Holy Dragon Soul Emperor

Chapter 109 I'm Playing With You

Chapter 109 I'm Playing With You

While walking, Lin Chen naturally didn't know that Yang Shouyang had already made arrangements to take his life.

Keeping on the road and continuing to practice, finally completely stabilized the first-order innate cultivation base. You must know that just after breaking through, he overdrawn his strength and suffered serious injuries, which may affect his future development.

In addition, the cultivation of star soul masters has also made a lot of progress. According to what Mu Yi said, the advancement of star soul masters is closely related to the star soul, and the real strength is the strength of the star soul.

Although Lin Chen communicated with a mortal star, in his sea of ​​stars, the soul of this star is obviously the leader of everything, and even the star-studded vision can only bow his head.

Under the influence of Lin Chen, Song Tiancheng and He Xiao have also made great progress, and they have quickly reached the realm of the tenth level of Houtian, which is not far from Xiantian. However, this is naturally not comparable to Lin Chen. Than.

During such rushing and training, two days soon passed, and even the Yuan City was not far away, but what appeared in front of the three of them at this moment was a towering mountain.

The center of the mountain seems to be split by a sword, so that the mountain is forcibly split into two halves, and there is a canyon in the middle, and in the canyon, there is a black gust of wind all the year round, so this place is also called black. Wind Mountain!
It is worth mentioning that it is difficult for ordinary warriors to resist the black wind, but in this mountain, there is a guy who claims to be the king of the black wind, who is not afraid of the black wind, entrenched here, and makes a living by robbery.

This black wind king is the Liu Junyu that Yang Shouyang and his wife called, and he is already waiting in the canyon.

Of course, if you want to take a detour, you don't have to go through this canyon, but Yang Shouyang has figured everything out.

If Lin Chen and the others wanted to arrive at Tianyuan City in time, they had to choose to enter the canyon. According to information, the people in Pingshan City seemed to have given Lin Chen a treasure that could resist the black wind. The wind king Liu Junyu has a habit of never coming out to rob at night, which is why the three of Lin Chen chose to go to Heifeng Mountain.

It's just that everyone didn't expect that Yang Shouyang had calculated everything, and bought Liu Junyu in advance, making him sure to keep Lin Chen!
As night fell and the stars twinkled in the sky, Lin Chen also took a deep breath, holding a white bead in his hand, and beckoned.

"Let's go, don't make a sound, let's go through the canyon as soon as possible, and don't disturb the Black Wind King!"

While speaking, Lin Chen had already taken the lead to walk towards the canyon.

It is said that this black wind king is brutal and licentious, and his strength is also very strong. Although he only has the cultivation base of the fourth-order congenital, he can use the advantage of the location to kill the strong man of the sixth-order congenital!
Although Lin Chen was a little eager to try his current combat power, after all, it is better to do less than to do more. Under such circumstances, it is obviously extremely unwise to provoke the Black Wind King.

Borrowing the starlight, the three also dodged and entered the canyon.


Taking a step forward, it was as if he had passed through a world, and his eyes were suddenly pitch black, even the starlight could not penetrate in, and his ears were full of whistling black wind blades, with extremely strong lethality.

Lin Chen immediately grasped the white bead in his hand, and a soft brilliance surged out, enveloping the bodies of the three of them, and the black wind blade hit the brilliance, which could only cause a layer of ripples.

"Come on!"

The white beads flickered in his hand, and Lin Chen could feel that the energy in them was being consumed rapidly, obviously it couldn't last long, and he had to pass through the canyon as soon as possible.

Without saying a word, Song Tiancheng and He Xiao immediately followed Lin Chen at full speed and rushed forward. The two were convinced by Lin Chen, so naturally they followed Lin Chen's lead.

Whoosh whoosh!
As they moved forward, there were more and more black wind blades, hitting the white brilliance with increasing force. The visibility ahead was extremely low, and only black whirlwinds could be seen.

At night, the black wind is several times stronger than during the day, which is why Liu Junyu, the black wind king, only chooses to rob during the day.

Under the extraordinary, I am afraid that no one can forcefully pass through the canyon at night. If there is someone with strength, even Liu Junyu can't stop him!

Therefore, there is no need to rob at night.

The three of them hurried forward at an extremely fast speed. Seeing that half of the distance had been passed, Song Tiancheng and He Xiao secretly breathed a sigh of relief, passing through the area with the densest black wind in front, they could easily descend.

However, in Lin Chen's heart, at this moment, a warning sign suddenly appeared.

With a fixed gaze, the koi in the dantian jumped, and a golden light attached to his eyes, which also allowed Lin Chen to see the scene in front of him clearly.

In the dense black whirlwind, there was a man in black, with his hands behind his back, standing proudly in the middle of the road, waiting for them.

"Black Wind King!"

With a tightening in his heart, Lin Chen stopped abruptly.

"What's the situation, King Black Wind?!" The two of them were startled, but also on guard.

Sensing the abnormal state of Lin Chen and the others, the man in black also walked out slowly in the black whirlwind, clapping his hands, his voice echoed with murderous intent.

"I said why someone entrusted me to kill a young boy who has just entered the innate talent. Now it seems that you really have some strength!" Lin Chen's eyes narrowed, and today's game was actually arranged by someone!

And from these words, it is not difficult to deduce that Yang Shouyang did not accurately tell the Black Wind King about Lin Chen's information. Get this guy back.

In fact, Liu Junyu had been kept in the dark all this time, staying in Heifeng Mountain. He had no news and didn't know anything about Pingshan City.

He was being used as a gun.

"Hmph, how dare you attack Lin Chen with a mere innate fourth-order? He has killed extraordinary powerhouses, and he also has a life-saving jade card bestowed by the power of the king!" With a cold snort, He Xiao was the first to attack Lin Chen. I spoke.

Hearing this, Liu Junyu was taken aback for a moment, and then burst out laughing. The laughter was arrogant and echoed continuously in the canyon.

"Hahaha, what a joke in the world, can't one lie through one's head, kill Chaofan, the king is powerful?" The voice was full of sarcasm, Liu Junyu sneered, "Do you think this nonsense can scare people?" Is it possible to get back the king?"

"This king likes to attack those who think they have some strength. I'd like to advise you to go ahead and catch them. Of course, if you want to struggle, I don't mind playing with you."

Black Wind King Liu Junyu stepped forward, but his words were full of a sense of superiority. He was obviously just a thief who robbed the Dao, but he had a high opinion of himself, and his words and deeds always regarded himself as a king.

Lin Chen looked at this guy and gritted his teeth. He found that after such a delay, cracks had begun to appear on the white beads in his hand, which obviously couldn't last long.

Without too much hesitation, he threw the bead to Song Tiancheng, and a pure black demonic arrogance suddenly appeared in Lin Chen's eyes.

"You protect yourselves, I'll play with him!"

(End of this chapter)

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