The aura of a priest is infinite

Chapter 598 Happy is over

Chapter 598 Happy is over
Harm you?

Who is going to kill you?

The task Shen Mo received was to protect Fan Helsing until dawn, how could it possibly harm him?

He just wanted to use Van Helsing's talent to attract more material.

Is this wrong?There is nothing wrong with it!

With the sound of roaring one after another, Fan Helsing really panicked. He hurriedly took out a wide-mouth wine bottle from his coat pocket, unscrewed the cap, and wanted to pour all the inferior and fake wine inside into his own cup. in stomach.

But just as he raised his head, the wine bottle in his hand shattered.

That was a silent shot, a good thing done with a small stone.

Fan Helsing's face froze, and he exclaimed: "Master, what are you doing? We are in danger now! We have never been so dangerous before! You will kill us like this."

Shen Mo curled his lips and said with a smile: "Calm down! Don't panic, if it is really dangerous, do you think I will do this?"

Van Helsing couldn't help being taken aback, recalling the strange ability before Silence, his questioning of Silence's behavior was precisely the questioning of his ability, the more incomprehensible the ability, the more disturbing it is.

But looking at the calm expression of Silence, Fan Haixin's flustered heart finally slowed down a little. He swallowed, spilled the wine on his body, raised his weapon, and said seriously: "If that's the case, then come!"

Silence is obviously using his blood talent to attract more monsters, which greatly saves the time to find monsters, but for ordinary people, it greatly reduces their chances of encountering dark creatures.

It turned out that Shen Mo was really a good person, although he didn't admit it, but what he did was righteous and brave.

Harry Van Helsing couldn't help expressing his sincere admiration for Silence, and under the influence of Silence, he aroused blood as an exorcist.

Isn't it just death?It is better to die vigorously than to live.

Tonight, let him feel the call in his blood and face the dark creatures directly!
From the corner of his silent eyes, he glanced at the nervous Fan Helsing, and couldn't help saying happily: "Don't be so nervous, life is short, happiness is the end."

Fan Helsing put on a straight face, and said with a sneer: "How can you be happy here?!"

"I will bring you happiness!"

hum!After speaking in silence, a weapon blessing was blessed on Van Helsing's long sword and pistol. The latter was slightly taken aback, but felt the powerful power of holy light on the weapon.

So strong!So hot!very scary!
Van Helsing swore that he had never seen such a powerful holy light in his life.

If the trash in the church had such a holy light, they wouldn't be suppressed by dark creatures and dare not come out of the Holy Land.

After Fan Helsing finished his thoughts, he finally raised his confidence in the next battle. With the blessing of the Holy Light as powerful as Silence, he would still be afraid of those dark creatures.

Come on, let you experience the power of the Holy Light!

No, another way of saying it should be, come on, be happy and be done!
Roar!A ferocious monster was revealed. It had a humanoid appearance, and its whole body was rotting and emitting a stench. It was obviously a ghoul.

For this kind of low-level monster, Shen Mo didn't want to take it in, but in line with the principle of diversity of blood, he still bit the bullet and included the ghoul in the blood colorless realm.

As for how Vladimir subdues it, that is Vladimir's business.

Blood Colorless Realm.

Vladigil looked at the abominable ghoul with a cold face, and murmured: "Tower Master, do you think my place is a garbage dump?"

hum!The bloody mist enveloped the ghoul in an instant, turning it into a bloody spar and sealing it up.

This is the blood sealing technique that only high blood races are qualified to master.

Silence can't hear Vladimir's complaints, he has to continue to be happy now.

As the first ghoul was taken in, dark creatures came after him in an endless stream. They were all attracted by the fragrance of Van Helsing's blood, and they wanted to get Van Helsing one after another, eat his flesh and drink his blood. Blood.

Silence and Van Helsing faced not only vampires, werewolves, ghouls, and necromancers... there were also many dark creatures that Silence could not name. These monsters that would never gather together at all now put down their weapons , locked on the same target.

"Come on, let's be happy together!"

hum!Mo Mo raised the corners of his mouth, bluffed his hands, and rushed towards the group of monsters. Fan Helsing followed closely behind, raising his long sword with high fighting spirit.

A bloody battle kicked off.

After a while, Fan Helsing lay on the ground gasping for breath. He exhausted all his strength from the fierce battle. Even though there was silence blessing him with the holy light, facing the massive monsters, even if he was physically tired The feeling is not strong, but the mental fatigue is hard for ordinary people to resist.

Besides Silence, most of these monsters were subdued by him, but he was blushing, out of breath, and full of energy, and he didn't look like he had gone through a battle at all.

Because Silence is not killing the target, but taking the target to the Blood Colorless Realm and handing it over to Vladigil to deal with, so the tired person is Vlajigil, not Silence himself.

But in the eyes of Harry Van Helsing, silence is like an angel descending into the world or a hell lord descending into the world. Such a fierce battle was resolved so calmly.

How is it possible for ordinary humans to do this? !
Fan Helsing regained his strength a bit, stood up and asked curiously: "Master, who the hell are you?"

Shen Mo raised his eyebrows and asked in confusion, "What's wrong?"

Van Helsing continued: "Your strength makes me very curious."

"I'm from China."

"Is Huaxia's exorcist all so happy?" Fan Helsing clicked his tongue.

Shen Mo smiled and said happily, "I don't know about others, at least I am like this."

Van Helsing:...
I couldn't imagine your happiness before.

After a little trimming, the two reloaded and attacked again. One had a strong strength, and the other had the ability of a humanoid self-propelled monster recruiter. With the cooperation of the two, it was not too happy.

At about two o'clock in the middle of the night, Shen Mo and Van Helsing came to the 4th district of Paris, fighting and killing along the way, subdued many dark creatures, and let Van Helsing see the power and fear of Shen Mo.

No matter how powerful the dark creature is, it disappears after meeting Silence, and there is not even a hair left.

Van Helsing became more and more curious about where the dark creatures that had been completely disappeared by silence went?
If it was human beings who were enemies of Silence, would they also be wiped out suddenly?

Van Helsing had such an idea, but he didn't dare to try it himself, because the unknown is always the most terrifying existence.

Ok? !

When Shen Mo and Van Helsing came to a hotel, Shen Mo couldn't help but stop and looked at the room on the fourth floor of the hotel.

"Master, what's wrong?"

Shen Mo frowned, and shouted: "Meet an acquaintance!"

(End of this chapter)

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