The aura of a priest is infinite

Chapter 596? Bloody Battle

Chapter 596 Bloody Battle

hum!Bloody, thick red mist.

Tom touched the seriously injured werewolf leader with his sinful hands. The latter's eyes were full of fear and anxiety. What is more terrifying than death? !

That is naturally the unknown of the future.

The unknown is the scarier thing.

Roar!The werewolf leader roared. He wanted to fight to the death, but he couldn't resist Tom's blood ghost attack at all. In just a moment, it turned into a blood mist and floated in Tom's palm.

As the blood ghost technique continued to be tempered, a potion with a reddish luster appeared in Tom's hand.

[Advanced mutant werewolf bloodline: After using it, you will get advanced werewolf bloodline. The mutated werewolf bloodline is immune to damage from silver products, and its self-healing power has been greatly improved. 】

Shen Mo's reaction after getting the potion was naturally very happy. Tom not only inherited Norman's vampire technique, but also created another glories.

According to Norman, he can only turn the blood of a creature into a blood potion, but cannot make up for the lack of blood. However, the potion made by Tom has a benign mutation and has the ability to overcome the fatal flaw of the original blood.

This is definitely one small step for Tom, one giant leap for Blood Potion.

Mo Mo looked at the bloodline medicine in his hand, and his eyes couldn't help but fell to the trash can where the driver was hiding. He suddenly wanted to try the effect of this medicine, and happened to have a good test product.

hum!Knowing Shen Mo's thoughts, Tom disappeared instantly, and when he reappeared, he had returned to Mo Mo with the driver.

driver:? ? ?
why am i hereShouldn't I be behind the trash can?They found me, no good!dying!
The driver was stunned for a moment, then begged in a panic: "I'm sorry, I was just passing by, I didn't see anything, please spare my life!"

Silence smiled, ignored the driver, and threw the werewolf blood potion to Tom, signaling him to continue research on the blood potion.

No matter how perfect the potion is, if there is no test product, it will be meaningless.

Only through the test product can we know whether the value of the medicine is really as stated in the description.

Tom nodded, took the blood potion, and stabbed the struggling driver fiercely. The latter stiffened and passed out.

In the next second, the driver's body began to tremble crazily. The sound of broken and distorted bones echoed in the narrow alley, and a painful growl came from his throat. The gray suit collapsed from the inside out due to the mutated body. , revealing steel-like hard skin, and growing gray-white hair at a speed visible to the naked eye...
In just 1 minute, the driver completed the process of turning from a human to a werewolf.

He, not exactly, should be it.

The two-meter-tall werewolf stood there stunned, his dark eyes filled with curiosity and bewilderment about the new world.

In the werewolf vision, the driver saw a different world.

hum!The power of the mind and eyes exploded, covering the werewolf in an instant, and in the next second, Silence launched an attack.

Snapped!The fist with only [-]% strength hit the werewolf hard on the chest, and the latter flew upside down like a kite with a broken string, its huge body sank into the wall, and the dust raised up blocked the sight, making it difficult to see clearly.

But the power of silent mind can clearly perceive the driver's situation. Although the punch severely injured him, the injury recovered in the blink of an eye. This punch wakes up.

Driven by the wolf nature, the driver's strong and powerful hind limbs exerted force suddenly, rushing towards Silence like a cannonball, and the raised dust rolled up, forming a straight tornado.

Mo Mo raised the corner of his mouth, slowly raised his arm, turned sideways, and slashed down with his palm, the driver suffered another heavy blow on the neck, fainted on the spot, and his werewolf body transformed into a human form at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Silently commented: "His strength is less than [-]% of that of a high-level werewolf. It seems that the blood of a high-level werewolf alone is not enough. You must have the corresponding strength and foundation to exert the true power of the blood."

Bloodline medicine does not make people instantly become gods, but gives humans the possibility and opportunity to become gods.

"However, the effect of the medicine is really good, and it is also very valuable to make up for the defects of the blood."

Mo Mo couldn't help but think of the infinite world of aura. If the bloodlines of various creatures were added to the infinite world of aura, wouldn't the game become more and more interesting? !
Silence asked Tom, "Are there any restrictions on the manufacture of bloodline potions?"

Tom paused, and replied truthfully: "As Norman said, only the corresponding bloodline materials can produce corresponding bloodline props. If the materials are insufficient, naturally new bloodline potions cannot be made."

This is really a headache.

If you want to make a blood potion, you will lose a life in this world.

Moreover, collecting bloodline materials is a very time-consuming and labor-intensive thing.

After pondering for a moment in silence, he still couldn't think of a more suitable solution.

"Then let's do this first! Wait until there is a chance later, and then make changes."

The two didn't leave the alley in a hurry, but turned those werewolves who hadn't died into bloodline potions. These were consumables, and naturally they accumulated little in the early stage, so they shouldn't be wasted.

After a while, Mo Mo obtained 29 low-level mutant werewolf potions, 18 mid-level mutant werewolf potions, and 3 high-level mutant werewolf potions.

This group of werewolves was wiped out by Silence and Tom.

Putting these medicines into the gossip yin and yang sword pouch temporarily, the two left the alley.

As for the driver who obtained the advanced mutant werewolf potion, let him go free for now.

Meeting is fate, it is reasonable for him to try medicine for Shen Mo, and Shen Mo allows him a chance.

Let's say that Shen Mo and Tom went out of the alley, and they didn't wave to stop the car. Instead, they randomly chose one of the empty traffic outside the alley and drove away.

These cars driven by werewolves, with the death of werewolves, are already considered ownerless.

About half an hour later, Silence and Tom returned to Dorne Castle.

According to Dorn's report, the elimination plan for blood medicine has come to an end. If there is no accident, all the low-level medicines distributed by Norman's laboratory can be removed before dark.

Shen Mo was quite satisfied with this, but he never imagined that the plan of the blood potion was destroyed, and the Sabbat Alliance did not stop because of this, but intensified and wanted to launch an even more terrifying bloody battle.

A bloody battle that draws all vampires and creatures of darkness into battle.

As night approached, Shen Mo didn't wait for the news that the bloodline potion had been cleared, but waited for new information.

"Master! The Devil's Banquet Alliance has changed again!"

Shen Mo frowned slightly, and asked, "Say."

"A large number of low-level blood races are scattered and spread all over Paris. This is obviously unreasonable. Usually these blood races gather together and have fixed blood cellars to provide them with blood food. Now this situation is probably..."

After a silent pause, he guessed: "Are they going to use the lower blood race to replace the blood race medicine to trigger a bloody battle?"

Dawn nodded, "Yes master, I think so too."

After a moment of silence and contemplation, the bloodline potion developed by Norman has an indiscriminate bloodline transformation effect. Once released, the whole of Paris will be reduced to a bloodline battlefield. This is a very dangerous thing.

But if it was a bloody battle caused by a lower blood race, it would still be within the controllable range.

Because no matter how many low-level vampires there are, they are limited. In addition, there are not only vampires and dark creatures in Paris, but also an anti-dark alliance against them.

Therefore, there is no need for Shen Mo to stop the plan of the Sabbat Alliance, but to sit on the mountain and watch the tigers fight, enjoying the benefits of the fisherman alone.

Or... Silence can still fish in troubled waters.

Silently looked at Tom, his bloodline technique required a lot of materials, and the vampire technique also required a lot of materials, which was not a small number.

He can use this bloody battle to solve this troublesome little problem.


"Yes, Master!"

"Go out and play!"

"Good host!"

Although Tom responded, he stood still and did not leave immediately, "Master, won't you go with me?"

Silence waved his hands, "It's better if we act separately."


When Tom left, Silence found a direction opposite to Tom's, and left Dorne Castle alone.

Silence's reluctance to act with Tom is naturally out of interest considerations. When the two act together, the number of dark creatures they meet is limited. Only by acting separately can they meet more dark creatures.

Although Shen Mo doesn't have the ability to turn creatures into bloodlines, his Nine-Story Shadow Tower is a treasure for collecting dark creatures. Wouldn't it be great to collect those dark creatures who were lucky enough to meet him into the Nine-Story Shadow Tower, and then give them to Tom as bloodline materials? Good thing.

The sun went down and night fell.

Night in Paris is not the end, but the beginning of everything.

As the last ray of sunlight disappeared, those hunters lurking in the darkness showed their fangs and sharp claws, reaching out to the unsuspecting ordinary people.

Silence wandered the streets of Paris alone, and naturally became the target of dark creatures.

You see, it's the legendary vampire who is walking towards him. Although he is only a low-level vampire, not even a baron, he still has the courage to rush towards Silence.

hum!Mo Mo's wrist flicked, and a face-to-face meeting was to put him in the blood without boundary of the nine-story Yin Tower.

As soon as the lower blood race entered Blood Unbounded, they were instantly stunned by the pressure of the prince-level blood family Vladigil's blood, and their consciousness was dazed and in a trance.

Look again, that group of werewolves were low-level, they were eager to share the silence, but they met each other and were included in Blood Unbounded, trembling under the threat of Vladigir.

Then, two ordinary people who lost their way walked towards us... This one will not be accepted.

Ever since, Silence started a happy and comfortable journey of collecting materials.

This night, he was either collecting materials, or on the way to find materials.

However, the bloody battles waged by those lowly blood races brought unimaginable disasters to ordinary people.

For ordinary people, they have no power to fight against the blood race, only to be reduced to food or be transformed.

Fortunately, there are many exorcists from the Anti-Dark Creature Alliance in this city, otherwise, this place will be reduced to purgatory in just one night.

Silent had just walked three blocks when he met an exorcist from the Anti-Dark Creature League.

It was a middle-aged Caucasian man with a rough appearance and a mouth full of alcohol. His fat body was wrapped in a thick fur coat. He held a silver-white long sword in one hand and a pistol loaded with special bullets in the other. He was following a baron Super blood clan death battle.

Although the man's pistol can cause fatal damage to the baron-level vampire, the vampire's speed advantage makes it extremely difficult to hit the target. In addition, this vampire has just sucked the blood of several humans, and its strength is at its peak.

If the man had no hole cards, he might be dragged to death by the blood race.

"Hey! Get out of here!"

The man noticed the silence and immediately issued a warning. He didn't want to see the vampires get blood food again and their strength improved.

Silence ignored the man, but continued to walk leisurely, approaching the two of them constantly.

The baron-level vampire showed an excited expression, and said with a strange smile: "Haha, when I suck him, I will have the strength to kill you."

After all, the blood race turned into a ray of light to kill Silence.

"Quick! Get out!"

The man was anxious, and in a hurry, he raised his pistol and shot at Silence.

The muzzle of the black hole spewed out flames, and the bullet pierced the air. Originally, it would have passed by Silence, but at that moment, Silence made a move.

The hot and high-speed bullet was silenced and held between his fingers, and a faint white smoke rose from it.

man:! ! !
Bloodlines:? ? ?

In the next second, Silence suddenly disappeared in place, and when it reappeared, it was already beside the baron blood.

"Why are you so fast..."

The blood race wanted to make some moves in astonishment, but watched silently's hand sticking to his body, spinning around for a while, and disappeared in place.

Blood knows no bounds.

Vladimir: "Get down on your knees!"

Baron blood:! ! !

Prince!The legendary prince!
The baron blood was stunned. Facing Vladigil's coercion, he didn't even have the slightest intention of resisting.

Besides, in the real world, the blood race that disappeared in an instant made the exorcist dumbfounded.

He originally thought that Shen Mo would be instantly killed by the vampire and suck his blood dry, but he never expected that Mo Mo would kill the vampire instantly instead of not dying.

That's a baron-level vampire!No matter how bad it was, it was impossible to be wiped out so easily, without leaving even a bit of bone residue.

The man's drunkenness instantly woke up, and he looked at Silence with disbelief.

"Excuse me, are you also an exorcist?"

Faced with doubts, he nodded silently. He could indeed be called an exorcist.

The man was overjoyed, and quickly said, "I'm Harry Van Helsing, who is in charge of District 8. Nice to meet you. I don't know what your name is."

"Call me to silence."

Van Helsing repeatedly replied: "Mr. Silence, the situation is urgent now. Although you do not belong to the Anti-Dark Creature Alliance, I sincerely invite you to destroy these dark creatures together. They are already crazy!"

【Ding!Received an invitation from the Anti-Dark Creature Alliance, do you want to join? ! 】

Silence looked at Harry Van Helsing, lost in thought, should he join the Anti-Dark Creature Alliance? !
(End of this chapter)

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