The aura of a priest is infinite

Chapter 691?? The old man is very bad

Chapter 691 The Millennium Old Man Is Very Bad

In ancient times, Xu Xian and Bai Suzhen met on the Broken Bridge of the West Lake, and they fell in love for life.

Today there is a silent Di Shitian who met on the street corner and cherished each other.

Shen Mo saw at a glance that the real body of the wandering businessman was Di Shitian.

And Di Shitian also saw that Silence is the real master of the temple.

Can this world of wind and cloud still find a second person with thousand years of skill?

Can this Leshan city still find a second person with such a rich heritage?

Shen Mo and Di Shitian are both thousand-year-old foxes, so it is natural to see who is playing Liaozhai.

As for Di Shitian, he didn't even know that Mo Mo knew him.

This is the opportunity for silence.

Ever since, Silence put on a gesture, pretending to know nothing, and said first, "Old man, what are you selling!"

Di Shitian was stunned for a moment, he didn't expect Shen Mo to speak like this, but it also made him feel relieved, because it proved that Mo Mo knew that he was unusual, but he didn't know his real heel.

In Di Shitian's view, he was in the dark, silent in the light, and everything was under control.

From Shen Mo's point of view, Di Shitian is so bright that even his trousers are gone, and everything about Di Shitian is under Shen Mo's control.

It's still the same old saying, who is the prey and who is the hunter, it is already foolishly unclear.

I saw that Di Shitian was shaking the rag bag in his hand, and replied seriously: "Boss, take a look, the best medicine for golden sores, Dahuandan, tiger bone paste, the price is fair, and the effect is very good." .”

Shen Mo muttered in his heart, this Di Shitian actually started selling medicine.

He pretended to be curious to look at the medicine that Di Shitian took out, these pills taken out of the rag bag were really not ordinary.

Let’s just say that the golden sore medicine is more effective than the golden sore medicine dispensed by the Silent Church,

Da Huan Pill is even more fragrant, and one pill will give you ten years of skill.

There is also the tiger bone sticker, once it is pasted on, it is as fierce as a tiger, it can stand still, it is very powerful.

In addition, Emperor Shitian has practiced Taoism for thousands of years. He has not only practiced martial arts, but also has profound knowledge in medicine. In the original book, Fengyun and Fengyun were injured many times. cured.

Moreover, Di Shitian's Sacred Heart Art has the effect of bringing the dead back to life, which shows that his medical knowledge is extremely high.

It is also reasonable to refine these elixirs casually.

As a spectator who didn't know anything, Shen Mo naturally pretended to be shocked, and then exclaimed: "These pills are really excellent."

Di Shitianfu sipped and said with a smile: "If the boss likes it, he only needs ten taels of silver, and he can choose whatever he wants."

"Choose at random?!" Shen Mo shook his head, "I want all these pills."

Di Shitian said normally: "That can't be done."


"I have a rule in selling medicines, only one elixir is sold per transaction, that is, you can only buy one elixir for ten taels, boss."

oh? !I see.

Silent savoring carefully, it means that the rules set by Di Shitian are not unintentional, but a deliberate attempt to test Shen Mo's heart.

Ever since, Shen Mo decided to plan, threw out ten taels of silver, and said, "Then choose one!"

Di Shitian raised his brows, and thought to himself, "He's a moral person. Such a character is easy to control."

For Di Shitian, people with feelings are far easier to manipulate than people without feelings.

Since Silence talks about the rules, it means that he can accept the rules and be bound by the rules.

In Di Shitian's view, no matter how strong such a person is, he still has weaknesses.

"I don't know what kind of medicine the boss wants?"

Di Shitian spread out the elixir once and asked Shen Mo what to choose.

There is also a way here. There are golden sore medicine to heal injuries, Dahuandan to increase power, tiger bone paste to strengthen bones and improve essence, and Xiaosan to detoxify and remove blood stasis. What kind of medicine to choose represents what kind of person Silence is. .

Knowing people with medicine, this is the purpose of Di Shitian pretending to be a wandering businessman.

Silence naturally saw Di Shitian's purpose, he hesitated for a moment pretending to be embarrassed, gritted his teeth, kicked his feet, pointed to the tiger bone sticker, and said, "That's it!"

Tiger bone stickers, which strengthen bones and improve essence, are favorites of middle-aged men.

Di Shitian put such an unpopular pill in it as a miscellaneous thing. It never occurred to me that the majestic lord of the temple would need this tiger bone paste.

"Boss, this is a tiger bone sticker. Why do you need it at a young age like you?!"

Silence pretended to be embarrassing, as if it was difficult to speak, and said: "Plan ahead, you can't think about it until you are old, why don't you make up your body in advance!"

Di Shitian:! ! !

The majestic master of the temple is talking nonsense and nonsense.

No, such a person obsessed with beauty is actually the Lord of the Temple.This is not a joke!
Di Shitian couldn't believe it, but Shen Mo had already put away the tiger bone stickers, looking quite useful.

Could it be that the master of the holy hall is really like this, although he has mastered the martial arts of the Central Plains, he is a fierce waver.

His achievements today are due to the right time, place and people, not because he is superior.

Di Shitian was unwilling to accept this fact, because in his opinion, Silence should be a dragon and a phoenix among men, a hero among men, and at worst a hero of a generation, how could he behave like this.

Could it be that all this is false.

Not like!Di Shitian quickly denied himself, because his silence didn't seem like a fake, and there was no need for him to cheat in front of Di Shitian.

Well, there is only one truth.

Such is the case with the Lord of the Temple.

Di Shitian was thinking about the ten taels of silver in his hand, watched the back of Shen Mo's departure, and muttered in a low voice: "Hey, that's all, that's all!"

Immediately, Di Shitian turned his attention to Fengyun Duan and the other three.

From Di Shitian's point of view, if Mo Mo looks like this, then Fengyunduan and Fengyunduan are the ones who really deserve his attention.

After all, it was Fengyun Duan and the other three who really took down the holy temple, and the ones who defeated Jue Wushen were the Sword Master and Shen Mo.

Obviously, the silence is behind, and the Juggernaut is in front.

Therefore, silence instantly became a dispensable existence, not worthy of Di Shitian's dedication to it.

Because in Di Shitian's view, a character like Mo Mo would be pushed down by Feng Yunduan and the others sooner or later.

A conspiracy against the holy church vaguely sprouted from the bottom of Di Shitian's heart, and it intensified.

This old man who has lived for thousands of years has a very bad mind.

He used his identity as a wandering businessman to test out his silent disposition, so he used it, hoping to use this to provoke Fengyun to break the relationship between the three of them and the church, and then affect the general situation.

These contemporary characters are bound to die in the vortex of this conspiracy, and he is the man who survives to the end.

As God had decided, Di Shi picked up his medicine bag and headed for the church headquarters.

At this moment, the church is recruiting new disciples. Although Di Shitian does not meet the requirements, he wants to use this to operate and start his own plan.

He first came to an alley and found a young man with mediocre qualifications from a group of beggars, and then used the Tianxin formula in the Sacred Heart formula to erase the young man's memory and reshape his memory with illusion. , become your own puppet.

"Master!" The young Pinghu was in a daze, and he had become Di Shitian's tool.

"Good disciple, I will take you to participate in the recruitment of the temple today as a teacher. With your aptitude and the pill prepared for you by the teacher, within three years, you will definitely become a leader in the temple."

"Thank you master!"

"My master, let's go!"

Therefore, Di Shitian took the young Pinghu who was picked up from a pile of beggars, and prepared to enter the temple to start his own plot.

Let's say that after Shen Mo got the tiger bone paste, he has been monitoring Di Shitian with the power of his heart and eyes. He brainwashed the young Ping Hu and his next plan, all of which were known by Shen Mo.

Silence also started the plan against Di Shitian.

A game between the thousand-year-old foxes has begun.

As for who will win this game in the end, it depends on who is more skilled.

Church, recruiting office.

Today's church recruitment office is bustling like never before, and there is an endless stream of people from all over the world to sign up.

Because the recruitment conditions of the Holy Church are completely different from those of other sects, all forces, powerful figures from all over the world, and even ordinary people will spare no effort to send their children here.

When recruiting disciples in the Holy Church, one doesn't ask about their backgrounds, and the other doesn't ask about their origins. As long as they are qualified teenagers of the right age, they are eligible to participate in the recruitment. After passing the review of the examiners, they can become members of the Holy Church.

And joining the church is just the beginning.

The newcomers after that have professional teachers to teach them, from martial arts, culture, basic qualities, etc., it can be said to be all-encompassing, blending ancient and modern.

As long as you successfully graduate from the Holy Church College, you can become the Lord of the Holy Church and take control of one side of the power.

Therefore, the people of all parties can be said to have cut their heads and wanted to let their children enter the church.

That is something more glorious than high school.

Nowadays, in the eyes of people in the Jianghu, the holy hall is the largest martial arts sect in the Central Plains, and it is also the leader of the Central Plains.

The disciples who can be trained by the holy hall, that is the rhythm of a carp jumping over the dragon gate, reborn, and transformed into a dragon of the nine heavens!

Sign up!Must sign up!
Even those who don't meet the recruitment conditions still come to the recruitment office with a fluke mentality to try their luck.

This brought a huge workload to the recruitment of the three hall masters of Fengyunduan. Even though they had prepared the venue and trained the relevant personnel a month in advance, they still could not stand up to such a situation.

Bu Jingyun, who is known as the god of death who does not cry, has a big head. If you let him go to the battlefield to kill the enemy, it is just a matter of one palm or two palms, but if you let him recruit new people, it is really embarrassing for him.

Fortunately, Bu Jingyun has a capable deputy hall master, who shoulders the burden of recruiting Feiyun hall.

Even so, there were some surprises on the field.

For example, there was a spirited young man over twenty who pretended to be a young man and came to apply for the job, and lied about the information, causing Bu Jingyun to be furious, and he was sent flying with a cloud-dispelling palm.

There were also some youngsters with mediocre aptitude and poor bones who wanted to come in to try their luck. Duanlang tortured them severely, but selected a few of them with excellent willpower, which caused a burst of embarrassment.

In short, the recruitment of the Holy Church has been very rewarding. These newcomers will become the mainstay of the Holy Church in the future.

At this moment, a wandering businessman walked in with a young man.

The two looked at the long queue, and the old man couldn't help frowning. Although he, Di Shitian, had an endless lifespan, he couldn't stand others wasting his time the most.

So, Di Shitian stepped forward, leaped over the long queue, and led the young man straight to the recruiting office.

Naturally, people along the way were blocked, but they were easily dismissed by Di Shitian. How could these ordinary saints stop the thousand-year-old Gou Di Shitian.

Soon, the commotion caused by Di Shitian became bigger and bigger, so much so that it attracted Bu Jingyun's attention.

Nie Feng: "Someone broke into the recruitment office!"

Duanlang: "Is there such a person these days?"

Bu Jingyun: "Let me meet him."

hum!The sea of ​​clouds is churning!

Once the cloud-dispelling palm is released, it forms an endless wave of air that rolls straight towards Di Shitian.

Bu Jingyun, who had practiced Xuanwu God's Palm, had a very high attainment in palm technique. The seemingly ordinary Paiyun Palm already had a terrifying strength far surpassing that of the deity.

But with such a palm force, at the moment when he was about to hit Di Shitian, he was easily dispelled by the opponent, and the palm force of Paiyun Palm was pushed back again by using the same way to return to him.

Bu Jingyun was shocked, and immediately realized that the person making trouble this time was not an ordinary opponent, so he immediately used his skills and used the Xuanwu Divine Palm.

Take control of the universe!

Between heaven and earth, clouds surged.

Although Xuanwu Divine Palm defuses Di Shitian's attack, it exposes Bu Jingyun's true strength and hole cards.

This Xuanwu Divine Palm is one of the top ten martial arts created by Wu Wudi. Di Shitian originally thought that the top ten martial arts had been buried in the loess with Wu Wudi's death.

Now it seems that this method is not only preserved in the world, but also learned by others.

No wonder!No wonder!Bu Jingyun's son will choose to betray Xiongba. It turns out that this temple has the inheritance of Wu Wudi.

But Di Shitian was puzzled again, since the temple has the inheritance of Wu Wudi, why didn't the master of the temple learn the top ten martial arts?
No, wait!

Di Shitian suddenly woke up. He had never seen Shen Mo make a move so far, and he only heard about Shen Mo's strength. Therefore, it is a mystery whether Shen Mo has mastered the top ten martial arts.

He, Di Shitian, must solve this mystery.

"The church is really a way of hospitality!"

Di Shitian sneered and questioned Bu Jingyun.

Where did Bu Jingyun argue with him, he knocked down the underestimation of the enemy, and was about to use the Xuanwu Divine Palm to save face, but was stopped by Nie Feng and continued.

"Senior, today is my church recruiting disciples, I don't know what you are talking about here."

Di Shitian took a look at Nie Feng, only to see that this child's divine eyes are transparent and his breath is long. He is really a good root. If he cultivates it a little, he will definitely be a dragon and a phoenix among people.

"Isn't this a coincidence? I came this time to send disciples to the temple."

After Di Shitian finished speaking, he pushed the young Lang Pinghu out.

Let's say that Pinghu's aptitude is good, and after being polished by Di Shitian himself, and nourished by elixirs, his aptitude background is nowhere in a million.

When Nie Feng came to Simin, he saw at a glance that Pinghu was a great talent, and he was eager to recruit him.

But at this moment, Duan Lang took the lead and said: "This son is destined to learn from the Blood Demon Hall, and he will be a newcomer to the Blood Demon Hall from today on."

Nie Feng:? ? ?
Duanlang: When you come to my blood demon hall, no matter what kind of person you are, you will become a ghost blood clan.

(End of this chapter)

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