The aura of a priest is infinite

Chapter 693 The Silent Plan

Chapter 693 The Silent Plan

Tianmen Mountain, located in the north of Tianshan Mountain, is often covered with ice, thousands of miles of snow country, and inaccessible.

But there is a small village at the foot of Tianmen Mountain, where a group of herdsmen live. They rely on the poor resources of the snow mountain to survive.

And such a day is not without hope. The local people know that there is a temple on Tianmen Mountain, and an old monk lives in the temple. The old monk is not an ordinary person, but a fairy-like figure. Although the old monk is over eighty years old, However, he is extremely healthy, and he often goes to the village to give alms. Every few years, he will select young people with Buddhist affinities to enter the temple and become a member of the temple.

And those chosen children can not only change their own destiny, but also become immortal figures like the old monk.

Therefore, when the spies from the Blood Fiend Hall inquired here, they immediately locked on that this was where the Heavenly Gate was located.

Tianmen is the gang founded by Di Shitian, and it can be said to be the most powerful gang in the situation. Among them are not only the sect master Di Shitian, but also god mothers like Luoxian, as well as Tiangang 36 changes, Disha 72 numbers, They are all top masters in the arena.

Take out any one casually, and they all have the strength to compete with Fengyun. Such a power is not an existence that ordinary people can imagine.

And because of Di Shitiangou's sect rules, these powerful Tianmen people do not appear in the Jianghu, but mostly hide in one side, without the call of the sect master, they are generally not born.

There are not many gatekeepers stationed in Tianmen all year round. Generally speaking, they are the Tiangang 36 variables headed by the goddess Luoxian.

This information was not obtained by the Xueshatang, but by Shen Mo himself who felt at the foot of the Tianmen and used the power of his mind to detect it.

According to Silence's speculation, it is almost impossible for him to destroy Tianshan alone without letting the news of Tianmen's destruction pass to Di Shitian.

No matter how strong Mo Mo is, it is impossible to block 37 with one, and these 37 are all top masters, each with their own means.

Fortunately, except for the Goddess Luoxian, the other 36 transformations of Tiangang are sealed in the ice crystal by the Sacred Heart Art. If there are no special circumstances, or if they are attacked, they will never wake up.

That's right, the Tiangang 36 masters are not contemporary heroes, but the masters that Di Shitian has been looking for for thousands of years. After they join Tianmen, they will be sealed by Di Shitian with the Sacred Heart Art to obtain eternal life.

Only Na Luoxian was lucky enough to receive a part of the Sacred Heart Art taught by Di Shitian, and possessed a vitality far exceeding that of ordinary people.

Of course, apart from the Godmother Luoxian and Tiangang 36 Changes, Shen Mo also found an acquaintance.


Xiongba, who was rescued by Di Shitian in the first floor of the world, is currently cultivating in Tianmen.

For more than a year, no matter how the outside world changes, Xiong Ba doesn't care about world affairs, and concentrates on cultivation, and he is bound to raise his own power to the realm of transformation.

It's not Xiongba's fault, who let Xiongba see the horror of Di Shitian.

Originally, Xiongba thought that his martial arts could already be alone in the world, and he had few opponents, but when he knew Tianmen and Di Shitian, he began to doubt life.

In Tianmen, his domineering strength is not even considered as Disha 72, he can only be regarded as a low-level younger brother.

Therefore, Xiong Domineering's practice not only cultivated the three-pointed finger to a very high level, but also because of his extremely high talent, he was fortunate to be appreciated by Di Shitian and obtained a part of the inheritance of the Sacred Heart Art. The trend of cents being higher and lower.

The reason why Di Shitian helped Xiongba so much was not only because of his kindness, but mainly because he wanted to use Xiongba to deal with the Holy Church.

The collapse of Tianxiahui seems to be due to the sword master Dugujian's Wushuang City, but in fact it is due to the defeat of Xiongba and the theft of Cuilan Pavilion.

That day when Shen Mo stole the treasures of the Cui Lan Pavilion, he thought that no one knew about it, but he never expected that Di Shitian saw all of this and told Xiong Ba about it.

As a result, not only the sword master Dugu Jian, but also the names of Silence and Sanctuary are on Xiongba's revenge list.

As the former owner of Tianxiahui, the enemy of the Holy Church and Wushuang City, Di Shitian has reason to cultivate Xiongba, even if he can't stop everything, he can use it as a tool to deal with the enemy.

Back to business.

At the foot of Tianmen Mountain, Mo Mo distributed the candies in the Sen Luo Vientiane Ring to the children who came to Weng Yong.

These children live in the country of snow mountains all year round, and they rarely see outsiders a few times a year, let alone eat candy once.

Therefore, whenever outsiders came to Tianmen Mountain, they would be surrounded by children, and Silence was no exception.

After distributing the candies, the head of the village dared to come after hearing the news and asked Silence why he came.

Dressed up as a wandering businessman, Shen Mo patted the big cloth bag on his back as if Emperor Shitian possessed him, and said in the indigenous dialect of Tianmen Mountain, "Would you like to exchange the goods? There is everything here."

Although Tianmen Village seldom interacts with outsiders, it is very welcoming to wandering merchants, because wandering merchants have the precious supplies they need.

"Yes, yes, do you have any salt here!" Surrounded by the villagers, the village head became the microphone of everyone.

"Salt is naturally there."

As soon as Mo Mo thought about it, he took out a pack of iodized fine salt, which is the kind that costs a dollar a pack in the supermarket, because Mo Mo was worried that he would encounter a task similar to the underworld again, so he stored a large amount of salt in the Sen Luo Wan Xiang Ring. Salt is naturally one of the essential condiments.

The village chief looked at the bag of fine salt that Shen Mo took out, and was taken aback for a moment, then quickly shook his head and said, "No, no, this fine salt is too expensive, we can't afford to change it, do you have coarse salt, it's cheaper. "

The corner of Shen Mo's mouth twitched slightly, almost forgetting that fine salt in this era is very precious. This is the first time I have seen such fine salt.

Shen Mo frowned, he didn't have coarse salt in his hand, it was just bags of fine salt, and he didn't come here for business, he just borrowed his identity.

But in order to make the role more substantial, Shen Mo had to continue acting.

"I don't have any coarse salt, but I can exchange these fine salts for you at the price of coarse salt plus [-]%."

The village chief was taken aback. This is a huge discount. The wandering merchants only come twice a year, and each time they try to lower the price as much as possible. How can there be such a generous merchant.

Shen Mo then explained: "Recently, the demand for medicinal materials is very high, otherwise I would not give you such a price. Moreover, the technology of salt production has improved, and this fine salt will not be worth much in the future."

The village head suddenly realized that there was a lot of fine salt and the price had come down, no wonder.

With no worries, the village head naturally took out all the precious medicinal materials in the village and exchanged fine salt with Silence.

After half a year of exchange, the fine salt, pepper, aniseed, cumin, and some daily necessities in the Sen Luo Vientiane Ring were replaced.

Silence naturally also harvested a large amount of precious medicinal materials.

The reason why Di Shitian set up Tianmen on Tianmen Mountain was not only because of the remote location of Tianmen Mountain, but more importantly, it was rich in various medicinal materials, each of which was priceless and extremely useful.

These herdsmen who rely on the mountains and eat the mountains are hard-working old cows, picking all kinds of elixir and precious materials for Tianmen, and the harvest in the past six months has become a silent harvest.

Looking at the precious medicinal materials piled up on the small cart in front of him, Mo Mo was overjoyed. He only used condiments that cost less than a few hundred yuan, and he got precious medicinal materials worth hundreds of millions. This business was so violent that it exploded ah!
Shen Mo used the big cloth bag as a cover, put the medicinal materials into his Omni-Cause Ring, and then said to the village chief: "Village chief, these medicinal materials are not enough, do you have any more?"

"No! No! Half a year's harvest is here!"

Silence: "I still have something to exchange with you!"

I saw Shen Mo flicked his wrist, and took out a box of Kang Shuaifu instant noodles from the big cloth bag, and then his expression gradually became crazy, even abnormal.

Instant noodles, is it fragrant? !

Naturally, it is extremely fragrant. It is not only convenient to eat, but also contains necessary condiments, noodle cakes, vegetable packets, and sauce packets, which can be said to meet a person's normal caloric needs.

Instant noodles were originally used as military rations, and the subsequent large-scale popularization and civilian use made the taste of instant noodles more diverse.

Therefore, instant noodles of various flavors are stocked in the silent omnipresent ring.

At this moment, it has become the reason why the villagers are crazy about it.

Silence is to rely on these instant noodles to exchange a batch of medicinal materials with the villagers.

If you buy now and exchange now, you will never be deceived.

"Changerlang (walking merchant) what are you?"

Silently, without explaining, pretending to be a gesture, he walked to the wood-fired stove, poured a bowl of hot water from the floor kettle hanging on the stove, and soaked the noodles on the spot.

To be honest, Shen Mo came all the way with the shrinking talisman, and really didn't eat very well. After arriving, he was busy trading with the herdsmen, and naturally he didn't eat a single drop.

At this time, the instant noodles in my hands are more delicious than abalone sea cucumber and shark fin vermicelli.

As the hot water poured into the noodles, the seasoning was reopened, and a strange fragrance was spread on the noodles. The herdsmen who watched them pointed their eyes. Their land is very barren, and they can't get wheat at all. The staple food they usually eat is a kind of wheat that grows underground. A root vegetable, somewhat like a sweet potato, but with a slightly bitterer taste.

The herdsmen grind this plant into powder and use it as flour, adding wild goats and the like that they hunted, it is also a flavor.

But who has smelled such a treasure.

In the eyes of the ancients, instant noodles are definitely the best food.

While eating silently, he watched the herdsmen's reactions. Under the temptation of the aroma, they gradually became crazy.

This small package not only fills the stomach, but also contains condiments such as fine salt and chili oil to enhance the flavor. It is definitely the first choice of herdsmen.

Coupled with the rules set by Shen Mo, as long as there are medicinal materials, you can change noodles, bag by bag, box by box, everything is fine.

The herdsmen became crazy all of a sudden, and all the herdsmen who could go up the mountain to collect herbs took up baskets and went up the mountain to collect herbs.

Watching the mighty herdsmen disappear into the white snow, Shen Mo's expression was as usual, as if he was quietly waiting for something.

Could it be that Shen Mo really wanted to exchange medicinal materials with the herdsmen? !
These medicinal materials are indeed precious. They can breed divine beasts such as dragons, phoenixes, and unicorns. There are many treasures in the world of wind and cloud.

But just based on this, it is not worth silently spending a lot of trouble to provoke the herdsmen to collect herbs for him.

There is a more important reason for Silence to act as it does.

He wanted the people of Tianmen to notice this place, notice the unusualness of the herdsmen, and then send a gatekeeper to check it out.

Although Mo Mo is not 100% sure to destroy Luoxian, the Goddess of Tianmen, and Tiangang 36 Changes, he can definitely take down one person easily, and use the blood of the Nether to turn him into his own.

Then, under the cooperation of the inside and the outside, and then disintegrating the Tianmen, the difficulty will be much, much smaller.

This is Silent's plan, and it is also the reason why the herdsmen are bewitched to go to the mountains to collect herbs by using fine salt and instant noodles.

And everything was as expected by Silence, as the herdsmen swarmed up the mountain, the abbot of the temple at the outpost of Tianmen immediately noticed the abnormality.

Although these herdsmen often go to the mountains to collect herbs, they are also disciplined and particular. When will they be as crazy as they are today.

The presiding officer of the temple, Na Tuo Tian, ​​stretched out his body, looking for a herdsman to inquire about the situation. After some conversation, Na Tuo Tian smelled something different.

Na Tuo Tian frowned, his face was gloomy, and he realized that things were far from simple, and there was probably something wrong with the wandering businessman.

Ever since, that Tuotian hid his breath and went straight to the village at the foot of Tianmen Mountain, he wanted to take a look at the opponent's heels first.

Let's say that Shen Mo was waiting in the village, so he was naturally investigating with the power of mind and eyes at all times. As soon as Na Tuotian stepped into the scope of investigation, Mo Mo had a clear insight.

Before Na Tuo Tian could react, Shen Mo dropped an inch-shrinking talisman beside him, and was baptized with holy light, making Na Tuo Tian faint.

That's right, that lump of sky was stunned by the Holy Light.

Shen Mo recently discovered that if the healing effect of the holy light is controlled delicately, it only needs to act on the human glands to instantly lose combat effectiveness. This is not a coma, but a large amount of hormones emitted by the glands, making people It's so cool that I can't extricate myself.

Silence named it Holy Light Horse Killing Chicken.

Kill the chicken with one shot, and fly directly into the sky.

Of course, there is a price to be paid for killing chickens by the holy light horse. While being killed by the horse, Na Tuo Tian also won the blood transformation of the Nether Blood Ancestor. In just 10 minutes, that Tuo Tian was no longer that Tuo Tian. up.

He is Silent's most loyal subordinate.

Through the memory of that lump of sky, Shen Mo knows the restriction and weakness of Tianmen,

Mo Mo first let the Tuo Tian use the herdsmen's chaos as an excuse to open the Tianmen first and lure the goddess Luo Xian away, and then Shen Mo sneaked into the Tianmen and injected them with ghost blood before Tiangang 36 Transformation was awakened.

In this way, Silence can pull out the foundation of Tianmen without wasting effort.

As for the Disha 72, according to what Na Tuotian said, Di Shitian had liberated the 72 not long ago, allowing them to sneak into the martial arts world and plan something important.

Silence naturally knows what a big deal it is, and it must be a matter of the church.

Di Shitian seems to come alone, but in fact he has already laid down 72 flowers, waiting for the opportunity to move without attracting attention.

What a thousand-year-old fox, it's a pity that his opponent this time is Silence.

Di Shitian didn't know at all that his family was almost gone in Leshan Dacheng.

(End of this chapter)

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