Chapter 692

Nie Feng was a little surprised. Since Duanlang took charge of the Xuesha Hall, he rarely took the initiative to fight for anything.

But today, it was because of a young man with reasonable qualifications that he spoke, there must be something tricky,

Nie Feng was thoughtful, and immediately replied with a smile: "Since Junior Brother Duan is interested, let's follow Junior Brother to Xuesha Hall. Senior Brother Bu, do you have any opinions?"

Bu Jingyun has always been aloof from the world, so naturally he has no opinion.

The reason why Duanlang is so abnormal is not Duanlang's meaning, but the meaning of silence.

Shen Mo has been following Di Shitian and Ping Hu with the power of his mind and eyes, knowing that they are going to the recruitment office of the temple, he uses the power of blood to send a message to Duanlang in advance, asking him to accept Ping Hu, and use the power of the Nether Blood Clan to accept him as a double agent .

In this way, it can be used by me and monitor Di Shitian's every move.

That's right, since Pinghu was sent to the church as Di Shitian's spy, then Pinghu will definitely have contacts and exchange information with Di Shitian in the next period of time.

This is Di Shitian's conspiracy, and it is also Shen Mo's trick. For the time being, it seems that Mo Mo is obviously superior.

But what is surprising is that Di Shitian didn't play his cards according to the routine at all.

Facing Duanlang's desire to recruit, Di Shitian waved his hand, shook his head and said with a smile, "The disciple I'm talking about is not my Sun Pinghu, but myself."

What? !

Such a change made Nie Feng, Bu Jingyun, Duanlang, and even Silence, who was silently watching the screen in a dark corner, stunned for a moment, which was really unexpected.

Which game is Di Shitian playing here!Bringing Pinghu here, it took so much effort, but it was to ask for a place for himself, not for Pinghu.

It's like taking your son to an interview, but the daughter-in-law is spotted by the director. You say it's not a surprise.

Nie Feng reacted sharply, and replied with a smile: "Senior, you may have misunderstood, my church recruits only boys."

Di Shitian: "I am a boy!"

Nie Feng: ()
Bu Jingyun:····
Duanlang: Are you kidding? Who is this boy?
Di Shitian explained: "I think he is pitiful and has good qualifications, so I adopted him as a grandson. In fact, the old man is still a boy now."

Hiding in a dark corner, silently peeping at the silence of the screen: "What a Di Shitian, what a stinky and shameless man!"

Di Shitian has practiced for thousands of years. During these thousands of years, he has been the leader of the martial arts, the supreme being in the world, and... anyway, he has been everything he can be. How could he be a boy.

If it is really a boy, then who is Wuming's descendant?

Therefore, when Di Shitian said this, he was just relying on the old to sell the old, and making a fool of himself.

Mo Mo couldn't help thinking, why did Di Shitian want to join the Holy Church so much, just to break into the enemy's interior and get information.

Don't spend so much money!

Is it...

Shen Mo quickly thought of the answer, there is only one truth, and that is the top ten martial arts!
Di Shitian originally wanted Pinghu to join the Holy Church, and through Pinghu to investigate the information of the Holy Church, to achieve the purpose of knowing himself and the enemy.

But just now, Di Shitian fought against Bu Jingyun, saw Bu Jingyun's basalt palm, and knew that there was Wu Wudi's top ten martial arts inheritance in the temple.

Di Shitian immediately adjusted his plan and prepared to join the holy hall in person. No matter what the price was, even if he pulled a thousand-year-old face and admitted that he was the god of boys, it would not be an exaggeration.

Facing such shameless behavior.

The corner of Shen Mo's mouth raised slightly, and gradually became crazy.

Since you want to play, let's have fun with you.

hum!Silent transmission to Duanlang, let him act according to his plan.

Hence, Duanlang asked: "Senior, even if you are indeed a child, but at your current age, there is no possibility of going any further. Even if you join the Holy Church, there will be no result."

Duanlang's words are very clear, that is, Di Shitian is old, and the old one has no potential.

It's better to give up as soon as possible, find a place to spend your old age in peace, don't mess around.

But Di Shitian is not a person who gives up easily, he immediately said seriously: "I am not looking for a result when I join the church, but the process is more important. Son, take care of the elderly, plant flowers...Of course, the old man does not stay in your temple for nothing, these years, the old man has traveled all over the world, learned the method of alchemy, and can refine pills for the holy hall."

Oh hoo!

Nie Feng, Bu Jingyun, and Duanlang all had bright eyes.

Whether there are alchemists in Fengyun World, of course there are, and there are not a few of them.

This point can be known from many details, but the profession of alchemist is not particularly highlighted in Fengyun TV series.

But this does not mean that alchemists are not important, on the contrary, an excellent alchemist is very important.

for example.

The blood bodhi in Lingyun Grotto is a good medicine for strengthening one's power and recovering from injuries. Although the effect is good if taken directly, if the pill is refined, the effect will be completely different.

Here, the alchemist is the most important thing.

Under normal circumstances, alchemists are independent, very arrogant, and rarely attached to other forces.

But like Di Shitian, in his old age, it is indeed reasonable to want to find a place to stay, and then join the prosperous temple.

Therefore, Nie Feng and Bu Jingyun were moved, and Duan Lang was also moved.

Although Duanlang knew that Di Shitian was a spy who wanted to break into our army, a capable spy would be useful.

Well, the problem is coming.

To accept, or not to accept!

receive!Why not charge!
Since Di Shitian has performed to such an extent, Mo Mo must of course cooperate with his performance and sing the play to the end.

Only in this way can Di Shitian get stuck in it, unable to extricate himself, and in the end he doesn't even know how to die.

Duanlang was instructed by silence, and quickly bowed and replied: "Duanlang of the Blood Fiend Church, congratulations to senior for joining the holy hall, I don't know how to call senior."

"Xu Fu!"

Duanlang was stunned for a moment, raised his eyebrows, secretly said that Di Shitian didn't even intend to change his name, but this is also understandable, after all, who would have thought that the Xu Fu in front of him was the Xu Fu who was Emperor Qin thousands of years ago.

"Master Xu, then follow me!"

Duan Lang said while talking: "Since you have joined the holy hall, then, your grandson Pinghu, who is also a member of my holy hall, why not let him join my blood evil hall, I will never treat him badly. "

Di Shitian smiled slightly, and said proudly: "That's natural, it is Pinghu's blessing to be able to join the Xueshatang."

Several people looked at each other and smiled, as if they had met each other and hated being late.

But anyone who knows the truth knows that there is no so-called sincerity in this smile, and there are only routines.

With the episode of Di Shitian over, the recruitment of the church is still going on, and it is expected to end in two days.

This period of time is the time for Shen Mo to prepare a big meal for Di Shitian.

In order to take care of this thousand-year-old dog, Mo Mo absolutely opened a branch hall for Di Shitian, called the Spirit Medicine Hall.

The Lingyao hall is dedicated to Di Shitian's refining of elixir, and at the same time, he has prepared a lot of refining boys, medicinal boys and so on.

In this way, Di Shitian should be happy!

However, Di Shitian was not happy at all.

Why?Because silence is so insignificant.

Although Di Shitian is really stinky and shameless, compared with silence, there is still a distance.

Di Shitian looked at the Elixir Hall twenty miles away from the headquarters of the Holy Church, and the group of boys who were obviously the watchers of the Holy Church, and the guards who were obviously preventing him from escaping.

Di Shitian realized that he had acted before.

The lord of the holy hall is silent, he believed it to be true, and imprisoned Di Shitian as a real alchemist!
However, in Di Shitian's view, it is reasonable for Mo Mo to do this.

It would be extremely dangerous for foreign alchemists to guard against them and cause trouble.

From another perspective, Di Shitian saw Shen Mo's caution and tolerance from this, combined with the previous tiger bone pasting incident, he looked down on Mo Mo even more.

Di Shitian was reclining on the wooden rattan chair, basking in the sun while drinking tea, muttering leisurely and contentedly in a low voice: "My acting skills are getting more and more refined!"

Thousand-year-old Gou, playing himself, master of drama, Di Shitian, Xu Fu, feels better about himself.

And he never expected that at the same time, Duan Lang had already used the Nether Blood to transform Pinghu into a Nether Blood Race in the Blood Fiend Hall.

Di Shitian's Tianxin Jue is nothing compared to Nether Blood's bloodline control.

In an instant, Pinghu became a spy of the temple who broke into Di Shitian's side. On the one hand, he reported the information of the temple to Di Shitian, and on the other hand, he monitored Di Shitian's movements.

It can be described as the Fengyun version of Infernal Affairs.

As for Shen Mo who planned all this, he sat silently on the throne at the headquarters of the church, waiting for the time to close the net.

Before closing the net, Shen Mo felt that he had to perform the play to the extreme.

So, three days later, Mo Mo went to the Spirit Medicine Hall alone.

Mo Mo went through layers of guards, and when he came to the elixir room of the Spirit Medicine Hall, Di Shitian was refining the elixir he needed recently.

Because the recruitment of the temple is over, the newly recruited newcomers are about to start martial arts practice, so there is an urgent need for a batch of high-quality elixir to strengthen the foundation and cultivate the essence.

Originally, these elixirs would cost a lot of money to buy, but now they fell on Di Shitian's shoulders.

Alchemy and medicine, isn't that the reason why Di Shitian was recruited into the holy hall?

Mo Mo looked at Di Shitian, who was so busy in the elixir pharmacy, that he was in full swing, and felt inexplicably happy in his heart.

It's like your enemy not only doesn't beat you, but also helps you fight the country. Can you be unhappy?

About an hour later, this batch of pill refining was completed.

Di Shitian finally had a chance to rest. He was just about to walk out of the pharmacy when he saw Silence lying on his wooden rattan chair.

When acquaintances meet, naturally there is a burst of sighing.

Kidney Deficiency Son!

This is the nickname Di Shitian gave to Shen Mo when he was pretending to be a businessman. Although he knew the true identity of Mo Mo, Xu Fu from the Spirit Medicine Hall did not know it!
Hearing this title, Shen Mo twitched the corner of his mouth slightly, pretending to be embarrassed, and said with a smile: "Master Xu, have you seen me?"

Xu Fu was taken aback for a moment, then understood, and said with a smile, "This is the first time you and I have met."

Silence: "Hall Master Xu, a master of Danzhu, a giant in the alchemy world, really lives up to his reputation. I thank Hall Master Xu for the tens of thousands of people in the holy hall."

Xu Fu pretended, "I'm ashamed, ashamed, I just did what I should do."

The two exchanged pleasantries for a while, on the surface they were friendly, but inside they had their own secrets.

"I never thought that the Lord of the Holy Hall would be so young and promising."

"Hey, it's just a false name, it's all supported by the hall masters of all parties."

"That is also the leadership of the Lord of the Temple."

"Master Xu can really talk... Do you still have tiger bone stickers?"

Xu Fu:·····

"Yes, specially made for you!"

"Two extra stickers!"


Xu Fu looked at Shen Mo who was leaving with a big bag of tiger bone stickers, and looked down upon Mo Mo more and more in his heart. He only thought that Mo Mo could achieve such an achievement mainly because of the help of Feng Yun Duan and his three friends. Just a ruffian who only knows how to put plasters on.

As a result, Xu Fu set his sights on Fengyun Duan and the other three, he felt that the top ten martial arts must be on them, and even if they were not there, the three must know where it was.

"Find an opportunity and ask Pinghu to investigate and see if he can find the origin of the top ten martial arts."

Let's say Shen Mo left the elixir hall with the tiger bone paste, and threw the tiger bone paste away as soon as he turned the corner.

hey-hey!Silence, does he need this kind of thing?

Of course it is not necessary, the tiger bone stickers are just a deceptive behavior to confuse Di Shitian, the real purpose is to see what kind of murderous intention Di Shitian has.

After silent investigation, this special tiger bone paste has been added.

It is a colorless, odorless, slow poison, once applied it is inconspicuous, but if it is applied for a long time, it will attack the heart with poisonous gas, completely abolishing martial arts and becoming a useless person.

In this way, Di Shitian said that humans and animals were harmless, but in fact he had already started the murder against the church.

This thousand-year-old dog is not wasting time at all!
Of course, this is mainly due to Xu Fu's confidence in his poison. In his opinion, no one can see through his poison.

He never expected that Shen Mo had such a golden finger of systematic identification. The moment he got the tiger bone paste, he knew it contained poison.

Now that Di Shitian had already started to attack, how could Silence just wait for death.

It's time for him to act too.

What is silence going to do? !

Of course it's stealing!

Di Shitian joined the holy hall for the top ten martial arts, and he will definitely not leave the holy hall until he gets the top ten martial arts.

But silence is different, it is only a matter of minutes for him to leave.

Before Shen Mo asked Duan Lang to search for the location of Tianmen. According to very little information, Shen Mo knew that Tianmen was on a mountain, and there was a temple on the mountain. It seemed to be a temple, but it was actually Tianmen.

After more than a year of investigation, the location of Tianmen was finally locked.

At this moment, Shen Mo wanted to take down the entire Tianmen while Di Shitian was not there.

When Di Shitian came to his senses, the crystal at home was gone, and he still didn't know who stole it, how and when he stole it.

Are you angry?
Silence is not angry anyway, after Di Shitian finds out, he might explode in anger,

(End of this chapter)

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