Holy Dragon Soul Emperor

Chapter 115 The body forms smoke, Xiao Yu advances!

Chapter 115 The body forms smoke, Xiao Yu advances!
"Little Feather!"

Lin Chen exclaimed, Xiao Yu really made a move, which was what Lin Chen was worried about.

With the strength of Sen Luozhi's puppet, one slap could seriously injure Xiao Yu.

With a stern sound, as if responding to Lin Chen, Xiao Yu also pecked hard at Sen Luozhi's forehead.

The intertwined sound of gold and stone sounded, the strength of the body of the Mori Puppet is absolutely no less than that of ordinary treasures, and now Xiao Yu, even if she puts all her strength into it, it will be difficult to hurt it in the slightest!
Woohoo. .

He stopped in his footsteps and let out a low growl. The bloodthirsty red light flashed in the eyes of Sen Luo Zhipuppet. With a flick of his palm, he directly knocked Xiao Yu who was caught off guard, and let out a mournful cry. Xiao Yu fell to the ground and vomited blood.

"damn it!"

Lin Chen gritted his teeth, and taking advantage of this gap, he used the Misty Step to distance himself from Sen Luo's Puppet. However, he knew in his heart that if this continues, sooner or later it will be over.

Sen Luo's Puppet relies entirely on the strength of his body, and he is not afraid of pain and tirelessness. He is a bloody killing machine. The three of Lin Chen are definitely not opponents.

For Sen Luo's puppet, the refining method obtained from Ye Tianchen must be the key!

Lin Chen also thought of suppressing this guy with the help of the Senluo Demon Tablet, but he instinctively resisted the Demon Tablet, not to mention, he didn't want others to know too much.

Dodging quickly, Lin Chen silently recited the formula of the refining method in his heart, and began to pinch the seal in his hand. Suddenly, a mysterious wave dissipated, and immediately gave Sen Luo's puppet a kind of power from the depths of his soul. shaking.

He couldn't forget this seal method, this wave of fluctuations, under such means back then, he forcibly turned into this look of neither human nor ghost!
Roaring up to the sky, an extremely violent demonic arrogance rose into the sky. At this moment, the puppet of Sen Luo was truly and completely erupted.

So fierce, it makes people tremble.

Woohoo. .

In the distance, Xiaoyu was lying on the ground, a little sluggish, but in its body, the deposited energy from the innate monster Neidan and the hundred-year-old spirit grass dissipated crazily at this moment, the feathers shone brightly, exuding a deep black luster, Xiaoyu The breath is slowly changing.

Xiaoyu desperately wants to help Lin Chen. Back then, in the Zhetian Mountain Range, it could fight side by side with Lin Chen. Now and in the future, it can and must be able to do the same!

During the eruption of monstrous ominous power, the puppet of Sen Luo rushed towards Lin Chen, raging with murderous intent, extremely awe-inspiring.

Under the change of Lin Chen's seal formula, his ferocity was also completely aroused.

Feeling tensed, Lin Chen was not afraid of being overjoyed. This proves that this guy can definitely be controlled by using this refining method!

While taking misty steps under his feet, Lin Chen continued to pinch his handprints, and with the flick of his fingers, streaks of black brilliance shot out and shot into the body of Sen Luozhi's puppet.

The koi leaped in the dantian, and the golden lights merged with the black energy. At the same time, the majestic holy righteousness also faintly suppressed the fierce power of the puppet of Senluo.

In the distance, Song Tiancheng and He Xiao stared dumbfoundedly at the figure of a young man in green clothes who kept moving around and flashed afterimages, and they were also secretly moved.

I am afraid that only Lin Chen, who is so amazing and talented, can do this step.

Ordinary people should have died hundreds of times already.

And just as Lin Chen was so exhausted, dealing with the puppet of Sen Luo, in the distance, a gorgeous convoy was rushing to Heifeng Mountain.

"Master Zixuan, the spies ahead came to report and found that Heifeng Mountain has collapsed!"

An old man came to the front of the carriage and said respectfully.

The door curtain was lifted, and a somewhat gloomy young man's face appeared, with a gleam of coldness in his eyes. The young man in a brocade robe smiled at the corners of his mouth, showing his pale teeth.

"Interesting, anyway, it's on the way with Tianyuan City, let's go and have a look!"

"Yes, young master!" The old man respectfully agreed, and immediately ordered the convoy to speed up and head towards the direction of Heifeng Mountain.

The convoy was neat, and even the sound of horseshoes sounded at the same time, without any sense of noise. In the center of the convoy, a servant held up a large flag, and it was a Zhao character impressively.

The Zhao family is a well-known big family in the surrounding areas of Tianyuan City.

And this Zhao Zixuan was the number one genius of the Zhao family. He stepped into the innate realm at a young age, possessed the Death Eagle martial soul, and was invincible.

The Zhao family's old nest was originally in Tianyuan City. This time, they left to go out to practice and prepare for the selection of places, and it did not disappoint. Zhao Zixuan also successfully broke into the third rank of Xiantian, and he was very sure of the places in Tianyuan City.

The order to go to Heifeng Mountain was issued. Apart from wanting to see why the mountain collapsed, more importantly, Zhao Zixuan felt that his Death Eagle Martial Soul had a strong induction!
Just as the convoy was moving forward, the situation at Lin Chen's place on the other side became more and more urgent. Although he was walking in a fascinated way, as the handprints changed, Sen Luo's puppet's attack became more and more fierce.


With a ferocious face, blood glistening in his eyes, his fangs clenched, Sen Luo's Puppet crazily rushed towards Lin Chen, every time his palm-sized feet stepped on it, it was like an earthquake, his big hand waved, and the air exploded continuously.

Lin Chen's whole body was drenched with sweat, and he was also overdrawing his strength. After using a set of handprints, it was almost done, but he felt faintly that he couldn't hold on to the last moment.

Miyanbu continued to move, but at a much slower pace. One inattentive, Sen Luo's puppet's sharp claws scratched Lin Chen's right arm again. There was a wound with deep bone visible.

hiss. .

He took a breath, the severe pain stimulated Lin Chen's brain, he took a step in the nick of time, his pupils lit up, and Lin Chen's perception of this footwork was finally in the midst of uninterrupted high-intensity display, Dacheng has been achieved!

Sen Luo's Puppet slapped down angrily, and under the astonished eyes of others, he hit Lin Chen's Tianling Gai hard, but the imaginary scene of blood flying and brain bursting did not appear.

I saw Lin Chen's entire body suddenly dispersed, turning into a cloud of misty smoke, and amidst the crazily surging, he was once again condensed into his figure at a distance of ten feet away!

Confused by the smoke, the body is formed into smoke, and the whole person can be turned into a smoke-like existence, like a ghost, without trace!

The last handprint was completed at this moment. Lin Chen bit the tip of his tongue, and spurted out a stream of blood. With the power of the handprint, it was directly printed on the center of Sen Luo's puppet's eyebrows, embellished with a touch of bright red in the extreme black.

In an instant, Lin Chen felt that his thoughts, attached to this stream of blood essence, instantly invaded Sen Luozhi's hazy consciousness, and achieved an absolute control!

call. .

Heaving a sigh of relief, Lin Chen also lost the slightest bit of strength and collapsed on the ground, not even bothering to move his fingers.

Grinning at the corner of his mouth, Lin Chen was ecstatic when he saw the puppet of Sen Luo who was close at hand but motionless.

There is no doubt that this will be a powerful hole card!
But at this moment, Xiao Yu's whole body was glowing black, and every feather stood up, with an astonishing sharpness, and at the same time, its aura was also rapidly rising!
This guy actually completed the advanced stage at this time!
(End of this chapter)

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