Holy Dragon Soul Emperor

Chapter 103 Self-Awakening, Mandala Demon Flower!

Chapter 103 Self-Awakening, Mandala Demon Flower!
Everyone could easily see that Lin Chen was at the end of his battle at this moment.

"Hey, what a funny kid, did you use a power that doesn't belong to you? No matter what, Yi'er's revenge must be avenged!"

The Qinglian Throne rotated and flew towards Lin Chen. Song Qing felt a little pity for his talents. No matter what, he could be called an absolute arrogance to be able to achieve such a level under such circumstances.

Instantly killing an extraordinary third-level powerhouse, and forcing an extraordinary ninth-level powerhouse to use all means to escape, and even almost destroyed the entire Pingshan City, Lin Chen like this is definitely worthy of attention.

However, as Song Qing said, Yan Yi's revenge must be avenged, so he took action.

A sword sound resounded throughout the room, and the Qingfeng in his hand pointed at Lin Chen. The astonishing sword energy made Lin Chen's whole body shudder.

Shaking his head, Lin Chen understood that he was doomed. The power of Fan Zhenhao's palm had been exhausted, and even if he was given such a power at this moment, he would never be able to use it successfully.

Similarly, Yang Shouyang and Yang Yong were also flying fast. Lin Chen belonged to Ling Tianfu, and the relationship between Ling Tianfu and his Qing Mingzong was definitely not a friend, but an enemy of life and death. full strength.

The lion fought the rabbit with all its strength, not to mention, after the terrible scene just now, even though Lin Chen was so weak that he couldn't even move a finger, none of the people present dared to despise him in the slightest.


"Young Master Lin, retreat quickly!"

Mu Yi and Jin Ze are the only two extraordinary powers on Lin Chen's side, and they are both star soul masters, but at this moment, compared with their opponents, they are a bit inferior.

Even if one person blocks an extraordinary powerhouse, it is still not enough.

At the back, Song Buping struggled to go forward, but he was powerless. Everyone in Lingtian Mansion was also seriously injured under the impact of the corpses before. Many elders were killed or injured. In addition, Song Tiancheng was seriously injured, Yuan Teng's injuries did not recover, and the situation was bleak.

Wang Yuqing's Adam's apple twitched, and he wanted to say something, but in the end, he could only remain silent.

He never liked Lin Chen, but at this moment he had to admit that this young man was extraordinary, a demeanor that he could never match.

"Brother Lin Chen..." Li Lianyu had already burst into tears, and clear tears flowed from her big eyes, pear blossoms drizzled with rain. She hated herself for being incompetent and unable to help Lin Chen at this time.

The power in the body became more and more turbulent, and it seemed that it only needed a chance to break out of the embankment.

Linley and Han Mei were also full of despair. They looked at the figure of a young man. No matter how powerful Lin Chen was, in their eyes, he was only their son and needed their protection.

His face was pale, no matter how unwilling Lin Chen was, he was powerless, the sword that bore the brunt was enough to split him in two, and Mu Yi and Jin Ze hadn't arrived in time.

At this moment, all eyes in Pingshan City are completely focused on Lin Chen. Is what awaits him a bigger miracle, or is it a dismal ending?

And at this moment, a change that no one expected suddenly happened.

Where everyone in Ling Tian Mansion was, where Linley and Han Mei were, there was suddenly an unbearable astonishing scorching heat that shot up into the sky, and a thick crimson pillar of fire enveloped them directly in the circle. !
A violent roar reverberated vaguely, followed by an extremely ferocious cry, from far to near.

"Hahahahaha, Lin Chen, you are finally going to die. How about it? Before you die, you have to see your parents die. How does it feel? This is what you will end up with when you fight against me, so despair to your heart's content! "

summer! ! !

The almost hysterical voice, with a terrifying hatred, reached everyone's ears. It is conceivable how much Lin Chen hated Lin Chen this summer.

Originally, he only needed to watch Lin Chen die, but he was unwilling to die like this. It was too cheap for Lin Chen. What he wanted was to let Lin Chen suffer endless pain and die in torture!
Under the current situation, it was obviously impossible, so Xia Tian chose to take action against Lin Chen's relatives, so that Lin Chen could see the death of his parents with his own eyes when he was dying.

Although it is non-poisonous and not a husband, but Xia Tian's action is really detrimental to the morality. Warriors are not as good as their families in fighting each other. Now that he has done such a thing, his despicable behavior can be seen.

Lin Chen's eyes were about to burst, and even though he had lost the slightest bit of strength in his body, he still had a murderous aura rushing out.

Exerting the power of this flame, Xia Tian also fled towards the distance at high speed. Now he is not the opponent of Mu Yi and Jin Ze, and the quota of Pingshan City is not worth mentioning. With his super Martial Soul talent, he will not worry about not getting it future places.

It was too late for Mu Yi and Jin Ze to return, Song Buping was seriously injured, and none of the people present could protect Lin Lei and Han Mei.

Moreover, this flame is the fire of the fire unicorn. Given the mortal bodies of the two of them, I am afraid that they will definitely not be able to last a breath, and they will be burned to ashes.

The city lord Wei Zhong and Yan Lao from the Golden Wind Auction House wanted to help each other at this moment, but they were unable to turn back. However, to everyone's surprise, when a beautiful figure stepped into the pillar of fire without hesitation, Everyone was stunned.

Song Qing, Yang Shouyang, and Yang Yong all hesitated for a moment, some couldn't believe their eyes, because Li Lianyu took a step without hesitation and entered the pillar of fire!
This is definitely an act of sending someone to die, but before everyone could be surprised, suddenly there was a surge of wind and clouds!

The sky that had just exposed the white belly seemed to be dark again, with strong winds, and even the temperature of the flames dropped a bit abruptly, and the most weird thing was the miraculous fluctuations that came out from within the pillar of fire.

The dark red pillar of fire carries the high temperature of the unicorn flame, but at this moment, it reveals a somewhat bewitching purple from the center, with faintly magical lines surging, just one glance, it is fascinating!

At the same time, a soul-intimidating aroma escaped crazily, and the pillar of fire was slowly extinguished, revealing a scene that shocked everyone.

I saw a huge purple flower, shining with a magical aura, surrounded by purple air currents, carrying a strange fragrance and drifting with the wind, the densely packed petals slowly unfolded, each petal was the size of two palms, on it There is also a wonderful pattern of growth spread.

This purple flower that was as tall as two people appeared, and in an instant, everyone felt a little lost in their minds, staring at the flower, and fell into confusion.

And as the petals unfolded, a pure and beautiful figure appeared inside, the body trembling, and the pupils of the eyes still had a deep disbelief.

Lin Lei and Han Mei were lying in the center of the flower heart, and they both passed out. Lin Lei hugged Han Mei, his body was scorched black, and his breath was so weak that it was almost non-existent. Obviously, although Li Lianyu rescued him in time, But the middle-aged coachman still suffered an unimaginable blow.

hum. .

The space above Pingshan City also trembled at this moment, an extremely powerful fluctuation appeared, and even this turbulent vision was restrained, and then, the space broke open, and a beautiful figure in white stepped through Space appears.

The beautiful eyes looked at Li Lianyu, full of surprise, and the woman in white opened her red lips, but her voice was full of shock.

"Awakening on your own, the different martial soul Mandala demon flower!"

(End of this chapter)

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