The aura of a priest is infinite

Chapter 591 The Eiffel Tower

Chapter 591 The Eiffel Tower

"Damn it! Who destroyed my blood cellar!"

Duke Hart Van Luntien of the Lesenba tribe slapped the table in front of him fiercely, and the stone table was instantly cracked under the huge force, making all the vampires present dumbfounded and did not dare to speak.

After a while, a low-level vampire broke the silence.

"It must be secret people. They took advantage of Duke Eisenhower's going to the magic capital to search for the holy artifact soul ring, so they attacked us."

Puff!A bloody light flickered, and the low-level vampire turned into powder and disappeared amidst the pain and groans.

"Hmph! The secret group of shrunken turtles dare not do this. There must be someone else behind the scenes. Hehe, since he wants to use this to provoke our Sabbat, let's take this opportunity to make trouble! It's time for our Sabbat reappeared in the world."

The scarlet eyes of Duke Hart Van Lentien sparkled with a real murderous look, which was greed and desire for power and death.

"Inform the Zimixi family that our plan has begun!"

"In addition, contact Eisenhower who is in Shanghai, let him find the soul ring as soon as possible, and come back to enjoy this feast."

The figure of Duke Hart Van Lentien gradually disappeared in the darkness, but he never expected that all this fell into the scheme of Silence, and Duke Eisenhower, who was in the magic capital, had already died in the hands of Silence.

As the sun rises, darkness recedes, and light descends to the earth.

Silence looked at Tom Lestat who had come back and the Blood Hidden Team nodded in satisfaction, expressing their appreciation for their success in destroying the Blood Vault of the Sabbat Alliance.

It's one small step in a plan, but it's a giant step in a larger plan.

"Master, what should we do next?" Duke Dorn asked with a bow.

After a moment of silence and contemplation, I asked back, "Based on your knowledge of the Sabbat, how do you think they will respond?"

Don thought for a moment, then said: "Based on what I have known about the Sabbat for hundreds of years, they will definitely be furious because of this. Now that they are launching revenge, if they were in the past, they would target secret, neutral clans, and exorcisms." groups of people, human beings."

Silence frowned, isn't this full-scale revenge?

So what about today?
"Now, according to my speculation, they will unite with other dark creatures to launch a bloody battle against secrets, neutral clans, exorcist groups, human beings and all other forces that oppose them."

oh? !Did this shot ignite the powder keg?
The Duke of Dorne continued to elaborate on his speculation, "According to the report of our sneaking into the Sabbat Alliance, the Sabbat Alliance began to conspire with other dark creatures as early as the early stage of the recovery of the demonic energy, and the contacts are getting closer. At the same time, it is reported that , the Zimixi family with the qualifications of scientists is using the holy grail to create a powerful secret weapon to rush towards the glory of the blood race. In summary, I think the Sabbat will definitely use this to launch troubles and kick off the prelude to the bloody battle."

After thinking for a moment in silence, he said with a smile, "If that's the case, then wait for them to make trouble! Tell me to go down, stay in the castle, and sit and watch the chaos in the world."

"Yes!" Dorn took the order and went down to deliver the order.

And Silence said to Tom Lestat: "Come out with me!"

"Yes, Master!"

Mo Mo came to Paris, and entered Donne Castle as soon as he got off the plane. He has not had the opportunity to travel to the beauty and culture of Paris.

Since the bloody battle covering the whole of Paris and even Europe is about to break out, he should take advantage of the daytime to enjoy the beautiful scenery here, because he may not have the opportunity to see it in the future.

Let's talk about Silence leading Tom out of Dorn Castle one after the other. As soon as he went out, he noticed two people who were acting suspiciously outside the castle.

Through the power of mind and eyes, Shen Mo discovered that the other party's identity was human, with a brand similar to that of the human servants of Dorne Castle. From this point of view, it should be the human servants of the Sabbat Alliance, used to monitor the castle during the day.

They were very surprised at the Chinese humans who were able to come out of the Dorn Castle, and wanted to send this message back to the Sabbat, but just as they turned around, a figure appeared behind them.

Tom gracefully stretched out his fingers, and instantly scratched their necks. The red blood flowed into their bodies along the fingers and wounds, and began to transform their bodies.

I saw that the bodies of these two people twisted and folded to a degree that ordinary people could hardly do, and after screaming in pain, they were no longer human beings, but a new generation of blood race.

Tom looked at the two of them, frowned slightly, and said in disgust, "Garbage that hasn't even activated the blood ghost technique!"

After all, Tom didn't want to pay attention to the two of them anymore, but ordered them to continue to lurk, and if the vampire technique was activated, they would look for him again.

Tom Lestat has the ability to devour and absorb other people's blood ghosts. Although it has only been less than a day since he was created by Silence, he has created nearly a hundred blood clans. Can he see But there is no vampire technique in it.

The collection of vampirism is a delicate task that requires patience and time, so there is no rush.

"Don't worry, you will eventually meet a satisfactory vampire technique."

With a word of comfort in silence, he took Tom along the road and roamed around Paris like a horse watching flowers.

The morning in Paris is very humid, the air is not clean, and the streets are not as tidy as imagined. The pedestrians passing by from time to time are either running in the morning or busy catching the subway bus, and there is nothing worthy of silent attention and stop The place.

To be honest, the city appearance here is not as good as some second-tier cities in China, but in terms of preserving humanistic architecture, Paris has done a good job. Many medieval-style buildings have been preserved, not as rigid as reinforced concrete monotonous.

Shen Mo looked up, and through the layers of buildings, he could vaguely see the towering Eiffel Tower.

This building, which was originally defined as broken copper and iron, has now become a symbol of Paris.

Since it is a symbol, let's go to the Eiffel Tower to have a look.

Ever since, Shen Mo waved to Tom to stop a taxi, explained the destination, and went straight to the Eiffel Tower.

But there was a small episode on the road, because there is also an early peak in the morning in Paris. If the taxi wants to rush to the Eiffel Tower, it has to go through a very congested road.

Originally, this was a very time-consuming task, but the driver was an old driver. He knew a remote path that could avoid the rush hour and go around to the Eiffel Tower.

After obtaining consent from Silence, the driver turned into a narrow, dark alley.

Since it is a shortcut, why don't most drivers choose to pass it?
Because the law and order in Paris is not as safe as you imagined, the dark and narrow alleys are the favorite places for criminals to stop and gather.

No, Mo Mo ran into trouble not long after the taxi he took drove in.

"Hey! Get out of the car! Take out all the valuables!"

A few gangsters held black pistols, and ordered Silence and the others with the black muzzles.

The driver looked terrified, opened the door, put his head in his hands, and got out of the car, not daring to move.

Shen Mo shook his head slightly, slowly closed his eyes, and stopped talking.

"Hey! Talk about you! Why are you still sitting in there, don't play tricks on me!"

Before the other party finished speaking, Tom got off the car from the right side, and said to everyone with a sneer: "Don't disturb my master."

"Master?! Hey, did you hear that this white man actually called him master? This is so funny, my whole life..."


A bloodstain streaked across the opponent's neck, and the blood spurted out instantly, splashing all over the wall and staining the ground red.

The rest of the gangsters were stunned for a few seconds before they came back to their senses and let out a terrifying scream.

Silence frowned slightly, obviously unwilling to be disturbed by these voices.

Tom realized the displeasure of the silence, poured energy into his feet, and disappeared in place in an instant. The next second, those villains who were about to escape fell into a pool of blood, and soon died.

The driver lying on the car cover watched all this in disbelief, his legs began to tremble uncontrollably. He had seen ferocious villains, but he had never seen such a situation.

That scoundrel even said that in this life, it will be in the next life.

"Drive!" Tom ordered, sitting back in the car.

The driver was stunned and didn't know what to do, but after a little thought, this was a small alley in Paris, where a few hooligans were killed and no one cared about it. If no one reported the crime, no one would care about this kind of thing.

The driver forced himself to be calm, got into the car, stepped on the accelerator, and disappeared into the alley.

Not long after, there was a faint roar in the sewer, and something rushed over with the smell of blood, dragging all the corpses into the sewer.

Everything is as if nothing happened.

The driver is indeed an old driver!
The road he was looking for could really reach the Eiffel Tower faster.

Just as Shen Mo and Tom got out of the car, the driver kicked the accelerator and drove away, quickly disappearing from Shen Mo's sight.

Silence was surprised, "Did we not give the money?"

Tom scowled. "We don't have any money."

The silence is clear, and now even the fare is saved.

The Eiffel Tower sits in the south of the Seine River. It can be said to be built along the river. It is only across the Seine River from the point where Mo Mo got off the bus.

There are not many people in the Eiffel Tower at this point. Most of the people who are willing to come here are foreign tourists. Their sightseeing cars will arrive one after another in the next hour.

But the restaurant and observation deck on the Eiffel Tower opened early.

Silence and Tom originally thought about going up to have a look and have breakfast, but they realized that they didn't bring any money.

This is a big problem. As the saying goes, a penny beats a hero.

Even if Silence and Tom have all kinds of means, they can't rob and steal!

Ever since, Mo Mo thought of a good idea.


Tom:? ? ?
Who sells it? !
Shen Mo glanced at it, of course you sold it!Can I sell it? !


How can I look like a showman? !

Silently looked up and down, he looked like Tom, and when he stopped on the street, he really didn't look like a busker, but rather a prostitute.

Why!He was quite good at expecting Tom to kill a man and set them on fire, but it was really difficult for him to expect Tom to make money by acting.

Forget it, since Tom couldn't do it, Shen Mo had no choice but to resist everything by himself.

So the question is, does silence have any talent?

At first glance, it seems that there is no talent, but upon careful inspection, Mo Mo is a master woodcarver, an extraordinary puppet master, a great paladin, a righteous exorcist, a shining blue-fisted envoy, and a hater of evil The avenger of the gods, the sculptor of high-level talismans, the inheritor of the blood of the dragon god, the creator of the sky-reaching demon world, the owner of the nine-story Yin Tower, the successor of the complete breathing method...

Take any of these titles out of the past, and they will amaze the world.

It’s not too much to pay for a breakfast!

cough cough!Mo Mo coughed twice, watching the crowd gradually hiding, thinking about what kind of skills he should show?

How about carving a big one? !
Since Shen Mo opened the mode of traveling abroad, he seldom carves big birds anymore. Isn't it time to regain the feeling at that time?

But Da Diao doesn’t seem to catch a cold for foreigners!
Then carve a suitable scene.

Eiffel Tower!
Shen Mo made a plan, and with a flick of his wrist, he took out some ordinary mahogany from the gossip yin and yang sword pouch, preparing to use it as a carving material, and then took out the guys he was eating, and arranged them in order.

Once the stall is established, the next step is naturally to attract popularity.

Shen Mo glared at Tom, "I'm talented, what about you?"

Tom puzzled:? ? ?
"You pull someone for me!"

Suddenly, Tom immediately showed the elegance and charm of his blood race. With the perfect face pinched by silence, he really attracted many spectators. Most of these spectators were tourists who came here, including Chinese, whites, and blacks. , Surrounded by silence for a long time.

Seeing his popularity, Mo Mo raised his knife and started his own performance.

Boom boom boom!
The carving knives are flying, and the peach chips are flying. Under the amazing eyes of everyone, a piece of ordinary peach wood gradually takes the shape of a tower, and gradually reveals the appearance of the Eiffel Tower. Every detail is like a natural carving, as if Shrink the real Eiffel Tower and drop it in front of everyone.

In just about 10 minutes, a perfect work of art was displayed in front of everyone.

All the people present were amazed and marveled at the skill of silence.

The value of this piece of wood carving is absolutely inestimable.

But here comes the problem, these spectators only watch but don't tip!

You cunning villains who don't give rewards!

If applause can be exchanged for breakfast money, Shen Shen will still be here to perform, and Tom will still be here to show his face? !

Just when Shen Mo was complaining, a respectable spectator wanted to pay a high price for Shen Mo's wood carvings.

Based on the principles of fairness, justice and openness, Shen Mo sold the wooden sculpture of the Eiffel Tower to the American at an extremely beautiful price.

The other party not only took out all the cash on him, but also wrote a check that made Shen Mo satisfied.

This old man named Fury Kuglulu is definitely a knowledgeable person. (Frey Kugeloo: Master American Woodcarver)

With the cash, Shen Mo and Tom naturally wanted to take a tour upstream of the real Eiffel Tower.

As for Fury, who hastily left holding the Eiffel Tower wooden sculpture, and is about to return to the United States, retreat and cultivate his mind, and study his skills intensively, the silence is naturally nothing more than concern.

After a simple breakfast, I stood silently on the top of the Eiffel Tower, overlooking the city, with the power of my mind and eyes, and insight into everything here.

Only at the top of the city can you truly overlook everything in the city.

(End of this chapter)

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