Chapter 600
Dorn Castle is more peaceful and comfortable than usual, because the noise and chaos outside set off this tranquility.

According to the latest intelligence, the population of Paris has dropped by [-]% in just one night, and another [-]% of the [-]% will be transformed into vampires or other dark creatures tonight, providing a steady stream of supplements for the upcoming bloody battle ground new force.

Those who survived, like prisoners in a prison, struggled to escape the city.

But after learning of the start of the bloody battle in Paris, instead of lending a helping hand, the nearby countries forced the entire Paris to be closed, intending to lock the scope of the bloody battle to only one city in Paris.

Those ordinary people who want to escape but have no hope can only return to this city full of desolation trembling.

Just when ordinary people were about to give up hope, the Anti-Dark Creature Alliance finally showed up. They chose to step out of the background and stand in the public eye, bringing new hope to desperate human beings.

Silence watched the press conference on the cable TV in Dorn Castle.

Surrounded by Harry Van Helsing, an old man with grizzled hair stepped onto the podium, and spoke eloquently about the history and significance of the existence of the Anti-Dark Creature Alliance, as well as the help and services it can provide to mankind, making mankind believe that The Anti-Dark Creature Alliance, they have the ability to help everyone through the difficulties.

But in Shen Mo's view, the Anti-Dark Creatures Alliance does not have such strength, and it is impossible to save the lives of the entire city under the claws of dark creatures.

All they can do is to spare a small number of people from suffering, and this small number of people, they seem to have chosen, the rest will become victims of the bloody battle.

In this regard, there is nothing wrong with being silent. After all, the thinking of foreigners is different from that of Chinese. They do not have a strong collective consciousness, and the interests of a small number of people will override the interests of the public in many cases.

Instead, the Duke of Dorn joked: "Most of the funds of the Anti-Dark Creatures Alliance come from the assistance of the upper class, and it is reasonable for them to protect these people. According to our information, their current combat power can It's not easy to achieve this... but demon hunters from all over Europe are gathering in Paris, if these people arrive in time, they can help ordinary humans."

As a blood race, the Duke of Dorn didn't care about the life and death of ordinary humans, but he knew that the master he was serving now was a human being, so he made the above statement.

Nodding silently, he changed the subject and said, "Let's talk about the next plan!"

The bloody battle has begun.

The ultimate goal of the Sabbat Alliance is to restore the glorious glory of the blood race ruling Europe, so Paris is just an appetizer. According to him, the Sabbat Alliance will bring dark creatures to turn Paris into a dark world in the shortest time, and then become unstoppable swept across Europe.

But this is only the most idealized development of the Sabbat Alliance. There are a lot of variables in it, and any unknown variable will delay or change the development of the entire plan.

"Master, we have received an invitation from the Sabbat Alliance. They will convince the Hidden Alliance and the neutral clan tonight that those dark creatures will also choose to stand on their side."

Silently smiled, he knew very well in his heart that the invitation of the Devil's Banquet Alliance at this moment was a grand feast, and if a satisfactory result could not be negotiated, there would inevitably be new bloodshed.

And for this Hongmen Banquet, all the rulers of the thirteen clans must participate.

That being the case, let's meet them for a while.

But before that, Silence had one more thing to do.

"Dawn, take me to see that guy!"

Don's expression paused, a sly smile appeared on his face, and he nodded repeatedly: "Yes, master!"

After all, under the leadership of Donne, Shen Mo walked slowly down the long and winding stone steps of the ancient castle. After walking for about 10 minutes, he finally came to the bottom of the ancient castle. It is shrouded in darkness all year round, not only cold And it was damp, with an uncomfortably rotten smell.

But such a harsh environment is the favorite place of Clark Steven, Prince of the Giovanni family.

Boom boom boom!
Dawn knocked on the heavy wooden door. The perennial humid environment not only did not make the wooden door rot, but instead made it thicker and brighter.

Under the power of Shen Mo's mind, he could clearly perceive that some small means had been imposed on the wooden door, similar to anti-corrosion.

"come in!"

There was a quick response from inside the door. Don turned his head and glanced at Silence, then pushed open the wooden door with all his strength, revealing a bright, tidy, and emotional room inside. The room was not big, but it was well-equipped.

Looking silently, he immediately locked on the old man behind the walnut table. He was wearing a fat robe, hunched over, and wearing a one-sided flower mirror. He was flipping the heavy ancient book in front of him with his withered fingers. Twice the size, same thickness.

The old man's pale face twitched slightly, and the bat-like nasal cavities twitched, as if he smelled something different. He slowly raised his Voldemort-like head, and looked over Dawn to look at Shen Mo.


The old man let out a surprise, supported his back, slowly raised his body, and muttered: "Dawn, who are you bringing here? A human?!"

Dawn's body trembled slightly, although he was alienated into a new blood by Tom, without the suppression of the old blood.

But the fear of the old man in front of him from the depths of his soul made him shiver uncontrollably.

"Prince Steven, this is my new master!"

"Oh?!" Prince Steven stirred the bat's nasal cavity again, and the corners of his dry and white mouth slightly raised, "No wonder you don't smell like me anymore, so you already have a new owner."

Steven staggered out from behind the walnut table, and picked up the thick and long crutch used to support his body beside the table. This crutch was thicker than all the crutches Shen Mo had ever seen.

But under the power of the mind and eyes, if the thick and long crutches were thrown away from the coat, what was hidden inside was a ferocious butcher knife exuding bloody murderous aura.

The Thirteenth Holy Artifact - Butcher Knife!

The patron saint of the Giovanni family, it claims to have the powerful ability to control 500 undead warriors.

Steven held the butcher's knife in both hands, stood in front of Shen Mo, stared at Shen Mo with a pair of cloudy eyes, and sniffed: "You are not only a human being, but you also have a power that I dread... Saint Light?! Dragon?! Tsk tsk, you are such an interesting existence."

Silence smiled and replied, "You too."

He originally thought that the prince of the Giovanni family would be as young and strong as Vladigil, full of vigor and vitality, but he never expected that he would be a bad old man, as if he would lie in a coffin at any time.

Oh no.Steven is a vampire, and the place where he sleeps is the exquisite walnut coffin in the room. It seems that he himself has a preference for walnut.


Steven let out a creepy smirk, and then demanded, "Then, explain why you're here, young man."

Shen Mo's eyes flickered, and he said in a low voice: "I want you to be my subordinate!"

huh? !

Steven was slightly taken aback, silent for a moment, and then made a weird mocking sound, "Haha, young man, this is the funniest joke I've heard in centuries. A human actually wants me to be his subordinate?! "

The corner of Shen Mo's mouth raised, "Why, you don't want to?"

Steven shook his head quickly, "No, no, no, I am very willing. However, I have never liked to bow down to the weak. For countless centuries, I have understood a truth that only when I live to the end can I have the last laugh. Then, Please tell me, how many years do you want me to serve you? Ten years, 50 years, 100 years... Oh, I forgot, you can't live that long at all."

Faced with Steven's grotesque ridicule, Mo Mo didn't change his expression, and with a flick of his wrist, he summoned Prince Vladigil from the nine-storey Yin Tower.

Steven:! ! !

Vladimir:  …
Steven's withered hands clenched the butcher's knife tightly, and the blood-colored fog instantly wrapped his rickety body, turning into bloody arrows until Silence and the others.

Vladimir smiled charmingly and muttered, "Long time no see, Steven!"

"You traitor, you are still alive."

Vladimir sneered, "You old bones are still alive, why can't I."

The blood mist on Steven's body became more and more dignified, and his momentum became stronger and stronger, "You betrayed the blood race in vain, and tried to help mankind eliminate the blood race. We thought you would die in the east, but we didn't expect you to be alive and make a comeback. No wonder A human dares to come to see me, so it turns out that you are behind everything."

Vladimir quickly explained: "No, Steven, you have made up a lot of brains, and now, I am just this lord's subordinate, that's all."

Steven:? ? ?

What's the meaning?The majestic blood prince is willing to submit to humans and is willing to be driven by humans.

"Flajigil, have you become more and more humble as you live? What is this human being worthy of you..."

hum!As soon as the silent thought moved, the body of the holy light burst into dazzling white light instantly, printing the entire room into daylight.

The scorching holy light swept towards Steven, making the bloody mist on his body evaporate at a speed visible to the naked eye, and a look of astonishment immediately appeared on his calm face.

"What a powerful holy light! I have never seen such a powerful holy light in my life! You damn servant, God's lackey..."

While struggling to resist the baptism of the holy light, Steven kept cursing and silent. In a trance, he saw that Vladimir was not affected by the holy light at all, as if he was not afraid of the holy light at all.


When did Holy Light become a targeted skill? Shouldn't it be an area-of-effect skill?

So, why is Vladigil not afraid of the baptism of the Holy Light?

The reason is naturally very simple. Tom has already bestowed his own blood on Vladigil, giving him the power of a daywalker, and opened up a more powerful blood ghost technique-explosive blood.

Therefore, the silent holy light has no effect on Vladigil, who is a new blood, unless the silence is aimed at Vladigil.

"Wait!" Steven hurriedly raised his arm, stopping the silent movement.

"Vladigil, are you not afraid of the sun anymore?"

Vladimir nodded, "Did you find out?"

Steven's body trembled, and he asked excitedly, "How did you do it? Even the Blood Ancestor doesn't have such supernatural power."

Vladigil looked at Silence, and then explained: "My master has given me the power of a daywalker, do you want it too? Surrender to my master!"

Steven frowned on his pale face, and a trace of doubt flickered in his gray eyes. It's unimaginable that a human has the power to make the blood race overcome the sun.

But Vladigil is not afraid of the Holy Light... Wait!Don!
This traitor was also bathed in the holy light just now, but he was not harmed in any way. Could it be that he also possessed the power of the Sunwalker?


Steven looked at Dawn, this bastard whom he had just embraced as a duke actually betrayed him, and there was nothing that could shake his loyalty except the power of the Daywalker, right?
Could it be that the human beings in front of them really have such great power?

The blood mist on Steven's body gradually dissipated, and there was a trace of longing in his eyes, sunshine!
He hadn't seen the sun for a long, long time, so what if he had the combat power of a prince, a creature that dared not even see the sun had nothing to be proud of.

But now it seems that he has met capital that he can be proud of.

"Can you really do it?" Steven asked again.

Silence smiled, without further explanation, but with a flick of his wrist, he summoned Tom and a low blood family who had not yet had time to refine blood medicine from the nine-storey shadow tower.

Two blood princes, plus a duke-level blood clan, instantly stunned this low-level blood clan on the spot.

hum!A blessing of holy light landed precisely on the arm of the lower blood race, instantly vaporizing his arm and waking him up from pain, but the coercion from the prince knocked him out again.

Then, Tom slowly stretched out his finger, and spilled a drop of strange blood into the mouth of the lower blood.

A miraculous thing happened soon. The lower blood race's original lost arm recovered instantly, and no longer feared the suppression of Steven's blood, he stood up slowly, condensing a thick blood mist.

Coincidentally, this low-level vampire actually awakened the vampire technique. Although it is not a powerful type of vampire technique, it is already pretty good.

hum!Silence once again raised a blessing of the holy light, wrapping the lower blood race completely. The latter was bathed in the holy light, and instead of being harmed, they enjoyed it very much.

Prince Steven fell to his knees in an instant, and prostrated: "Master! Please grant me the power of the Sunwalker!"

Silence smiled, and gave Tom a wink. The latter skillfully endowed Steven with the power of different blood, allowing him to successfully transform into a new blood race, possessing the power of a daywalker, and successfully awakening the vampire technique—undead call.

Steven is a necromancer. The breath of death has eroded his human body, and even turning into a vampire can't restore it. That's why Steven looks like an old man.

After subduing Steven of the Giovanni tribe, Silence finally completed complete control of the Giovanni tribe.

This neutral clan has been reborn as a new clan.

【Ding!After selecting the faction, please name the new clan. 】

Shen Mo frowned, pondered for a moment, and said: "The Nether Blood Race"

【Ding!Successfully joined the Nether Blood Clan! 】

(End of this chapter)

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