The aura of a priest is infinite

Chapter 595?? Bloodline Manufacturing Master

Chapter 595

I am dead!
Echoes of death kept ringing in Norman's mind. As a blood race favored by darkness, he should have had a different attitude and view of death, but when the real death was about to come to him, he was still terrified as if he was alive. Brother of centuries.

As Tom continued to approach Norman, Norman had given up resistance in despair. Even though he had a strong desire to survive, he did not dare to take any action, because that would only make him die faster, and even if it was only a second He didn't want to waste any more time.

This will be the last few seconds of his life!

Ok? !

The death that Norman was waiting for did not come, but instead he waited for the joy that he will never forget in his life.

A scalding hot current poured into his body, circulating crazily in his body, conquering all the cities of blood blood, and replacing them with more powerful city blood.

Young, fiery, full of infinite possibilities and creativity.

Norman's scarlet eyes were instantly fascinated!

The corners of his face and mouth were raised strangely, showing a strange and complex expression, like a blushing monkey, or like a mastiff enjoying himself. The power of the new blood race quickly transformed his body and allowed him to gain new power.

hum!Blood gushes out, abilities emerge.

Blood ghost art is done!
Tom nodded in anticipation. If an outlier like Norman can't awaken the vampire at one time, then it really can't be justified.

An existence like the Duke of Dorne can possess vampirism while transforming, and the Duke of Norman is naturally no exception.

cluck!The reborn Norman made the strange sound of a duck being strangled again, and danced wildly. In front of Silence and Tom, he danced a jaw-dropping dance, which was so beautiful that Tom died on the spot.

With a cold face, Tom scolded: "Stop dancing your embarrassing dance, tell me about your vampirism!"

hum!Under the pressure of the ghost king's blood, Norman immediately came back to his senses, and he knelt down in front of Tom sincerely, and replied truthfully.

"My lord! Thank you for your kindness in recreating me. The villain is willing to serve you and the adult behind you forever. At the same time, please allow the villain to continue his blood research. This is the villain's lifelong dream. The value of a grown-up's continued service."

Tom urged, "Get to the point!"

The Duke of Norman repeatedly replied: "My lord, my vampire technique is the bloodline technique!"

Bloodline surgery? !
What kind of vampirism is this?

The Duke of Norman continued to explain: "My lord, my vampire technique can make blood potions from the blood of various creatures. As long as the blood of the material is stronger, the blood potions I make will be stronger. If you can help I bring prince-level materials, and I can create prince-level blood potions for you, of course other creatures are also available, such as werewolves, witches..."

Tom interrupted Norman's endless examples, and then set his eyes on Shen Mo, seeking Shen Mo's opinion on Norman.

Bloodline surgery? !

Shen Mo paused for a moment, he was able to extract the blood power of creatures and make it into blood potions, which is really a very powerful vampire technique. For Shen Mo who has a mirror world, the strange creatures and powerful races he encountered , rare species, etc., too numerous to count.

It was indeed a bit wasteful to just kill them to receive rewards before. If they can condense their blood power into potions and pass on this power, then it will be a waste of time.

Therefore, Norman was very satisfied with the silence of the vampire technique.

But there is one more problem!
Silence is not interested in Norman. This vampire who looks like an underdeveloped baboon, coupled with his weird personality and abnormal brain, is indeed not very pleasing to the master.

Hence, Shen Mo said to Tom: "Its vampirism is good. If you devour it, can you completely inherit its vampirism and continue to develop it?"

Tom paused, then nodded, "Of course."

"Then leave it to you."

Silently speaking, he turned and left, leaving Tom and Norman alone in the laboratory.

Not long after Silence went out, Norman's screams sounded behind him, followed by bursts of wailing until the smoke disappeared.

After a while, Tom came out of the laboratory and had already obtained Norman's ability and the memory of the other party.

For Tom, the reason why he has the confidence to fully inherit Norman's vampire technique and to continue to develop his vampire technique is precisely because he not only has the ability to devour vampire technique, but also has the ability to obtain the memory of the other party. This kind of ability is two-pronged, and the natural beauty is infinite.

"Master, it's done!"

Nodding silently, he took Tom away from the Vinson Cemetery. There was nothing worth staying here anymore.

And not long after Shen Mo and Tom left, a group of werewolves had already arrived. They rushed into the underground laboratory, looked at the empty stone chamber, and the disappearing Duke Norman, and realized that the situation was out of control.

The Norman Duke of the Zmissy family is gone, and his life and death are unknown!
For the Sabbat Alliance, this is simply stepping on the face, and they still don't forget to stomp their feet again.

As a partner of the Sabbat Alliance, the leader of the werewolf immediately passed the news to Duke Hart Van Luntien of the Sabbat Alliance.

After the latter learned that his secret laboratory had been taken away, he was furious instantly, and it was difficult to contain the anger in his heart.

His own blood cellar was taken away on the front foot, and his own laboratory was destroyed on the back foot. Even the Duke of Norman was also missing.

This is definitely not an accident, but someone is targeting their Sabbat Alliance.

Originally, Duke Hart Van Luntien didn't want to find out this bastard, but wanted to take advantage of this to start a thousand-year bloody battle among blood clans.

Now it seems that if he doesn't find this bastard first, he can hardly sleep or eat, and even the blood of his favorite virgin has become no longer so sweet.

"Trash! You trash! Even Duke Norman can't protect you!"

Duke Hart Valentien growled and questioned the werewolf tribe, because it was still daytime and it was their duty to protect the Duke of Norman.

Werewolf leader:···

Duke Hart Van Lentien pressed again: "You better catch the murderer and bring back Duke Norman, otherwise, I will tear up the agreement between you and me, and let you go back to the dirty underground again. .”

The werewolf leader snorted coldly, remained silent for a moment, and replied: "I will catch that guy. Also, I want to tell you that Norman's breath is very thin, he may be dead."

Duke Hart Van Lentien: "Fack!"

The werewolf leader hung up the phone. He stopped listening to the nagging of Duke Hart Van Luntijn.

If it wasn't for the fact that the werewolves wanted to use the power of the blood clan to change the status quo, how could he have agreed to Duke Hart Van Luntien's agreement.

The leader of the werewolf withdrew his mind and set his gaze into the distance. Their strong sense of smell had locked on to the man's scent, and it was only a matter of time before they found him.

"Find him! Avenge your dead brother! And gag that damn bat!"

Oh oh oh!
Although the werewolves did not transform into wolves, they still roared in response to the leader's order, and rushed out of Vincent Cemetery like crazy.

Some drove wildly, some rode motorcycles to show off their skills, and some beckoned...

In short, these werewolves followed the murderer's scent and chased him like crazy.

However, the furious Duke Hart Van Lentien did not understand the good intentions of Silence. Instead of restraining his behavior because of this, he became more reckless and wanted to put everything on this bloody battle.

"Notify all the blood clans of the Sabbat that today is the first night of the bloody battle! Darkness will descend on the world again, and the blood clans will usher in a new glory. This night, all actions are allowed, let them enjoy the joy of blood." Delicious!"

"There are also those hidden hypocrites. As long as we expose them, let's see if they can survive alone."

Let's say that after Silence solved the blood clan in Vincent Cemetery, he was about to return to Dorne Castle with Tom to see where the blood clan potion's disintegration progressed.

But when the two of them drove across the street corner just now, Shen Mo's heart paused, and the power of his mind instantly spotted the werewolf chasing up from behind.

Oh hoo? !
Catch up so quickly!As expected of a dog, this nose is really smart!
Mo Mo had expected the enemy's counterattack, but what he didn't expect was that the enemy's counterattack came so early, isn't this rushing to die!
Especially since Tom had just obtained his first vampire technique - the bloodline technique!

Aren't these people obviously sending material?

The werewolf blood potion is also a good strengthening potion.

After all, there are still quite a lot of dogs, such as single, licking, and matching...there are countless.

Silence conveyed a message to Tom, who said to the driver: "Stop at the intersection ahead."

Although the driver was surprised why the guest suddenly changed his destination, he still nodded and stopped the car at the intersection.

"Sir, it's ten dollars in total!"

Silence didn't say much, he took out a ten-dollar card and threw it to the driver, and then walked into the alley with Tom.

The next moment, a dozen cars slammed into the back of the taxi, and dozens of burly men came out of the car. Most of the Caucasians with werewolf blood were described as big men like tigers and bulls.

With this posture, the taxi looked at it in a daze, what's going on! ?These people don't want to do anything to me!

I'm just a taxi driver, but I haven't offended anyone!
Just when the taxi driver was about to run away, he saw through the rearview mirror that group of burly men frantically rushing into the alley where the passengers just got off the bus.

driver:? ? ?
It turned out that they were not looking for me, but the two customers.

The boulder in the driver's heart was finally released, and a strong curiosity arose immediately.

uh-huh? !The two passengers just now, one of yellow race and one of white, how could they provoke this group of burly men, and what kind of scary and interesting stories will happen in the next alley? !

The driver licked his tongue, his inner curiosity prompted him to pull down the handbrake, his eyes widened, and he stared at the rearview mirror.

At this moment, he saw a group of burly men, some got off from taxis, some were riding motorcycles, and some were waiting for their bicycles... they poured into the alley!
There must be hundreds of people!

So many people pouring into an alley? !
No, what he should be concerned about is more than 100 burly men chasing and killing two people? !

This is too scary!You can't do that in a movie!
The driver's inner curiosity is pushed to the peak. Although he is just an ordinary taxi driver, he is also a curious baby with strong curiosity.

look!Still don't look!

Look, might die!But if you don't watch it, you will definitely regret it!
It's better to see something exciting than a humble life.

The driver pulled out the car key, turned off the engine, jumped out of the car, and walked towards the alley with his body, toward the desire in his heart.

That was a story that two men and a hundred burly men could not tell, but had to tell!

But just when the driver squeezed into the alley stealthily, a strong smell of blood wafted faintly from the alley, his heart shook, his face turned pale instantly, but there was a trace of madness in his eyes, a kind of strange The strength drove him to continue walking inside.

Soon, everything in front of him made the driver gasp, and the breath was so long that he felt like he was about to suffocate.

In the narrow and dark alley, countless corpses lay densely packed. They were all the burly men I saw just now. They were aggressive and arrogant one second, and turned into cold corpses the next second.

What's even more frightening is that there are strange things mixed in these corpses!

That's a dog? !No, wolf!

How could there be wolves in Paris!Still such a big wolf!

It looks like a werewolf!

The driver couldn't help thinking of the dark rumors circulating in the driver group, those horrible creatures that the driver bumped into on the night of the full moon-werewolves!
Does it really exist!

The timidity that had just been raised by the driver was once again shattered by curiosity.

He swallowed, took another step, and continued to go deep into the alley. There was the source of everything. As long as he got closer, he would know the truth of this world.

Tom dealt with these lowly werewolves as casually as if he was chopping vegetables there. Even the wolf head, who was the leader of the werewolves, failed to withstand Tom's few tricks, and was knocked to the ground and was on the verge of death.

The werewolf leader looked at Tom in astonishment, and said in disbelief: "How is it possible, how can you be so powerful! How can there be such a powerful creature in the world!"

Tom said brokenly: "You are just a high-level werewolf, at most you can be regarded as the blood clan of the peak Marquis, where are you so many emotions and scenes!"

As Tom said, he was about to deal with the werewolf leader, but was stopped by silence.

"Tom, try your vampirism!"

Tom raised the knife in his hand and slowly put it down, then squatted next to the werewolf leader, jokingly said: "You are so lucky, you are qualified to be the first material for my blood ghost art!"

Tom's face showed the madness that Norman once had, but fortunately, Tom was really handsome, and this kind of madness made him even more evil.

"Come on! Become the material of the bloodline technique!"

He watched silently, waiting for his own bloodline maker to make his debut.

And the driver who came in for his dream was naturally discovered by Shen Mo and Tom, but the two of them tacitly ignored him. He may have other uses.

 Sorry for the late update tonight.

  Because of the bell I went to surf.

  Ah ha ha!
(End of this chapter)

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