The aura of a priest is infinite

Chapter 593? Mad Scientist

Chapter 593 Mad Scientist

When Silence overlooks the entire city, it has already seen everything here thoroughly. The dark creatures hidden in the dark corners of the underground and in the shadow of the castle are all known by Silence.

Naturally, the source of the inferior vampire medicine produced by the Sabbat Alliance was also discovered by Silence.

He and Tom walked towards Vincent Moore cemetery, the most famous cemetery in Paris, where the elites of the upper class were buried, which can be described as a rare treasure.

In some places, it looks like a cemetery on the surface, but behind it is a secret base for the Sabbat Alliance to study human beings.

50 meters below the cemetery, there is an unknown research institute, from which the inferior blood medicine was born.

Silence and Tom soon came to Vincent Moore Cemetery. As soon as they arrived outside the garden, they saw the imprint representing the Zmissi family of the Sabbat alliance. They are all mad scientists. After possessing eternal life, their The desire for science has been magnified without limit, so that the creepy dark life sciences have been studied.

The vampire potion that can quickly transform humans into vampires is the perfect potion they are most proud of.

"May I ask if you want to sweep the grave or make an appointment for the cemetery?"

The arrival of Silence and Tom naturally attracted the attention of the cemetery staff. A muscular white man stopped them and asked them why they came.

In China, the salespeople in the cemetery are young people who have just graduated or aspiring young people who have just come out of society, but the white man in front of him is indeed as strong as a bodybuilder, and he does not look like a salesperson in the cemetery at all.

Silence's power of mind also had insight into the other party's true identity.

a dog!

No!To be precise, it should be a wolf!A creature that looks human on the outside, but is a wolf on the inside.

werewolf? !
The cemetery research institute of the Zimixi family is actually guarded by werewolves.

It seems that what Duke Dorn said about the Sabbat alliance joining forces with other dark creatures is not groundless.

And judging from the aura and strength of this dog... this wolf, he already has the combat power of a viscount-level blood clan, and his strength is enough to easily torture an elite armed squad.

Facing the werewolf's inquiry, Mo Mo replied indifferently: "We are here to sweep the grave."

The werewolf frowned. The burials in Vincennes Cemetery were all the elite experiments of the upper class in Paris. How could there be people of Asian descent here to visit the graves?

The werewolf with tinted glasses questioned: "Excuse me, who do you want to sweep the grave for?!"

Silence sneered: "You!"

Werewolf:? ? ?
Visit my grave? !It seems that you are looking for death!Since you want to die so much, then I will fulfill you!
Although the werewolf hadn't transformed, his strength was not something ordinary people could resist. The werewolf punched suddenly, and the huge fist hit Shen Mo's face directly, intending to kill Mo Mo on the spot. The blood race below, they are very short of test products.

But just when the werewolf thought that the yellow man in front of him would surely die under his iron fist, the werewolf's eyes suddenly blurred, and he saw the situation clearly again, but he could only see the back of the man walking slowly into the cemetery, and his own strong body.

Werewolf:! ! !
my own body !Why are you standing there? !
After only a few seconds of astonishment, the werewolf finally realized that his head was separated from his body. He didn't even see the silent movement clearly, and just died in the cemetery.

The blood instantly wet the ground, staining a large area of ​​grass red. The other werewolves who were in charge of guarding Bai Ye smelled their companions and rushed here one after another.

The originally peaceful cemetery suddenly became lively, and the underground research institute was also filled with sirens.

"What happened?!"

The Norman Duke of the Tsmixi tribe wore thick glass glasses. He was dressed in a scientific research uniform without the nobility and elegance of a vampire, but instead revealed the madness and confusion of a mad scientist.

"Someone broke into the cemetery!" The werewolf in charge of guarding replied.

"Oh?! Did someone discover our plan so quickly and come here?"

After the Duke of Norman received the order from Duke Hart Van Lentien, he sent someone to spread his blood virus. According to his speculation, no one could find him until a week after the blood virus was released.

He never expected that his blood virus had not been released yet, but was discovered by someone and broke into the secret base.

"Let me see who's coming?"

The Duke of Norman called up the surveillance screen, and saw a yellow man and a white man walking in the cemetery one after the other.

"Huh?! What combination is this?" Duke Norman was very puzzled, "Check out their details."

After a while, the researcher replied: "Master Duke, we have no information about these two people. They neither belong to the Blood Race, nor belong to the Anti-Dark Alliance, nor are they members of the Church..."

"Could it be that they popped out of the soil? Check it out for me again, and send someone to catch them. I will cut them up and use them as the latest experiment."

As soon as Norman finished speaking, several werewolves approached Silence and Tom.

This time, Shen Mo didn't make a move. Tom behind him sneered and disappeared instantly. The next second, he picked up the heads of several werewolves and threw them on the ground.

The surveillance screen captured this scene, and everyone's eyes widened, staring at Tom in disbelief.

"What just happened?!" Norman came back to his senses first. Even as a duke-level vampire, he didn't see Tom's movements clearly because it was too fast.

"Master Duke, that person's speed is very fast, our equipment shows that he seems to be a blood race..."

Bloodlines? !

How can it be? !
It's daytime!

The Duke of Norman repeatedly confirmed that the sun outside was bright and cloudless. How could there be blood people walking in the sun in this world? !Even a prince-level blood race would not dare to play like this under the sun.

But the data displayed by the instrument did indicate that the white man in front of him did have data similar to that of the blood race.

Is he a day walker? !

Snapped!The Duke of Norman slapped the monitoring platform in front of him fiercely, and shouted sharply, "Order everyone, catch him, live, live! I want to study him, study his body, his blood, and decipher his walking in the white night." secret."

The Duke of Norman roared emotionally, but he seemed to have forgotten what Tom had just done. With Tom's strength, how could these werewolves be able to take down the existence.

After a while, the werewolves in the cemetery were slaughtered by Tom, and the two came to the entrance of the secret base of the cemetery. It was a seemingly ordinary tombstone, and the epitaph read [Darkness beholds us, we will eventually Let the darkness be eternal. 】

With a silent look, Tom lifted the tombstone, revealing a passage leading to the secret base.

"Come on! Come in! Those useless werewolves can't take you down, let my little ones take you down!"

(End of this chapter)

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