Holy Dragon Soul Emperor

Chapter 107 Departure, Tianyuan City!

Chapter 107 Departure, Tianyuan City!

When the space channel above the sky finally closed slowly, and no trace could be seen anymore, Lin Chen finally felt the tidal fatigue and pain coming from every part of his body, unbearable.

With a sigh in his heart, his eyes went dark, and he passed out directly.

And when he opened his eyes again, it was already seven days later.

The sunlight shone through the panes, making Lin Chen dazzled, as if he had had a long dream.

In seven days, with Lin Chen's foundation, he has almost recovered. When he got up, he could feel the explosive power in his body.

After this battle, although he was seriously overdrawn and injured, the power of Fan Zhenhao's palm can be said to have given Lin Chen a break and stand up. It was an earth-shaking change.

Whether it's muscles, bones, flesh, internal organs, or tendons, they are all several times stronger than before, and the vitality flows in the body, galloping and whistling.

If in the past, the energy in Lin Chen's body was like streams rushing, then now, it is at least like rivers.

The pupils of the eyes were bright, but there was a sense of maturity and vicissitudes that did not match his age. Lin Chen pushed the door and left the room.

As far as the eye could see, it was the Martial Arts Field of Lingtian Mansion. Looking around, the damage caused by the previous battle had almost been repaired, and one could vaguely hear that the entire Pingshan City was undergoing reconstruction work.

Lin Chen's palm almost destroyed the entire Pingshan City, and some people died in the destruction. However, no one blamed Lin Chen. After all, if it wasn't for him, the end of Pingshan City might be the same. It's really going to be bloodbathed.

"Little friend Lin Chen!"

Just when he appeared on the martial arts arena, he heard Song Buping's enthusiastic shout, and immediately afterwards, Mu Yi, Lao Wang, Yuan Teng and others also rushed over quickly.

And among the people's talk, Lin Chen also learned that after Li Lianyu left with King Qijin that day, all the forces also left, and no one dared to invade Pingshan City again.

In the past few days, the city has been undergoing reconstruction work, and it is almost restored now. It is worth mentioning that the ancient sword sect has been disbanded.

What happened that day had a great impact on Gu Han. In the end, he chose to leave. After the sect disbanded, some people left, and some stayed.

Among them is Wang Kaixun.

He rebuilt the sect, but this time, he directly used the name of the sin hall.

"Your parents are sealed by the Spring of Broken Body. There will be absolutely no problems within half a year. Lin Chen, all you have to do is to break through and get the sixth place in the Great Yan Dynasty!"

Patting Lin Chen on the shoulder, Song Buping said.

Although he understood that the burden on Lin Chen was already heavy, but the real strong would not be crushed. He believed that Lin Chen, this young man, was destined to be extraordinary.

Song Tiancheng had already been convinced by Lin Chen, and even Wang Yuqing was also convinced, not daring to show any dissatisfaction. Yuan Teng had almost recovered, and was also very happy to see Lin Chen.

After hearing the news, Jin Ze and Yan Lao from the Golden Wind Auction House both showed concern. For Jin Ze, Lin Chen was naturally very grateful.

Due to Xia Tian's escape, one of the quotas was vacant, and it fell on the head of He Xiao, the mad student of the City Lord's Mansion, and before going to the next selection site, there was not much time left in Yuan City's competition that day, only half a year away. month's time.

This also meant that Lin Chen was leaving Pingshan City.

After everyone left, Lin Chen followed Song Buping and came to a room. Before entering the door, he could feel the chill.

When he saw the two parents lying on the bed, wrapped in the transparent ice-blue spring of broken body, still looking scorched all over, even with Lin Chen's heart, he still couldn't control it.

With a sigh, Song Buping left the room, closed the door, and left it to Lin Chen.

Lin Chen stayed here for a day and a night.

No one knew what this young man had done and thought during this period of time, but when he walked out of the room, everyone felt that Lin Chen had undergone some changes.

It's hard to say, the way is unknown, but everyone can feel that Lin Chen at this moment is even more unfathomable.

Walking out of the room, a black shadow flew over, Xiao Yu fluttered her wings, and in a flash, she was already rubbing against Lin Chen affectionately.

With the help of the Golden Wind Auction House, the Xiantian inner alchemy and the century-old medicinal herbs were easily obtained, and Xiao Yu's injury was naturally cured. This guy's feathers exude a metallic luster, and his aura is actually very close to Xiantian.

"For ordinary monsters, it is very difficult to break through the shackles. The limit of the Wind Control Eagle is the eighth level. However, Xiaoyu is a bit special. For some reason, its bloodline seems to have the possibility of evolution. .” Song Buping said to Lin Chen.

Hearing this, Lin Chen looked at Xiaoyu, startled.


For Xiao Yu, Lin Chen has always regarded him as a partner and relative, otherwise he would not have clashed with Cui Yuan because of it. Lin Chen was also happy to learn that Xiao Yu might follow him all the way.

You must know that monsters that have grown to the realm of kings have the opportunity to transform into human form.

Although this is still too far away for Xiao Yu now, but how can I say this, there is still a chance, right?

Lin Chen has always believed that man will conquer nature, and as long as he persists in working hard, he will definitely achieve his goal. When he first started to practice, why did he ever think that he could destroy Chaofan by himself?

Feeling the ambition inadvertently revealed in the young man's eyes, Song Buping felt a long-extinguished blood in his heart, which seemed to be showing signs of boiling again. Thinking of Gu Han's departure, he felt that the small city of Pingshan was standing still. , I am afraid that I will not be able to achieve any achievements on the road of martial arts.

"Tianyuan City is about ten days away from here. This time, you, Tian Cheng, and that He Xiao are going there to participate in the next round of selection." Song Buping also attracted Lin Chen as he said. attention.

"Five people will be selected from Tianyuan City, and these five people will go to the Dayan Dynasty to compete for the extra spot. This is also the key to getting the thousand-year-old Tianshan lotus seed." Lin Chen clenched his fists suddenly when he heard this.

"The Great Yan Dynasty will select a total of six geniuses. They will go to Xingnan College and gather together with the top geniuses of the major dynasties to conduct the final test to decide who can enter, Xingnan College!"

Heavy selection!

I have to say that for Lin Chen and other low-level warriors, it is too difficult to enter Xingnan College. Thinking of Xia Xinxuan, she was recruited by others after she awakened herself. Lin Chen Smacking his lips, there is really no way to compare people in the dark way.

"It's not too late, I think let's go now." Lin Chen thought for a while, there was nothing else to do in Pingshan City, and it was time to leave.

Nodding his head, Song Buping also had a bright light in his eyes. He seemed to see a new star rising slowly. With Lin Chen's talent, it would be extremely dazzling wherever he went!
(End of this chapter)

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