Holy Dragon Soul Emperor

Chapter 108 Respectively and...Conspiracy!

Chapter 108 Separate and Conspiracy!

rustle. .

The bleak autumn wind was blowing the fallen leaves. A group of four people walked on a narrow path, with a wind-riding eagle hovering above their heads. Behind them was Pingshan City.

Lin Chen, Song Tiancheng, He Xiao, Mu Yi and Xiao Yu all headed towards the Yuan City that day for the next round of competition.

The city lords Wei Zhong, Song Buping, Yuan Teng, Lao Wang, Wang Yuqing, Song Wen, Yunfeimen, the people from the Crazy Sword Gate, Wang Kaixun, Jin Ze, Yanlao, etc., all looked from a distance, looking far away, feeling emotional in their hearts.

Before leaving, Lin Chen also visited them one by one. The city lord and Ling Tian's mansion both guaranteed the safety of Lin Chen's parents, and the Golden Wind Auction House gave Lin Chen [-] yuan. The essence of the ultimate spirit.

Lin Chen also promised that if he has enough strength in the future, there will be rewards.

There is no such thing as a free lunch in the world, and the Goldwind Auction is nothing more than seeing Lin Chen's potential. Lin Chen knows this very well. At the final farewell banquet, he also learned from Mu Yi that the Goldwind Auction matter.

It turned out that in the Dayan Dynasty, there was a huge chamber of commerce with a strong background called the Golden Wind Chamber of Commerce. These two people were assigned to this small place by the Goldwind Chamber of Commerce. They had a long-cherished wish, that is, to return to the Chamber of Commerce headquarters.

It has to be said that Lin Chen can indeed be regarded as a life-saving straw, and the two of them can be said to have put their chips on Lin Chen.

"Old Mu, let's start."

At night, the autumn wind was bleak, and there were dots of stars in the sky, Lin Chen spat out the straw stick in his mouth, and said casually.

Hearing this, Mu Yi's eyes lit up, and he rubbed his palms together, as if the person in front of him was not Lin Chen, but a beautiful woman who had taken off her clothes.

Mu Yi went to Tianyuan City with the three of them, not only to protect them, but more importantly, Mu Yi was not a member of the Dayan Dynasty, this time, he also wanted to go back.

Lin Chen once asked where Mu Yi belonged, but Mu Yi just shook his head without saying a word.

Along the way, what made Demuyi most exciting was that every night when Lin Chen was practicing as a star soul master, he could take the opportunity to experience the star-studded visions.

One must know that for any star soul master, this is a great opportunity that can only be encountered but not sought after. The phenomenon of stars dotted all over the sky contains the mysteries of the starry sky, making Mu Yi immersed in it, unable to extricate himself.

In the past few days, his cultivation has also improved rapidly, and some questions that he had been puzzled in the past have all been solved. Mu Yi is excited, he has already touched the threshold of a fourth-order star soul master.

You must know that the fourth-level star soul master is equivalent to the king state among warriors. Looking at the entire Dayan Dynasty, there are only a handful of existences.

Sitting cross-legged on the ground, Lin Chen closed his eyes, and performed the method of returning to the unity of heaven and earth. Stars flickered between his eyebrows, and the sea of ​​stars was already spinning. Get in touch.

This scene also made Song Tiancheng and He Xiao secretly dumbfounded. Lin Chen's ability to have such strength is not accidental. As long as he has time during the day, he will cultivate Yuanli, and at night, he will practice Star Soul non-stop The power of the teacher.

They only saw Lin Chen's glamorous side, and now they realize that there is no free strength in the world, and behind the great power, there is often boring practice day and night.

Affected by Lin Chen, the two of them did not dare to slack off, meditating all night and cultivating Yuanli. In fact, for warriors, they don't need to sleep for a long time every day, but few people will practice persistently every night.

Just like a sage once said: "I have never been a genius, I just use the time that others spend sleeping and resting to practice."

In this way, five days passed in the blink of an eye, and the road ahead also forked.

"Young Master Lin..." Mu Yi looked at Lin Chen, even after going through the world, but at this moment, he still couldn't help feeling sad.

"Old Mu, we will meet again. Now, you should tell me where your hometown is. If I have the chance, I will definitely go to you." Lin Chen smiled and looked at Mu Yi.

On the surface, Mu Yi has always respected Lin Chen and worshiped him as his master, but in fact, Mu Yi has always been a teacher and friend to Lin Chen. The help to Lin Chen is not insignificant.

Taking a deep breath, Mu Yi looked complicated, and finally opened his mouth slowly.

"I come from the Heavenly Star Dynasty!"

The voice was low and hoarse, but it was undoubtedly a blockbuster, hitting everyone's hearts.

Star Dynasty!

Just from the name, one can hear a kind of domineering arrogance. You know, within the Tianxing Dynasty, it is the world of star soul masters, and the third-rank star soul masters of Muyi are in the Dayan Dynasty , may be able to receive courtesy, but in the Tianxing Dynasty, that is the crucian carp that crosses the river!

Looking at the entire Northern Territory, the Tianxing Dynasty is a top force, not even inferior to Xingnan College.

Lin Chen did not expect that Muyi would come from the Tianxing Dynasty.

"Hey, my old bones have dishonored the name of Tianxing. Thanks to Young Master Lin, I have already touched the threshold of the fourth step. It's time to go back." In Mu Yi's eyes, a flash A hint of reminiscence.

"It's been so many years, I'm not easy, I still want to get back what belongs to me!" This sentence was spoken in a voice that only he could hear, but it carried an unquestionable determination.

In an instant, Mu Yi seemed to have returned to that high-spirited age, pointing at the stars!
"Let's go, Lin Shao, a mere big swallow can't trap you, I look forward to the day when you become famous in the Northern Territory!"

After saying these words, Mu Yi immediately took a step towards a fork in the road.

The old man chatted and became crazy about teenagers!
Lin Chen only felt that Mu Yi seemed to be much younger all of a sudden.

"Let's go too!" Infected by Mu Yi, Lin Chen was also full of enthusiasm. Arriving in Tianyuan City meant that he was one step closer to Xingnan College, and one step closer to the Millennium Tianshan Lianzi.

Song Tiancheng and He Xiao were equally ambitious, and the three immediately took steps towards Tianyuan City.

At the same time, in the Qing Mingzong, Yang Yong also excitedly said to Yang Shouyang: "Boss, it's done, Lin Chen is probably separated from the old man, and in two days, he will arrive at Heifeng Mountain. Then Liu Junyu has already been bribed by the people we sent, and he will definitely keep Lin Chen behind!"

"Well, have you cleaned it up?" Yang Shouyang didn't raise his head, his voice was cold.

Hearing this, Yang Yong also scratched his neck with his palm, and laughed grinningly: "Except for me, everyone who knows about this matter has already gone to see the King of Hades!"

"Hey, you did a good job. Even if Lin Chen crushed the jade token, that shit King Viola would never find us here. If King Viola can protect him once, can he still protect him for a lifetime? Lin Chen, Heifengshan is immortal, Tianyuan The city must also be your burial place!"

ps: The third update has arrived, and a new volume has begun. Lin Chen is about to enter Dayan, please vote, reward, and support!
(End of this chapter)

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