The aura of a priest is infinite

Chapter 597 ? Anti-Dark Creature Alliance

Chapter 597 Anti-Dark Creature Alliance

Faced with Harry Van Helsing's invitation, Silence naturally chose to ignore it, because his new clan plan was underway and had already achieved something, so how could he settle for the second best and choose to join the Anti-Dark Creatures Alliance?

Furthermore, Silence has already known the current situation of the Anti-Dark Creature Alliance from the Duke of Dorn. They are becoming more and more powerless and embarrassed in front of the increasingly powerful blood race. The recovery of aura has not brought them intuitive power. What it brings is only the continuous strengthening of the enemy.

Different from Huaxia's super bureau, the Anti-Dark Creatures Alliance can be described as the most aggrieved supernatural alliance at the moment. It needs no one, no strength, no matter what you want.

Look at Harry Van Helsing, as the person in charge of the 8th arrondissement of Paris, he doesn't even have a decent dress, and the alcohol that comes out of his mouth is also inferior fake wine blended with industrial alcohol.

With all these things, how did you let Shen Mo join the Anti-Dark Creature Alliance? !

Do you suffer with them after joining?

"Sorry, I have no interest in your invitation."

Mo Mo bluntly rejected Harry Van Helsing. The latter seemed to have foreseen it long ago and did not force it. He just said to Mo Mo: "The greater the ability, the greater the responsibility, you can't escape."

Shen Mo didn't plan to get entangled with Van Helsing anymore, and while walking, he replied: "What am I running away from? They should be running away."

Um? !Fan Helsing turned around to look, and saw that several blood races had already arrived, and surrounded Shen Mo and Fan Helsing.

"Damn it!" Fan Helsing cursed in a low voice, just now he was only concerned about the astonishment of Shen Mo's combat power, and inviting Shen Mo to exorcise the demon together, but he didn't notice that he was already surrounded by the enemy.

"Mr. Silence, be careful! They are viscount-level blood clans, and their strength is very strong. The baron just now can't compare with them!"

"Really?!" Mo Mo waved his hand, pointed at the blood race, and shouted sharply: "You want to kill me?"

cluck!Faced with Silence's provocation, the blood races showed their fangs one after another, their faces were ferocious, and before they could answer, they rushed towards Silence crazily.

But in the next second, the oncoming blood race disappeared again, without a trace.

At the same time, the Blood Colorless Realm.

Vladigil frowned slightly and said, "Master, are you still here?!"

"Your Majesty!"

All the viscounts were stunned on the spot and had no fighting power at all.

In the real world, Harry Van Helsing was a little confused. What kind of ability is this?Great blood change? !Disappear out of thin air?

It was a baron just now, and now it is several viscounts, all of which disappeared in an instant. What kind of ability and magic is this, and who is the sacred person in front of him.

"Wait!" Seeing that Shen Mo was about to leave, Harry Van Helsing quickly said, "Mr. Silence...Master, please let me follow you."

follow me? !

Silence didn't quite understand what Van Helsing meant.

Harry Van Helsing continued to explain: "As you can see, Paris is not at peace tonight. With my strength, I cannot survive tonight. Therefore, I ask you to let me follow you and get your asylum."

【Ding!Trigger side quest: Harry Van Helsing's Call for Help. 】

[Harry Van Helsing of the Anti-Dark Creature Alliance requests your protection, protect Van Helsing to survive tonight, the task is completed. 】

[Task Reward: 5000 Reiki Points.Harry Van Helsing's Adoration Pocket Jar*1]

Oh ho!It actually triggered a side mission, which is a little bit interesting.

But Shen Mo couldn't just accept Van Helsing's oil bottle so easily, he pretended to think for a moment, and said, "What can I get from you?"

Fan Helsing was taken aback for a moment, then remained silent for a while, and replied: "From my friendship!"

"Excuse me, farewell!"

Van Helsing: ...
and many more!

Seeing that Shen Mo was going to leave, Fan Helsing was not willing to let the other party go, and quickly added: "You can get this!"

Fan Helsing took out a jet-black palm-sized stone from his arms, and threw it to Shen Mo with his hands.

The entrance of the stone is quite icy, with a hint of cold air that only ghosts can have.

[Shadow Stone: A stone used by necromancers to absorb and store ghosts.Contains ghost*187]

[Reminder: Ghosts can be transformed into soul fragments, which can be used to refine puppet materials. 】

Oh ho!Sure enough, Harry Van Helsing still has a good baby!

Mo Mo flicked his wrists, and put away the Ghost Stone. Seeing Mo Mo accepting his gift, Fan Heixing couldn't help being overjoyed, because it indicated that his fortune tonight was saved.

"Let's go!"


Mo Mo not only received the side mission to protect Van Helsing, but also got Van Helsing's Ghost Stone, which is a beautiful thing that kills two birds with one stone!
But what Ling Mo never expected was that Fan Helsing was simply a self-propelled monster recruiter in human form!
Previously, Silent crossed three streets before meeting three or two kittens, but after he teamed up with Harry Van Helsing, the chances of encountering monsters increased exponentially, and the level and strength of monsters also increased significantly.

After Shen Mo raised his hand to subdue another Viscount-level vampire, he frowned slightly and asked, "Fan Helsing, do you have any problems with these monsters?"

Van Helsing was a little embarrassed, and shook his head in denial, "No, absolutely not. I don't even know them,"

"He lied!"

Nan Nan in Lucky Cat immediately exposed Fan Helsing's lies, causing Fan Helsing's old face to freeze in place for a while.

"Well, I admit, I do have some problems with them, and as the person in charge of District 8, this is very reasonable."

"He's lying again!"

Van Helsing:...
How did this little elf know so clearly? !

The helpless Van Helsing finally revealed his secret, "Actually, it has something to do with my blood. Our Van Helsing family has exorcised demons for generations. Our blood and soul are extremely delicious to monsters. These dark creatures see me, as if in the dark. I saw a bright lighthouse in the sky."

Silently said: "This is why you drink fake wine?"

Van Helsing paused and nodded, "Did someone see through, yes! Only those things can make my blood less attractive."

hum!Once the power of purification was activated, Fan Helsing was immediately enveloped, the smell of alcohol on his body disappeared instantly, and even the hidden dangers that had been buried before were also purified.

Harry Van Helsing was bathed in the holy light, as if he had been reborn into the purest childhood. A faint strange fragrance emanated from his body and diffused along the air.

There were roars one after another in the darkness, and the monsters hidden in the darkness smelled the strange fragrance, and rushed towards the source of the strange fragrance instinctively.

Oh ho!Sure enough, it is attractive enough, no, monster!

Fan Helsing was pulled back from the enjoyment of the Holy Light by the roar of the monster, his face sank, the corners of his mouth twitched, and he said, "Master, don't try to harm me!"

(End of this chapter)

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