The aura of a priest is infinite

Chapter 590 Doll: Perfect Creature

Chapter 590 Doll: Perfect Creature

Sally Lisa!Let's become the container of Onimai Tsuji Mumi!

The blessing of the Holy Light enveloped Sally Lisa in an instant, and in the next second, her body burned in the Holy Light, her flesh and blood volatilized, her bones disappeared, and her soul, which had lost the support of her body, drifted, and was pinched by Silence in her hands.

【Ding!Obtain a complete blood clan soul*1]

In this way, the doll materials for making Muma Onimiya Tsuji are all available.

The Duke of Dorne watched Sally Lisa, who had followed him for 300 years, be instantly killed by silence, but he did not dare to disobey the slightest, because the moment Sally Lisa questioned his order, her fate was already doomed .

Loyalty is more important than strength most of the time.


Needless to say, Oni Wu Tsuji's heart is the root of Oni Wu Tsuji's heart. Only by using this material can the puppet gain the ability of the King of Ghosts and use its own blood to conceive and raise a different ghost.

And the blue Higan flower is the material to make up for Oni Wu Tsuji's weakness of fearing the sun. With it, the King of Ghosts and the ghosts who conceive and raise them are both daywalkers like Nezuko.

And the body of the Demon King Molou has been stored in Shen Mo's personal warehouse for a long time. Shen Mo thought about whether to find some more precious materials to refine the Demon King Molou, but the reality is that he wants to find something similar to the Demon King Molou. The best material is simply something that can't be found.

Instead of wasting resources, it would be better to create a puppet of Oni Wu Tsuji, so that Oni Wu Tsuji has a prince, even far surpassing the prince-level combat power.

It is obviously not difficult to do this with the corpse of Molou.

Needless to say, the final soul material.

Silence placed the doll materials into the doll refining panel in turn, and with the blue current and halo flickering, the new doll gradually took shape.

【Ding!Do you want to reshape the appearance of the puppet? 】

After a silent pause, he decisively chose to reshape, because there are so many materials for the doll this time, if he doesn't reshape, who knows what kind of doll will be trained.

The ghost dance Tsuji who looks like a magic building and has the charm of Sari Lisa? !

Huh!Just thinking about it gives me goosebumps.

So, silently, he reshaped the appearance of the puppet according to the perfect impression of the blood race in his mind.

The pale, handsome face is evil and seductive, the blue eyes shine like diamonds, the golden wavy short hair is elegant, and the medieval evening dress is noble and elegant, as if a divine creation has fallen into the mortal world.


Tut tut!Silence is based on Tom from Interview with the Vampire, creating this perfect doll.

With the twisting of the final mechanical bearing, the doll of Onimai Tsuji is finally completed.

【Ding!Obtained Doll: Perfect Creature. 】

【Perfect Creature: A doll made from the corpse of the Demon King Molou, the heart of the Ghost King Kiwu Tsuji, and the soul of the Blood Race can be called a perfect creature. 】

[Possess special effects skills: 1. The arrival of the devil, when triggered, it can turn into the body of the devil and gain the power of the devil. 2. Super-speed regeneration, except for the heart, other places can regenerate super-speed. 3. Oni Wu Tsuji's different blood, which can be used to endow creatures with the power to become perfect creatures. 4. Perfect creatures have the ability to seize and devour the abilities and powers of other perfect creatures. 】

【Ding!Please name the Puppet: Perfect Creature. 】

Silence looked at the perfect doll that was only the size of a palm, pondered for a moment, and decided: "Then call you Tom Lestat!"

After naming, Tom woke up as if he had life, and became bigger at a speed visible to the naked eye. He fell in front of Shen Mo and knelt down: "Tom Lestat has seen the master!"

Momo nodded in satisfaction. With the power of mind and eyes, Tom's normal strength is only three tenths of that of the Demon King and Demon Tower, which is far from enough to touch the strength of a prince-level blood family. However, he has an extremely terrifying growth potential, a perfect creature As long as you give him some time, it is definitely not difficult to achieve prince-level combat power.

And right now, there is a way for Tom to gain power.

bloody battle!
Battle between blood clans!
Because of the awakening of the demonic energy, the power of the thirteen blood clans is expanding, which naturally leads to fighting among the blood clans. Fighting between each other often occurs, and the number of new blood clans is seven or eight times that of hundreds of years.

As long as Tom takes the place of Sari Lisa and represents the Giovanni clan in the bloody clan battle, then with Tom's ability, he will definitely grow rapidly in a short period of time and create a new batch of blood clans. new generation blood race.

The dove occupies the magpie's nest and is reborn from the cocoon!
This is Shen Mo's plan, using the Giovanni clan as a cocoon to complete the birth and rise of a new blood clan.

Compared with the vampires of the old era, a new generation of vampires with vampirism will surely replace them.

"From today onwards, you will represent the Duke of Dorne in the bloody clan battle."

Tom nodded emphatically, "Yes!"

The Duke of Dorne looked at Silence and Tom in astonishment, his eyes widened in disbelief. Even Dorne, the Duke of Blood, had never seen such a demonized scene.

One second he was still Sally Lisa, and the next second he turned into a handsome man. He seemed to have blood, but he was a little different.

The Duke of Dorne's blood suppression had no effect on Tom at all.

Could it be... the new blood race!
As we all know, the thirteen clans in Europe are inherited from the blood ancestor Cain, and they are all descendants of Cain, and there are some blood connections.This is also the reason why high-level blood races can suppress low-level blood races in terms of blood.

Except for a very small number of people, such as Count Dracula, who is a blood clan signed an agreement with the hell demon, there is no blood suppression. In addition, the blood clan of the thirteen clans cannot escape the blood suppression.

But the Tom Lestat in front of him was not affected by the bloodline, and all his performances proved that he belonged to the new bloodline.

This is not as simple as a branch clan of the thirteen clans, this is a new start, rebuilding the clan!Tom Lestat, like the isolated Count Dracula, has the potential to subvert the Thirteen Clans.

To put it more generally, it is like the yellow, white and black races, although they are all human beings, they are different races.

Although they belong to the same blood race, they are of different bloodlines.

The Duke of Dorne finally realized that the world of the blood race was about to change.

Plop!The Duke of Dorne immediately knelt down and said slavishly: "Dorne would like to help his heirs join the family, and become the servants of the family forever."

Silence frowned, knowing what Dorn meant through Vladigil.

The new family is established, and the old family collapses.

As an old clan, if he wanted to survive the general situation, he could only swear to become a servant of the new clan, otherwise, he would be wiped out in the flames of war.

Silence paused for a moment. What he wanted was rebirth through the cocoon. Now that the cocoon and the seed were there, the next step was rebirth.


Tom stood up slowly and walked towards the half-kneeling Duke of Dorn.

Dawn was shocked and didn't know what Tom wanted to do.

In the next second, Tom cut his wrist, and the blood flowed down, exuding an obsessive fragrance.

"Drink it, shed the old blood, and make a new family!"

The Duke of Dorne was stunned, and he stood still, not daring to move, because the common sense of blood clans told him that the blood of different blood clans cannot be mixed. For example, it is absolutely impossible for Dracula's blood to mix with Cain's blood. The blood burst on the spot.

But what does silence mean?
"Don't worry! Tom's blood will not harm you, but will make you stronger."

Silence said lightly.

Under his guidance, Don held up Tom's arm suspiciously, and slowly drank the blood. The cold blood entered his throat, and a force that made him obsessed overflowed from the blood, and immediately flowed through the whole body, transforming many people again. Grace's body.

After a short pour, the bloodline of Cain's blood collapsed and collapsed, and a new bloodline was formed. Donne had shed his old blood and became Tom Lestat's servant.

At the same time, the Duke of Dorne awakened his vampirism.

Numerous blood-colored thick mist erupted from his body, wrapping him like a cocoon, and condensed into pieces of blood-colored coins in the next second, dancing like butterflies in the sky, extraordinary and evil.

Silence is also quite curious, wondering what kind of vampire technique Dorn has activated.

It wasn't until Dawn put away the vampire art that he had the answer.

It turns out that Dorn was once a well-known entrepreneur of the Giovanni family, and the blood ghost technique he started became the blood money technique, which can turn blood energy into blood coins and manipulate it at will.

Tut tut!Control coins? !Interesting.

This can't help but remind Shen Mo of Xiao Nan in Naruto. Her Shiki Paper Dance is quite similar to Don's blood ghost technique, but far less weird.

Donne, who had shed his old body and gained new power, was ecstatic. He kowtowed to Silence and Tom excitedly, swore eternal life and allegiance, and gave all his heirs and property to strengthen his family.

Nodding silently, he ordered Dorn to take Tom to baptize the old blood in Dorn Castle.

As the door of the living room was closed, after a short while, there was a noisy sound in the castle. The blood race in Dorne Castle, seeing the Duke of Dordorn, were all shocked by his current appearance, and there was no blood. They have different thoughts.

After Dawn proposed to shed the old blood and welcome the new blood, some blood races chose to obey, while some strongly opposed it.

But as Shen Mo said, those who obey prosper and those who rebel perish. Under the pressure of the Tom King-level combat power, nearly [-]% of the blood clans in Dorne Castle chose to obey, and the remaining [-]% ​​were sent by other clans. meticulous work.

After the baptism of the blood race was over, Tom set his sights on the human servants in the castle.

"Don, gather them together."

Don was surprised and said: "Blood ancestors, they are just servants who are responsible for Bai Ye's daily affairs. If they are also turned into blood clans, our Bai Ye will be driven by no one."

The white night in Dorn's mouth refers to the day in the human mouth, and the black day is the night in the human concept.

Tom laughed: "Our family is not afraid of the sun."

Don:? ? ?
The rest of the vampires were astonished and looked at Tom in disbelief.

Their family is not afraid of the sun? !The blood race can actually bathe in the sun? !
How can this be? !Even Blood Patriarch Cain couldn't be fearless of the sun!What kind of existence is their family?

Tom said in a deep voice: "Master's blue other shore flower helped me overcome the fear of the sun and gave me the power of a daywalker, and you also benefited from it. We should thank the master for his supreme gift."

Under the pressure of Tom's blood, the clansmen knelt down one after another, paying homage to the silence in the living room.

Silence also sensed everything through the power of mind and eyes, and smiled.

Immediately, Tom used his own blood to turn the castle's servants into new blood. Since then, Dorn Castle has truly become the foothold of Silence in Europe.

After finishing all this, Tom and Don returned to the living room and asked about the next plan.

"As I said before, let Tom lead a group of vampires to muddy the waters of Paris!"

Donne knew in his heart that the friction among the thirteen clans was getting worse, and some blood clans even secretly traded with inferior werewolf clans in order to strengthen their own combat power.

This water really should be muddied.

The birth of a new blood is definitely a blockbuster.

Dawn replied repeatedly: "I have a blood hidden team under my command. They are not known to other clans. The blood ancestors can lead them to act."

Tom nodded. He was very impressed with this blood-occult team, because this five-person team had all activated the blood ghost technique, which was quite powerful and rare. The strength was really extraordinary.

With their assistance, coupled with Tom's strength, the water in Paris will definitely be flooded.

"Take action!"

Tom took the lead and sneaked into the night with the blood hidden team, and disappeared.

Shen Mo stood in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows, holding a glass of red wine, looking at the peaceful night, knowing that tonight was destined to be an extraordinary night for the blood race.

Paris Cachexia Swamp!
This is a famous clothing store in Paris, but for the blood race, it is a hidden and deep blood cellar. Every night, it is a holy place for the carnival of the Sabbat Alliance.

This night, the Cachexia Swamp opened the night of the blood bath as usual, and blood clans from various clans of the Sabbat Alliance reveled here, enjoying the blood of the blood feast.

But the door of the blood cellar burst open, and six figures rushed in. With the blood mist filling the air, the killing began immediately.

The blood clan who used to be hunters lost their proper status in an instant and became the prey to be hunted down.

And these six people are the Blood Hidden Team led by Tom. They are using their vampire skills to harvest the lives of these blood races.

Tom is like an elegant gentleman, strolling on the blood-soaked dance floor, enjoying the explosive music while looking for his prey.

That is a marquis-level vampire, and he is the person in charge here.

Just when the other party was about to make trouble, but at the next moment, Tom licked the blood on his finger, and said brokenly, "The blood of the Lesenba clan is really dirty!"

That night, the blood cellar of the Sabbat Alliance was destroyed.

The Thirteen Clans will thus usher in a new storm.

(End of this chapter)

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