Holy Dragon Soul Emperor

Chapter 110 Fierce battle with Liu Junyu!

Chapter 110 Fierce battle with Liu Junyu!

Before the words fell, Lin Chen had already taken a step forward, and soon he was completely out of the scope protected by this brilliance!
"Lin Chen!"

Song Tiancheng, He Xiao and two exclaimed, they wanted to stop them, but it was too late.

They didn't expect that Lin Chen would be so impulsive and directly choose to confront the Black Wind King directly in this area where the Black Wind is the most tyrannical!
You know, with the help of Heifeng, this guy's combat power is by no means comparable to the ordinary innate fourth-order. Even if Lin Chen is a genius, it will be difficult to survive in this situation, unless he uses the Seven Violet King jade plaque.

However, as everyone knows, Lin Chen never planned to use this token, and he was extremely displeased with King Vichy's half-threatening approach.

Lin Chen believed that one day, he would be able to stand in front of King Vivian and tell her proudly, why do I need you to save Lin Chen's life!

The Black Wind King on the opposite side was also taken aback when he saw this, but soon after, he grinned grimly.

"That's right, it's a bit courageous, but, sometimes, ignorant bravery will only speed up your death!"

While speaking, he made a move with the palm of his hand, and the black whirlwind around him gathered in his palm quickly, turning into a pitch-black sharp giant sword!

This scene made Lin Chen's pupils shrink suddenly.

With Lin Chen's temperament, he would not be so reckless, but for some reason, since he entered the canyon, he felt a little anxious, and there seemed to be an idea in his subconscious that constantly affected him.

That is to leave Guanghua's protection and get close to these black winds!

That's right, the black wind that kills people in the eyes of ordinary people is not so terrible to Lin Chen, and when he finally took a step and stood in the black wind, the facts proved that his feeling was not groundless.

While the Wanxiang Senluo Jue was operating autonomously, the black tadpole light patterns also danced on Lin Chen's body surface. Suddenly, the raging black wind became soft and soft, surrounding Lin Chen, condensing and growing.

With a thought, around Lin Chen's body, there is already a black tornado that reaches the sky.

Wind of Sen Luo!

This time, the strength of the wind of Senluo can even match that of the time when it was used in Pingshan City with the help of the power of the Senluo Demon Tablet. In this black wind, what Lin Chen felt was a feeling of the same root source of breath.

When the black tornado spun crazily, an unprovoked domineering momentum instantly suppressed Liu Junyu. In comparison, the black giant sword in his hand seemed a bit unsightly.

His complexion turned pale in an instant, and Liu Junyu stared at Lin Chen. Lin Chen was the first person who was not afraid of the black wind after occupying the mountain for so many years.

Song Tiancheng and He Xiao who were on the side were completely stunned. Seeing the terrifying black wind controlled freely in Lin Chen's hands, both of them had a feeling of unreality in their hearts.

Fortunately, they have seen Lin Chen's monsters, and they have a strong ability to accept. With Lin Chen's talent, it is not surprising what kind of things he might do. .

Different from others, Liu Junyu's heart has an unprecedented crisis. Others don't understand, but his heart is like a mirror.

For a moment, an irresistible thought came to my mind, that is, no matter what today, I must get rid of Lin Chen!

"Surrender to this king!"

With an angry shout, Liu Junyu took a step forward, and slashed down with the huge sword in his hand. Wherever he passed, the air exploded continuously, and the sound was terrifying.

With the cultivation base of the fourth level of Xiantian, a face-to-face is unreserved, and with the help of the black wind, it is indeed possible to shake the sixth level of Xiantian, but for Lin Chen, these are not enough!

With a cold snort, there seemed to be black flames burning in Lin Chen's eyes, and in his heart, he also had the desire to kill Liu Junyu.

This place is definitely related to the Wanxiang Senluojue. This Liu Junyu is able to manipulate the black wind. Maybe he has practiced this technique, so he must die!

The huge sword slashed fiercely on Senluo Zhifeng, and the two collided with each other, making a roar, and the violent fluctuations scattered to the surroundings, which was shocking.

In the center of the black tornado, the boy's whole body was at this moment, a black flame full of magic appeared, and the rising of it made the tornado even more violent.

Regretted by a sword, the wind of Senluo was not damaged at all. Lin Chen waved his hand, and the tornado shrank, and finally fell into his palm, spinning rapidly.

Gritting his teeth tightly, his pupils shrank suddenly, and Liu Junyu felt a strong panic in his heart. Looking at the young man in front of him, he seemed to see a demon.

"Don't you think that this little trick can block my attack, naive boy, I have a hundred ways to make you kneel down and beg for mercy, but you have nothing to do!" Liu Junyu shouted, holding on.

At this time, he was already a bit aggressive. Although his realm was higher than Lin Chen, he couldn't help but feel a sense of frustration when facing Lin Chen!

Lin Chen heard the words, but he was unmoved at all. He felt that the Senluo Demon Tablet in his body was crazily glowing with black flames, as if there was something in the depths of Heifeng Mountain that was attracting him. .

The corners of the mouth slowly rose, and at this moment, the young man's delicate and handsome face was filled with an expression called madness.

"There are some things that you cannot get your hands on. Remember, the person who kills you is called Lin Chen."

Taking a step forward, the momentum of Lin Chen's whole body was released unreservedly, misty smoke rose from under his feet, like ghosts and ghosts, and in an instant, Lin Chen's fist, already carrying nine levels of dark energy, rushed towards him.

"Sen Luo's nine punches!"

Above the fist, black flames lingered, as if condensed into a grimace, roaring wildly, in an instant, Liu Junyu lost his mind and completely forgot to defend.

When he punched in the chest, without reservation, nine layers of dark energy completely penetrated into Liu Junyu's body, and exploded with a bang.

As soon as Lin Chen punched out, Lin Chen didn't stop in the slightest. The swirling wind of Sen Luo already wrapped Liu Junyu's body inside, and the whirling wind, sharper than a sword, shot out.

This series of attacks, I'm afraid even the ordinary third-level innate can't catch it. This is only possible when Lin Chen has not used the golden scale change. It is hard to imagine how many levels he can cross Come to fight.

Both Song Tiancheng and He Xiao were dumbfounded and speechless. Heifeng was used by Lin Chen. The two of them were not in any danger. At this moment, the two opened their mouths wide and looked at Lin Chen. Such a person, I am afraid that only Tianjiao Er Words can describe it.

He vomited blood and retreated. At this moment, Liu Junyu was extremely shocked. He never thought that a guy who had just entered the innate would have such combat power. He had already scolded the eighteen generations of the ancestors who entrusted him to kill him. , Liu Junyu's eyelids twitched wildly, desperately resisting the attack of Sen Luo Zhifeng.

"What is the origin of this kid to be able to control these black winds, no, no, I have been holding on for many years, this opportunity must not be handed over to others!"

While gritting his teeth, Liu Junyu's eyes also flashed a stern light, and the primordial force surged, showing a pitch-black color. The black giant sword condensed by the black wind in his hand actually began to fork at this moment, from the edge of the sword. Between breaths, there are two more branches of the blade, at first glance, it looks like a pitch-black sharp halberd!

With an angry shout and swinging the black halberd, Liu Junyu exploded with all his strength.

ps: Today's second update, continue to code words, and thank you Brother Manghuang Sirius for your reward!
(End of this chapter)

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