Holy Dragon Soul Emperor

Chapter 104 I Want to Follow Brother Lin Chen

Chapter 104 I Want to Follow Brother Lin Chen
A different martial soul, awakened independently!

You must know that a different martial soul is comparable to a super martial soul, and it must be awakened by a person with amazing talent and beauty.

Like Mei Wu'er back then, she possessed the devil's wings of a different martial spirit, which also allowed her to fly at the tenth level of innate strength, and she was not afraid of Hao Yongqiang, who had just entered the extraordinary.

Also, in Xia's Manor, Xia Xinxuan awakened her super Martial Soul on her own when she was ten years old, and attracted a vision from the sky, so she was secretly accepted as a student by Xingnan College and granted Xingnan Token.

Different martial soul and self-awakening, both of which are hard to come by, but now, they appeared on Li Lianyu's body at the same time. This seemingly weak girl actually has such potential!

There was surprise in the beautiful eyes of the woman in white. She came to search for the treasure map of immortality, but there was no result. She had already broken through the space and planned to return to the temple. Unexpectedly, there was such a fluctuation that attracted her.

Whether it was the collapse of the mine, the appearance of the Holy Gate, or the battle in Pingshan City, she knew that after all, the realm of the king was beyond imagination, but none of these could distract her. not important.

But right now, Li Lianyu's self-awakened alien martial soul, Mandala Demon Flower, has completely attracted her.

I have been worrying about finding a successor, right now, isn't Li Lianyu the most suitable candidate!

Taking a step forward, the entire Pingshan City was locked in by an unimaginably powerful air force, and the attack of the three of Song and Qing in the air was difficult to advance.

Glancing at Lin Chen, she seemed to have noticed something. The woman also found out that this young man should have obtained the inheritance of Sen Luo Demon Venerable. Back then, the power of Sen Luo Temple was not weaker than that of the Holy Temple, but it ended in a dismal end. .

She didn't care about it, because, in her eyes, it was impossible for Lin Chen to reproduce the scene where the Sen Luo Temple dominated the world. It wasn't that she looked down on Lin Chen, but that it was difficult to reach the sky.

The current Lin Chen is just a kid who has just broken into the innate realm. Back then, there were millions of lions in the Senluo Temple, enough to wipe out the continent. How could Lin Chen be compared by himself?
Without paying too much attention to the royal woman, Lin Chen looked anxiously at the huge mandala demon flower, and black flames rose from the depths of his pupils.

Xia Tian's move can be regarded as completely arousing the violent demonic nature and killing intent in Lin Chen's heart. He has decided to refine Xia Tian into a puppet of Sen Luo and let him suffer endless pain!

As if he sensed Lin Chen's decision, the Mori Demon Monument in his dantian was also shining with light at this moment, as if catering to him, making that demonic nature penetrate more deeply.

Demon heart!

Before he knew it, Lin Chen had already planted a demonic heart, and he was faintly going to walk on Ye Tianchen's old path back then. If he killed people recklessly and turned others into puppets of the forest, what would be the difference from Ye Tianchen back then? Woolen cloth.

Especially when he saw the scorched black Linley in the center of the purple demon flower, his whole body trembled, and a black arrogance surged out.

In the distance, Xia Tian has already fled. At this moment, if the king woman is willing, she can still catch him, but it is obvious that this woman is here for Li Lianyu. Although Xia Tian has a super Martial Soul, but such a despicable People, women don't even bother to make a move.

"What's your name?"

Sure enough, her body fell from the sky and came directly in front of Li Lianyu, with gentle eyes, she asked directly.

"Senior, please save Uncle Lin Lei and Aunt Han Mei, I beg you, Lianyu." Clutching the corners of her clothes with both hands, Li Lianyu timidly looked at this beautiful woman, and pleaded.

"Lianyu, what a nice name." With a smile, the woman petted Li Lianyu's head, and immediately looked at Linley and Han Mei.

With her strength, it is natural to see the clue at a glance.

"The Burning Heart Pill has already burned the internal organs, but it is not fatal. The fire of the unicorn is truly terrifying, and it is enough to burn life. At the critical moment, the mandala demon flower awakens and blocks most of the damage. But these two Mortals are still being hit irreparably." Shaking her head, the woman said that there was nothing she could do.

His complexion turned even paler, and Li Lianyu's big eyes were filled with tears, and he looked towards Lin Chen's direction, and his heart tightened.

Sure enough, when Lin Chen heard such words, he went crazy.

"Brother Lin Chen, there must be a way!" Li Lianyu called softly, trying to stop Lin Chen, but it was too late.

Even though he had lost the slightest bit of strength at this moment, Lin Chen still walked forward with great firmness. It was hard to imagine what kind of belief was supporting Lin Chen after exhausting all his strength.

Song Qing, Yang Shouyang and Yang Yong's attacks couldn't fall, and they were imprisoned tightly. They all looked at this woman in the realm of the king of the temple in shock, and they couldn't move their whole bodies.


The few strong men in the entire Great Yan Dynasty unexpectedly came to such a small place as Pingshan City.

Taking a step forward, a feeling of extreme weakness swept over his body like a tide. Lin Chen felt his world spinning and almost fainted, but an obsession in his heart supported him, and he must walk in front of his parents!
This scene is touching.

Especially with the woman's strength, it was easy to see Lin Chen's state at the moment, even with her status, she couldn't help being surprised.

She had clearly sensed the previous fluctuations. Apart from being surprised, she didn't have too much emotion. After all, she had seen too many geniuses, many of whom were better than Lin Chen.

But this perseverance is really worthy of respect.

Taking one step at a time, the young man walked across half of Pingshan City under everyone's shocking eyes, walked to the side of Li Lianyu with difficulty, and looked at the two figures in the center of the huge demon flower.

Han Mei was better, but Linley's aura was so weak that he could die at any moment.

His eyes were red, Lin Chen's whole body trembled, and he suppressed his breath so that he didn't pass out, but the damage to him was undoubtedly huge.

The coma is the body's self-instinctive protection. Lin Chen forced himself to stay awake. At this moment, his body was in pain like thousands of knives, and blood was dripping from the corner of his mouth.


Looking at the woman, Lin Chen opened his mouth, but was interrupted directly.

"I can't help it. These two people have burns inside and out. They must be suppressed by the coldest things, and then they can be rescued by finding the extremely gentle treasures of heaven and earth. Do you think you can get these things?" The woman's voice The coldness also made Lin Chen's heart fall to the bottom of the valley.

Ignore Lin Chen, and continue to look at Li Lianyu: "Lianyu, are you willing to go to the temple with me, your strange martial soul, only I can guide the cultivation, given time, it is not difficult to reach my current state. .”

The voice was not high, but it was like a heavy bomb, directly hitting everyone's hearts.

Reach the realm of kings?
Who dares to say that he can reach the king, even if Lin Chen is so stunning, he may not be able to grow to that level, but now, this woman is talking casually!

However, without waiting for everyone to be surprised, Li Lianyu's answer once again deeply shocked everyone, including the woman.

"No, I don't want to, I want to follow Brother Lin Chen!"

(End of this chapter)

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