a vampire servant. Their group is a group that voluntarily serves the vampire. members, gain eternal life.

There are hundreds of such human servants in Dorn Castle, responsible for the daily life of the blood race in the castle.

And Silence, who entered the castle through the Dornish secret order, naturally became a guest, unlike the blood food that was pulled into the castle, after being taken care of by the kitchen, and then served on the dining table.

Of course, the vampires in the castle are very curious about Shen Mo's identity, and they don't know why a Chinese like Mo Mo would enter the castle with Dorn's secret order.

Moreover, it is well known that the Duke of Dorne went to the devil city to find the soul ring, but at this moment a Chinese came, and there is a faintly unknown story in it.

"Who are you!? Why is there a secret order from the Duke of Dorne?"

The one who questioned the silence was Sally Lisa, who was in charge of the security of Dorne Castle. She was a 300-year-old vampire with rich combat experience and was good at assassination and some undead magic.

Silently smiled, looked at the blood race that surrounded him, and said, "Are you sure you want to say it here?!"

Sally Lisa paused, motioned for silence, and went to the living room on the second floor, where the Duke of Dorne received guests.

After the two of them entered, Sari Lisa closed the door and turned to look at each other silently. She had long beige hair and was wearing a tight black leather jacket, which set off her perfect body curve, and her pale face was covered with bright red. With red lips and clear blue eyes, she is a complete beauty.

"Speak!" Sally Lisa demanded again.

Smiling silently without saying a word, with a flick of his wrist, he summoned the Duke of Dorn in the Nine-story Yin Tower.

"My lord duke!" Seeing Dawn, Sari Lisa immediately bowed and knelt down to greet him.

Don waved his hand, motioned for Sally Lisa to get up, and said, "My lord, from today onwards, he will replace me and become your master."

Sari Lisa was taken aback, looked at Silence who was a human being in astonishment, and asked questioningly: "Duke Dorn, why is this? Why do we obey a lowly human being."

Donne frowned, and said furiously, "Do you dare to disobey my order?"

Swish!Shen Mo raised his hand to stop Don, walked slowly towards Sally Lisa, patted her shoulder lightly, and muttered: "Actually, I don't need your allegiance, but there are some things that you blood races can do by themselves. Much more suitable than me."

Facing the silent and profane actions, Sally Lisa was about to get angry, but felt an irresistible force sinking into her body, extracting the power in her body, causing her to lose strength in an instant and collapsed to the ground.

In the next second, several reminders sounded in the silent mind.

[Discover soul fragments*1]

[Discover soul fragments*1]

Dozens of prompts in succession made Silence a little surprised. Although he used the power of his mind to detect that Sari Lisa practiced some kind of undead magic, her body imprisoned many human souls killed by her. Strengthen your own strength.

But I never expected that there were as many as 72 pieces.

Why does the 300-year-old blood race only have 72 soul fragments, because most of the souls are not enough to form soul fragments, and only extremely high-quality souls can be absorbed by silence.

72 pieces is already considered an extremely large number, and without these soul fragments, Sari Lisa's strength was directly weakened by [-]%.

"Damn, what have you done to me?"

Sari Lisa was about to launch an attack, but was attacked silently again.

With the soul fragments, there is only one complete soul to resurrect Gui Wu Tsuji Wumi. In this case, it is up to you.

Sari Lisa, become a vessel for Onimai Tsuji's resurrection!
(End of this chapter)

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