Holy Dragon Soul Emperor

Chapter 114 Tough, Sen Luo's Puppet!

Chapter 114 Tough, Sen Luo's Puppet!

I saw that this person's face was also pitch black. Although his facial features were normal, there was a pure blood red color in his pupils.

The most frightening thing is that the fangs protruding from his mouth are not only extremely sharp, but also glow with a death-like light. If you take a look at it, you will be stunned by it.

In an instant, Lin Chen knew what it was.

The Puppet of Sen Luo!

In the Senluo Palace, Ye Tianchen gave Lin Chen a method of refining the Senluo Puppet, and Lin Chen also understood that after the successful refining of the Senluo Puppet, it would look like this.

It's just that the Senluo puppet in front of him doesn't seem to be under anyone's control. The blood in his eyes is raging, and he has been trapped for a hundred years. This Senluo's instinct for blood even surpasses Senluo's instinct. Luo Mohalberd!

"This puppet of Senluo seems to be a little different from what Ye Tianchen said..." Lin Chen murmured, and soon found out.

Senluo's Puppet is a method that Ye Tianchen realized from the Senluo Demon Tablet. It has a magical nature and is very vicious. After the refining is successful, the puppet will still have partial consciousness, and life is better than death.

The puppet of Senluo in front of him should have no master, and after the suppression of Heifeng Mountain for a hundred years, the trace of thought that was originally retained has long since disappeared.

The only constant is that bloodthirsty killing intent!
There is no doubt that whoever appears in front of this puppet at this moment will be hunted down most intensely!

According to Lin Chen's rough calculations, this puppet of the forest is at least comparable to a superman at the beginning level, and it is definitely not something he can compete with now.

And just as he was so dazed, the Sen Luo's puppet stomped hard on the sole of his foot, and his figure was already like an arrow from the string, and it shot out, turning into a black light, and impacting towards Lin Chen.

I can't help but be speechless, this move is more domineering and fierce than the extraordinary powerhouse's flying in the sky!
However, Lin Chen didn't hesitate to let his emotions go, he took a misty step and disappeared in place.

In the next moment, a pair of iron fists had already slammed on the ground, and there was a muffled sound, and deep cracks spread rapidly between the cracks in the ground.

Not far away, they had already left the canyon, Song Tiancheng and He Xiao were both dumbfounded watching this scene.

The nearly hundred feet of Heifeng Mountain collapsed in an instant. What did Lin Chen do in the belly of the mountain? !

There is also this big black man, even though he is separated by a certain distance, the bloodthirsty power is rushing towards his face, which is frightening.

"What are you doing standing still, run!" Lin Chen took a step and also ran out of the canyon, shouting to the two people who were in a daze.

Hearing this, Song Tiancheng pinched his thigh fiercely, and then he came back to his senses, and ran away with all his strength, He Xiao followed closely behind, and Sen Luo's puppet, feeling the blood on the three of them, became even more excited.

A hundred years of suppression has almost obliterated all consciousness, from the initial purgatory-like pain of death, to the later obsession, and now, all that is left is the crazy desire for blood!

He wanted to tear these three people alive, and let the scalding blood pour over this body that had been hungry and thirsty for a hundred years!

Looking up to the sky, he let out an excited roar, and the blood light in Sen Luozhi's eyes grew thicker, every step on the soles of his feet was like an earthquake, and his body, like a black light, was constantly jumping, quickly approaching the three people who were running away .

Lin Chen's back was already drenched in cold sweat. He tried to use the refining method of the Senluo Puppet, but before he even had time to pinch his fingerprints, the Senluo Puppet rushed forward, and he could only cast Misty Smoke dodge.

Reaching the second level of the Misty Step, it can only guarantee not to be caught, and it is still impossible to get rid of this puppet of Sen Luo.

As for Lin Chen, Song Tiancheng and He Xiao were not necessarily able to avoid being hunted down. They were both only at the tenth level of Houtian.

His face was pale, He Xiao didn't have any madness at this moment, his fierce power, compared with Sen Luo's puppet, was like a child's play.

The roar spread, as if it was going to shatter his eardrums. With instinct, Sen Luozhi felt that Lin Chen's blood was the most delicious, but he couldn't catch Lin Chen at this moment, so he had to settle for the next best thing.

Among the three, He Xiao was the slowest, so tear him apart first!
With a roar, his body shot out, and he went straight to He Xiao. The Sen Luozhi Puppet opened its mouth wide, with sharp fangs, as if it could crush gold and stone.

Realizing that this terrifying guy was coming towards him, He Xiao's legs trembled, and he couldn't even take a step. The humble sense of fear made him lose all power, and he could only watch this nightmare-like phantom , approaching rapidly!

This is definitely the moment when He Xiao was the closest to death in his life, he even felt that he was already dead.

A stench wafted into his nostrils. The Sen Luo Puppet opened his mouth wide and bit He Xiao. His sharp fangs seemed to be able to pierce through his head in the next moment.

At the juncture of life and death, misty smoke rose, and a figure in a green shirt holding a black halberd stood in front of He Xiao without hesitation at this moment. The same fierce magic flame rose, and the handsome face of the young man was full of majesty at this moment!

"Let's go quickly!"

Kicking He Xiao away, Lin Chen gritted his teeth, and the veins on his arms burst out. The Senluo Demon Halberd was lying in front of him, and the huge mouth of the Senluo Puppet was biting the body of the halberd. The violent shock already caused Lin Chen's tiger's mouth to crack open, and blood flowed out.

As if he had stopped breathing, He Xiao walked through the gate of hell, until he was kicked far away by Lin Chen, and then he came back to his senses, with deep disbelief in his eyes.

He didn't expect that Lin Chen would make a move at this time!
If the positions of the two were reversed, I am afraid that He Xiao would never make a move, but would take the opportunity to escape. With Lin Chen's move, if He Xiao was just in awe of Lin Chen's strength before, now, he is completely I was overwhelmed by this loyalty.

Taking a deep look at Lin Chen, He Xiao struggled to get up and continued running.

As for Lin Chen, holding the magic halberd in his hand, his body couldn't help shaking. Blood spurted from the tiger's mouth, and the bloody smell aroused the ferociousness of Sen Luo's puppet. While roaring, he slapped Lin Luo with his palm. In Chen's chest, a huge force directly threw Lin Chen away, and he vomited blood again!


The strength of this Senluo puppet made people feel desperate, his figure drew a long mark on the ground, and Lin Chen felt that the skeleton of his whole body was about to fall apart.

As for the puppet of Sen Luo, when he swooped in again, there was finally a loud and ear-piercing eagle cry in the sky, and a black shadow spun down sharply, its sharp beak reflecting the sunlight, straight towards the forest. Luo Zhipuppet.


When Lin Chen fought fiercely with Liu Junyu earlier, due to the power of the black wind, Xiao Yu could not participate in the battle and could only hover in the air. However, the Sen Luo Puppet appeared and injured Lin Chen like lightning, and it finally made a move.

Even if it was only at the acquired level, Xiao Yu never looked back. From the moment Lin Chen released the blood contract, it regarded Lin Chen as the closest person and would never allow it to be hurt.

The eagle crowed with murderous intent, and the next moment, Xiao Yu suddenly landed on top of Sen Luo's puppet, and its sharp claws and sharp beak attacked at the same time!
ps; Thank you for your votes!
(End of this chapter)

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