The aura of a priest is infinite

Chapter 592 Inferior Blood Reagent

Chapter 592 Inferior Blood Reagent

Is it really just sightseeing to climb the Eiffel Tower in silence? !
If you think so, then young man, you are still too young.

Silently boarded the Eiffel Tower not only for sightseeing, but more importantly for exploring the situation in New York.

According to Duke Dorne, the Sabbat Alliance has already launched an operation. Although they are afraid of the sun, it does not mean that they will not take action during the day.

Silent intuition told him that the members of the Sabbat Alliance had already begun to implement their plan.

hum!The power of the mind's eye exploded and condensed into a straight line, with the Eiffel Tower as the center, scanning away, the huge city soon fell into the silent projection of the mind's eye.

Ok? !

Sure enough, something has been gained!

Shen Mo soon discovered some clues, and saw that there were many human beings with the brand of blood clan scattered throughout Paris. They should have a fixed range of activities or trajectories, but some of them behaved very strangely.

Silence locked on one of them, and I saw a bald white man rushing through the streets of New York like a walking corpse, holding a silver-white box in his hand, with the imprint of the Sabbat clan printed on the outside of the box.

The power of the mind's eye penetrated, and there was a scarlet glass reagent lying quietly in the box.

Ok? !

What is this? !

The power of the silent mind cannot know the effect of the scarlet reagent, but he realizes that things are far from simple.

Because a box of reagents like this is constantly spreading throughout the city of Paris in the hands of these people, but every famous building or shopping mall has a blood servant hiding with a scarlet reagent.

They seemed to be waiting for something.


Silence called Tom and motioned him to grab the nearest blood servant and see what the Sabbat Alliance was doing.

Tom took the order, and soon left the Eiffel Tower, targeting a blood servant in the nearest shopping mall.

Shen Mo still stood on the top of the Eiffel Tower, watching all the changes in Paris.

But at this moment, a sound of surprise suddenly sounded behind the silence.

"It's you!"

Silently turned around, looking for his reputation, the person who spoke was none other than Dai Qiaoqiao, the tour guide of the sunset red tour group that he met on the plane.

Why is she here?No, it is very reasonable for Dai Qiaoqiao to appear in the Eiffel Tower as a tour guide. Looking beside her, isn't it just the Little Red Riding Hood sunset reds who are on the same plane!
"What a coincidence!"

Silence replied with a smile, but didn't say anything more.

Dai Qiaoqiao was very surprised. She didn't expect to meet Shen Mo again. Now is the time for everyone to move freely, and she also had the opportunity to chat with Shen Mo for a while.

But Dai Qiaoqiao didn't know how to speak. Apart from the encounter on the plane, the two of them had never had much contact with each other. Dai Qiaoqiao really didn't know where to start when they suddenly wanted to make contact.

Dai Qiaoqiao gritted her teeth.Gathering up his courage, he said again, "Are you also here to travel?"

Shen Mo looked at Dai Qiaoqiao and nodded, this trip can be regarded as a tourist.

" you want to come together? My explanation is very professional, and I don't charge you money. Besides, you have saved Aunt Shufen, and everyone will welcome you very much."

Shen Mo smiled and shook his head, "No need, I just took a look. Oh, by the way, how is Aunt Shufen?"

Dai Qiaoqiao was a little disappointed, but as if she had expected it, she murmured back: "Auntie Shufen is fine, the doctor said it was thanks to your rescue, otherwise the consequences would be disastrous."

"Ah That's good."

For a while, the two of them had no more topics to talk about. Dai Qiaoqiao blinked her eyes at Silence, bit her lips, and anxiously wanted to find another topic to ease the embarrassment at the moment.

"Are you free tonight?"

silence:? ? ?
Dai Qiaoqiao realized that she was too ashamed to talk about this topic, so she quickly turned her face away, not daring to look directly into Silent eyes.

Silence replied: "Sorry, I have something to do tonight."

Dai Qiaoqiao was stunned for a moment, and became more and more disappointed, thinking that Silence really didn't have any thoughts or meanings for her, and she had hinted so clearly.

Why!Dai Qiaoqiao let out a long sigh, looking at the time, it was time for the group members to rush to the next scenic spot.

"Then... well, we will meet again by fate."

Mo Mo looked at Dai Qiaoqiao's back who was about to leave, hesitated for a moment, and stopped her, "Hello!"

Dai Qiaoqiao's steps couldn't help but froze, she froze in place, wondering if the other party had changed his mind?
But Shen Mo said: "Don't run around tonight, it's best to stay in the hotel, and don't go out if anything happens."

Swish!A crimson talisman was thrown at Dai Qiaoqiao, who instinctively caught it, but with a dazed expression, not knowing what Shen Mo was talking about.

Dai Qiaoqiao looked at the crimson talisman in her hand, but she didn't feel the scorching holy light aura in the talisman, but in the eyes of dark creatures, the aura of holy light prevented them from approaching within a hundred meters.

As the saying goes, meeting is fate, and meeting again is the fate of fate, and Mo Mo's helping her is also a matter of fate.

Although Dai Qiaoqiao didn't know the magic of the talisman, she still carefully put away the talisman. After all, it was something that Shen Mo had given her. As for the fact that Mo Mo told her not to go out tonight, she had already forgotten about it. Two clean.

Let’s say that shortly after Dai Qiaoqiao left, Tom came back with a silver suitcase. Although Silence doesn’t need to know how Tom got it, and how he got past the security guards of the Eiffel Tower to come to him, but for The information Tom brought was very concerned.

"Tell me, what is it?"

Tom paused, and replied: "A potion that turns humans into blood races. It only takes a little bit to complete the transformation of humans."

As Tom spoke, he handed the silver suitcase to Silence.

"Although the transformed humans are only the lowest-level blood servants, they are no longer humans in essence."

Shen Shen took the suitcase, and a new boost sounded in his mind immediately.

【Ding!Obtained props: Inferior blood reagents]

[Inferior blood reagents: The blood reagents made from the blood cups of the thirteen holy artifacts of the blood races have the ability to transform humans into blood races. 】

Silently, is this the plan of the Sabbat Alliance?Use these low-quality vampire reagents to turn the whole of Paris into a feast for vampires. Once the vampires hidden in the dark come to the world, the secret orders of the hidden alliance will be meaningless. The thirteen clans must go all out to regain Paris, and all of Europe.

The plan is a good plan, but it is too ideal.

hum!As soon as the silent thought moved, the power of purification was activated, and the blood reagent in his hand turned into powder and dissipated.

These low-quality vampire reagents are meaningless to Silence, and the flood of low-level vampires will pull the whole of Paris into a hellish abyss, which is not what Silence wants.

What he wants is a prosperous Paris, a Paris that can create value for him, not a Paris that is riddled with holes and requires him to devote a lot of energy to repair. Similarly, this principle also extends to the whole of Europe.

The members of the Sabbat Alliance can start a bloody battle, but they can't play it too much.

Play too much, but it's not fun.

Silence smiled, and his eyes fell on the whole of Paris again. He wanted to disintegrate all these inferior medicines before night fell and before they were released, and warned the Sabbat alliance that disobedient children would be punished.

"Tom! Let Don lead someone out to knock out all these little tricks!"


Through the connection between different blood, Tom sent the coordinates of the inferior potion to Dawn, who was ordered to immediately start the removal plan for the inferior potion.

But Shen Mo turned and went down the Eiffel Tower, preparing to go to the Sabbat Alliance.

He didn't mean to take away the Sabbat alliance, that would be unwise, he just taught the Sabbat alliance a lesson and let them know that there are rules in the game.

(End of this chapter)

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