The aura of a priest is infinite

Chapter 594 Norman's Despair

Chapter 594 Norman's Despair

The dark and damp underground passage has non-modern construction technology, and its history can be traced back to the dark and ignorant era of the European Middle Ages.

As early as that era, Norman was a guy with a slightly abnormal head.

No, scientist!
It was only in modern times that Norman gave himself the title of scientist, because he felt that he was not abnormal, but had a talent far beyond the wisdom of his contemporaries.

This talent, as he became a blood clan, became more and more against the sky and powerful, so that although he does not have the combat power of a duke, he is known as a duke among the blood clan.

Duke of Norman!A scientist who was a viscount but was made a duke by all blood races.

"Come on! Come on! Let me have your perfect body!"

Norman looked at Tom's body as if looking at a peerless treasure. The scarlet eyes were filled with a chilling possessiveness. The blood clan who worked with Norman all the year round knew it very well. Whenever there was such a look in Norman's eyes , the thing or creature that aroused his emotion will not end well.

And now, the possessiveness in Norman's eyes is so strong.

"He is mine now! If I can unlock the secret of the Sunwalker, I will become an existence far beyond the Blood Patriarch Cain, and I will become the new King of the Blood Race, but I don't care about the false name of the King of the Blood Race , I just want to continue my research and unravel all the unknowable confusion in this world. The power of the Sunwalker will allow me to travel to every corner of the world."

Norman became more and more frantic, and his whole expression became distorted.

At this moment, Silence and Tom had arrived at the entrance of the secret laboratory along the straight downward passage.

The thick stone gate is engraved with the stone carving of the blood patriarch Cain, which is evil and strange, like the son of the night, which makes people fascinated.

In Shen Mo's eyes, the artistic level of this stone carving is quite high, and it looks like it was made by a master.

For the blood race, despite their powerful abilities, eternal life, and contempt for human beings, they have to admit that they have a realm far surpassing human beings for centuries in terms of human art.

"Tsk tsk! What a carver!"

As a master woodcarver, Shen Mo couldn't help admiring from the bottom of his heart.

Such a scene made Duke Norman, who was watching the surveillance, stunned for a moment, and recovered from his trance.

"Who is this person?! Why is he with Sunwalker, and looking at Sunwalker, it seems that he is respected by this person."

Norman discovered the anomaly of silence, but in his opinion, only the vampires can defeat the vampires.

Such a powerful creature like their blood race, how can silence, a human being, be able to contend.

There must be other secrets in Tom's silence, and respect for it.

"Hey, separate them, catch this human first, we will use the life of this human to blackmail Daywalker."

Norman felt that he had grasped the key to the matter. For the vampires, the vampires who have just been embraced have not yet shaken off the shackles of human emotions. This is the most deadly and best point for them to use.

If you grasp Silence, and then coerce and lure, you will be able to easily win Tom, the day walker.

But Norman never imagined that Tom's respect for Silence is not just superficial, but a respect from the heart, which is the incomparable loyalty to the creator and the awe of the strong.


The heavy stone door opened slowly under the watchful eyes of Shen Mo and Tom, and a dark wind mixed with a strong smell of blood came from the darkness, and a deep passage with no end in sight appeared in front of them.

Mo Mo frowned, and the power of his mind exploded, immediately piercing through everything in front of him.

The seemingly ordinary passages in front of us are actually hidden murderous intentions, full of traps and traps, these traps have old-age designs, as well as modern weapons, it can be seen that they are specially used to deal with foreign invaders.

As the secret base of the Tsmixi people, this place naturally attaches great importance to security.

But these traps are useless to Silence, because traps that have been seen through a long time ago can still be counted as traps?
Shen Mo smiled, he was not a stupid spore, he jumped into the trap even though he knew it was a trap.

hum!Silence sent Tom the location and situation of each trap through the connection between himself and the puppet.

The latter nodded slightly, took a step forward, and stepped into the passage.

In the next second, Tom's figure disappeared suddenly, and the mechanism trap in the passage was triggered or destroyed at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The cold arrows contaminated with poison, the traps that appeared out of nowhere, the muzzles that spit out flames, and the highly corrosive pus... By the time Tom appeared again, all the traps and mechanisms in the passage had been destroyed by him .

Shen Mo nodded in satisfaction and stepped into the passage.

In the monitoring room, the Duke of Norman and his men were in a daze. They never expected that Tom could pass through the mechanism channel so easily. Although these things are children's things, it is not so easy for ordinary vampires. passed.

"Hehe, being able to kill those werewolves so easily is really something. But don't be complacent, I will let you know how powerful my little baby is in a while."

Let’s say that Silence and Tom passed through the narrow, long and dark passage, but at this moment they came to an extremely spacious hall, where the lights were flickering, the light was bright, and the stone walls around were engraved with major events in the history of the blood clan, such as the self-proclaimed creation of the blood ancestor. s things.

Silence ignored the meaning of these stone walls, because an abominable monster stood in front of them.

This is a humanoid creature that weighs more than a ton. It seems that countless human tissues and organs have been sewn together by poor suture techniques. The huge head that is as big as a stone ball is covered with suture marks, and it also has a beast-like body. Horror Fangs.

Hate? !
Mo Mo frowned, he didn't expect to see such a monster of hatred here, let alone the fact that the other party sent such a monster to deal with them.

Guys in the lab, you must have underestimated us!

Silence had a feeling of being disrespected, and he waved his hand slightly angrily, indicating that Tom felt that this abominable abomination had been resolved.

Tom nodded and disappeared instantly, his sharp palm easily cut through the neck of the abomination, and blood gushed out like a fountain, staining a large area red.

Just when Shen Mo thought the matter had been resolved, a sudden change occurred.


The loathsome corpse began to tremble violently, the blood spurted out began to flow back to his body as if it had life, and the large wound instantly recovered to its original state.

He actually came back to life!

Shen Mo frowned slightly, and said: "What a powerful self-healing ability, even if it is beheaded, it can recover instantly!"

The Duke of Norman squatted in front of the surveillance screen and roared in a low voice: "It's about to start, it's about to start, my little baby is about to get angry,"

The reborn abomination was like an enraged beast, and let out a trembling roar. Along with his roar, his huge body rushed towards him at an unimaginable speed.

The entire stone room began to tremble, the terrifying impact and pressure were simply suffocating.

Silence sneered, and with a thought, Tom shot again, and his sharp palm swiped out again, forming a huge spider web to encircle the fat body of the abomination.

In the next second, the loathsome body came to an abrupt stop, and with strong inertia, it turned into pieces of flesh and rolled to the ground under the tear of the spider web.

Net cut!

The kind of chopping into nearly a hundred yuan!
No matter how strong the self-healing ability of hatred is, it must be helpless to be cut into so many pieces!


Duke Norman stared at the screen with a strange smile, the sound was like a duck being choked by someone.

"Do you think you can kill my little baby like this? You don't know anything about his power!"


Blood flowed, and the flesh squirmed.

The flesh and blood scattered on the ground did not dissipate because of this, but under the watchful eyes of Shen Mo and Tom, each piece of flesh began to squirm and twist.

In just a few breaths, those countless pieces of flesh wriggled into countless miniature abominations. Instead of becoming weak because of this, they became more agile and ferocious.


"Come on! Enjoy their hospitality!"

The Duke of Norman was a little crazy with excitement, looking at the two people who were about to fall into death, there was a strange light in his scarlet eyes.

He originally wanted to use hatred to separate the two and use silence to threaten Tom, but now it seems that Tom is not qualified to do so, and hatred has the ability to eliminate the two of them.

"Hateful! Live, I want to live."

Numerous hatreds flocked to Silence and Tom like a swarm of ants. Facing such densely packed and countless monsters, anyone would feel numb in the scalp and feel chills in the back.

Shen Mo didn't expect that this abomination also has the ability to clone, it's really...too gaudy.


A flash of understanding flashed across Tom's handsome face, and he drew back and stood behind the silence.

Such a move made Duke Norman stunned.

What is this operation? !

Reverse operation? !
The powerful blood race is actually hiding behind the human beings! ?
what?Use the fragile human body as a shield?Is this to abandon this human being?
But just when Norman thought that the human beings in front of him would surely die, a sudden change occurred.

hum!Dazzling white light instantly enveloped the entire monitoring screen, and piercing screams continued to resound through the speakers. Those screams from hatred left Duke Norman at a loss for what to do.

white light!this nasty feeling...
This man is a church man!

No, not even the most powerful priest of the church could emit such a terrible light.

Norman's experience told him that the human beings in front of him had terrifying strength far beyond his imagination, and this strength was designed to restrain the existence of blood races.

Could this be the real reason why the Sunwalker respects this person.

He didn't come from the residual emotions of human beings, but was really in awe of this person's powerful strength.

In other words, the secret of the Sunwalker is inextricably linked with this person.

holy light!Sunwalker!
Norman seems to have grasped the incredible information.

But he didn't have time to think about it, because with the fading of the holy light, the situation in the stone room appeared on the surveillance again.

I saw countless hatreds turned into powder and dissipated under the baptism of the holy light. Silence stood in the middle like a god, and Tom stood aside, surrendering to Silence slavishly.

"It really is!"

Norman finally saw the truth clearly. It was not Tom who really deserved his attention, but Silence as a human being. He was the real strong man.

But at this moment, it seemed that Norman did not have such a powerful enemy.

"Quick! Tell Duke Hart Van Luntien! Let him come and rescue me!"

Norman was already panicking, but it was obviously too late for him.

"Quick! Get in touch!"

Norman ordered again.

But when he saw the situation in front of him clearly, he couldn't help being stunned. It turned out that the silence and Tom in the surveillance had already disappeared and appeared in the surveillance room. Those low-level blood races had already been dealt with by Tom, and only Norman was left on the scene. Bloodlines.

"Eh?! How can you be so fast?!"

The stone room is still far away from the monitoring room. He never expected that Shen Mo and Tom would suddenly appear here and deal with the blood clans other than him.

His orders went unanswered at all because everyone else was dead.

Norman swallowed, a layer of cold sweat broke out on his forehead, and exclaimed, "My lord, spare me!"

The corner of Shen Mo's mouth raised. He came here this time to tell the Sabbat Alliance that there must be rules in doing things, being a human being, and being a vampire, and there must be no forgiveness.

But this guy called Norman seems to have a little bit of meaning.

Under the power of Shen Mo's mind, Norman is only a Viscount-level blood family. Why do those guys call him Duke Norman?
Norman fell to his knees and begged for mercy: "My lord, don't kill me. I'm still useful. My research can bring you immeasurable benefits."

Shen Mo curled his lips, "What good can your inferior blood potion bring me?"

Norman was taken aback, as if grasping at straws, he said quickly, "My lord, the potion I released was diluted and weakened, because those humans are not worthy of having a perfect potion... No, my lord, I mean Those humble humans are not powerful humans like you."

Silence: "Get to the point!"

Norman nodded again and again, motioning for Shen Mo to follow him to the laboratory.

Silently swept through with the power of the mind, but after finding no clues, he followed Norman to the laboratory.

In this gloomy laboratory, Shen Mo saw that besides the vampires, there were many corpses of dark creatures, all of which were the materials for Norman's research.

This guy has a lot of research results in dark creatures.

"My lord! Look!"

Mo Mo looked around, and saw Norman holding a scarlet blood potion in his hand.

After taking the potion, a new prompt sounded in his mind immediately.

【Ding!Obtain high-quality blood reagents]

[Using this reagent, creatures can be transformed into viscount-level vampires. 】

Oh ho! ?
Is this the good thing that Norman said? !

Viscount-level vampire, is it strong?It is indeed very strong for ordinary people, but it is really nothing for Silence.

Norman seemed to see the silent displeasure, and quickly explained: "My lord, my potion can be upgraded, as long as I get stronger blood, I can create a stronger potion, marquis, duke, or even Prince-level blood family, as long as I have the material..."

"Is it?"

Shen Mo looked at Norman, hesitated for a moment, and gave Tom a wink. The latter understood and walked towards Norman slowly.

Norman: "Am I going to die? Is this the end of my research?"

(End of this chapter)

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