Chapter 599
acquaintance? !
Fan Haixin's expression paused, and he thought to himself, the master has such strength, so his acquaintances must not be simple, since he has met, he must be lucky enough to meet him, so that he can spend the night with the master in vain.

Fan Helsing said very politely: "Then let's go up and have a look?"

hum!Moment's power of mind and eyes was activated, and he checked out the situation in the hotel in an instant, sighed slightly, and replied: "Then let's go up."

Why does Silence sigh?

Because through the exploration of the power of mind and eyes, Shen Mo not only discovered who this acquaintance was, but also found that this acquaintance was not very obedient.

This acquaintance was none other than Dai Qiaoqiao, the tour guide of the Sunset Red Tour Group, and the reason why she was disobedient was because she didn't take silent words seriously at all.

Mo Mo gave Dai Qiaoqiao a talisman with the blessing of the Holy Light on the Eiffel Tower during the day, and told her not to run around tonight, but to stay in her room and live well.

But Dai Qiaoqiao was very disobedient. Not only did she run around, but she also left the Holy Light Talisman given to her by Silence in the hotel room.

Isn't this trying to kill you? !

The power of the silent mind clearly sensed that several ghosts were wandering in the hotel and sucking the souls of living people. Many guests had already suffered disasters, but Dai Qiaoqiao didn't know that she was already in danger. Shuttle in the corridor, don't know what to do.

Shen Mo and Van Helsing pushed open the hotel door, slowly walked into the hall, looked sideways, the hotel receptionist on night shift had been devoured by ghosts, her death was extremely tragic, her expression was extremely distorted, it was hard to imagine what kind of fear she had encountered when she died.

And this situation is spreading from the first floor to the top floor of the hotel. The sunset red tour group that Dai Qiaoqiao belongs to is placed in the middle floor of the hotel, only a wall away from the danger.

Mo Mo knew in her heart that the reason why Dai Qiaoqiao shuttled back and forth in the corridor must be because she heard the screams from downstairs. In a panic, she told the team members to pay attention to safety from room to room, but she forgot about herself. Already in danger.

A ghost has been eyeing her.

"Uncle Zhang! This is Dai Qiaoqiao. No matter what happens, don't open the door for a while. There has been an attack in the hotel. I have already called the police. The police should be there soon..."

Although Dai Qiaoqiao said this, she knew very well in her heart that the police would not come, because she made three calls in a row, but no one answered, and now they are the only ones they can rely on.

Uncle Zhang's response sounded from inside the door, Dai Qiaoqiao nodded again and again, and continued to inform the next group member, but the moment she just turned around, a phantom flashed across her eyes, causing her back to tremble. Chill, as if standing naked in the snow in the twelfth lunar month of winter.

Ok? !

Dai Qiaoqiao hummed lightly, and didn't pay attention to the body's instinctive warning of danger, but took a step forward, preparing to notify the next group member.

But just when she took the first step, the phantom flashed past her eyes again, and let out a creepy roar, as if screaming from hell, tearing Dai Qiaoqiao's mind, causing her to freeze in place instantly .

who? !
Dai Qiaoqiao instinctively thought that someone was playing tricks, but she didn't know that she had been targeted by ghosts and was playing with them.

She woke up suddenly and looked around, only she was standing there alone in the empty corridor.

Something is not right!

Dai Qiaoqiao finally realized that she was being watched by something. She frowned, her eyes flashed with panic, and subconsciously wanted to retreat to her room.

But there was another whisper in her ear, "Where are you going!?"

call!The dark wind swept by, and a ferocious grimace rushed towards her, terrified Dai Qiaoqiao slumped on the ground, and coincidentally escaped the fatal attack of the ghost, or the ghost didn't want to kill her so easily.

It just wants to play with the prey in front of it.

The sound of teeth rubbing and gnashing rang out, enveloping Dai Qiaoqiao. At this moment, her beauty had already faded, and fear had already occupied her heart.

For ghosts, this is definitely the most delicious food, only the fear of human beings can make their spirits delicious.

The more scared Dai Qiaoqiao was, the more excited Ghost became.

Until the fear reaches its peak, the ghost is ready to enjoy this delicious meal.

"Heck, I'm going to start!"

The ghost appeared again, and the hideous ghost face rushed straight at him.

Just a second before Youhun was about to wear Qiaoqiao, an afterimage suddenly appeared behind Dai Qiaoqiao, and suddenly stretched out, clutching Youhun's neck tightly, and carried her in mid-air, The milky white halo followed Mo Xiangyouhun's palm, making a sizzling sound like roasting meat.

The ghost screamed piercingly in pain, calling for its companions to come to the rescue.

Dai Qiaoqiao was also awakened by the ear-piercing scream, raised her head in astonishment, and saw a tall and firm figure standing behind her, like a peaceful harbor under a storm, which made her feel at ease.

"It's you..." Dai Qiaoqiao saw clearly the appearance of the person who came, who else could it be if it wasn't silence.

Shen Mo didn't answer Dai Qiaoqiao's words, but twisted his wrist, and instantly crushed the ghost. Tom's blood ghost technique couldn't extract its blood from such an incorporeal dark creature, so he had to kill it.

The death of one ghost did not end the battle, but enraged the other ghosts. They roared and charged towards Silence and Dai Qiaoqiao from all directions.


Silence let out a low shout, and the body of holy light ignited a radiant holy light, forming a huge pillar of holy light, which radiated from him as the center of a circle, enveloping the entire hotel in an instant.

Those ghosts who wanted to besiege Silence turned into powder and disappeared without even making a scream.

Under the baptism of the Holy Light, Dai Qiaoqiao became calm and serene, and was no longer enveloped by fear.

Waiting for the holy light to dissipate, Dai Qiaoqiao bit her lip, stood up slowly, and said weakly, "Thank you for saving me."

Shen Mo smiled slightly: "It just happened to pass by."

"What was that just now? A ghost?"

Silence nodded, "Ghost, a dark creature."

Dai Qiaoqiao was stunned for a moment. Her world view was shattered at this moment. She had heard of ghosts in this world before, but she had never seen it with her own eyes. Tonight, she really became a character in the story and saw the so-called ghost.

Dai Qiaoqiao panicked, "Will they come again?"

Mo Mo said truthfully: "It will be fine after tonight, but you'd better leave Paris as soon as possible. This place will soon become a place of right and wrong."

Dai Qiaoqiao nodded repeatedly, even if she kept silent, she would leave Paris with the group members tomorrow and return to China, "What about you! It's so dangerous here, come back with us."

Shen Mo shook his head and said with a smile, "Don't worry, I'm fine."

"Aren't you afraid of them?"

"That's what I do."

Shen Mo walked past Dai Qiaoqiao, and before leaving, he urged again: "Take the talisman I gave you, it can keep you safe."

Dai Qiaoqiao was stunned and nodded again and again. She wanted to say something more, but she remained silent. She knew in her heart that she and Shen Mo were not the same way. It was fate to meet in this foreign country. What you want becomes a luxury.

"Be careful! I'll wait for you in the country."

Silence stopped, but didn't look back. After a moment of silence, he went away again.

Both of them knew from the bottom of their hearts that the sea of ​​people was vast, and if they returned to the country, it would be very remote if they wanted to see each other again.

Life is like this, there are often passers-by, and the flow of people is endless, who is passing by, and who is missing.

But Dai Qiaoqiao knew in her heart that this trip to the sunset red group was a trip she would never forget in her life.

Shen Mo went downstairs, Fan Helsing had been waiting in the hall for a long time, when he saw Mo Mo go down, he hurried up to meet him.

"Master, is it solved? The holy light just now was too powerful."

Van Helsing couldn't help touting again.

"Let's go, it's not dawn yet!"


Ever since, the two left the hotel, strolled on the streets of Paris again, and started a perfect combination of seduction and harvest.

Time passed by, and when the sky gradually brightened, those dark creatures also began to hibernate, but the breath of death had just begun.

After a night of bloody battle, Paris is no longer what it used to be. The existence of dark creatures has been known to everyone, and a new era has kicked off in this bloody battle.

As the first ray of sunlight fell, ordinary people who survived took to the streets one after another. They knew what happened last night, so they vented their inner fear wantonly on the street like frightened children, and the whole street was full of crying with screaming.

The so-called civilization and quality collapsed at this moment, and only the most original human nature was displayed in front of Shen Mo and Van Helsing.

【Ding!Side Quest: Protect Harry Van Helsing.After the task is completed, the reward will be issued after the main task is completed. 】

Shen Mo, who received the mission reminder, said goodbye to Van Helsing. Although the latter strongly wanted to win Mo Mo to join the Anti-Dark Creatures Alliance, Mo Mo refused again.

"Go, the current situation is just the time for your alliance to do something. Don't waste your energy on me. As I said, I will not join the Anti-Dark Creatures Alliance, but we will definitely meet again .”

Van Helsing nodded helplessly. Looking at the collapsed ordinary citizens, he could only return to the headquarters quickly to find a way to appease the ordinary people. This is what the mayor should do. If he is still alive, the Anti-Dark Creature Alliance needs to give People feel safe.

"Master, goodbye!"

Van Helsing quickly disappeared into the crowd, let out a long breath in silence, and prepared to return to Dorne Castle, meet up with Tom and the others, and see how the night was rewarded.

About half an hour later, Silence returned to Dorn Castle.

Tom and others returned to the castle earlier than Silence, and their gains this night were more impressive than Silence.

Let me talk about Tom Lestat's gains in one night.

Variation blood lineage: marquis level*4, earl level*18, viscount level*35, baron level*56.

Mutated werewolf bloodline: advanced*8, intermediate*35, low*67.

Mutated ghoul bloodline: Advanced*2, Intermediate*7, Low*24.

Mutated gargoyle bloodline: advanced*1, intermediate*3, low-level*9
The type and quantity of bloodline potions surprised Shen Mo, who never expected Tom to gain so much in one night.

This is mainly thanks to the sassy operation of the Sabbat Alliance, which sent out all the dark creatures that were originally lingering in the dark, which created excellent conditions for Tom's hunting.

In addition to the blood potion refined by using the blood vein technique, Tom also obtained a lot of interesting vampire techniques.

For example, the blood ghost technique devoured from a marquis-level vampire—quickness, greatly increased Tom's speed.

There is also the blood ghost technique devoured from a high-level werewolf - madness, which gave Tom the ability to multiply his strength.

Apart from these basic vampire techniques, there are some extremely unusual and special vampire techniques that are worthy of silent attention.

Such as the transformation technique that can change the appearance, shape, and even race; the weather power that can control the weather and control the wind, thunder, rain and snow; the camouflage technique that can be invisible like a chameleon;
In general, Tom's gains and growth this night were simply beyond Silence's imagination.

Tom also relied on his rapid growth to become the strongest combat force around Shen Mo.

Then came the results of Dorn and the others. Their target was not the Sabbat Alliance, but some clans of the Hidden Alliance.

The Hidden Alliance has eight major clans, and some of these clans are relatively weak. Dawn led his men to raid these clans and pretended to be the modus operandi of the Sabbat Alliance. On the one hand, it continued to increase the hatred between the two alliances. On the other hand, it is to seize the thirteen holy artifacts held by the clan.

The Golem of the Toledo Clan, the Illusion Mirror of the Nofil Clan, and the Poison Bottle of the Gangro Clan.

In addition to these three sacred artifacts, as well as the blood cup that Shen Mo snatched from the Duke of Norman, and the last Kavi clan soul ring obtained by the Demon City, Shen Mo has already obtained five blood sacred artifacts.

Then count the dark creatures that silently subdue into the blood colorless world.

It is no exaggeration to say that silence is the biggest beneficiary of this bloody battle.

The Sabbat Alliance, Hidden Alliance, Neutral Clans, and other dark creatures, and even the Anti-Dark Creatures Alliance, are less than one percent of the income of Silence.

And that's just the beginning of it all.

Silence put Tom in the Scarlet Unbounded, let him continue to refine blood potions or absorb new vampire techniques, and went back to Duke Dorn's study by himself, waiting for the latest news from Paris.

Around noon, the Duke of Dorne's spies sent back new information.

The bloody battle triggered by the blood clan exposed the dark world that was originally hidden in the darkness to the sight of the whole of Europe, and its influence even began to radiate to the whole world.

The news headlines are full of information about the bloody battle in Paris, as well as descriptions and details of various dark creatures.

The United States even designated this day as the beginning of the Dark Age in Europe.

However, the United States did not send S.H.I.E.L.D. agents or dispatch any support because of this. It just strongly condemned Europe’s unfavorable supervision and restraint of dark creatures in a speech at the White House, which caused panic and uneasiness for all mankind, and claimed that Europe should explain this or compensation.

Such a rogue and detrimental approach did not receive a response, because they are also in a daze now.

The system that had long been corrupted by the blood race fell apart overnight, and all the superiority and civilization that they described as a developed country seemed fragile.

The whole of Europe was drawn into an endless war.

A bloody battle between humans and dark creatures has just begun.

(End of this chapter)

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