Holy Dragon Soul Emperor

Chapter 106 Closing

Chapter 106 Closing
Leaving Lin Chen alone, he looked at Li Lianyu. King Qijin said in a cold voice, "How about it, are you willing to come with me now?"

The voice seemed gentle, but it contained a hint of threat.

Indeed, if King Vivian withdraws the protection of the Spring of Broken Body at this moment, I am afraid that Lin Lei and the two of them will die immediately. Helping Lin Chen use the Spring of Broken Body to save the lives of Lin Lei and Han Mei was originally for Li Lianyu and she goes.

Li Lianyu was not a stupid person, so he naturally understood the meaning of King Qijin's words, his big eyes were foggy, and he looked at Lin Chen.

Clenching his fists tightly, how could Lin Chen not understand?

It's just that, under such circumstances, he couldn't accept King Vivian's power to remove the Spring of Broken Body.

Then Li Lianyu could only let Li Lianyu leave with this guy. Although this might not be fair to Li Lianyu, Lin Chen had no choice.

"Pity words..."

It was difficult to speak, Lin Chen's voice was hoarse.

"Brother Lin Chen, needless to say, I understand pity. My uncle and aunt treat me like my own daughter, and I will never let them get hurt." The girl tried her best to smile, but it hurt Lin even more. dust.

If it wasn't for his own incompetence, how could such a result be caused?

"Thanks to King Qijin's great love, Lianyu is flattered, but before leaving, I hope King Qijin can promise Lianyu one thing."

In this short period of time, Li Lianyu turned into a different person. It was the first time that she, who looked weak and naive on the surface, showed many emotions hidden deep in her heart.

"These people want to take action against Brother Lin Chen, and they want to wash Pingshan City with blood. Please King Qijin take action and destroy them to ensure the safety of Brother Lin Chen. Otherwise, even if Lianyu dies, he will not leave here."

As soon as these words came out, Song Qing and the others suddenly tensed up all over.

With this method, if they really want to make a move, these so-called superpowers are definitely not enough for others!

"I quit, my apprentice fought with Lin Chen, and his skills were not as good as others, and he was beheaded, I am convinced!" Song Qing shouted immediately before King Qijin looked over.

Previously he kept saying that he must avenge his apprentice, but now, he immediately changed his words.

However, this is indeed a very wise decision.

Just imagine, Yan Yi is already dead, and people cannot be resurrected from death. If Lin Chen is alone, he can say anything, but now there is an extra king. If Song Qingzhen wants to fight King Qijin for this matter, that would be foolish. .

With Song Qing speaking, Yang Shouyang and Yang Shouyang also hurriedly followed: "Yes, yes, we also quit, and we promise not to embarrass little friend Lin Chen again. We have no enmity in the first place. Play, play..." Bowing his head and ears, Yang Shouyang said like a well-behaved watchdog.

The people of the Cui family in the distance were all terrified. Yes, the Cui family was enough to cover the sky in the Dayan Dynasty, but for other people's temples, the Dayan Dynasty was not even a fart!
"We won't make any more moves either!" Cui Ming said with a pale face.

So far, all the forces hostile to Lin Chen have chosen to give in!
This is the power of the king!

This once again made Lin Chen deeply aware of the naked law of the jungle. Whoever has the biggest fist is the last word. King Seven Violet didn't even make a move, just solving the inevitable situation for Lin Chen.

"No, let's kill them. We'll leave later. What if they go back on their word?" Li Lianyu's voice was crisp and clear, but to everyone's ears, it was like a death-killing magic voice.

For Li Lianyu, she didn't care how many people died, all she wanted was Lin Chen's safety!

Sighing lightly, King Viola was also a little helpless, the king had the pride of a king, and she disdained to deal with these extraordinary people, let alone deal with these ants in her eyes.

With a wave of the jade hand, a colorful jade tablet has fallen into Lin Chen's hands: "If they want to make a move and crush the jade tablet, the surrounding space will be sealed, and I will come right away."

As soon as these words came out, some of these guys' thoughts were completely extinguished immediately. With such amulets, they can be said to be really unable to deal with Lin Chen.

As for Li Lianyu, although he was not very satisfied, he could only do so. His eyes flickered, and he looked at Lin Chen. Before he could speak, tears were streaming down his face.

Lin Chen was also very complicated. Li Lianyu wanted to follow him, but due to the situation, he had to follow King Qijin to the so-called temple.

"Lian Yu, I will go find you."

Clenching his fists tightly, the current Lin Chen can only make such a promise. Although he knows how much blood and sweat will be contained in these words, there are some things that must be done, right? ?
People are alive, always have some things that have to be done, and some beliefs that cannot be given up!

Originally, he wanted to snort coldly, but when he saw the brilliance in the young man's eyes, a trace of surprise flashed in King Vichy's beautiful eyes, and the snort was stopped abruptly.

This Lin Chen seemed to be different from the geniuses she had seen before, as if there was something different about this young man.

"I hope what you said is not empty words. Although Xingnan College is strong, it is still a little short of the temple. You can do it yourself."

After saying these words, King Qijin didn't stay any longer, and with a swipe of his palm, Li Lianyu's body flew up uncontrollably and flew to her side. moved.

Even if it is a superpower, if they want to enter this space channel, they will be strangled to death!

Still looking at Lin Chen, Li Lianyu burst into tears as if bursting out of a bank, the girl Xiang couldn't help shrugging her shoulders, she was already sobbing involuntarily, this scene made people feel distressed.

Before, I was still thinking about how to go to Xingnan College with Lin Chen, but now, it is about to part, and the day of meeting is far away.

Crystal tears fell down and hit Lin Chen's cheeks, which were already icy cold. Seeing the two figures flashing into the space channel and completely disappearing, Lin Chen couldn't help feeling a sense of loss.

Unexpectedly, today's situation will be solved by Li Lianyu in the end.

Not only Lin Chen, but the entire Pingshan City was also protected from a catastrophe under the protection of Li Lianyu, which was unexpected by everyone.


Cui Ming gave the order to leave Pingshan City with the Cui family members. Even though the killing intent towards Lin Chen was boiling in his heart, he was powerless. Said that among them, there is no one in this group who can make a move.

Qinglian spun, Song Qing fled away without saying a word, Yang Shouyang and Yang Yong also had no face to stay any longer, and they also flew away from Pingshan City, but Yang Shouyang's gaze was obviously flickering when he looked at Lin Chen There was a hint of vicious murderous intent.

With Yang Shouyang's temperament, he would never let it go. His original intention was to destroy Lingtian Mansion and dominate Pingshan City, but all of this was disturbed by Lin Chen, and his killing intent towards Lin Chen became stronger and stronger.

Since you can't do it yourself, then, borrow a knife to kill someone!
(End of this chapter)

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